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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3632013 No.3632013 [Reply] [Original]

Continued From

>> No.3632019
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Rika & Yossie Thread

>> No.3632020

why is there a .5

>> No.3632030

Because Kimagure Princess is selling poorly.

>> No.3632034

because koharu is leaving and half the group's allure is going with her

>> No.3632051
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For the trollfest obviously.

>> No.3632059
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Michishige Sayumi - Unbelievable 09/10/29

>> No.3632064
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>> No.3632070

im so pissed, i just watch Uverowrld PV , how come they got #2, the pv is awful so is the song

>> No.3632073
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Takabe Ai's blog

>> No.3632077

/jp/, let's see those Sayu camel toe pics.

>> No.3632210
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H&A's Halloween Show in Paris coming up

>> No.3632496
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>> No.3633015

Listen? Live 4 Life 09/10/29 (Takahashi Ai, Lin Lin)

>> No.3633118

I'm glad that they sped up the song, with Takahashi and the chimpmunks tone.
The faster the song, the sooner the music video was over. And, yeah, the only highlight was the high use of the Eri.

But yeeeah, they really are princesses, and someone needs to save those damsels in distress from the Tower of Boring and Fail.

>> No.3633130
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>> No.3633150
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low level/entry level

>> No.3633157


Low sales / High butthurt

>> No.3633164
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>> No.3633179
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Go away!

>> No.3633199

Forever Trolls / Forever Dirty

>> No.3633220
File: 42 KB, 410x600, aewen1391a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when there wasn't constantly trolling.

>> No.3633230

The only princesses are Frances and Aiko, not these bouncing boobs flailing hands around like silly womans.

>> No.3633237

Your point being?

>> No.3633239

>posting aewen file name pictures
You're one to talk about. Har har.

>> No.3633242

>Forever Dirty

I dunno about you but I shower every day, thank you.

>> No.3633246

Are those idol cds in packs of fives??

>> No.3633247
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>> No.3633250
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>> No.3633256

Good morning, anons, how's the day for you all?
Listening to Tunak Tunak tun now.

>> No.3633257
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Back then we got trolled by 2D anons instead. And sailboats, or flagships if you will.
But there was a period there when shit was cool IIRC.

Bigga Raiji is still happy though.

>> No.3633258

without handshake tickets and official pics.

>> No.3633263

Thanks. But, why is the girl holding looking so... angry sinister like. My hairs are standing on their ends.

>> No.3633264



>> No.3633266

I just realized something... isn't KP the first Momusu single where the new Oricon handshake sales policy is effect (and therefore they decided not to do it)?

It seems like Johnny's push to put a clamp on their competitors' business thus wiping them off the race didn't pan out as expected. They only kneecap one of the two designated targets.
Sadly it was the least threatening.

>> No.3633271

Anyone, translate please.

>> No.3633275

Ching chong to you too.

>> No.3633278

The pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.3633283

Alright, I recall some faggot calling Bigga a fat dude or something being useless. Can that anon own up now?

>> No.3633286

"ずさんの極地"AKB48運営の是非 握手会中止、公演日変更、「新内閣

>> No.3633289

What am I supposed to be getting out of this?

>> No.3633292


>> No.3633296


>> No.3633300
File: 225 KB, 854x480, 1246332649764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we remain on topic, please?
I heard that denial isn't just a river in Egypt, anybody can confirm?

>> No.3633304

>Tunak Tunak tun
this song is awesome and even though I'm not normally that big on Eri, she's fantastic in this one.

I liked Kimagura Princess better though

>> No.3633305

that akb cheats by adding multilevel promotions and value added services to their products which inflate sales

>> No.3633308

Extend sales with pyramid-scheme business.

Extract Handshake Coupon and sell needless CD for 100 Yen on Yahoo Auctions.
This is Akiba trade.

>> No.3633313

Denying what. What does that open box of CDs have to do with your point, which I'm not getting anyway.

>> No.3633314

【芸能】"ずさんの極地"AKB48運営の是非 握手会中止、公演日変更、

>> No.3633317
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Yeah, me, same guy. He was hilariously bad on the Queen Bee track. Now what?

