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3615534 No.3615534 [Reply] [Original]

Akiha is for loving, Rin is for punching. Discuss.

>> No.3615548

I like them both, for very differed reasons and qualities.

>> No.3615557

Rin is a goddess deity, if you want some punching, I'll gladly gives u some..

>> No.3615568

I agree with this statement

I particularly enjoyed the Bad end in UBW where rin got her head smashed right off

>> No.3615580
File: 168 KB, 600x450, 1220082894282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akiha = Rin = MARYSUE
Luvia > Rin
Luvia > Akiha

>> No.3615584

I don't know, they both seem equally likely to punch the object of their affections.

>> No.3615591

This makes no sense.

>> No.3615592

Back to fanfiction.net, please.

>> No.3615595

Punchability rankings in FSN:

1. Rin. No contest. There are more malicious women in the novel but none more annoying.
2. Ilya the nightmare loli. A classic case of a character who gets forgiven anything just because she's female and hot. Her deaths in every route were well deserved, too bad they weren't painful enough.
3. Caster. The part where she castrates men out of sheer spite is where she loses all goodwill her tragic backstory might have gotten her. There's some things you just don't do.
4. Honorary mention goes to Sakura in HF, who was batshit insane possessive ultrawhore. Had the excuse of being possessed by pure superevil though, you know that sort of thing gets you on a bad mood.

>> No.3615601
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Her sister is far more punchable.

>> No.3615606

>Had the excuse of being possessed by pure superevil
Shut your whore mouth. Angra Mainyu is a pretty awesome bro.
Ask Bazzett and all.

>> No.3615607


Ur a faggot. A double triple quadruple faggot.

>> No.3615615

But Akiha is so flat!!! not that there's anything wrong with that

>> No.3615621

I think it was the real Angra Mainyu, not Avenger.

...If I remember correctly.

>> No.3615634

Excellent in their own right, but my preference that holds true for both the games is:


Hisui is like a bonus stage, and Ciel is shit.

>> No.3615637

Punchability rankings in Tsukihime:

1. Arcueid
2. Arcueid
3. Arcueid

>> No.3615639
File: 234 KB, 770x514, 1255981005723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a minor masochist.
Tsundere is my fave character archetype.
Rin is my favorite tsundere.
I like Akiha too, but now thanks to this thread I like her a little less.
I think that you are for punching.

The above statements are all true.

>> No.3615642

There is no yandere in Fate.

>> No.3615648

I know you guys don't like sakura, but it's a little harsh to pretend she doesn't exist, isn't it?

>> No.3615652

Tsukihime ratings are not about punching, it's about cutting them bitches.

>> No.3615655
File: 333 KB, 719x1000, 1252175015668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're next

>> No.3615662

Sakura is not yandere, goddamn it! You do not even know what yandere means!

>> No.3615667

He only did what he did in HF because he hates sluts.
But can anyone of us really blame him?

>> No.3615673

>I like Akiha too, but now thanks to this thread I like her a little less.

which was, i believe, the point of the thread.

>> No.3615685
File: 38 KB, 798x596, rinsaberbestend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin + Saber = Best possible end.

>> No.3615690 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 288x67, 1252746722953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Save it as 4chan.cmd
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.


>> No.3615692 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 60x36, 1254498809021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Save it as 4chan.cmd
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.


>> No.3615697

Please, nerdrage about your Japanese Portmanteau.

>Yandere (ヤンデレ?) is a Japanese term for a person who is initially very loving and gentle, then at one point becomes deranged or psychotic, often brutally so.

>> No.3615699

Lovability rankings in FSN:

1. Saber. There's a reason she's at the top of the popularity polls. Pure duty and sacrifice, best sex scene. Kind of dull though.
2. Rider. Doesn't have much going for her other than sheer sex appeal and being slightly less evil than the majority of the other women, but the competition on this side isn't very fierce so it suffices.
3. Taiga. Annoying comic relief that gets progressively less annoying as the game goes on.
4. Honorary mention goes to Sakura before HF, when she's simply a damsel in distress content to stay in the kitchen. Not the most exciting character, but hard to hate.

