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File: 79 KB, 345x556, 1253769520741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3621347 No.3621347 [Reply] [Original]

What's with the pathetic lack of appreciation for the motherfucking PROTAGONIST around here? Where is the love for Reimu? What's that, you think she's a bitch? WELL THAT'S PART OF HER CHARM!

Lovely shrine maiden of paradise~

>> No.3621356
File: 290 KB, 800x450, 5289234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newbie to Touhou here. I actually like Reimu a lot.

>> No.3621359
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1200, 1234931771538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I <3 Reimu

>> No.3621360

[x] Dr. Pepper
[ ] Reimu

>> No.3621362

Don't worry, we all appreciate marisa

>> No.3621365

Reimu is the best mothefucka. Now show me your genitals, your genitals, JENNATAYLIA.

>> No.3621366
File: 190 KB, 1024x768, touhouhalloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see it...

>> No.3621378

Why is Momizi associated with those losers?

>> No.3621390


>> No.3621392

Enjoy changing your tripcode. Declaring that you are new to Touhou isn't something you should do or atleast be very careful with that.
You better have played atleast 3 Touhou games (EoSD, PCB, IN) and not taking your "Touhou knowledge" out of IOSYS videos.

>> No.3621412

Don't worry, the image he posted makes him the best tripfag.

>> No.3621415

Yeah yeah, we've all heard it
"lol secondary fag!" "LOL FANDOM"

Go back to shrinemaiden, we don't care about your ego here.

>> No.3621419
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>> No.3621440


But shrinemaiden is exactly the kind of place being laughed at with "LOL SECONDARY"....

>> No.3621453

I almost never play as Reimu in any Touhou game after the first two. It's not that I don't like her; I just like Marisa better. And Reimu kinda scares me...

>> No.3621457

Reimu is shit
i liked her better when she was called reiko mikami

>> No.3621471
File: 30 KB, 640x365, miko_reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3621475

Why is Reimu's title "Lovely shrine maiden of paradise" anyway?

>> No.3621481

Because she is the lovely shrine maiden of paradise duh?

>> No.3621483

You better mean Highly Responsive to Prayers and Story of Eastern Wonderland.

>> No.3621485

because she's lovely and Gensokyo is a paradise

inb4 you realize in pure canon she's not really that bad

>> No.3621487


>> No.3621489

She's lovely, she's a shrine maiden, and she's paradise.
get it?

>> No.3621506
File: 89 KB, 467x370, Suika mikodance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior miko

>> No.3621514
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Best title: >>3621475

>> No.3621516

Considering that I did say "the first two," and those two also happen to be the ones in which Reimu is the only playable character, I thought that should go without saying.

>> No.3621522
File: 95 KB, 670x910, alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she orphaned Alice.

>> No.3621524

How can Suika hang around a Shinto shrine, anyway? Aren't those shrines supposed to repel youkai the same way churches repel vampires?

>> No.3621527
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>> No.3621530

Does anyone have that copypasta of plot summaries where it describes all the ways Reimu is a bitch in every game?

>> No.3621534

I'm too young to watch Sanae. My parents say she's too violent and "lewd" whatever that means.

>> No.3621535

Touhou 1: Reimu goes on a genocidal rampage.
Touhou 2: Reimu seeks revenge for Mima's revenge for Reimu's previous rampage.
Touhou 3: Reimu interferes with academia and scientific progress.
Touhou 4: Reimu kills a youkai who tried to help her.
Touhou 5: Reimu orphans Alice and destroys an entire world for its creator's belief in free enterprise.
Touhou 6: Reimu places a little girl under house arrest.
Touhou 7: Reimu prevents an innocent girl from being revived.
Touhou 7.5: Reimu breaks up parties.
Touhou 8: Reimu strips away Gensokyo's defenses against a Lunar invasion.
Touhou 9: Reimu attacks people for no good reason.
Touhou 10: Reimu oppresses other religions.
Touhou 10.5: Reimu endorses slave labor.
Touhou 11: Reimu cuts back funding for alternative energy sources.
Touhou 12: Reimu cracks down on civil rights leaders.

