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36389719 No.36389719 [Reply] [Original]

Stop being a neet!

>> No.36389838

Tell me how to get a job that's enjoyable and doesn't require experience.

>> No.36390301

I've already become unemployable

>> No.36394716
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Learn a foreign language.

>> No.36395626

do you have a criminal record?

>> No.36398661

give me a job that
- does not involve talking to or meeting with people directly
- does not have any sort of strict deadlines
- does not involve going outside regularly
- is not any kind of shitty soulless office, tech support, or "gig" labor that would trigger a suicide within a week
i already work on art and game/general development regularly, so it's not like i'm not doing nothing, i just don't want to work because nothing fits that criteria

>> No.36398807

I speak 2 foreign languages and in the process of learning a third. What do I do next?

>> No.36399110

There's always the military.
All ages are welcome.

>> No.36399113

I stopped being one 8 years ago, saved 5k and went to Japan. Got hooked on travelling and wanted to go back and I've beem working at a factory ever since - yep.

>> No.36399168

Learn a useful language

>> No.36399185

Unironically yes, not only that but I have literally 0 work experience and no education past high school

>> No.36399186

What's more useful than English, Spanish and Japanese?

>> No.36399192

why'd you do it, anon.

>> No.36399241

I'm retarded and I had a lot of pent up anger. But atleast I managed to avoid jail time.

>> No.36399598


>> No.36400661

Youtuber or livestreamer
>does not involve talking to or meeting with people directly
You just play your games or do whatever thing it is you do, and you can even pre-record it and just upload it to your channel
>does not have any sort of strict deadlines
You can upload or stream whenever you feel like
>does not involve going outside regularly
If you aren't making videos about being outside, you never have to leave your room/studio
>is not any kind of shitty soulless office, tech support, or "gig" labor that would trigger a suicide within a week
Is not any of that unless you make it some sort of professional work.

Make crafts and sell them in an online shop. Write a book. Camwhore.

Do lawn care or get paid to spam warosu and shill on /biz/.

>> No.36400672


>> No.36400696

learn to draw and do paizuri commissions.

>> No.36400889

>Make crafts and sell them in an online shop. Write a book
These are not easy skills. The market is oversaturated with trash made by amateurs, and many people who dedicate years of their lives to it still can't become successful.
I don't think there's much demand for ugly hairy overweight nerds.

>> No.36401029

>These are not easy skills. The market is oversaturated
People will buy anything. It might not be a living but it's a job.
>I don't think there's much demand for ugly hairy overweight nerds.
Get fit and shave then.

>> No.36401097

> It might not be a living but it's a job.
If I can't make a living out of it, then what's the point of working?

>> No.36401102

>Youtuber or livestreamer
aside from those things not being actual professions at all, they also aren't stable or guaranteed. seeing a single cent of ad revenue or donation money takes years.

my question was rhetorical. I'm not concerned about getting a job at all. My financial situation is stable enough through a lot of previous saving and clever (legal) sources of income, so all getting an occupation would do is make some normalfag schmuck somewhere feel better that someone has "contributed to society" as opposed to doing what makes them happy

>> No.36401235
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i tried
that was 9 years ago
now i buy fix and sell electronics i get at the thrift store and tag sales and wait to be homeless

>> No.36401278
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There's no good reason for me to want to work. The majority of jobs are totally useless and even the people employed at those jobs realize this. There is no value in doing these jobs outside of trading your time for money. Jobs that are actually contributory are almost entirely low paying and laborious. The system is rigged and I'm not playing the game.

>> No.36403305

What's the point of not working and not making any money at all?

>not being actual professions
What is an "actual profession?" What is "work"? Is it making money by slaving for someone else instead of making money on your own? You seem tainted by the idea that having "contributed to society" is work yourself.

>> No.36403408



>> No.36403440


I drop the U and I didn't have the right documents to be in one anyways. (Birth Act is missing.)

>> No.36403588

no one wants to talk to everyone every time
no one wants strict deadlines
a good portion of people dont like going outside regularly
no one wants to work in a soul draining office space

what makes you special?

>> No.36404881

schizoaffective disorder + an unwillingness to put up with those things if i don't need to

>> No.36405100

as he said
he's not a cuck. working is a joke.

