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3629404 No.3629404 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: VNs that deserve anime adaptations.

>> No.3629406

I prefer the VN's I enjoy, without adaptions.

>> No.3629409


>> No.3629412

No VN deserves an anime adaptation. How could you hate any VN so much that you'd subject it to such torture?

>> No.3629410
File: 16 KB, 150x209, Tsukihime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3629411

Umineko, an Umineko adaption could be great.

>> No.3629418
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>> No.3629440
File: 181 KB, 800x600, I CAN FLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3629446
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>> No.3629456



>> No.3629485
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>> No.3629492

man what

>> No.3629494

Let's see anyone have the Balls to turn any of the last 3 Rance games into anime.

>> No.3629516
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>> No.3629532

I would guess it would turn out semi-like queens blade but without the lesbians

>> No.3629631
File: 767 KB, 800x599, NArc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, and Planetarian, both would make good 13 episode series.

>> No.3629640
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>> No.3629792

Thread now officially shitty, go home everyone.



>> No.3631057

G-Senjou no Maou. Seriously. Where?

>> No.3631061

I dunno, imagine it. A KS anime based off Raita's drawing that turns out nothing like KS the game.

Then the KS devs get a cease-and-desist from the anime creators.

>> No.3631063

I remember how Ayakashi was mentioned in a thread like this. Few months later, Ayakashi got announced and the first episode aired on my birthday. I was pretty pumped for it after watching the VN's OP and trying out the game.

Most disappointing piece of shit I ever saw.

>> No.3631065

I want Umineko anime

I mean a real one

>> No.3631079

That adaptation was fucking horrible.

>> No.3631080
File: 15 KB, 577x508, 1255621402219.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone announce a sage, when sage does absolutely fucking nothing?

You are not "punishing" the poster. You do not affect the thread itself.

>> No.3631082

The anime of Umineko is a good adaptation.
The anime is mediocre simply because the source material isn't that good.

>> No.3631089

Hey, looks like it's working already.

>> No.3631091


>> No.3631095


It makes them feel like they're actually accomplishing something eventhough they're really not. I'd say its the equivalent to shouting "I'M FINISHED" in elementary school eventhough you know nothing will happen.

>> No.3631101
File: 213 KB, 512x384, 1253833490141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working in what way, my good chap? Besides not bumping the thread, that is.

>> No.3631106
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They'd need to utilize CG dragons for the mana transfers and 26-50 eps to contain every route, though.

>> No.3631109

u mad.

It's a function to get out of the thread after I'm done insulting you since my email field defaults to noko. A better question to ask will be why the heck do people sage a thread they will be contributing to.

>> No.3631114
File: 80 KB, 400x447, 1237673377506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He got a reaction. Stop feeding them.

>> No.3631122
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>> No.3631125

A Tsukihime anime would be great.

>> No.3631135

If LB ever gets an anime adaptation it better be by Shaft and not Kyoshitani.

>> No.3631144
File: 46 KB, 400x300, wat..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying SHAFT is any better than KyoAni

>> No.3631151

>greentext reaction image
So random.

>> No.3631157

>sage with greentext and witty retort.

So typical.

>> No.3631162

sage is just a command that lets you post without bumping, nerd

>> No.3631168
File: 338 KB, 500x450, mahiru2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayonara wo Oshiete

>> No.3631395

I can tell you haven't read G-Senjou no Maou.

>> No.3631408

I will only watch anime adaptations of fapping game.

Any VNs with good storyline or deep plot will invariably get fucked by an adaptations.

I am thinking of maybe some of the G.J games like queen bonjour or 7th online.

What do you guys think?

>> No.3631425

All of them into h anime. Now.

>> No.3631432

Anime adaptation fuck everything up, why do you want that to happen to great VNs?

>> No.3631449

I don't believe I wan't adaptions for the VN's I like.
Sure, a part of me might want it a bit, but still, all adaptions are usually a lot worse than the original.
If I wanted an anime adaption I would want it to be done by serious developers who are good at what they do and who doesn't screw things over.
Either that or an obvious non-canon story fanservice show with little to no story and without anything canon.

Adaptions usually only pull the work down to its level in some strange way.
The fan-dom of adaptions are usually far worse than the fan-dom of original works, and the fan-dom of original works can be quite bad as well, so that is saying something.

>> No.3631451

>Anime adaptation fuck everything up

There are only a couple that do it better than the source.

>> No.3631452

inb4 no good adaption can be made

>> No.3631468

Kara no Kyoukai, but that was a light novel series.

>> No.3631527

what is the name of this?

>> No.3631535


>> No.3631541

Pleasure of being cummed inside: The eroge

>> No.3631588

>VNs that deserve anime adaptations.
>deserve anime adaptations

I'm not sure if this is something positive.

>> No.3631946