>> No.3621541

The shrine's holiness is in disrepair to the point where vampires can come over for tea, or something.

>> No.3621542

Alternative #12:

Touhou 12: Reimu persecutes Youkai Jesus.

>> No.3621544
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Depends whether you follow the legend detailing oni as vicious or benevolent.

>> No.3621545
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>> No.3621547


You'd better get off 4chan, then. Your parents would disapprove.

>> No.3621552
File: 105 KB, 464x375, suikamikodrag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oni =/= youkai

Also, I believe it has that Japanese vampire loophole appeal of she can't enter is she hasn't been invited before. Because of the party at the end of IaMP, Suika's free to crash at Hakurei Shrine, whether Reimu wants her to or not.

>> No.3621554
File: 157 KB, 530x540, more alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch little Alice.

>> No.3621559

That's another thing, just because Shinki created everything in Makai doesn't necessarily mean she has a close motherly relationship with everyone there.

Also, she's the devil. Reimu defeated the devil in a duel that just happened to destroy the world of demons because of both of their levels of power.

Silly interpretations.

>> No.3621561

Marisa version:

Touhou 2 : Marisa is a Satan worshipper
Touhou 3 : Marisa mocks an older girl's appearance and manner of speech. Then she adopts said appearance and manner of speech and pretend she came up with this "cool new trend" by herself.
Touhou 4 : Marisa blows up a girl's house and plagiarises all her moves, claiming that she actually came up with them all by herself.
Touhou 5 : Marisa beats up Alice for no reason.
Touhou 6 : Marisa's first instinct upon learning she has new neighbors with common interests is to break into their house and rob them
Touhou 7 : Marisa beats up Alice again
Touhou 8 : Marisa teams up with Alice, only because she promised to let her beat her up and steal all her stuff once the adventure is over
Touhou 9 : Marisa beats up a civil servant and Justice of Peace. She also robs them
COLA : Marisa pawns off the priceless treasures she steals for useless garbage
Touhou 10 : Marisa beats up a shy nerd who only wanted to be her friend
Touhou 11 : Marisa is a three-timer
Touhou 12 : Marisa mugs people

>> No.3621566
File: 70 KB, 500x551, 1249021103776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lice is going to violin someone to DEATH for the mere suggestion that Reimu is worthy of praise

>> No.3621564 [DELETED] 
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I am intrigued by whichever side of the tale has DATASS.

>> No.3621567
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delicious chest tumors.

>> No.3621568
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>> No.3621572

They're obviously benevolent.

>> No.3621573
File: 56 KB, 302x302, sagubooru-6df8d6176f5377db16ea1a6181fd09c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3621575

Not a slut!

>> No.3621576

>That's another thing, just because Shinki created everything in Makai doesn't necessarily mean she has a close motherly relationship with everyone there.
S-shut up!
That's the only thing I like from fanon!

>> No.3621578
File: 384 KB, 800x835, 1256657569463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch little Suika.

>> No.3621587
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>> No.3621588

>Why is Reimu's title "Lovely shrine maiden of paradise" anyway?

Give her a big enough donation and she will let you know.
If you know what I mean.

>> No.3621589
File: 187 KB, 800x1118, 1836854486975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

resistance, harder, etc...

>> No.3621593
File: 1.47 MB, 1500x1367, 1255322028513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on~!

>> No.3621595

Don't be tsun-tsun~ suigin!

>> No.3621605
File: 382 KB, 858x1200, 1256375315001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3621608


>> No.3621615

You bitch!

Stay away from my Marisa, too. Rinnosuke probably misses your armpits, go whore him up some more

>> No.3621623

>Touhou 3 : Marisa mocks an older girl's appearance and manner of speech. Then she adopts said appearance and manner of speech and pretend she came up with this "cool new trend" by herself.
I don't get it. Who is this referring to?

>> No.3621630

Chiyuri ze

>> No.3621645

So is this out yet or what?

>> No.3621653

...That doesn't make sense. Marisa doesn't look at all like Chiyuri. And when does Marisa make fun of her?

>> No.3621666

How would you know this? The endings aren't translated and it doesn't happen during the in-game dialogue.

