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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 202 KB, 540x343, Sharin_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3633956 No.3633956 [Reply] [Original]

Guess which translation is complete
>Total: 33326/3326 (100%)

Fuck Yeah The n00b Avenger for being an awesome translator.

>> No.3633968

No he's not because I read he wants to translate some disney next. Therefore his gained internetz for Syarin: nullified

>> No.3633973

Shit VN

>> No.3633977

get out sunflower devs

>> No.3633976

>he wants to translate some disney next
Himawari is not Disney.

>> No.3633983

Should everybody just translate Baldr Sky at the same time?

>> No.3633990

butthurt same troll
awesome vn is awesome

>> No.3633987

>Should everybody just translate Baldr Sky at the same time?


Some can work on Muv Luv.

>> No.3633992

If everyone worked together on them they'd be out blazingly fast.

>> No.3634004

Eh, I prefer having lots of things to look forward to.

>> No.3634008

Your samefag detector is failing, samefaildev.

>> No.3634016

But once they finished one thing, they could move on to the next, pumping out releases like a factory.

>> No.3634017


Sunflower devs are a disgrace to real deal gaming.

>> No.3634019
File: 108 KB, 800x600, screen_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenichi is the best protagonist ever. Screw the girls, you play Sharin for him.

>> No.3634026

That's not what they said at all.
<Then00bAvenger> it is not Disney it is sunflower
<Then00bAvenger> they best learn the tiers
<~Moogy> seriously

>> No.3634024

>>Wait for editing to finish, should take between 1-2 weeks.

For the impatient.
I repacked it using the tools they had at the bottom of the wiki. Seems to work okay though your mileage may vary...

>> No.3634030 [DELETED] 

plz stop spamming ur shitty clone board on anoSntaSlk.com ok were tired of u now so kindly gtfo ( remove the S's )

>> No.3634047

So up through chapter 4 is edited right, and one should just stay away from chapter 5 to not run into random typos?

>> No.3634048

What are the tiers?
Real Deal > Disney > Sunflower?

>> No.3634051

Right. But final patch will be out in... maybe less than two weeks.

>> No.3634055

Where does Moege fit in?

>> No.3634058

Editing doesn't involve just fixing typos, it involves turning bad English into nice, readable English.

>> No.3634064

If you play the unedited scripts, you will encounter far, far worse things than "random typos." I rewrite nearly every line in its entirety, so please be prepared for an abrupt shift in tone and style if you do decide to plow on into 58-60.ks and the endings before they are edited. TNA's English is also not fantastic to begin with (no offense intended), so it will be a substantial and sudden shift downward in actual quality as well.

Ideally it would be best to refrain from playing any of Chapter 4 or 5 at all until I finish editing, since Chapter 4 has a rather large cliffhanger at the end.

>> No.3634075

<%Nagato> i wonder if the patch the anon posted uses the updated wordwrapping stuff
<%Nagato> if not, ENJOY SOME BUGS

>> No.3634082

Real Deal - mindfuck, deepplot, rapes, gore and etc
Disney - furry shit (heroine that are half animal like mickey mouse, donald duck and other animal shit)
Moege - generic harem shit (1guy with 5-6girls with the usual tsundere, slut, mary sue and other moe like feature)
Sunflower - VN with flowers as their theme

>> No.3634081

My English is better than Moogy's, he's just jealous

>> No.3634089

People are interested in translating games they enjoy playing. If you complain your favorite game isn't being translated then why not learn the language so you can translate it?

>> No.3634094

I only translate games that I end up hating.

>> No.3634095

I love moege

>> No.3634096

>vn tiers

it's like i'm really in /v/ xD

>> No.3634098

Generic drama, oh shi-.

Anyways, congratulations on the completion of your patch.

>> No.3634105

<%Nagato> lol
<%Nagato> someone posted what i said about bugs on /jp/ already
<~Moogy> wow
<Shu> this channel is full of /jp/ spies

>> No.3634103

...Mugen Kairou is Disney?

>> No.3634100

So the Infinity series is Real Deal? Didn't know that.

>> No.3634109

Shit game. Should have translated more of the Rance series.

>> No.3634115

Rance games before 6 haven't aged well at all.

>> No.3634134

Infinity Series are the only REAL DEAL.

I would classify Baldry Sky and Muv Luv under Mecha Shit.

>> No.3634141


Complete bullshit. Besides, the best part of Rance is the story.

>> No.3634143

disney refers not only to furries, it's a certain style throughout the product, not only visually. Therefore moege can be disyney and games featuring furries can be real deal or something completely different.

Himawari is just a fucking bore gallore, borderline disney. Isn't it sad that the last real deal game dates a fucking year ago while many disney and other games have been translated? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH TRANSFAGS? GET THIS FUCKING ARIEL OUT OF YOUR ASSHOLES.