>> No.3633324

Wait a minute, why are you guys all onto bingo all a sudden. Did someone challenge a proof to their sales figures again?

>> No.3633330

Just checking to see if you're being a hypocrite.
I'm not sure what to make of this.

>> No.3633334

No this is the same stuff that's been floating around for a while now. You just have to damage control when you're getting trolled.

>> No.3633340 [DELETED] 


A scheme of a working marketing plan, something UFA doesn't have because it's run by knuckle-dragging simians who believe that no marketing and no effort put into churning out what their cheap ass products will still mean oodles of money and growing support.

It's funny how people here (actually, it's the same person over and over) get bent out of shape because others are adopting completely legit strategies that H!P has already use in the past, rather than pondering on why Morning Musume is no longer hot shit.
I was about to express my displeasure for Kimagure Princess getting double-teamed by KinKi Kids and AKB, but some people here will never get over their blind militancy.

>> No.3633345


A scheme of a working marketing plan, something UFA doesn't have because it's run by knuckle-dragging simians who believe that no marketing and no effort put into churning out their cheap ass products will still mean oodles of money and growing support.

It's funny how people here (actually, it's the same person over and over) get bent out of shape because others are adopting completely legit strategies that H!P has already use in the past, rather than pondering on why Morning Musume is no longer hot shit.
I was about to express my displeasure for Kimagure Princess getting double-teamed by KinKi Kids and AKB, but some people here will never get over their blind militancy.

>> No.3633346

Morning Musume will perform on Music Fighter 11/6. Koha's last.

>> No.3633357

Thanks for backing them up. A reasonable mind is what we need here.

>> No.3633361


Denying that you do the exactly same, cockmuncher.
Hope those five versions of Kimagure Princess will be delivered soon, I love how despite all the Internet trolling things haven't changed of a iota.

>> No.3633376



>> No.3633398

For me this sales humiliation is not about Momusu itself, but just to see those delusional H!P fans squirm. Not too long ago they were "Pfffft. Momusu sells 3 times as much as AKB! They are nothing!"

Revenge is my favorite dish. Best served cold so I can lick it off a waffle cone and sprinkles.

>> No.3633400

Thanks, bro.

>> No.3633420

Now look what this thread turned into.

>> No.3633425


Oh noes! Promotions is heresy! People shouldn't know what we sell!
You're getting more and more pathetic in your outbursts.

>> No.3633429

>Extract Handshake Coupon and sell needless CD for 100 Yen on Yahoo Auctions.
This is Akiba trade.

I was wondering what this >>3633247 whole thing was in the first place. As for the 100 yen empty cds, I remember hearing some guy saying he had bought like 60 of them and was giving them out for free basically, taking out the handshake ticket.

>adopting completely legit strategies
Fuck off, the cancer grows at an accelerated rate now.

>> No.3633433

Instead of posting Japanese style wailing. Tell us which part you want translated.

>> No.3633439


>> No.3633460

Blame the guy who reads too much mornincoffee, not us.
Did anyone even bother to tell him that Morning Musume does handshakes events as well and that AKB has been including bonus stuff in their singles since its inception?
Gee, I wonder why it didn't sell oodles of copies from the start and people are beginning to bellyache only now that they outsell Morning Musume every time. Maybe it's the fact that unlike UFA they aren't so starry eyed to believe that the mountain will go to Mohammed that engendered this upset?
Nah, let's ask my shut-in friends on 2ch what they have to say.

>> No.3633468


>> No.3633478

>Fuck off, the cancer grows at an accelerated rate now.

No, you are the cancer that's killing this thread.

>> No.3633484

>Blame the guy who reads too much mornincoffee, not us.
Fuck off, you proceed to then bring your whole fucking task force to try and hide all your tactics.
Never a clean victory because your management is founded upon trickery.

>> No.3633485
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>> No.3633501
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>clean victory

Have you bought your five copies yet?

>> No.3633525

I used to be a huge MM fan, but now I can't even watch one of their videos without turning it off halfway. If you diehard fans keep accepting this kinda quality, than they will keep giving it to you.

