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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3622618 No.3622618 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any regrets /jp/?

>> No.3622627

Seeing as this is the only path, I have none.

>> No.3622624

I have a few.

>> No.3622628


>> No.3622636

Yes, I should have studied more to get this final done.

>> No.3622639

I wish I asked Monica-sempai to the prom.

>> No.3622646

Well I should have studied more to not fail out of college.

But I have no regrets, neet is the only path.

>> No.3622647

I wish I was born as a girl...

>> No.3622655
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no regrets

>> No.3622661

Yea. Should've tried harder in school.

>> No.3622699

leaving my car at my farther's house.

he ended up selling it for less then a filth of its value without me knowing it.

>> No.3622746

what kind of car?

for me, not being social in school. no friends ;-;

>> No.3622751

I should have tried harder in school.

>> No.3622762

Another "should have tried harder in school".

>> No.3622765

No regrets. I am content with the 2-D, games, and the computer. Socializing to me is just a necessary evil, a means to an end.

>> No.3622772

Are all you school fags college drop outs or something? Why would you want to have tried harder?

>> No.3622776
File: 190 KB, 2272x1704, wide car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1975 Porsche 914. He bought it for me when I was born so I would have something to drive when I turned 16, but I decided to keep and preserve it for a few decades.

It had six thousand miles on it and everything was original, It even still had the plastic film on the floor mats from the dealer.

>> No.3622778

Should've worked out and been more outgoing in high school. Maybe the self esteem issues wouldn't have snowballed and ended up with me being a shut in.

>> No.3622794

Some I bet, but nothing to do with socializing like most people in this thread apparently. Did fine in school, blah blah.

>> No.3622796

Actually worked during middle and high school so as to get something other than basic entry level after college.

>> No.3622798

If I could go back in time two years from now I would stop myself from getting OCD and eye damage. Also I wouldn't have taken DXM.

>> No.3622801

These responses disappoint me /jp/. It's almost as if you would rather live a life of normalfaggotry and wage slavery. What happened to renouncing reality and embracing fantasy and escapism?

Why are you all coming out with regrets as if all this time you have been in denial about your unhappiness regarding your current lifestyle?

>> No.3622802

There were regrets, but there was no alternative.

>> No.3622803

I regret ever attending college. Now I have all this debt and lower self esteem.

>> No.3622804

Didn't you see the friends thread a bit ago? /jp/ is normalfags now.

>> No.3622813

I must have missed it. Though I've known in my mind that /jp/ has been moving in that direction for some time now. It's only a matter of time until /jp/ will go the way of /v/, /a/, /r9k/, and /b/.

>> No.3622815
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Done better in school so I could have went to a nice college and got a decent/good job.

At least tried to make some friends and maybe at least tried to get a girlfriend.

Too late now. I'm become a social recluse that dislikes large crowds, parties etc. I enjoy being alone to an almost unhealthy degree and frequently talk to myself compete with questions and answers.

I often wonder if I am terribly lonely but just do not realize it but.......for some reason I know without a shadow of a doubt that I will walk this Earth alone with no one by my side until I die.

>> No.3622819

All of 4chan is going in that direction.

4chan will eventually become another MySpace or Facebook. Fucking human filth invading my domain and acting like ignorant lowlifes.

>> No.3622820

>I enjoy being alone to an almost unhealthy degree
If you enjoy being alone that much, why do you want friends and a girlfriend?

>> No.3622824

The grass is always greener on the other side, remember?

>> No.3622826

That was back then. This is now. Going without has gotten me here. It's just a fleeting fancy nowadays as I cannot see me with another and now actively try to be alone as much as possible.

>> No.3622827

Who is acting like a lowlife? You're probably 16 anyway and trying too hard to be a "true neet"

>> No.3622828

Can't I have both? I don't want to disappoint my family. Feels bad if they're just throwing money into a bottomless pit that is their son.

>> No.3622829


Can't afford it.

>> No.3622836

And who is giving you the right to judge and make quick assumptions? There is no 'superior' here. Are you trying to impress other posters by calling me out? Who gives a shit?

>> No.3622839

I have lived my life following my dreams ,and i don't have any regrets.

>> No.3622845

>There is no 'superior' here

>Fucking human filth invading my domain and acting like ignorant lowlifes.


>> No.3622849

What I'd like to know is where all this frequent usage of 'bro' and 'brah' is coming from. Since when did 4chan become a fucking frat house Hollister/Abercrombie/AE hangout? I'm not any of you guys fucking 'bros'.

>> No.3622853

Ah I see. Another wise ass. May you be cursed with a thousand testicle tumors.

>> No.3622860

Er, I don't think anyone is using it in a realistic jocky sense. You think shit like "cool story bro" is new?

You're extremely dense.

>> No.3622867

>Er, I don't think anyone is using it in a realistic jocky sense. You think shit like "cool story bro" is new?

Doesn't matter since I cannot stand the words anyway. Those who use them should be killed for bastardizing the English language further.

>> No.3622868
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>> No.3622872

i just wouldn't shut up.
i just wouldn't shut up.

>> No.3622874

I hate the word in person because of the kind of people who use it, but i don't think there is an Abercrombie model sitting at his computer posting Unzan brofist macros or whatever.

>> No.3622876

You never know....

With the way this site is going.

>> No.3622880

Cool story, sir

>> No.3622890

take it easy brah

>> No.3622893

If you're concerned about normal bro propagation start telling Arcueid to post less.

>> No.3622897
File: 240 KB, 519x389, TONIGHT........YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3622902

Oh, THAT will be easy.
