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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 786 KB, 669x946, tenshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36302873 No.36302873 [Reply] [Original]

Tenshi thread.

>> No.36302897


>> No.36303016

I wanted to post a cute Tenshi image but apparently I'm blocked from posting images on /jp/? Okay, this is kuso.

>> No.36316350

Me too, actually
Kinda weird honestly, never got banned from the jay but I guess someone in my proximity is a huge faggot.

>> No.36316397
File: 432 KB, 700x784, 14424462_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the like dozenth posts I've seen about anons being rangebanned from posting images. I guess something must have happened. Have a Tenshi on the house.

>> No.36316399
File: 337 KB, 420x420, tenko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb angel.

>> No.36316402

Use catbox.
Mods fucked up, it's happening in almost all of /jp/ I saw an anon mention that it only happens in Firefox

>> No.36316687
File: 1.06 MB, 2788x4096, breedthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36317041

Ah, thanks for clarifying, Anon.

>> No.36317320

doesn't this happen when they range ban someone and you just get fucked if your IP happens to be close to said person/ISP account their targeting?

>> No.36322424

There's no way that's Tenshi.

>> No.36322447
File: 122 KB, 707x1000, 9b8e5c33ea6376ffe18f65f185d44835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made for dick. It's true,

>> No.36324539
File: 177 KB, 600x690, 1462279899914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a repository of SJIS Tenshi https://touhouaamatome.jougennotuki.com/hisouten/tensi-frame.html#bases for all those anons that want to post cute Tenshi but are rangebanned

>> No.36325613

use non-firefox browser

>> No.36326968

neropaso only draws boob tenshi.

>> No.36333607

no i can confirm its some firefox only garbage
i tried another browser and could post just fine
fuck this shitty website

>> No.36337357

Being honest, I'd like her design so much more if she didn't have that eye-soring rainbow thing around her dress. It sticks out way too much.

>> No.36337738 [DELETED] 

<span class="sjis">

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         | 八レ' ,! ,.   '       / /   ,'   . \
         |/  !  八    マ´ ̄フ   ! /    /   !   \
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|   ししヘ._/_ノ´     .|`::::::ン「(\| ハ. |        _ノ ノ      |
|Thank you anonymous!   |〉::::/´ ̄  ∨〉|ノ!  ,>'"´ ̄ `Y´       |
|               |7´!´    .|´ |>'i>'´ ̄`Y´    i    ,'
|               | :::しゝ、,   \ .`ー|     |     ,'   /
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|               |..}!::::|{   \     `ヽ  |> '"´ ̄`ソ
|               | }|-::|{    _,>、      .ノ_,,.     〈</span>

>> No.36337953


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         ,. -─-\  ∨,,.. -─- 、,      ∧
        ./      `ア´::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`ァ'⌒ヽく. 〉-‐ァ
        レ'"´ ̄`>‐'、:::::::::::::::::::::::::ァ‐-〈   _ノ ∨_/
           r::''"´:::::::::;;:>───-( (  )    ノ\
          \>''"´         ` ´` ー<::::::::ソ
           ,:'´     /               `Y´
         /      |  ,   、_ !        |
         ,'       /|__./|  ./| _/`!./! |  |  .|
         |   |  /´∨ !/ ァ'´ ̄` |. ,'  ,' . ',
         |  ,! ! ハ ァ'`ヽ       ゙ !/  ./  |   '、
         | 八レ' ,! ,.   '       / /   ,'   . \
         |/  !  八    マ´ ̄フ   ! /    /   !   \
        ノ  ,' /  |>,、.       /|/  / ̄`ヽ|     ' 、
          .//  /   |`ァr= ´/´/   /     \      ヽ.
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 ___/´/ /`7-、./__ノ_7r‐-、.レ'ヽ7   !          〉.     i
|   ししヘ._/_ノ´     .|`::::::ン「(\| ハ. |        _ノ ノ      |
|Thank you anon!  |〉::::/´ ̄  ∨〉|ノ!  ,>'"´ ̄ `Y´       |
|               |7´!´    .|´ |>'i>'´ ̄`Y´    i    ,'
|               | :::しゝ、,   \ .`ー|     |     ,'   /
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|               | }|-::|{    _,>、      .ノ_,,.     〈</span>

>> No.36337979


<span class="sjis">           ト‐- 、     ____
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       <\   `7´:::::::::::::__:::::::〈 (   | /   ./ .!
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      ,.:'´::::::::::::::::::::::::___i´ ̄`ヽ''"´ ̄`  、::::`::く ,  '"´ /
     '、::::::::::::::::::;:: '"´   |     ヽ.      ヽ::::::::\__/ I very stupid
      \::::::/ /   ,ハ.      |_,. イ ハ.  ':,::::::::::ヽ.   ごめんなさい
         `7  /   _,. ィ |     ./-‐-<| |    | ヽ;:::::::::\
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        |/ .!   八 ゝ'゚´ .       / ○/        ` 、
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          /   ,! >、      /   |  /!. __   ',    |
         /   /    .|/`>-r<,.'    ! /ア´    `ヽ|    /
     , '´    /    /   /|./!     |//        '、ハ/
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     |  / .|   //  .| / |_]:|  /  .|              \
   ./\/   ∧ / /    く´::::-[]‐::| /7  ./             ノ、</span>

>> No.36339297

            ト、       ,. -──-ァ'⌒ヽ-、  /|  /!
           _| \   /_;;;:::-──` ー< ノY´ // /
         ./  \_>'"´..._;;;::: --─- 、:::::::`'く| /´  /
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              /.:.:.:./.:.:..: ハ、.:.:.:斗弋「≧ :|.:.:.:.:.: |.:.:|.:.:|
           i.:.:.:,イ.:.:.≦ ̄ \!  x笊云ャ.:.:.: : |.:.:|.:.:|
           i.:.:/ i.:.:.:.:仟仰     lcし゚! i.:.:.:.:.:.:! 〉!:.: !
           l.:/  マ.:.i 弋ソ      ゞ- ' !.:.:.:.:. レ.: |.:.:|
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         ん  ヽ.   |.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.: //      !.:.:.:.:|.:.:.:.|.:.:.:|
         ゞ._ノ    |.:.:.:..:.:.://         マ.:.:.:|.:.:.:.|:.:.:.|
         ん  ヽ.   |.:.:.:.:. / /            マ: |.:.:.:.i.:.:.:.|
        ゞ_.ノ     |.:.:.:.: .!,イ          / V.:.:.:.|.:.:.:.|
          |!      |:.:/ ノ  /       イ   V.:.:i.:.:.:.:|
.         r=へ‐ 、   /     /          !   i.:.:.|.:.:.:.:|

>> No.36342176

Then he's not drawing Tenshi.

>> No.36342556

                         /⌒'⌒ヽ  |  /
           ト、     ,. -─/⌒´ヽ    j ノ/
           | \  /. : : : : : : 廴_>'´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄.フ
      ____」   } /. : : : : : : : : ニ-────‐‐<,
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      ∠___,/. : : :/  /       x--     ┼-|、 }    i
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                  } 、__ノ    l/// r ´    \}   ./ !
.              / `ーイ    |  |       ノ /    ヽ
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.        !     \|  / /  く_   {l:l} 〉.\ \       }
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            `  _{\   \\_く>く>く>く>くフ′/
                   ̄ />ー-----r‐1´
                   〈/         し'

>> No.36344886
File: 845 KB, 1560x877, 1493727189081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to use the [SJIS] tag. it works like spoilers

>> No.36354541