>> No.3615701

Ah, but that is just a fleeting memory in the grand scheme.
I personally prefer all eternity with Saber.

>> No.3615700 [DELETED] 

I've always wondered how a relationship between two tsundere females would be like.

>> No.3615708

Fool, the best possible end would be Caster, Rider, Saber and Lancer

>> No.3615711

I've always wondered how a relationship between two tsundere females would turn out.

>> No.3615715

>Sakura before HF
> damsel in distress

>> No.3615716
File: 71 KB, 864x480, snapshot20091020221107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Lovability rankings in FSN:

>>1. Saber.

>> No.3615737


Shinji beats her, remember?

>> No.3615739 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 290x305, 1253331696748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Save it as 4chan.cmd
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.


>> No.3615744

Shit yes, I will write this fanfic. But I can't think of a series that has multiple tsunderes.

>> No.3615746


Why does Rin have only one giant tooth?

>> No.3615750

>There's a reason she's at the top of the popularity polls.
Humans have shit taste, alright.

>> No.3615753

Depends on other personality traits other than tsundere.
For example, one is Ojousama and the other is the stupid , confused girl, who refers to herself on the 3d person and says she hates the aloof oneesama, yet comes back for more, while the ojousama girl acts coldly and disregards her as an idiot yet helps her or cares for her.

>> No.3615756

Not like us youkai.

>> No.3615764

God, i'm hard already.

>> No.3615768
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>> No.3615814

It would have been so much better if Rin was optional. As it is, Rin must be included in your party in every route and the game just assumes that you of course automatically like her and don't mind her staying alive and being with you in the ending. It outright dictates in plain words that Shirou has always admired Rin, yet I don't see much to admire in her. There should have been a route, an option, to just tell her "no, fuck you, I hate you and have always hated you, FUCK OFF". And there should be an option to even face her in combat and force her out of the Alice Game (though maybe not necessarily kill her, even if it would be nice if she died in at least one route).

As it is, the game is trying to force two contradictory thoughts into my head at the same time - that I am Shirou, and Shirou loves a woman I despise. That doesn't work.

>> No.3615819

Is that a shop, or the RN version?

>> No.3615844


To be honest, i never saw where the hate for Rin comes from. She is way less mean than a lot of other tsunderes, and she never goes any farther than teasing Shirou.

But I actually agree with this post to a certain extent. She lives in every route, and is a major character in every route, where the other heroines drop in and out.

It might have even added to her character to have a death scene in one of the routes, and it might have allowed one of the other heroines *cough sakura* time for a bit more character development so she didn't get so much hate and indifference from the the community.

But that's just me.

>> No.3615850

That's the last image from the UBW Good End.

Have you not gotten it before?

Akiha is for loving. That is all you truly need.

I would still take the Kohaku above all, but would be hard pressed to want to do it.

>> No.3615863

I've gotten the version in >>3615685. >>3615768's has less fucked-up faces.

>> No.3615866

The game NEVER tells you that you are Shirou.
Shirou's logic is not something you can truly immerse yourself to.
Viewpoint is one thing, but you go too far.It's quite simple to see why Shirou likes her. Ypu do not have to do so for the same reasons.
Besides, hating the most helpful (unconditionally too) character in that setting would just be a very fast bad end route.

>> No.3615876

Rin is the unattainable school idol. Otaku love that.

Caster route would totally be the route where Rin isn't needed at all. She can die in that one.

>> No.3615888

Caster route is the one where Shirou is not needed at all.
Enjoy being the magus she kills before Kuzuki does her roughly.
Or maybe gently.

>> No.3615892

Can I be Kuzuki instead?

>> No.3615894

That's fine too. Decapitation end was the best Rin end.

>> No.3615896

We've already discusses this. Caster would be aching to bone Shirou's sword before the first major branching choice.