>> No.3621676

I hate that the endings aren't translated. I know it's because ZUN wants them to be kept secret, but I've beaten the PC-98 games and I don't know Japanese, so it's like I've earned the endings but am still being left (mostly) in the dark.

>> No.3621687

i don't appreciate any touhou character they're all generic as hell and they have no personality at all

>> No.3621688

I need source now.

>> No.3621689
File: 203 KB, 838x806, 1233241031980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa denies and is upset by these allegations

>> No.3621717

Well, I agree, but that doesn't stop me from liking the character designs.

Also, the fact there's so little canon personalities defined means you can just ignore any traits you don't like.

Want Alice to stutter? No problem. Want Alice to be a stuck-up bitch? We can do that too. Fanon knows no boundaries!

>> No.3621721
File: 469 KB, 605x605, marisaalicedeathmural.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Death mural of love!

>> No.3621724

reimu is and will always be one of my most favorite touhous. marisa also

>> No.3621732

Just feed them through Babelfish. I've read the translations of the games on the Touhou wiki, and it seems they didn't bother to do a better translation either. Christ, I can't make head or tails of the story 99% of the time.

>> No.3621734

It is true that Chiyuri ze's, and Marisa didn't start ze-ing until EoSD.

>> No.3621736

Just rikaichan your way through it.

>> No.3621744
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>> No.3621745

I can't exactly copy and paste the dialogue, and it would take forever to transcribe it.

>> No.3621749

Well *pfft* on Zun:

>> No.3621758

Site reported.

>> No.3621769
File: 9 KB, 184x243, ZUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link that wiki three times in a row and ZUN will appear.

>> No.3621774
File: 212 KB, 1560x2080, Reimu dark shadowy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's that, you think she's a bitch? WELL THAT'S PART OF HER CHARM!
Fuck yeah.

>> No.3621780


>> No.3621784

What's the matter, too brilliant characterization for you?

>> No.3621801
File: 94 KB, 660x509, 1256391943507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Little girls trying to shoot each other to death out of boredom in a game made by a drunken Japanese pedophile
>brilliant characterization

>> No.3621804
File: 76 KB, 481x481, ZUN2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, you've done it now...

>> No.3621805

Piss off, EoSD storyline was awesome.

>> No.3621811

For example, look at this line:

>Nothing's happening... how eerie. It's almost absurd.

I know nothing of Japanese, and even I can tell that "It's almost unreal." is probably a more correct translation of that second line.

>> No.3621812
File: 1.49 MB, 203x191, 1256608225328.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>awesome storyline

>> No.3621822

Wow, I played through the PC98 games and didn't even realize there was a story until you brought it up.

>> No.3621842

Well, good thing we reminded you, right, or you might've missed it.

>> No.3621844

>I'm so elitist I pretend that EoSD is absolutely better than anything else because it was the first windows game. Am I cool yet
A story about a little grimdark vampire girl wanting to block out the sun. Great story there, pal.

>> No.3621850

>I piss on the floor.

>> No.3621857

ah yes, watch me sip my glass of milk while this starts heating up, just watch me

>> No.3621858
File: 47 KB, 467x325, yeayeayea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3621861

My Japanese is pretty poor but I guess I'd read that as
>Or rather, it's strange that nothing is happening.
>How absurd.
Minus any context.

>> No.3621868
File: 662 KB, 3021x2127, img001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to us, Alice? Where did all the love go?

>> No.3621874

I'm not one of those NEET IS TEH LEGION people if that's what you're indicating, I just know you EoSD fans ruined this series with your BAKA xD, PADO chief,and China shit.

>> No.3621885

Why do you Touhou fans always accuse each other of "ruining the fandom"?

>> No.3621891
File: 38 KB, 320x535, 1256054001003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Reimu canon the most evil?

>> No.3621892

The closest Touhou ever come of a concise storyline was with HRtP

>> No.3621893

The way certain large groups of fans of certain franchises act make other people ashamed to admit to others that they are fans of such things

>> No.3621894

Remilia is probably the most un-grimdark character in the whole series. For gods' sakes, she's basically a cupcake with wings!

>> No.3621896

It is mostly perpetrated by the EoSD peasants.

