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3644386 No.3644386 [Reply] [Original]

Oh god - what did I just read?

Oh god - Why did it make my dick twitch?

>> No.3644395

It's okay. She gets better.

>> No.3644394

You like chopping girls into 17 chunks.

>> No.3644399


Why did I read that in Psycho Mantis' voice?

>> No.3644402

Nasu's writing, it sucks for everything, describing, characters intercourse, porn...

>> No.3644407

Who doesn't?

>> No.3644417

The correct choice is Reality.

>> No.3644421

I do not think this was the guy's issue.

>> No.3644434
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>> No.3644446
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good job shiki. but you have lost your oportunity to bang the maids

>> No.3644490

Commas abound. But it's not bad. Direct, a little awkward, but it's atmospheric.

I thought this was porn with plot, not horror/guro. I already did that with Saya no Uta...

>> No.3644502

it's sorta horror, but not really. Just a scene here or there. The worst it gets is the fight with Nrvnqsr, and that's pretty tame compared to Saya, and once you're past the Nrvnqsr fight, if you're on Arc route there's basically nothing after.

>> No.3644517

Also, it's less porn with plot and more plot with porn. There's only one h-scene per route if I remember right. and, the sex scenes kinda blow.

>> No.3644540

Is this /jp/ newbie night or something?

>> No.3644554

rofl get out newfags cancer killing 4chan

>> No.3644592

Not cancer or anything, I just find these comment weird.

>> No.3644599

It's not horror. Just keep reading, save your judgments for after you've finished all the routes.

>> No.3644761

Newbro here,

I'm a migrant from /tg/ -many a troll thread on FSN is turned into a 200+ post civil discussion before slowly dying to autosage.

>> No.3644789
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Did they ever cook up that F/SN RPG or did that fall through to cracks

>> No.3644826

Well, it's not like it'd be hard just to modify 4e a bit and add F/SN characters.

>> No.3644895

Agreed, the current game of 4e that I'm running has a very similar premise to FSN (Holy Grail, servants et all). I have 4 PCs, 2 servants (fighter, barbarian) and 2 masters (Wizard, Cleric) and they're in a somewhat tense allliance. I've had to change the difficulty of encounters though on account of not giving out magic items, only the other participants have any.

For players playing as servants they get a set of magic items only they can use, but they can't use anything else either. Masters can give their servants 3 action points in a turn by using their mark, and also they can make them teleport to within 5 squares. Servants started off 5 levels above the masters.

It was quite funny, none of the rest of my group is familiar with FSN so when I told them they had to pair up as Master/Servants they squabbled a bit to be the masters.

It's worked quite well so far.

>> No.3644901

Many a fag has tried. They generally spin out alternate Servants though. Some of these are pretty good. Considering F/SN is a Jap corruption of the 'DnD, but FOR REAL' idea, DnD might not be a bad base. You would need to factor in Masters, and how a party would eventually dwindle as Masters kill each other. I've not read the VN, so I don't know how to spin it for a party of players.

I myself was going to read it, steal the idea, then give it to a bunch of players in my college and tell 'em to roll characters. The setting? Our Catholic college with mysterious fires, murders and a Gothic cathedral. I wouldn't mention the origin, so it'd be interesting to see how they backstabbed. A guy ran a Buffy RPG set in the college and town.
Shit was SO cash.

>> No.3644932

If you were going to run it as a PvP game then you would need to use a much faster and more streamlined system to allow the game to take place over a couple sessions so that the other players who are eliminated don't become bored. All I did was give my 2 masters a reason to ally at the start, although each of the 4 PCs has their own motivation and wants the Grail for him/herself. I'll be interested to see what they do when confronted with it's true nature, I suspect one of the masters will turn on the others because he's a scheming dick of Kotomine-like proportions, but I'll have to see.

>> No.3644997

>I suspect one of the masters will turn on the others because he's a scheming dick of Kotomine-like proportions
Do go on...

>> No.3645093

3 of the 4 people that I game with are the real team players and to look at 4th person you wouldn't think he was any different, after all he almost always makes support characters as opposed to tanks and soloists you'd expect but he almost always uses his support role for leverage (as with only 4 other players it usually makes no sense to have more than one support character).

In this campaign he's playing the cleric, and the party manages to defeat Rider and kill her master (Rider is still on the lose somewhere). He knows that the others will be able to tell if he's the master of more than one servant so in secret, instead of transferring the Mark onto himself he abducted a random old woman whom he could intimidate and transfered the mark onto her. Then he hid the old woman "for her own protection" and forced her into commanding Rider into obeying all of his orders.

He hasn't used Rider yet but the fact that he hasn't told the rest of the party what he's done does not bode well.

>> No.3645110

Give this man a high five, that's awesome.

>> No.3645114

Forgot to mention that he "forgot" one of his bonuses to healing (only I spotted this) just so that it would force the other player to use his command spell so that now the other player only has one compared to his three.

>> No.3645123

So are you going to have the Holy Grail be all evil and twisted like it is in FSN?

>> No.3645164

Yup, it will only be able to grant people's wishes via destruction. It's pretty much a lawful evil djinn (yeah yeah I know Djinn aren't lawful) in a bottle.

I know that at least one of the servant will almost certainly want to destroy it, the servant of the cleric actually...he may well need that other servant.

>> No.3645175

Haha I wonder what the Kotomine-lite master will do about it.

Also, are you accounting for the usual power disparity between Master and Servant?

>> No.3645194

Duct-tape fixes all.

>> No.3645207

Master: Level 5 start + Command spell + a magic item + bucket loads of money (though what they can buy is very limited compared to normal DnD) + lots of rituals + 2 Bonus feats at the start of each tier
Servant: Level 10 start + magic items (far from optimised)

That said Masters are more flexible than servants, servants can't really change their equipment at all, anything but their starting gear just counts as an improvised weapon.

So the power difference is reasonably large.

>> No.3645217

>anything but their starting gear just counts as an improvised weapon.
Unless your are lancelot...

>> No.3645220

Works pretty well. Being double the level makes a large difference.
How you do Noble Phantasms?

>> No.3645226
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It's fucking Emiya-Kotomine team up time, just like in HF!

>> No.3645300

The power system from 4e fits this like a glove pretty much as it is so there's not much need for additional adjustment. I gave servants the choice to stand around charging their lazers for a turn in return for re-rolls to hit and for ones on damage but that's a daily power. Also there's synergy between the servant equipment and their daily powers.

But like I said, 4e daily powers work really well for noble phantasms if you are referring to Saber's beam spam and stuff like that. In terms of their weapons they all came equipped with pretty good magic items for their level, and given the relative sparsity of magic items, the difference seems more pronounced. The biggest tip I can give is to name the weapons, you'd be surprised the difference it makes. As soon as someone describes their weapon as a +whatever magic item then you're screwed in terms of RPing.

>> No.3645317

If only my setting had F16s, shit would be cash.

>> No.3645516

I played this game with no ero scenes, just like the guys who made the english patch wanted me to.

>> No.3645948

>Thinking a crappy translation allows you to comment on the writing style
