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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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362491 No.362491 [Reply] [Original]

So, /jp/, if you were to somehow be in japan, on a wooden bed, and a pair of breasts, japanese breasts mind you, were before your eyes, what would you do.

To facilitate our discussion of this highly japan related topic, i'll create handy fill in boxes to choose from.

[ ] Breasts
[ ] Check beneath the bed
[ ] Go back to sleep

Answer in a truthful manner, this is simply to gauge reactions to japan... and stuff.

>> No.362496
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>> No.362497

[ ] Check beneath the bed

Who knows man, you go down south on girls and there's the vagOOO, maybe I can find one under the bed if the breasts are above it...

>> No.362499

As a member of the japanese board here on 4chan, I answer for your own question trying to be as japanese as possible and be humble and disciplined like a japanese monk, and fill the box of my choise with a very japanese X

[X] Breasts

>> No.362500

[x] Check beneath the bed

>> No.362502

[x] Roleplay

>> No.362508

Seeing as we received a few answers for [X] Check beneath the bed, I'll continue this constructive discussion of our actions in japan. The next hypothetical scenario continues on from our last action.

Deciding to ignore the presence of breasts, you instead lean over, bringing your head over the side of the bed in an effort to look below.

A suitcase is apparent, a japanese suitcase mind you, it gleams with silver and reads 'IDKFA' How would you now react to this hypothetical situation placed within japan?

[ ] Open it
[ ] Breasts
[ ] Go back to sleep

>> No.362511

Gee, it sure would be nice if a mod would just tell us if Touhou VNs fall in the category of roleplaying.
I thought he just meant Alicefag to stop posting.

>> No.362513


That would indeed be a great boon upon us all, however this discussion is entirely about japan and has no resemblance nor connection to that issue.

>> No.362515


Stopping the "Alicefag" from posting is just another example of the mod waving his dick around and pulling rules out of his ass.

>> No.362519

My apologies for wandering off-topic. I wonder what a Japanese suitcase might contain? Do they even use the same kind as us?
[X] Open it

>> No.362520

To be honest, I would talk to the girl, unless the breasts were just there, separated from a body.

>> No.362524

Rules? I tought he pulled the leftover jizz of his swedish lover out of his ass? Am I wrong?

>> No.362530

[x] Breasts

Back to breasts, suitcases don't interest me

>> No.362539

[X] Open it

Stretching your arm out, you manage to reach the suitcase, swiftly returning it to the top of the bed.

Upon opening the japanese suitcase, you discover an odd amulet as well as a set of instructions detailing the items powers and how to use them.

The note explains that the amulet is actually a piece of highly-advanced japanese technology, capable of repelling 'evil humans' who attempt to close in melee range to attack.

Unfortunately, the item would have no effect on ranged attackers using weaponry such as guns or rockets.

The note is affectionately signed -A japanese woman named Patchy.

[ ] Equip
[ ] Discard

>> No.362540

Use briefcase. Play Doom.

>> No.362549

[x] Discard

>> No.362550

[x] Fap with note

>> No.362558

Being a rational person, you follow standard japanese procedure, proceeding to masturbate thoroughly with the note before discarding both it and the amulet.

The breasts have by this time vanished, however an odd portal, almost a 'gap' in the world, appears before you - It was likely created using japanese technology.

[ ] Enter Portal
[ ] Exit room
[ ] Collapse from anemia

>> No.362578

as everyone knows it is common sense to
[x] Collapse from anemia
after fapping in japan