I think Morning musume is following the Family Guy Method, they pick 3 random things and make a skit about it.

This is how the last Morning musume video shoot was decided.

"Let's see we could make an awesome video about princesses in this new single, but naah let's pick some stuff out of a hat...

1. Old abandoned ball room... Check!

2. Cowboy attire... Check!

3. Random hand flame... Check!

4. Chimpunk voiced... Check!"

Well...lets make that video !

>> No.3633530


>> No.3633579 [DELETED] 


So now Anecdotal evidence = Proof that everyone does the same thing?
No, I'm not following you. What you have shown me and what you're gabbing about for about a hour is proof that some guy went out of his way to buy 100 copies, which are still nothing to the 179,000 copies sold in the first week.

Furthermore, I can't help but laugh at your delusions that other idolfags do just the same, or that I'm supposed to be somebody else's keeper. I guess this is your knee-jerk response to Morning Musume selling worse than usual.

>> No.3633593 [DELETED] 


So now Anecdotal evidence = Proof that everyone does the same thing?
No, I'm not following you. What you have shown me and what you're gabbing about for about a hour is proof that some guy went out of his way to buy 100 copies, which are still nothing next to the 179,000 copies sold in the first week.

Furthermore, I can't help but laugh at your delusions that other idolfags do just the same, or that I'm supposed to be somebody else's keeper. I guess this is your knee-jerk response to Morning Musume selling worse than usual.
"It's not that they are unpopular, it's that we limited ourselves to buy just one copy each because we like seeing our group sink in its shit". Ahahahah, maybe next time. Maybe.

>> No.3633595


So now Anecdotal evidence = Proof that everyone does the same thing?
No, I'm not following you. What you have shown me and what you're gabbing about for about a hour is proof that some guy went out of his way to buy 100 copies, which are still nothing next to the 179,000 copies sold in the first week.

Furthermore, I can't help but laugh at your delusions that other idolfags don't do just the same, or that I'm supposed to be somebody else's keeper. I guess this is your knee-jerk response to Morning Musume selling worse than usual.
"It's not that they are unpopular, it's that we limited ourselves to buy just one copy each because we like seeing our group sink in its shit". Ahahahah, maybe next time. Maybe,

>> No.3633604

Wow, intense, it sounds all so manipulative and evil.
I knew something funny was going on but not the specific details.

>> No.3633621

>What does that open box of CDs have to do with your point

This is the same thing I might ask you. What does your an open box mean that mine doesn't?
It seems like it's too small to hold 179,000 copies.

>> No.3633630
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>> No.3633639

179 * 100 = 17,900
17,900 * 10 = 179,000
1,790 fans wwwwwww

>> No.3633652


But didn't you see that flame animation? It's state of the art computer graphics!

>> No.3633669
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>> No.3633673
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>> No.3633683


Not sure if trolling or retarded, when you step into an idolfag thread you can never be too sure.

>> No.3633692
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I'm going to leave this here.
She will restore calm while all the factions leave our thread and fight their fights elsewhere.
/jp/ is not responsible for the wotas of 2ch.

>> No.3633714
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>clean victory
We're talking about idol groups here, there is no "clean victory". It's either luck of the draw that an idol group finds a way to gain favor with the public (and then rides the resulting profits to keep that favor for as long as they can), or the fans are dedicated enough to inflate the sales. That's how idol groups get on the charts.

Right now, AKB seems to have found that "special something" that the public loves at the moment and is essentially in their equivalent of MM's golden era. Sucks a little for MM and those who support them, but we've honestly had our time in the limelight. Morning Musume is still doing just fine. Nowhere near what they once were, but still charting very well and chugging along.

Anyone who says that the current situation with AKB and MM's sales is the demise of Morning Musume is either a troll or stupid. We've got a good long while before this flame goes out.

And, on that note, my contribution.

>> No.3633728

Good night. Argument ENDED.

>> No.3633753

That special something it's call KING RECORDS since AKB moved from Defstar to King Records they sales start getting pretty well

>> No.3633762

No thank you, /jp/ doesn't accept idolfags, particularly those who imagine themselves to be part of /jp/. Pssh.

