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3652830 No.3652830 [Reply] [Original]

Dear Umineko fans,

So I'm a relatively normalfag. Graduated from college, got a job, am applying to medical schools (yes, scary I know), etc, etc. I have recently come across the Umineko animu (the first animu I've watched in two years now) and thought it was fairly interesting and unique, but, am told, that it is batshit awful compared to the VN. Unfortunately, I'm a normalfag and don't have time to play the VN. I was wondering if there was a full script for the game out there, preferably in English (free printing paper at work is awesome). I have learned some Japanese, but my Chinese background (yes, I'm a Chink) tends to confuse the fuck out of me whenever kanji appears. So, yeah, if there's a full script, I'd greatly appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction.

Thanks for your time,

>> No.3652849

What makes you decide to choose animu instead of anime?

>> No.3652865

Animu sounds funny and is likely the only reason why I write it out as such.

>> No.3652866

How the fuck do you have time to read a script and not a VN. Your logic is flawed.

>> No.3652878

This, and you miss a lot more (in my opinion) if you aren't reading the Sound Novel (or VN if you want to call it that)

>> No.3652889


I sit in front of a computer for maybe one or two hours a day. With access to the script, I could print it out at work and then read it on freer times. I'm currently traveling anyways, which means carrying around a giant slab of papers is more convenient to pick up and read than turning on a laptop.

>> No.3652900

>I could print it out at work

you sick bastard

>> No.3652901

It's a 50+ hour VN good fucking luck printing it

>> No.3652902

If you want to truly enjoy the VN, quit your job and stop all this medical school nonsense.

>> No.3652907

What a coincidence. I'm extracting the script as we speak. I'm no NScripter Dev, but doesn't the script contain tags and such? That will be distracting.

>> No.3652911

It should to cue sound effects/music/ or sprite changes.

>> No.3652915

You could use the DS version of umineko.

>> No.3652922

You do realize that a big part of a Sound Novel is the sound that is playing, correct?
The animu didn't have that background music, and is one of the reasons it failed so horribly.
If you aren't going to read through the whole experience, then why read it at all? It would be an insult to the novel.

>> No.3652936

You're going to medical school. Unfortunately, it probably means you'll never have a lot of free time to yourself. Better get used to having to miss certain things.

>> No.3652945


That's very interesting. I suppose I should keep my eye out for a script in a few weeks or so.

Even more interesting. I'll look into this. But that means blowing 100+ bucks on a DS plus accessories.

>> No.3652949

Umineko is a whole SHITLOAD of writing

like above Anon stated: good luck printing out that behemoth

>> No.3652960

The actual story starts after line 3000 in the script file.

Here's what it looks like:
bgmplay 13


`"............Again.`@` ...You certainly enjoy your liquor, don't you?"`\

ld l,$NAN_fumuA1,80
; 聴診器を外しながら、年輩の医師は溜め息を漏らす。@

`The elderly physician lets out a sigh as he removes the stethoscope.`@


; 埃と甘ったるい異臭の入り混じった薄暗い書斎に、年輩の男たちの姿は

`In the gloomy study where dust and an overly stench mingle, two elderly men can be seen.`\
bg Mlib_1b,24
; 書斎と呼ぶにはとても広い部屋の一角には高級そうなベッドがあり、@診

`In the corner of this too vast room, called a study, there is what appears to be a high-class bed, `@`the man undergoing the medical exam, and the physician conducting it.`@` A man who looks like a manservant, watching over the process.`\
ld r,$KIN_DefA1,4

`"Liquor is my friend.`@` No less of a friend than you, and my affair with it has been longer than yours and mine."`@


; 聴診器のために胸をはだけさせていた男は、着衣の乱れを直しながら、

`So said the man who had bared his chest for the stethoscope, as he tidied his clothes without a hint of shyness.`\

>> No.3652964

He's already ruined most of the experience by watching the anime first.

>> No.3652969

So, the original Japanese is commented out as well as a helpful indicator of who is talking.
According to http://insani.org/nscripter/reference/ ,
@ means to wait for the player to click.

>> No.3652968


I do understand where you guys are coming from, but my time is relatively scarce. I might have to sacrifice some of smaller things in my life for the greater goals I have. The DS version sounds like a good compromise, with sound and text, portability and overall utility.

One printer at my workplace has relatively few users, especially after 5PM (when people seem to arbitrarily just stop working and leave). 50 or more pages a day of pure text should be doable. I work in the government so they can always spare some paper.

>> No.3652982


>One printer at my workplace has relatively few users, especially after 5PM (when people seem to arbitrarily just stop working and leave). 50 or more pages a day of pure text should be doable. I work in the government so they can always spare some paper.

Would they let you print out the Lord of the Rings?

>> No.3652986

>50 pages of pure text
The raw script is around 800 8.5x11 pages at 10pt font just for episode 1.
Of course, this includes both the English and the Japanese, as well as sprite/background/music/SFX/text commands.

>> No.3652987

You're killing the environment for measily entertaniment you sbasterd

>> No.3652994


>I don't know how the modern world gets their paper

You realize paper mills almost universally buy trees from tree farms, right?

No deforestation involved.

>> No.3652999

No. The deforestation is in Asia so you Amerikken are free from global warming by shipping our wood.

>> No.3653010

I could if I so desired, as long as no one caught me, I suppose. I figured this would be like in college when I just borrowed textbooks from friends and photocopied all the pages (10 cents a page at most, unless I snuck into a department and used their free copier) instead of paying for one. Saves at least 50 dollars usually.

That means 16 days to print out one chapter, even less, really, since I can go to work on the weekends and start up three or four printers at once. So, say a little over a month for 5 episodes? It's not like I'm gonna be reading 50 pages a night anyways. What can be time-consuming, however, is if I decide to format all that text so it's just a pure script. That's kinda why the DS is looking like a good choice right now. On the other hand, the DS option costs a helluva lot more money.

As I've always told myself, the environment isn't my problem, it's my children's problem. Yeah, I'm pretty damn Chinese at heart. I also have a lot of Jewish friends, if it isn't blatantly apparent yet.

>> No.3653017

It would cost more in oil to get the trees from Asia than it would to just buy them from a nearby tree farm.

>> No.3653022

Get the DS port, when/if it's out.

Seriously, Umineko without music is no Umineko.

>> No.3653030

Anyways, /jp/, thanks for the input. I do appreciate it and thank you all. The DS option looks like the best route right now, since atmosphere seems to be key for Umineko. Despite my money grubbing manners, even I can afford to scrounge out two hundred dollars or so.

Have a nice night.

>> No.3653031

Umineko will not take you more than 40 hours to read.
Learn to budget your time instead of this script/DS shenanigans.

>> No.3653036
File: 405 KB, 1440x900, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparison shot of a raw page and the same page with tags and comments deleted.

>> No.3653038


>That means 16 days to print out one chapter

Episode 1 is the shortest of all 5 Episodes thus far.

>> No.3653043

if you're going into med school, 200 is nothing.

>> No.3653045

I don't think I would have enjoyed Umineko nearly as much without the music and SFX.

>> No.3653084

Everyone in this thread is obviously wrong, and you should feel bad about it.

>> No.3653119

Quick find and delete of all comment lines:
1132 pages for all 4 episodes.
No empty lines like the one inbetween here

and here.

>> No.3653130

Pull a few all-nighters and you'll be done with the first four EPs in two weeks tops.

The atmosphere is better that way anyway.