>> No.36405155

self diagnosed or are you seeking help for it?

it is a joke but stopping the train of thought there and not working makes you a clown. You are never going to get out of the self loathing rut, never going to accomplish anything other than a gravestone with the date marked a day after your parent's death.
Your only bet if you still continue to think that way is to trade eft/crypto with neetbux but i hate that topic. I dont want to be mean or rude, I want the best for youse.

>> No.36405482

I'm too sexy and cool to self-loathe. If my parents died I'd get sweet cash money, it'd be a great thing.

>> No.36405558

>What's the point of not working and not making any money at all?
I can devote time to things I enjoy, instead of writing a book that virtually no one will read or like.

I tried working before and it just made me depressed. I'd rather live a happy life where I accomplish nothing rather than loathing every single day that isn't a weekend or holiday.

>> No.36405837

Can I take up organized crime? Or being a construction worker or longshoreman is fine.

>> No.36405851

>I tried working before and it just made me depressed. I'd rather live a happy life where I accomplish nothing rather than loathing every single day that isn't a weekend or holiday.
Try to get into something that you enjoy. If not, dont worry. Work isnt usually meant to be fun, so you have to create it. The best way I found was talking and messing around with people i work with. It may seem very extrovert/out of your comfort zone, but theres a difference between keeping to yourself/introvert and being loner/isolated.
I actually work in retail and its hard work, trying to balance between customers and warehouse lifting 20kg cartons all day. Maybe i'm lucky and not american, but all my workmates are friendly and we all get along. We chinwag and joke when its quiet and cruise around the store being useless and the depressing stuff happens when it gets busy but at least time goes past faster.
You have to try so you dont feel down when you work. You wont flick a switch and suddenly be happy to work, it takes a very long time and lots of persistence. Shift the goal from "having to redirect my time away from hobbies/relax time" to "earning money so i can get better hobbies/more valuable relaxing time".
Before, i found this way of thinking as just coping with the grim reality. Doing such a horrible job like retail and trying to make fun out of it whilst the wage is mediocre and the work is depressing! But all it has done was give me confidence, nice amount of money, and some motivation (as i was a uni dropout) to go back to my studies now with purpose and secure a more comfy job.

>> No.36405870

i was meant to reply to the other but i ended up deleting and getting sidetracked!
for you too!

>> No.36406268

Not him but why are you trying to convince him to get a job if he doesn't need one? If he can get by without a job then good for him, I wish I didn't have to work.

>> No.36406605

that's great and all but I love being negative, I don't wish for this me to die to become a stupid happy worker bee

>> No.36407121

>talking and messing around with people i work with
I have an extremely hard time when it comes to making friends. People usually think I'm boring and avoid talking to me.
>You have to try so you dont feel down when you work
I have tried that and it didn't work. It works for a week or two, but after that it just gets worse and worse.
Frankly, I'm not sure why not having a job is such a horrible thing.

>> No.36407226

I just want a job where I don't have to serve anyone(including cleaning, stocking, or commissions), don't have to respect, deal with, care about, or even ever interact with the customers, and don't have to speak with anyone who doesn't speak my language at a native level.

>> No.36407328

That sounds like a night guard security job, though you might have to write a report of what has happened every hour or so.

>> No.36409176
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I can't, I have autism.

>> No.36411103

diagnosed diagnosed. on wellbutrin and abilify, the former is not helping and i'm asking for it to be switched out
>never going to accomplish anything
How does being NEET equate to not accomplishing anything or being productive? Again, I do art and vidyadev, and I plan to accomplish things in those fields independently, but will not become employed in any form or even turn a profit from those things.
But, even for other hikkis who just play video games and watch anime, is it really such a bad thing to just enjoy what you like? That's still better than most other people can say.
hello twitter

>> No.36411145

you put so much talk into "putting up" with working, leaving comfort zones for no reason or forcing yourself to have fun, so why are you faulting people for not going that route at all if they can?

>> No.36411208

self employed neet
be your own boss, find ways to monetize your interests
you could sell some game assets for example
>inb4 oversaturated too hard can't make enough money
it's either work at honing your skills or die trying, i don't want to spoonfeed but there are audiences for everything on many different platforms