>> No.3633781

King Records? I buy a lot of my pop music published by them.

>> No.3633784

>It's either luck of the draw that an idol group finds a way to gain favor with the public
Umm, no, if anything this demonstrates it is not luck, it is careful planning.

>essentially in their equivalent of MM's golden era
In their minds it is but they could never hit the heights of that era without the selling tactics discussed previously.

>Anyone who says that the current situation with AKB and MM's sales is the demise of Morning Musume is either a troll or stupid.
This again is the heart of the issue, for a lot of their fans its not about the music at all, its about the war, and they fight in a particularly dirty manner.

The general public should know about this first before claiming some unbelievable achievement.

>Nowhere near what they once were, but still charting very well and chugging along.
I agree but I just can't stand the fact that everything AKB does now has some attachment with Musume.

>> No.3633785
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Perhaps that's true. I can't claim to know specifically what AKB's special something is, and I honestly don't want to. But it's there, obviously, or RIVER wouldn't have sold like it did. I'm a hardcore MM fan and even I can admit that. We're not all delusional.

>> No.3633789
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>> No.3633807

Family Guy was a cartoon, not a music video.

>> No.3633816

>jphip forum image

>> No.3633843

You guys do realize that MM is only really catering to the wota now?

And even mentioning that you like H!P is pretty embarassing, since no one likes them anymore? H!P has no reason to cater to anyone else, because the wotas keep them afloat anyway (regardless of quality). So MM won't die, but it definitely won't get any better.

>> No.3633849
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>> No.3633850

So anyone expanding the business beyond what UFA is capable of right now means cheating?

Sorry man, but business is business and drawing lines in the sand so to give your favorite underdog some sort of moral high ground means nothing in the world of idol groups.

You have to let the customer make the choice. Companies live off of consumers and the day a company thinks they own the consumer and it's guaranteed he'll never dump you is the day that company is doomed to fail.
UFA thought that with the growing competition they would still keep all of their fans close despite cranking out low quality products and giving nothing in return to rheir dedication, and boy if they were wrong.

>> No.3633857
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>> No.3633868


>> No.3633875

Checking out the KP PV now, nice visual effects.

>> No.3633880
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>> No.3633888

Trust me, I've complained about this time again. But no one ever wants to listen to the low budget of their music albums, despite me being a loyal MM fan. ;_;

>> No.3633896
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>Umm, no, if anything this demonstrates it is not luck, it is careful planning.
My bad for using the term luck, I guess. Call it what you like.

>In their minds it is but they could never hit the heights of that era without the selling tactics discussed previously.
With you on that one, although the degree of success is pretty much irrelevant. AKB is in their prime right now, popularity wise...much like MM was in the early 2000's.

>the selling tactics discussed previously
It's pretty clear that AKB is the sneakier of the two. Even some of the AKB fans I've talked to have said they're not fond of the company's marketing tactics. But as I said in >>3633714...they're idol groups, it's honestly not about fighting fair and there is no clean victory.

>> No.3633902

Who is this???

>> No.3633906

Did she just get out of the hospital or what? Hollow black circled eyes and front teeth showing through her half open dried lips. o_O

Post something better, please.

>> No.3633919

Fuck you. That's the way she looks all the time.

>> No.3633926
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What's that? Post more?

Why, I'd be happy to.

>> No.3633946

>The general public should know about this first before claiming some unbelievable achievement.

Strange how this sound exactly like something liften from a conspiracy theorist's rambling, isn't it?

I think that their rise in popularity wouldn't be all that unusual if you got the facts right instead of obsessing over tickets and handshake events as though they have been their prerogative.

Boy, oh boy. What could have contributed to this twist of fate? The fact that last October they started SKE and expanded their business beyond the confines of the Tokyo area? The fact they moved from an incompetent CD publisher to one worth its salt? The fact they started broadcasting their programs on a national scale, and since then they have happily outlasted three failed H!P programs and are being watched by more people than all of them combined? The fact there's always an AKB girl on TV these days whereas H!P can barely afford sending in Sayumi as some odd guest for a late night show?
And the list goes on... The fact of the matter is, wota alone can only take you so far. This was painfully proven when they started and by Morning Musume's current situation.

