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File: 233 KB, 618x1300, tukihime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3630705 No.3630705 [Reply] [Original]

Lookin' kinda Angry there, Akiha-sama....

>> No.3630715
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>> No.3630718

She looks tired

>> No.3632255
File: 140 KB, 850x1246, happy_arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was sexually frustrated. A lot.

>> No.3632262

Akiha is always angry. Fucking bitch.

>> No.3632270

Just straight and serious.
Almost a poker face.

>> No.3632281

When does the bitchiness start? I'm reading tsukihimay right now and the worst I have seen from her is "cold indifference" or "disapproval". Her most common expression is the one where she kinda squints at you, or the one where she raises her nose, which is down right nice compared to for instance Rin, whose most common expressions are an incredulous "how retarded can you be" and a shark-toothed screaming anger.

>> No.3632291

you haven't played the routes focusing more on her, prolly. She has a bigger role in Kohaku and Hisui's route. and her own, of course.

>> No.3632293

Are they seriously remaking this?

Only graphics update or new/revamped content?

>> No.3632294

She gets angry when Shkiki does something stupid, stays out too long or shows affection to others openly.
Shiki does much less stupid things, so not that often.

And really, you people make Rin like sound a Slave Master that rips your nail out for mismatching socks.

>> No.3632301

Most certainly the latter. There's rumors of them adding a sacchin route, but I forget if it was ever actually confirmed.

>> No.3632310

>And really, you people make Rin like sound a Slave Master that rips your nail out for mismatching socks.

Even if you are her fan, you have to admit that Rin is a character in the Asuka Langley tradition: angry, loud and full of herself.

>> No.3632317

I;m not her fan.
I like Saber too much.
And she is nothing like that.
Rin is much more of the teasing variety.
Plus, actually helpful and concerned instead of mocking and bitching. And 'full' of herself? Really?
Unless calling Shirou stupid for rushing on Berserker alone is enough justification for that.

>> No.3632320
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I'd be angry, too, if I had to compete with Ciel.

>> No.3632333

What, precisely, is this?

>> No.3632345

Tsukihime 2.

>> No.3632348

>Angry Type-Moon Fan !MOONmNft4g
flip scum.

>> No.3632350


Whatevs. You should start using a trip, Rin's #1 White Knight. You are already very easy to recognize because of the way you hit enter after every sentence, so you might as well go all the way.

>> No.3632359

"I wanna hold em' like they do in Texas Plays
Fold em' let em' hit me raise it baby stay with me (I love it)
Lovegame and intuition play the cards with Spades to start
And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart"

>> No.3632361

If you post inaccurate shit, about any character from any VN, I will pop up regardless. It seems I am a white knight since you always pop up you somehow bash Rin where it is not even relevant. I also used to pop up in the 'Sakura is slut threads', 'Ciel is a bitch and half her route is Arc's' threads and the 'Shirou is a retard and sell-out' threads. If you have to resort to 'You just LOVE her like an idiot', it means I do something right.

>> No.3632373
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This is usually the premise for some VNs and general hentai titles. At least one of the female lead characters tends to get uptight and angry quite easily.

Both Akiha and Rin (interestingly enough, both from TYPE-MOON) are probably among some of the best known tsunderes of VNs.

>> No.3632379
File: 65 KB, 720x540, 1175758369498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rin isn't like Asuka at all. Asuka (at least before Rebuild) was a good character, surprisingly deep psychologically, as her insane arrogance destroyed her the way it tends to do to real human beings. The discrepancies between reality and her absurdly inflated self-image eroded her confidence and sent it to a death spiral from which she never recovered, and in the end of the series she's a mental wreck and tries to kill herself. Not because of anything anybody else did to her (the thing at EoE was just adding insult to injury), but simply because she couldn't handle the idea that she isn't the best in the world at everything at the same time.

Rin is just a cookie-cutter tsun-tsun-tsundere archetype with nothing original. She doesn't remotely compare to Asuka.

>> No.3632382

>Lovegame and intuition play the cards with Spades to start

>> No.3632385

It's more that the VNs are popular.
Also, uptight or stern is not necessarily part of the tsundere trait.
Saber is serious and and calls on Shirou's actions almost always, and gets angry for non-viable reasons too.

>> No.3632396

...Rin does not even really show tsundere qualities out of UBW.
Tsundere is not PERSONALITY.
When you bash, try to get facts straight.

>> No.3632399


And again, "inaccurate shit" is anything that conflicts with your own personal perception. You possess godly unbiased knowledge of every VN ever, and if somebody disagrees with anything you say, they are either lying or ignorant.

>> No.3632411
File: 75 KB, 800x600, that's our rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not tsundere
>not angry
>not full of herself

And you accuse others of inaccuracy? For fuck's sake, man, you are blatantly denying basic facts that are obvious to anybody who has read FSN or, watched the FSN anime. Who are you trying to convince, yourself? You might as well insist that Rin is not female.

>> No.3632410

Playing 'It's only your opinion card' also shows I do a good job, if you have nothing better to retort with.
And yes, I do have perfect character and story interpretation abilities.
Comes with reading a lot and not projecting unnecessary shit.