>> No.3634148

Game breaking bugs or just word wrapping issues? Word wrapping seemed to work even when I didn't do anything about it.

>> No.3634151


/jp/ - trollan/faggots

>> No.3634156

No, that's Disney Deal.

Remember, Tsugumi was wearing a lemur suit, and Coco had a dog. This clearly shows the furry undertones of Ever17.

>> No.3634163

The game is probably gonna crash with that build of the wordwrapping yeah. First instance is like... kako.ks I think

>> No.3634166

yeah a big ass demon sealed from the ancient time released and proceed to take over the world

totally original and awesome that i prostrate to it

>> No.3634173

>Thread about an awesome game with a completed translation now

>Thread turned to shit by trolls trolling trolls with stuff we can thank Ixrec for bring us with his polling shit

Fuck you Ixrec, your actions have brought us to the point where we can't even discuss a great game being translated because of your bullshit.

>> No.3634183

I skipped around to 043.ks with no problems so far...

>> No.3634185

<Then00bAvenger> It just hit me that someone playing without editing is going to get the oompa loompa song I put into the h-scene

You have been warned.

>> No.3634190

Take it easy.
I will discuss the game with you when they finished editing it and I pray they aren't as slow as message when it come to making a patch or installer.
In the meantime lets talk about real deal, furries, disney and flowers.

>> No.3634191


You've never played it then. Rance is one of the most unique main characters to come along in history. The world is also well-thought out, consistent, and interesting. Go back to playing your shitty "deep" Fate/Gay Night.

>> No.3634198

I was planning on waiting for the final patch, but I suddenly feel like playing now

>> No.3634207

Maybe in a world with only disney inside

>> No.3634209

brb downloading.

>> No.3634211

>as slow as message
I'm not quite sure that's physically possible.

>> No.3634212

Fate/Stay Night and Rance both have equally poor storyline, funny of you to compare them.

>> No.3634216

just because rance is your first game that involve rape and humiliation, doesn't mean it has great story

also main char =/= story

>> No.3634218

I'm insulted!

>> No.3634226

><Then00bAvenger> It just hit me that someone playing without editing is going to get the oompa loompa song I put into the h-scene

And suddenly, many more people download the patch

>> No.3634228

This is relevant to my interests.

>> No.3634233

This just in! Black Lilith games are more real deal than you can ever hope another VN to be!

>> No.3634235
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>> No.3634245

Well guess what, /jp/ is full of DEV SPIES RIGHT BACK ATCHA

>> No.3634253
File: 14 KB, 317x367, 11111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out dev spies

>> No.3634261
File: 319 KB, 805x602, oompa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not actually sure how to feel about this.

>> No.3634281

Maybe you shouldn't whore your project out if you don't want it to be treated like a whore?

>> No.3634293

n00b Avenger is shit.

YT is god tier.

>> No.3634300


/jp/ just keeps getting better and better

>> No.3634318
File: 65 KB, 800x600, Mayumi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /jp/ so good?

>> No.3634320

Surprised no one has pointed this out
>Total: 33326/3326 (100%)

>> No.3634335

Because there are more people who are willing to voice their opinions while at the same time there are people willing to actually do things.

Doing things creates more loud opinions but that just means things are progressing.

>> No.3634337

Go back to sleep TakaJun

>> No.3634346

>Fuck you Ixrec, your actions have brought us to the point where we can't even discuss a great game being translated because of your bullshit.
The need for /jp/ to comprehend and categorize all this recent VN translation spawns various memes. Too bad the only one survives implies non-seriousness: real deal, disney, <insert various accusations>-devs, etc. Increasing susceptibility to trolls. It's your own fucking fault, not Ixrec.

Looking forward for baldr devs. The name sounds cool so trolls will be hard-pressed to attack it.

>> No.3634378

if anyone starts actually translating baldr sky, but it doesn't look like that :<

>> No.3634379

Disregard that, I suck Ixrec's cock.

>> No.3634419

There are very few pictures on earth better than this

>> No.3634428
File: 97 KB, 800x600, yudothis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god Mayumi. Do you get to marry her?

>> No.3634435

Dat Hand.

>> No.3634449
File: 100 KB, 810x636, Mayumi10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3634455

Forgot I downloaded this. Better go install.

>> No.3634459
File: 95 KB, 640x480, Photo-0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

image dump because i cant find a better place

>> No.3634464
File: 74 KB, 640x480, Photo-0035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3634469

How good is her route?

>> No.3634523
File: 94 KB, 810x636, Mayumi13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked her route.... but then again I like Mayumi alot,so I'm probably not really objective.

>> No.3635226

Greatest H-Scene ever;_;