>> No.3633961
File: 36 KB, 155x156, Naoki-Yamasaki-ONYANKO-CLUB-I-DIDNT-COPY-THE-IDEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3633964

There is only response to this issue now,
investigate River sales.

>> No.3633982

Oh you. Go back to morning coffee please.

>> No.3633985

>AKB is the sneakier of the two

Riddle me this, who was so balls-less as to provide these flimsy excuses for the sudden graduation of their members, right after photos exposing their tryst with some guy appeared on scandal rags across Japan?
"Leaving to continue schooling and lead a private life"
"Leaving due to bunion problems"

>> No.3634007

I agree with previous poster that she really needs a makeover, not good for morning health when they look like this. Oh mai waifus.

>> No.3634009
File: 33 KB, 149x155, Naoki-MORNING-MUSUME-SALES-ARE-OVER-9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3634013

I'm game, want to jump on the Mystery Mobile and ride across Japan?

>> No.3634028

unfortunately, 2ch jumped on this 2 single ago.
it probably led to oricon changing the handshake sales rules back in september, which might have led to MM doing less handshakes this time around

>> No.3634036

Nope, just notify authorities about illegal and insidious sales pyramids to inflate sales, strip their numbers until a full investigation is done.
Then parade AKB management out in front of public and demand apology.

>> No.3634039

>without the selling tactics

No dedicated programs.
No multiple editions.
No handshake events.
No concerts.
No wotas.
2ch only.
Final destination.

>> No.3634069

link please.

>> No.3634079
File: 28 KB, 426x304, 1256858013564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.3634086
File: 51 KB, 356x993, maki4337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand the fuck back!
I'm gonna watch my first AKB48 pv ever!

And what the hell happened to this thread?

>> No.3634110 [DELETED] 


Wait, so let me get this straight.
So not only am I, a regular customer, spared the trouble of buying four different versions of the same single to get all the bonus content because everything - DVDs and insets - is already included in the regular edition normally sold in store, and I get a ticket to a handshake event as opposed to a lottery ticket that might or might not guarantee me a place there... but as an added plus I can also make my opinion be heard and rest assured that my decision won't be discarded as soon as it reaches the headquarters. And this is worse than how H!P fans are treated how exactly?

>> No.3634133
File: 18 KB, 391x349, 1249970415621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently compiling evidence.
Please submit any information you know of this to the Police.

>> No.3634136


Wait, let me get this straight.
So not only am I, a regular customer, spared the trouble of buying four different versions of the same single to get all the bonus content because everything - from DVDs to insets - is already included in the regular edition normally sold in stores, and I also get a ticket to a handshake event as opposed to a lottery ticket that might or might not guarantee me a place there... but as an added plus I can even make my opinion be heard and rest assured that my decision won't be discarded as soon as it reaches the top brass.
And this is worse than the tratment H!P fans get how, exactly?

>> No.3634147

>What happened to this thread?
Revelations Maki fag, revelations.

>> No.3634155


Does H!P lay down the law now? That's news to me.

>> No.3634177

>even make a profit off a purposely made management decision to make it seem like my opinion be heard but created a group structure where its impossible to see all the girls at once and fuel profit generating vote counts to determine what general appeal should already do.
fix'd that for you

>> No.3634193

ITT Oh noes, rival company gives more to their fans than mine. It's a ponzi scheme, I tell you! Let me whine on an American imageboard, this will surely change sales in Japan.

>> No.3634210

ITT: Industry fraud reigned in by consumer advocates

>> No.3634260
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Just when this place was finally slowing down slightly, forum fags decided to barge in.

>> No.3634277

For that matter, the consumers have already decreed that Morning Musume is not to their liking anymore long ago.
You can call out on other's business, but it's a working one. Sadly that's something I can't really say of H!P's, and there's no amount of denial and appeal to the old times that can give it some sort of edge.

>> No.3634280
File: 163 KB, 600x800, 2009-10-22T14 39 44-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I don't like it too slow.
And certain things were discovered through this ugly process.