>> No.3615901

He's not her type.

>> No.3615917

Too bad that Bad-end indicates this is too damn literal.

>> No.3615940


Compare and contrast the way Akiha and Rin were handled. Rin is mandatory, as said above, and Shirou's interaction with her is largely railroaded. Akiha - not only is she nicer to you in general (at least that's my perception of her), but you also get choices related to how you interact with her - you get to insult her, disobey her, and generally talk back to her if you want. "You" (Shiki) are not forced to like her. And if you really can't stand her at all, well good news, you have two whole routes where she only plays a minuscule part!

It is true that ultimately Rin supports Shirou and her nastiness doesn't go past one token murder attempt and a neverending stream of insults and put-downs. But you don't get to oppose her, you don't get to defend yourself against her, and especially you don't get to exclude or ignore her. That amplifies the frustration manifold.

>> No.3615963

Akiha is for cumming inside, Rin is for cumming in her hair and watching her go into a fury.

>> No.3615975

Bullshit, Sakura is incomplete Mary Sue at best. No on else comes close. Both dem bitches are Ginger. Also

>> No.3615982

There are FIVE routes.
And you are always forced to interact and the impression you get in 3 routes out of 5 is her being oppresive and calling you an idiot that should listen to her, while she does care, and in one occasion going fucking nuts on you.
And you do not have much if any choice on how Shiki regards her at all. Very few choices concerning how you say good morning. Only in HER route do you get true varied choices.

It's not until her route that you truly get close to her and realize who she really is and how she feels.
Just like in UBW, since in Fate you just know she isa good hearted person, and HF just adds Sakura relationship.

Akiha is MUCH less likable overall when you meet her.
What annoys you about Rin, Akiha does it less but much more concentrated.
And MURDER attempt?
Are you an idiot?
And most of the 'insults' are justified perfectly, she does not put Shirou down because he holds the spoon weirdly.
Not to mention in UBW route, Shirou reacts and even taunts/makes fun of her on his own.

I do not know what the fuck you have been reading, but it's almost fucking Bizarro TM works.

>> No.3615983

I think he's EXACTLY her type. All the would be tough guy heroes are the ones who fucked her over in life and made her miserable. Shirou can be dumb and sexist, but also would fight with everything he had for her with no real alterior motive. She'd be surprised and annoyed at first but it would only be a matter of time before she totally falls for him.

>> No.3615992

This. Exactly the reason why I love Akiha and hate Rin. Prologue Rin? FUCK YEARRRRRR
FSN Main Routes Rin? Goddamnit bitch, shut the fuck up!

>> No.3616002

I love Rin. She's a woman who asserts herself while still not being a bad person.

And Shirou and Rin's interactions in UBW are amazing. (If any of you had actually paid attention, you'd of noticed Shirou teasing her back at some points. Especially in the scene where they team up with lancer)

>> No.3616012

Its actually possible to backseat Akiha in Tsukihime. Its never possible to do it to Rin. Only Sakura.

>> No.3616014

I'm pretty sure most people base everything on Fate route to judge Rin and forget everything else.
It does not make sense otherwise.

>> No.3616016

Actually that was Lancer teasing. It was more like Shirou proving how he hadn't even had his balls drop yet.

>> No.3616024


I have no fucking idea how your conception of the characters is so different from mine (the only route where Rin was tolerable was Fate IMO, it was UBW that really made me hate her), but that's beside the point. The point is, I would have a lot easier time accepting Rin as a character if I didn't have to quietly accept her verbal abuse with Shirou. At the very fucking least I want to insult her back. Preferably I want to do what real people in real life do to abusive people - refuse to interact with them at all. I don't have a femdom fetish, I don't want to be forced to deal with her bullshit.

>> No.3616028

The best payback was when Lancer comes to the Einzbern mansion after the battle in UBW and Shirou tells him to stay away from Tohsaka leaving her completely flustered and embarrassed.