>> No.3621899

Wait, what China shit? Quit making things up eienteifags.

>> No.3621900
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>> No.3621908
File: 66 KB, 540x402, OH MY GOD MOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ESoD ruined Touhou
>Touhou didn't ruin itself by being shit

>> No.3621911


Sauce on annoying sex?

>> No.3621915


>> No.3621917

But shouldn't anime fans be used to that kind of thing? Anime is, by far, the hobby you should be most ashamed of because of the people who are associated with it.

It's like this is all new to you people. Like this is the first time you come across retards among your fandom. Shouldn't you be used to this by now?

>> No.3621928

You know, CALLING her China?
I'm not the guy from before, but I don't get why people can't remember that her name is Hong Meiling.

>> No.3621929


Sauce on mom sex?

>> No.3621932

EoSD is a great game. No one's saying EoSD ruined Touhou.

EoSD "fans" ruined Touhou. And by "fans" I mean people who perpetuate all the stupid memes about the characters and don't actually play the games.

>> No.3621933

Just because we see it all the time doesn't make it any less annoying, there's just nothing that can really be done about it other than express hate for those kinds of fans and hope they'll go away.

>> No.3621934

Of course they can remember. China is just her nickname.

>> No.3621936

>express hate for those kinds of fans and hope they'll go away.
Like that has ever worked.

>> No.3621938

Take your green text back to /v/, kid.

>> No.3621940

It's a nickname in the same sense that "Baka" is a nickname for Cirno.

>> No.3621943

both games and fandoms are terrible

>> No.3621946
File: 88 KB, 640x480, annoyedpad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The western Touhou fanbase wouldn't get so much shit for being crappy if all the Eientei fans just all packed up and left.

>> No.3621947
File: 388 KB, 581x599, 581px-DanPortraitSFIV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touhou fan
>getting mad at me

>> No.3621948

I hate reimu

>> No.3621951
File: 58 KB, 679x604, Cirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called for the STRONGEST?

>> No.3621953

I like the characters and everything, but shooter games themselves do nothing for me... ZUN hates fans like me :(

>> No.3621954

"Chinese Girl" is her in-game title though.

>> No.3621955

It is shameful to admit that my brethren are bad but we never take it to the EoSD level.

>> No.3621959

I'd rather have wriggle o.o hes such a cute cockroach XD

>> No.3621960


In fact, Touhou should have ended with HRtP's bad end.

>> No.3621964

Okay, now you two are just being tsundere.

>> No.3621967

I personally thing IN is worse
it has better music and it looks prettier though

>> No.3621969

>Touhou should have ended with HRtP's bad end.
Truer words haven't been spoken.

>> No.3621971

Wriggle is a she. Get that bullshit out of here,

>> No.3621974

This is the kind of shit EoSD fans repeat, they're hostile and unwilling to accept other peoples opinions.

>> No.3621981

I'm not even a Touhou fan, I just want you to stay off this board and go back to your own shit hole.

>> No.3621987

He's obviously trolling, you moron.

>> No.3621989

That's your opinion and I accept that which makes me miles ahead of our bastard cousins,

>> No.3621995

I'm not gonna stop shitposting until Touhou is a bannable offense

>> No.3621996

i must commit seppoku

>> No.3621999

>I'm not gonna stop shitposting
yeah you seem to have experience

>> No.3622002

It's already a bannable offense, they just aren't any mods on /jp/ to enforce it. Mission accomplished.

>> No.3622003
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>> No.3622012

Or one of those that say Wriggle is a shota because she's ridiculously androgynous and some fanon work has her shown as one.


>> No.3622015

there are mods and they delete anti-touhou threads

>> No.3622022

The original posters delete them. They are no mods or janitors on /jp/.

>> No.3622023
File: 644 KB, 1000x1200, 5747260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like Wriggle dually portrayed as male and female because honestly I can't tell which one I like better.

>> No.3622025

We have no mods. We have a meido though, and she deletes stuff quite randomly.

>> No.3622028
File: 57 KB, 418x423, 1256535441400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu is shit

>> No.3622030

>I'm not gonna stop shitposting

Ladies and gentlemen.