>> No.3634285

That doesn't change the practice fraud going on in your camp. Come back when your sheets are clean.

>> No.3634295
File: 186 KB, 600x400, Stalkeebecomethestalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotcha, Anon.

More weird Maki chart news:
"with..." was released months and months ago for download only, no physical release what so ever, youtube promotion blah blah. It did good as a download IIRC and charted pretty high, but ofcouse fell off in time. Now later in the year 2525 it's being used as a ED for some night time j-drama crap and BAM, the song has jumped up to 2nd place. People like downloading Maki songs apparently.

>> No.3634297

The "fraud" being?

>> No.3634331 [DELETED] 

>what general appeal should already do

So, how am I supposed to gauge this appeal if not by asking the customer, who's the only true judge in this regard?

Also, I think the problem at the bottom of your reasoning is that you haven't yet realized that whereas Morning Musume's survives solely on CD sales, AKB's true place of business is their multiple theaters and the sales of their singles, which are still used as little more than standard promotion, represent but a small fraction of their actual income.
Man, I wonder why their B-side is paired with a song randomly chosen from the hundrends performed in the theater. Or why over the last year they spun off two new groups and expanded their habitual theater to one sitting 800 people a day (and they still have trouble with all the reservations).
Clearly those managers only have single sales in their mind.

>> No.3634332
File: 77 KB, 800x565, maki4551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's being used as a ED for some night time j-drama crap and BAM, the song has jumped up to 2nd place.
Seems somebody has been reading the Maki threads more often lately.
Do you have a youtube link to the song?

>> No.3634342

>what general appeal should already do

So, how am I supposed to gauge this appeal if not by asking the customer, who's the only true judge in this regard?

Also, I think the problem at the bottom of your reasoning is that you haven't yet realized that whereas Morning Musume's survives solely on CD sales, AKB's true place of business is their multiple theaters and the sales of their singles, which are still used as little more than standard promotion, represent but a small fraction of their actual income.
Man, I wonder why all their B-sides are paired with a song randomly plucked from the hundrends performed on stage. Or why over the last year they spun off two new groups and expanded their habitual theater to one sitting 800 people a day (and they still have trouble with all the reservations).
Clearly those managers only have single sales in their mind.

If anything, they just showed faggots like you that they can beat H!P at their own game while keeping their eyes on something else.

>> No.3634351 [DELETED] 

Return to your forum.

>> No.3634362

Return to your forum.

>> No.3634363
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>I don't like it too slow.
It's not a bad thing to have a little more patience, and when things go faster, anon usually doesn't get a lot of time to think for his posts. Also I found the over all quality for the past 30 threads to be really low, I've been saving them lately, so I won't have to go through easymodo. I'll upload it in a bit, give yourself a read, firefox is recommended, you can use others too but it'll look odd.

>> No.3634371

So you haven't any rebuttal now? At least show us what this "fraud" is, so I can have a laugh at it.

>> No.3634380


The fraud is that some people buy multiple copies. Only H!P bros are allowed to, it's our knack.

>> No.3634388
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>> No.3634402

What a surprise. Yet another thread ruined.............

>> No.3634407
File: 164 KB, 706x1000, aika1682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, telling me to read the threads. Don't worry I have. And if you haven't noticed we have been consistently trolled for the last 2 months heavily. And all this KP fodder is just ridiculous.

>> No.3634472
File: 28 KB, 700x600, 1233085678468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah no, the threads I saved look exactly like your browsing through the thread, doesn't look like easymodo, firefox is beautiful like that.
As for this KP talk, it wreaks of forum speak, pretty annoying to read. Anyway, few things to do, back in a bit.

Here's the thread list.
I should renew my account, only 10 downloads before it's deleted.

>> No.3634514

Yep that makes for a good J-Drama ending song.
What show was it for?

>> No.3634536


>> No.3634548
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Lesson one: Don't call people out on buying multiple copies when every idolfags does just the same. Stone, glass house, etc...

Lesson two: Learn how other idol groups work. What I've seen here is people thinking that AKB profits exclusively off CD sales, or that singles are their sole outlets. All of which raises a huge red flag that whoever is running his mouth off has now fucking clue about anything outside his secluded fandom.

