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File: 272 KB, 1047x1500, scarlet_and_scarlet_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3618994 No.3618994 [Reply] [Original]

Oh God, so unbelievably sad. I guess Marisa didn't follow Alice's footsteps after all.

>> No.3618996
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>> No.3619007

>Funny drawings on her face


>> No.3619013
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>> No.3619021

ZUN will also have to face this problem at some point. He will be just as sad as any youkais he created.

>> No.3619030
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>> No.3619039


Nobody ages in Gensokyo, sort of like a long-running sitcom (e.g. The Simpsons).

>> No.3619042
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>> No.3619048
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>> No.3619050


Sanae is part-God anyways.
Reimu turns out to be the spirit of the Border and thus immortal.
Marisa becomes a Youkai magician
Sakuya was immortal all along due to time-hax powers.
Rinnosuke: part-Youkai so long-lived anyways.
Eirin: Lunarians are immortal.
Kaguya/Mokou: Duh.

There, all the humans in Gensokyo accounted for. At least the ones we care about.

>> No.3619057

An optimistic fan.

>> No.3619058
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>> No.3619059

What sadness? Reimu's already an undead zombie, Sakuya's going to become a vampire by Remi, and Marisa is fucked unless Nitori turns her into an android or something. Sanae's the only one who's going to die, and nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.3619060

Because he's made them age so much in the games, amirite?

>> No.3619063 [DELETED] 

Yuka and Yukari are close to die, too ;_;

>> No.3619066

>>3619050 Marisa becomes a Youkai magician

Marisa doesn't want that though

>> No.3619067


Accurate except for Sanae, who will die a lonely, slutty death.

>> No.3619068

Yuka and Yukari are going to die soon, too ;_;

>> No.3619070


Peoples' minds tend to change on that topic when their first gray hair appears.

>> No.3619071
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>> No.3619074
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>> No.3619077


But he has made them age. Perhaps not on the same scale as our time but Reimu and Marisa are certainly aging if you pay attention to their character designs, manual and game-text..

>> No.3619082

Hi. I'm a Muslim and I am offended by this thread.

>> No.3619083


I'm pretty sure that given the quality of ZUN art that it's impossible to tell if their age is actually increasing.

>> No.3619084
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No, no. It's the end for Marisa.
To Hell.

>> No.3619097
File: 434 KB, 509x650, 1222400340682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hell isn't a permanent residence.

Even upon being cast into the Lake of Fire, you merely have to burn for a REALLY LONG TIME until all your sins are burnt to dust.

Then you either go to your Heaven of designation or are re-injected into the cycle of souls.

>> No.3619101

The Touhou wiki suggests that most games are placed about one season apart. Six years since the Scarlet Mist incident so unless Reimu and Marisa were lolis in EoSD they should be 20-25 by now.

>> No.3619106

Next game dropped.

>> No.3619107

>character designs
I just played SA and I agree.

As long as your concept of "aging" is "their arms are shrinking".

>> No.3619108


I think in theory the games are supposed to follow real time so that they sync with the real world. This means that ZUN can continue making jokes about modern technology using Rinnosuke, Reimu, and Yukari until the end of time.

>> No.3619123

Unless ZUN resets everything with some sort of timeskip game where everyone's long gone, the characters are not aging.

>> No.3619131

Sanae is still mostly human, and more than likely will die.

Reimu's powers are not about immortality, it's about the bloodline. She'll no more live forever than her ancestors did.

Marisa has no interest in being immortal. She likes being human, and will live life as a human to it's fullest.

Sakuya is not immortal, and she does not want to be immortal. Remilia offered her the chance to become immortal, but Sakuya turned her down, preferring to live her life in her own time.

>> No.3619140

>one season per game

>9 games
>2 years and 3 months

>> No.3619144

>Sakuya is not immortal, and she does not want to be immortal.

Then how does she still appear to have no signs of age (i.e. she's under 25) despite having served with the vampires for what *they* describe as a "long time"--and spending enormous amounts of her own time inside time-stop?

>> No.3619146

The girls are too old now. I'm not a Touhou fan anymore.

>> No.3619148

>Reimu's powers are not about immortality, it's about the bloodline. She'll no more live forever than her ancestors did.

Who says her ancestors even existed?

>> No.3619157

I think Konngara is supposed to be one of her ancestors, since they have the same hair color?

Then again, Reimu had purple hair back then. Hm.

>> No.3619162

Touhous don't get old.

>> No.3619166

>Who says her ancestors even existed?

Go read the ZUN touhou novels.

>> No.3619170

Remi and Flan might of meant long by human standards.

She doesn't age in timestop, if she did she'd be 100 by now.

>> No.3619171

reimu and marisa were kids in pc-98

>> No.3619182
File: 9 KB, 154x155, alicecry2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgetting someone?

>> No.3619186

Yeah, they looked like 10 there.

Not to mention...

>Marisa in EoSD
>Bratty kid who fires lasers at everything
>Marisa in SA
>Puts up with Patchi/Alice's bullshit, hears people's cases before firing lasers at them

>> No.3619190

>She doesn't age in timestop

That doesn't even make sense.

Whatever, then she's a secret Lunarian.

>> No.3619204


>> No.3619217
File: 8 KB, 128x256, Th03marisa01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she looks like a kid here?

>> No.3619230

are you retarded

>> No.3619242


>> No.3619257
File: 12 KB, 128x256, ultrashit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made her 13 years younger with this

>> No.3619264

Cool story bro.