>> No.3616032

Because the Routes are more varied and CHARACTER focused, while F/SN always involves the larger cast to a big degree (excluding Sakura for the main heroines).
It's like whining why Saber gets lot of screentime overall.
And Akiha has the most screentime of the Tsukihime heroines.

>> No.3616036

I'd backseat Akiha, IYKWIMAITYD

>> No.3616038

It was Lancer teasing Rin with Shirou as his wingman.

>> No.3616045

You mean Heaven's Feel route.

>> No.3616048 [DELETED] 

Where the fuck is my Taiga route where she gets some backstory and she becomes a little more serious and caring, leading to awkward but tender Funij-nee sex?

>> No.3616050

But Rin isn't abusive. She makes fun of Shirou, but she never calls him a worthless sack of shit. In fact, she places most of her faith in Shirou. She even tells him this at a lot of points. (Near the end of fate, practically 70% of UBW, near the end of Heaven's Feel)

>> No.3616055

Where the fuck is my Taiga route where she gets some backstory and she becomes a little more serious and caring, leading to awkward but tender Fuji-nee sex?

>> No.3616063

Your argument works both ways:
Most people who like Rin base everything on UBW route and forget everything else. It does not make sense otherwise.

>> No.3616065

It's justified and partly what keeps Shirou in check from being self-destructive.
Insulting her for telling you 'Do not go and kill yourself like an idiot' does not work. Heck, almost every characters calls on Shirou when he tries to do something by common logic he should not, especially in a setting like the Grail War.
Besides, this is Shirou's viewpoint.
You may want to ditch the Grail War and train in basketball, that is not the point.
This is not a Romance VN where you choose and ditch all the other girls.
And Rin is more protective then abusive, you just cannot stand people raising their voice for perfectly viable reasons.
Quite fucking ridiculous.
You should hate Saber for the most part too then, since she even actively beats you up while you are her MASTER.
Or your standards do not apply to other characters.

>> No.3616070

>>There are FIVE routes.

I know, moron. Akiha has a large role in three of them. In the other two you meet her only about twice and can just blow her off both times. It's an option I would have loved to have with Rin.

>> No.3616071

It makes Perfect sense.
She is the most helpful character overall, who regardless of the situation, will stand by your side, and she shows varying degrees of concern over different people.

>> No.3616074

No, you shall not give that bitch credit for Lancer's massive gae bolg, and its ability to attract women.

>> No.3616079

Rin has a great deal of trouble voicing emotion in a positive way. She was taught that a magus has to kill their emotions and do their duty. That is why its difficult for her to interact with Shirou, even though she likes him. She encourages him, even if she says so in insulting ways. She does get his back in every route.

>> No.3616086

...You do not have the OPTION to blow her off.
You blow her off REGARDLESS.
You are not even HARSH on her in these two routes, saving Shiki OUTSIDE of a choice saying 'You can't tell me who to date with'.
That's why your example is wrong.

>> No.3616095

>I love Rin. She's a woman who asserts herself while still not being a bad person.

I take it that "asserts herself" is code language for "is a rude intolerable cunt".

>> No.3616100

If you are a phallocratic dick that thinks women should shut up and obey the man regardless, then yeah.
Weird code.

>> No.3616104

Lurking Japanese bbs archives you can pick out where significant character hate pops up.

Fate/stay night has Sakura haters, Fate/hollow ataraxia brings out the Rin haters and Fate/zero has Saber haters en masse.

>> No.3616106


>> No.3616109

>Fate/hollow ataraxia brings out the Rin haters
Wonder why that is? She wasn't even around for half of it.

>> No.3616113
File: 43 KB, 212x242, 1256531004533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone look! People are trolling!

>> No.3616115

Cause there is no awkward teenager sex where you make her cry in pain.
And they hate Magical Girls maybe?

>> No.3616119

What these people complain about is not even a flaw.

