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3636112 No.3636112 [Reply] [Original]

You found yourself a loving waifu, but she doesn't like your idea of a few years of tender loving. Instead she wants to be impregnated immediately and start a family.

What do you do?

>> No.3636113

the pleasure of cumming inside

>> No.3636115

The Pleasure of Cumming Inside

>> No.3636117

ask Sill to cast spell on me so she wouldnt get pregnant but i still could pleasure the cum inside

>> No.3636118

pleasure mind

>> No.3636120

Banned for promoting honeymoon impregnation.

>> No.3636128

get vasectomy

don't tell her.

>> No.3636132

What do people do at honeymoons anyway?

>> No.3636134

Get Sill to cast contraception magic.

>> No.3636138

This thread reminds me of when my big sister got married and left me. ;_;

>> No.3636139

Get Sill pregnant too after impregnating your waifu.

Also kill the demon

>> No.3636150

Investigate her financial situation, impregnate her, then check whether the baby is really mine.
Yeah, I'm paranoid.

>> No.3636157

Then you should lock her up in a room, wait for an year, impregnate her, and release her once the baby is born.

>> No.3636168

I'm impotent.
No really :(

>> No.3636176

Have you come to accept it (more or less) or are you still in denial/anger/depression?

>> No.3636188

It's okay I guess...
The sadest thing that happened to me because of it was a girl I was dating and taking pretty seriously for about a year and change said some stuff to make me feel like shit for a while then broke up with me.

Felt bad man.

>> No.3636193 [DELETED] 


I don't think you ever had a girlfriend. Enjoy being impotent.

>> No.3636194


I don't think you ever had a girlfriend. Enjoy being impotent.

>> No.3636199


>> No.3636213
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>I'm impotent
Did this scene hit you hard?

>> No.3636226

TTGL, right? No not really I guess.

>> No.3636230

This is a fucking awesome idea.

>> No.3636233

It made me cry like a little bitch.
Viral ;_;

>> No.3636239
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>> No.3636246
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>> No.3636250
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>> No.3636248

Contrary to the myth that all men would prefer to be bachelors, I wouldn't mind starting a family and getting to play real life Princess Maker, so I'm not opposed to the idea of a true loving waifu experiencing the pleasure of being cummed inside. HOWEVER, the divorce laws being slanted against men and 99% of women being deceiving selfish whores, I would have to be really certain that it is a loving waifu we're talking about and not some harlot looking to just steal my money.

A marital contract is a must. It's sad, but these are the times we live in.

>> No.3636253
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>> No.3636256
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She wants your baby

>> No.3636275

This thread makes me sad

>> No.3636291

This thread makes me mad

>> No.3636293

This thread makes me feel alright

>> No.3636310


>> No.3636313

Of course.
I wouldnt want some nigger cock up my ass and cumming inside.

>> No.3636314

I still have an ass, you know.

>> No.3636322

Or will I...!?
Oh god I hope not

>> No.3636399

If this implies we're already married and I've got an house and a stable job, I'd be more than happy to oblige.
BUT, I want a little princess to spoil, as kid she'll have twin tails and be daddy girl, then we'll scream at each other when she'll become a teenager, I'll enjoy scaring the shit out of the asshole who is putting his claws on my little girl, and cry tears of joy at her wedding.
I can dream right /jp/ ? ;_;

>> No.3636420

I'd wager pretty much everybody here could find some manner of partner if they just put their backs to it. The problem is in finding a partner that makes your life better, not worse.

Before my current girlfriend, I'd have to say my ideal girlfriend would be "attractive, decent, doesn't gouge my wallet too much, and manageable baggage."

My current girlfriend is like, everything I've been missing out on from girls for the past thirty years. I can't really describe it except to say that she goes out of her way to make me happy. She makes me lunch. Not because she's obligated, but because she wants to. When I had to work late last winter, she brought me dinner. She's interested in and listens to what I have to say. When my schedule had me coming home after she did, she'd have a cold beer waiting for me.

It feels so different- going out of your way to do things for someone because you want to, not because you're guilt-tripped into it or because you do it out of a false or contrived sense of obligation, and it's strange as fuck to be on the receiving end. All I had to do was be transferred out of the US to the Philippines.

>> No.3636427


If this isn't a troll, I'm quite jealous.

>> No.3636471

I still remember the feeling of really wanting to give something to someone out of a genuine interest of making that someone happy. I was just a little kid. Then school started, my part in the society became more clear, certain social rules and norms denied such sugar sweet intentions, et cetera. I've long been tempted to blame the social system/the way of the society for this, but I wouldn't want to stand out as a whiny hypocrite, right?

Looks like that really was the case for you. I'm happy for you.

>> No.3636481

>All I had to do was be transferred out of the US to the Philippines.

That last sentence explains everything.

>> No.3636493

I don't understand. Isn't Anon's entire life goal to find a loving waifu and start a family with her?

>> No.3636524

>All I had to do was be transferred out of the US to the Philippines.

I hate to break it to you but the only reason why she is treating you that way is because pinoys see freaking foreigner as a gold mine.

If you are a pinoy she wouldnt even want to go out with you.

>> No.3636535

>she only likes him for his money
Yes, this is the reason all women like a man. So what's the problem?

>> No.3636565

Goddamnit, I don't think I'll be able to get a wife in my entire life.

I wish Akiha would take me in and give me an allowance ;_;

>> No.3636572


>> No.3636768


Money is one possible angle. It could also be the simple fact that western men treat their wives about ten times better than the local ones do.


>> No.3636777
File: 225 KB, 600x600, fanfin seadevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You found yourself a loving waifu, but she is an anglerfish and marrying her consists of fusing into her body and slowly degenerating into a pair of balls, eventually losing your mind and sacrificing yourself to turn her into a dickgirl capable of self-fertilization.

What do you do?

>> No.3636786


That's not really all that much worse than regular modern marriage.

>> No.3636801


Depends, is she a foreigner? Preferably asian.

If I'm gonna knock someone up I expect them to know how to raise a child and perform certain duties. I'm not being all HURR DURR STAY IN KITCHEN but if I'm working she better be doing something as well.

I don't tolerate freeloaders.

>> No.3636805


That just happens to my sexual fetish.