>> No.3622031

Wrigglebug and Cirno are both boys.

>> No.3622032

There are those, but suigin using o.o and XD should have tipped you off that he was being sarcastic/trolling.

>> No.3622037

Cirno is no boy. She is my beloved tomboyish daughter.

>> No.3622044

no, it was the first time i realposted on /jp/

>> No.3622047


I am sorry about your daughter's developmental problems.

>> No.3622067

Say what you will, but she's already a stage 2 boss.

>> No.3622068

I think Cirno's just considered stupid because she behaves like her apparent age unlike all the other fake-lolis in Gensokyo.
She's stuck eternally with the psyche of a child, I mean.
So yeah, she's a fair bit dumber than everyone around her, but not on the level of a retard.
Of course, that's just my interpretation.

>> No.3622070

It's not a problem for a girl to like "boy things."

Personally I find the idea of "girl stuff" and "boy stuff" abhorrent.

>> No.3622079

I don't think he's referring to her tomboyish personality.

>> No.3622086

Until you encounter a man who likes dressing in women's clothing.

>> No.3622089

I'd give my son barbies, make him cross-dress, and turn him into a trap if I had one.

>> No.3622090

All fairies have child-like minds in Touhou.
Cirno is actually pretty smart among them because she is literate.

>> No.3622098

Give your son real dolls, you sick bastard.

>> No.3622100

Yes, but no one cares about fairies.
Isn't it sad, Daiyousei?

>> No.3622104

She went from being a stage 2 boss to stage 1 midboss, Phantasmagoria of Something Something random filler character, and joke character in Hisoutensoku.

>> No.3622142


Besides, you could count the characters that look like children because they're SUPPOSED to be children with one hand (if there are any), sure, but how many of those are really that retarded?

>> No.3622153

...I can't think of any.
Youmu seems the closest to a child, personality-wise.

>> No.3622154

The lowest confirmed age in Touhou is Donald Duck from Phantasmagoria of Something Something, and she's 15.

>> No.3622159
File: 183 KB, 800x800, 6510884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What. How is Youmu a child?

>> No.3622177


>> No.3622179

What is it with shrine maidens always being bitches?

Reimu is a bitch, Rika is a bitch, Sailor Mars is a bitch.

>> No.3622180

Actually, she ages slowly compared to normal humans.

>> No.3622181
File: 187 KB, 600x431, Youmu jumps on Myon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read her CoLA chapter.

>> No.3622187

Clerics are usually assholes.

>> No.3622194

Clerics hate fun.

>> No.3622216

They're religious.

Reimu is like the Japanese version of a christfag.

>> No.3622222

Haven't played Flower View yet, have you?

>> No.3622224

Yeah, No_Fun.jpg

But Reimu isn't much of a zealot, she's just a bitch in general. She doesn't particularly like solving incidents either, but does it anyway because it's her job.

>> No.3622227

I haven't played it in years, and I don't think there was a translation when I played it. But, why?

>> No.3622244

She doesn't seem that young in that to me, and being next to Rinnosuke doesn't help.

>> No.3622250

She gets railed on for being a shrine maiden yet not being religious.

>> No.3622281

She's just immature, but she tries her best to act maturely. And:
>Actually, she ages slowly compared to normal humans.

>> No.3622289

Well, I guess it's kinda like how we have "Christians" who have never actually read the Bible.

>> No.3622301

It's not her fault that no one wants to visit her shrine

>> No.3622351

Yeah, but Reimu isn't just anyone, she runs the damn shrine.

>> No.3622383

Eternal Meek.

>> No.3622412

Reimu is supposed to be a bitch, she's the equivalent of a Nun in Christianity.

And you know how Nuns are. Except instead of spanking you with a ruler, Reimu would use her gohei.

>> No.3622431

I never got spanked by any nuns. What the hell kind of Catholic school did you go to?

>> No.3622439


Miko don't work that way!

>> No.3622441

Jack Frost!

>> No.3622454

What church did you go to? I'm only ask for, uh... research purposes.

>> No.3622465

Judging from the post, he went to a Catholic School.