>> No.3616123

Shirou was the one that was agreeing with Lancer in that Rin was being purposefully indignant about loving Shirou.

Shirou knows by that time about Rin. He just doesn't make a huge deal about it.

Sure, Akiha's tsun is enormous in comparison to Rin, but Akiha also releases a tidal wave of dere in her route once you get far enough. Rin doesn't even get near what Akiha is willing to admit about herself. Akiha lays it all down, begs for forgiveness for everything that happened (even though it wasn't her fault), and throws away her own pride in stating her undying love in tears.

... I really want to play her route again.

Also, Akiha's yandere is strong. Done much better than Sakura's, and certainly believable in comparison to MACHINE GUN GANDR.

>> No.3616127

There's nothing wrong with Rin that a series of good hot dickings can't cure.

>> No.3616134

Yeah, I like how you just breeze over LOL GAND ASSUALT and JIBUN WOOOOO time at the church. Ilya's more helpful, if you look at them overall.

>> No.3616135

Indeed, her dere is amazing.
By the time the endings came up, I felt like my soul was fucking punched.
But the standards that idiot uses for hating Rin apply to Akiha, and to MOST fucking females in F/SN.
They are just very bad standards.

>> No.3616142

Out of ALL teh charactes, she gives you TWO bad ends.
One, by memory wiping after Gandr assault(you live nice and normally), and another the mercy killing when you are test tube.
Everyone else kills you for the wrong reasons.
Even Saber based on something as fickle as 'affection'.
Rin is the best for you no matter what.

>> No.3616144
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>> No.3616146

I don't know the specifics, but

遠坂凛は神!!アベレージワンは「全てにおいて優れている!!」RIN is god!! RIN is god!!
>士郎   厨房丸出しの正義の味方はすっこんでな(プ
>桜    蟲女は日陰が一番お似合いよ(プププ
>セイバー   最優のサーヴァント? ニート王の間違いでしょ(ワラ
>アーチャー    おまえ英霊だったっけ?弱すぎてしらなかった(w
>ライダー    美しさも出番もわたしには勝てないってこった(ゲラ
>キャスター    お前は幸が薄いんだよ(プゲラ
>ギルガメッシュ   金ぴかバカが英霊最強なんてこの世も末だな(プ
>ランサー   ゲイボルク外しまくってどこが英霊だ?(藁
>ハサン    英霊でもないマーボーに負けてるし(ピッ
>美綴   両儀式のパクリは消えな(^^
>カレン    スカートは穿いてなくても出番少ないじゃねーか(ゲラ
>バゼット  フラガラック以外はたいした技ないな(プゲラプオス

Hilarious. Something that all these haters have in common is twisting things to ridiculous levels.

>> No.3616154
File: 95 KB, 800x600, Gabe plays rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rance is a horrible terrifying rapist.

Rin calls Shirou dumb at a couple of points.

Rin is the one everybody hates ???

>> No.3616155

I can't wait for the voiced remake, provided they use the Melty Blood VAs.

That scene with her will be simply amazing.

>> No.3616159

Doesn't make her more helpful than Ilya.

>> No.3616160

Rance is a bro. Rin is a ho.

Important distinction.

>> No.3616162

Oh god, you're right. Aoko's scene with her MBAC voice actor would be amazing.

>> No.3616165

It's my ridiculous hope that since HITOMI also has done H-Work, I'd get Akiha scene fully voice.
Not just the sex scene, but what comes before and after it properly.

>> No.3616167

Rance is comical, Rin is just plain a bitch.

>> No.3616169

>hitomi being dere

Well, I just got a stiffy.

>> No.3616171

And then they go on to talk about how that Saber bad end was a really bad joke.

>> No.3616173

Its really Sakura on /jp/, since its just a collection of UBWkiddies. This is more like a lashback to them for consistently being the most obnoxious fanbase.

>> No.3616177

Well, it does.
She helps in 3 routes, and by default in the prologue, saves his fucking life.
Ilya is very helpful In HF, but is absent for a route and a half, and gives him too many bad ends.