>> No.3632418

tsukihime remake eta 2050

>> No.3632432

...I said she does not display tsundere attributes outside of UBW.
Not that she is not tsundere when it comes to her affection for SHirou.
And that she gets angry for valid reasons, not calling you an incompetent bitch just for the heck of it.
And 'full of herself' is inaccurate t, especially while considering UBW.
Posting a screencap of a comedic situation where Shirou is being dense concerning how they have to keep Saber in the world is not really proof.

You tend to blow shit out of proportion and misinterpret my posts badly.
Liek you do with the reading material.

>> No.3632451

Yep, she just sucks

>> No.3632459

Brilliant response.You should compose a copypasta though. These have more impact.

>> No.3632627
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Just for a point of comparison, would you say it's fair to describe Asuka from NGE as "tsundere, angry, loud and full of herself"? Keep in mind that Asuka helps and cooperates with Shinji all the time, gets mad at him because he is a spineless twit, and obviously is tsundere only toward one character.

I'm asking because 1) cannot fucking see a meaningful difference between the basic nature of the two characters and 2) if you are going to say _Asuka_ is not a bitch, your perception is vastly different from the majority of anime audience.

As for "evidence" of Rin being a bitch, I'm going to have to humbly suggest that you just read any fucking scene where she is, after the prologue. I would have to screencap half the game if I tried to catalogue it all.

>> No.3632637
File: 74 KB, 800x600, rin's note.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3632655

Asuka is not even a tsundere. She does not help him because she wants to help him, they work to get rid of angels under orders. And she gets mad for many other situations with no good reason.
Plus, she is fucking mindraped.
And you turn a match light into a fucking forest fire
Rin mostly teases.
Criticism is valid and tries to safeguard you.
Inherent goodness is obvious in most of her actions.
If you ignore EVERY POSITIVE QUALITY and action that concerns Rin, then yes.
You are right.

>> No.3632706

>>Asuka is not even a tsundere.

Somebody hasn't been paying attention.

>She does not help him because she wants to help him, they work to get rid of angels under orders.

Rin doesn't help Shirou because she wants to, they work together to survive/win the Grail War.

>And she gets mad for many other situations with no good reason.

So does Rin. Seriously, most of her sass is _not_ deserved. Shirou is a fish out of water and she constantly belittles him for it, when she should be supporting him in words.

You can say it's for comedic value if you want. So is everything in Zero no Tsukaima, but does that make Louise stop being a bitch? hell no.

>Inherent goodness is obvious in most of her actions.

Relative. Most of the FSN Masters are outright evil on the Hitler/Stalin level. Rin is good compared to them, but not compared to normal people. Resuscitating a dying innocent is what _normal_ people would do, given the means. Basic cooperation for mutual benefit is what every human being is capable of, even the villains. Unwillingness to participate in outright slaughter of everybody is likewise normal, average human behavior. And even if she was morally a spotless saint, she could still be a bitch, as that is a description of social _behavior_, not moral choices.

>> No.3632734

>Rin doesn't help Shirou because she wants to, they work together to survive/win the Grail War.
...Yeah, that's what we mean with bad interpretation of characters.
Your shit only makes sense if you try to see everything Rin does in the mist negative light.

If teasing, no actual verbal abuse or violence makes her a mega bitch for you, you are too uptight.
If being stern for matters that concern his fucking life bother you, you need priorities.
If you seriously think that her helping him when she gains nothing is an act of self-preservation, you are an idiot. If she was a pragmatist or just not as evil, she'd kill him while he knew nothing , not cooperate with a guy with no skill and experience and a vastly weakened servant like she does at the start.
Plus, in most of her interactions with anyone but Shirou, she is not a bitch. She teases him cause she gets close to him and gets angry when he does something stupid or illogical, which Shirou tends to do for his own valid reasons. It is not a defining trait of her relationships and interactions.

But you know, I realize nobody else takes you remotely seriously. Seems a waste.
So, from now on, impose your opinion freely and claim it is an accurate representation.

>> No.3632844


Have you played UBW yet?

>> No.3632861


>> No.3634071
File: 270 KB, 812x1200, akiha_needs_consoling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3634116
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>> No.3634132

Her look of disapproval during Kohaku's choice was almost hotter than seeing her during the Akiha choice.

>> No.3634236

Would anyone happen to have the vectored version of this image?

>> No.3634250
File: 2.42 MB, 4000x3000, raepkiha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3634265

Irage did this one, right?

>> No.3635407

Might be the fact she has demon blood and thus has to act like one.

>> No.3635552

I'm pretty sure it was him, yes.

>> No.3635587

much appreciated!

>> No.3635624


In regards to the remake- details are mostly unclear. It is semi confirmed that they are taking the same 'family friendly' approach they took with Realta Nua and writing out the sex scenes. Voices are not confirmed but seem like a logical next step, and I think the recasting/rerecording of some of the voices in Melty Blood Actress Again might be related. Graphical upgrade is of course a certainty, and their early announcments implied they were adding a new heroine. >>3630705 is one of two magazine scans showing updated art (someone can probably post the other, I don't have it saved), the other one has the maids and Satsuki, so the implication of her route finally appearing seems strong.

However, there has been no news regarding the remake AT ALL for the better half of a year now. Those magazine scans date from early this year or late last (I forget). So I wouldn't be holding my breath waiting for a release anytime soon.

That cover everything?

>> No.3635675
File: 194 KB, 640x480, 1246198337312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should vector both the Akiha-near-the-window images.