>> No.3622489

I don't get the slave labor joke and the touhou 5 one.

>> No.3622493

So, we're trying to say Reimu isn't a bitch because she's a bitch by design?

>> No.3622510

Reimu is a lot of things, but the "Bitch" part is just a /jp/ thing, just like "Slut".

>> No.3622517

Rinnosuke will never get any pussy if he keeps this up.

>> No.3622558

Both of those are not just /jp/ things.

>> No.3622561


Rinnosuke will never get any armpit if he keeps that up

>> No.3622572

If you read the rest of COLA, it seems he doesn't want any. At least not from any Touhous.

>> No.3622606

Course not, it'd be fucking children.

>> No.3622608
File: 354 KB, 1058x1512, sex with yukari~n - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He may not want it, but he's going to get raped by Yukari anyway.

>> No.3622613

What a fag.

>> No.3622631

It'd just be taking advantage of them. Thankfully, most lolis in Gensokyo aren't children.

>> No.3622665





>> No.3622669

japanese birds taking up residence on youkai forehead

>> No.3622681



I can't DEAL with Yukari's eyebrows

>> No.3622683

oh hell, thy do look like birds.

>> No.3622719

Requesting eyebrow bird porn.

>> No.3622730

Yukari's power might be great but I don't think she can make her eyebrows fuck.

>> No.3622739


Lies, Yukari can do ANYTHING.

Just ask Chen.

>> No.3622774

Japanese bird requesting source on Japanese eyebrows.

>> No.3622784

artist is hotdog chuck.

>> No.3622795

All the ladies of Gensokyo are batshit insane anyway. I'd turn them all down if they came onto me. It's hard enough dealing with 3D batshit insane whores IRL. 2D ones (with superpowers and youkai) can only be MUCH MUCH worse.

>> No.3622809


>> No.3622837
File: 302 KB, 909x500, Rape Rape Rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a good thread.

>> No.3622842

That's stupid. The best way to go if you want to be safe is to shack up with one of the lesser youkai instead, like Wriggle or the Aki sisters.

>> No.3622854

You're advocating the Queen of Insects as safe girlfriend material? Really? I'd sooner piss off Suika, at least she'd be direct about it.

>> No.3622859

I don't know; I don't mind insects very much, except roaches. And I'm pretty sure Suika's idea of being direct would involve some serious pain.

>> No.3622862
File: 82 KB, 164x277, Pitt_et_Willis.jpg (JPEG Image&#44; 332x384 pixels)_1208976905234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok hotshots. Go and run forth toward your Toohoo waifus. I'll stand back and smirk as you get ripped to shreds. I'll fap over your corpses.

>> No.3622864

Where can one get Touhou? I've been wanting to play this for years, but I've never been able to find it.

>> No.3622949

/rs/. If they're not there, I'll kill myself

>> No.3622971

If I were Rinnosuke I tell Youmu to suck my dick if she wants her lantern back.

>> No.3622972

Reimu = Bitch
Sanae = Slut

Now you see why Sanae is more popular than Reimu?

>> No.3622980
File: 208 KB, 788x789, 1222384472458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be too obvious. Girls like it when a guy plays hard to get.

>> No.3623002
File: 863 KB, 800x1118, SANAbitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to this doujin, Sanae is a bitch. But then again, ビッチ may also mean "slut" in Japanese.

>> No.3623005

Byakuren is more popular than both of them because she's a good girl.

>> No.3623045
File: 411 KB, 1055x1513, 1255622224390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give supplies

Receive cock.

>> No.3623062

Wouldn't that make him a prostitute?

>> No.3623077

Bitch stole my glasses!

>> No.3623080

You can get most Touhou games on /rs/, though there are better places.

>> No.3623395

What doujin is this?

>> No.3623439

Seconding that source request.

>> No.3623476

Don't you recognize those eyebrows?

>> No.3623503

I don't read Touhou doujins enough to recognize particular artists, sorry.

>> No.3623515

Get both.



>> No.3623520

Can't recognize artists based off of art styles yet.

>> No.3623520,1 [INTERNAL] 

Sort of decent.

>> No.3625192

Is this out?

>> No.3626467