And even if she WAS more helpful, Rin being helpful and her qualities do not vanish.

>> No.3616189

Get off it. People dislike Sakura because she is not likable.

>> No.3616194

Which BBS was that on?

>> No.3616198

And people hate Rin for no good reason? Is everyone supposed to love Rin because she's just so damned perfect?

>> No.3616205

Jumping from one extreme to another does not make much sense.

>> No.3616208


Even the sex being left out is fine. I'm fine with just an intermission.

But if they don't do the hands clutching the chest crying part, I'm going to be fucking pissed.

>> No.3616220
File: 98 KB, 627x954, akihayan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up to the kiss, it should remain the same.
I'm pretty sure.
It has to.
This scene too.

>> No.3616233

People hate Rin because they find her easy to hate.

My point was that the reason for the Sakura hate is not "because they like UBW".

>> No.3616235


Enjoy the next few months of anti-rin threads


>> No.3616240


Goes on for 8 threads I think. Some eagerly awaiting the UBW Movie so they have more ammo to fire at Rin wwww

>> No.3616242

She's only enjoyable to have around for UBW and the prologue. Only thing that annoys me is that Lancer fans have to get dragged into this shit, because the only time he gets his fair screen time is UBW.

>> No.3616246

The last time when trolls used the EXACT same arguments, it lasted a couple of weeks.
A few months after that, we got the slut massive troll threads for Rin, that laste a couple months.
But TM threads in general are much fewer, so no biggie.

>> No.3616250

Why would anybody want to hate Rin? Just because she's smarter than 99% of the retards on 4chan? Rin is just moe

>> No.3616259

I doubt academic knowledge is the focus.
And moe is not really her trait.

>> No.3616264

>having a vagina means you don't have to be polite to anybody

Sure thing, sister.


Rin being a smug belligerent shithead would be acceptable if I got to deal with her the way real people deal with abusive assholes with an entirely too high opinion of themselves. It would not make her likable, but it would make the novel itself more likable.


If you honestly don't think there's anything wrong with the way Rin behaves towards her friend and ally, there's something fucking wrong with you.

>> No.3616267

Anon-kun, maybe nihongo isn't your thing ka? I think you wakaranai the meaning of moe.

>> No.3616275

Rin = best character

Nasu agreed.

>> No.3616278

I like Saber

>> No.3616285

Sure, the bitch should know better than saving your life, calling you on your mistakes and TELLING you why it was a bad idea.
Not to mention the bitch dares to TEASE you.
Who deos that?
Real people who do that are fucking punched till they lose their teeth.
In real life, people never tell you what's wrong with a slightly harsh voice, and you can punch them if they call you on what you do for perfectly good reasons.

I wish you people just let me punch you so I can go die, fuck.

>> No.3616288

You are obviously an anime only faggot

>> No.3616297


Possibly because people don't like the tsundere archetype as much anymore. Or that she is pretty much perfect compared to the other heroines and lords it over the other heroines.

Most likely though, her sex scene is terrible. I mean, god damn, the only thing worse is CG DRAGON from the anime

>> No.3616306

Goddess Tier - Rin, Saber, Sakura, Taiga, Caster, Ayako, Rider.

Shit Tier - Ilya.

>> No.3616310

What the fuck did you read?
And what is wrong with the sex scene(compared with the rest in F/SN)?
Awkward teenage sex, jackhammer, jizzing all over her...
That sounds good to me.
And tsundere does not define the whole personality.

>> No.3616313

Even CG Dragon got me harder.

>> No.3616324

Mistress of the Goddesses Tier - Luvia


>> No.3616326

Magus Tier - Rin
King Tier - Saber
Slut Tier - Sakura
Tiger Tier- Taiga
DEM EARS Tier - Caster
Archery Tier - Ayako
Glasses Tier- Rider
Dead Tier- Ilya

>> No.3616329


Perhaps a better way to put it than "pretty much perfect" is that she has a far less tragic background compared to the other girls, making her come off as a little dull.