Everything else is dodgy speculation people want to pass off as fact or normal behavior because it suits their loserrific bias, butthurt and holier-than-thou attitude.

P.S.: I buy no merchandise whatsoever.

>> No.3634575

LOL at those "doom" and "fraud" comments. Kimagure Princess' fiasco is easy as ABC:

Bad single + Bad concept + Bad PV + Bad promotion + No outlet = Bad sales

Easy enough for everybody to understand.

>> No.3634596

Return to forums, don't fucking return here.

>> No.3634618

ITT anyone outselling Morning Musume is a fraud, the use of promotions and bonuses contravenes unpopular Hello!Project profiteering tactics so it's "illegal", and starting a smear campaign against my sworn enemies in a board that doesn't even care about idolfags or their petty spats is clearly a smart idea.

>> No.3634621

ITT: We're so desperate to make our pyramid scheme look legitimate..

>> No.3634631
File: 145 KB, 709x961, 1239464395919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm, take your /b/ talk elsewhere, faggots.

>> No.3634639


No, I think I'll stay here some more. As for you, keep drawing lines in the sand and wonder why people keep crossing them.

>> No.3634712
File: 289 KB, 1000x1416, offgaki3258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wise sage, explain to me why I need to be berated by trolls hoisting their inflated sales over their heads.

I reported all these off topic trolls well before this shit storm took place.

>> No.3634748 [DELETED] 

>pyramid scheme

Except not?
Causation != Correlation.
They keep including tickets and all sorts of bonuses in their singles because that's been their way of promotion since day one, and putting a glass wall between the fans and the girls right now just like H!P does isn't in their best interests for the growt of their fanbase.
But the actual rise in popularity occurred much later and concurrently with the events listed here >>3633946 , so get over it and suck it up.
Want to know a thing that AKB has and Morning Musume doesn't? A firm foothold in mainstream media. Trust me, it works miracles.

>> No.3634760

>pyramid scheme

Except not?
Causation != Correlation.
They keep including tickets and all sorts of bonuses in their singles because that's been their way of promotion since day one, and because putting a glass wall between the fans and the girls right now just like H!P does isn't in their best interests for the growth of their fanbase.
But the actual rise in popularity occurred much later and concurrently with the events listed here >>3633946 , so get over it and suck it up.
Want to know a thing that AKB has and Morning Musume doesn't? A firm foothold in mainstream media. Trust me, it works miracles.

>> No.3634772

>inflated sales

"Yo man, let's outsell Ayumi Hamasaki. Get all five editions to keep Morning Musume prospering".

Hypocrisy ahoy.

>> No.3634778

i cant believe this guy is trolling the akbtroll
so hard

>> No.3634786
File: 484 KB, 1280x720, offgaki3254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>3633286

>> No.3634802

Yo man, same thing I said 5 threads ago stands.

>> No.3634816
File: 69 KB, 240x320, 189911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yo, you talking about me?
Actually I was chilling out around here just looking for an argument so that I could shit up this thread. It's sad that I always end up striking up one with the same person, because his knowledge doesn't really go any further than making wild speculations on sales.

>> No.3634833

so do you even like akb or do you just take their side for the sake of arguing with h!p fans?

>> No.3634839 [DELETED] 

That forcing the customer to buy five versions of the same single = Good
But including everything into a single release for standard price plus OH GOD FREE HANDSHAKE EVENT, THE DEVIL INCARNATE! = Bad?

I don't see how this has any bearing on the matter. Form an opinion on your own, will ya?

>> No.3634843

That forcing the customer to buy five versions of the same single = Good
But including everything into a single release for standard price plus OH GOD FREE HANDSHAKE TICKET, THE DEVIL INCARNATE! = Bad?

I don't see how this has any bearing on the matter. Form an opinion on your own, will ya?

>> No.3634856
File: 562 KB, 1537x2300, ZzZZZZzzzZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night wotas and trolls. I'm hoping for a shitton of posts when I wake up.

Apart from the very shitty first minute River isn't bad at all.