I dunno, I think Rin was an enjoyable character but not a believable love interest for Shirou.

>> No.3616331
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Rin is for cuntpunching.

>> No.3616336

I can't agree more.

>> No.3616340

Actually, I don't watch anime

>> No.3616342
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Akiha is for killing.

Rin is for abandoning.

>> No.3616343

She likes him for valid reasons and he does too.
And less tragic does not mean she had an easygoing life.
Thinking of her as dull requires to be way desensitized.

>> No.3616372

I read Tsukihimay a while ago, Ciel's route only, but I was surprised that Akiha was actually pretty nice. I had come to expect a megabitch that would make Rin look relatively pleasant in comparison.

Arcueid, on the other hand, started out nice but turned more and more into a possessive bitch the more I tried to avoid her. It didn't help that Ciel's route was about two-fifths mixed with Arc's, to the point that even when there's five minutes left in the route Shiki's still fawning after Arc.

>> No.3616406


>She likes him for valid reasons and he does too.

Agreed. However, Sakura's and Shirou's relationship is far more developed before the start of the VN and I find it hard to believe that he'd just dump her like that for Rin. Maybe if their romance took off while at the Clock Tower but not during the events of the Grail War.

>And less tragic does not mean she had an easygoing life.

Compared to the average person, I agree. Compared to nearly all of the other major females in the VN, nothing she went through was solely unique to her (being separated from Sakura as a kid to become the heir to the Tohsaka family is pretty fucking harsh, but not as harsh when you consider Sakura gets wormed for the next 10 years just to be discarded after the 5th Grail War to satisfy a creepy 500 year old insane creature).

>Thinking of her as dull requires to be way desensitized.

While you're probably right about the desensitization thing, I must admit I can be terrible at putting my thoughts into words. Rin isn't dull as a character but, again, she just doesn't come off as a believable love interest when compared to Sakura. Saber is less believable

>> No.3616423

At the start of the VN, Shirou has a crush-admiration on Rin while he cannot take Sakura's affection seriously(partly due to broken logic) and views her as a sister(useful Fujinee counterpart?).
Learning more about RIn and liking her, or finally noticing Sakura's mamaries, both are pretty valid.

>> No.3616499

Personally I always found Sakura/Shirou as a pairing to feel fundamentally broken and forced. Sakura seems happy, but Shirou just seems like he's sort of... there.

With both Rin/shirou and Shirou/Saber, it seems like he's getting something out at, and not so forced.

>> No.3616517

But she isn't perfect and that's what makes her so moe. She's not some generic tsundere acting tsun~tsun only for comic relief

>> No.3616520


In Fate and UBW, it makes a point of him starting to think more of himself

there is no such change in heaven's feel

>> No.3616524

Why do people act like saving Shirou's life is a big deal? It's what ANYBODY who isn't a complete psycho would have done, given a magical life saving amulet. It doesn't make Rin a good person, it just makes her not completely evil.

>> No.3616532

Most people now, would probably just ignore it and go about on their way.

>> No.3616537

That pendant was fucking precious.
Compare this situation with spending a million dollars to save a random stranger.

>> No.3616569

Most magi are borderline sociopaths at best. Sakura's situation is fairly common practice.

Rin, by magus standards, is a fucking saint.

>> No.3616593

Way to skip over the entire last "act" of the arc. Bet you skipped over prologue too, fagit.

>> No.3616606

This stranger is also your high school crush and your estranged sister's only joy in life.

>> No.3616615


That pendant was her ace in the hole and she used it to revive someone that, to her, was just some random dude. Almost anyone would've just let him die to preserve any advantage they had in the war.

>> No.3616623

He wasn't her crush and she didn't really care that much about Sakura either way.

>> No.3616650

What Rin evil? Dudes did you have even read the damn VN? Rin had luck that she was the only one left in her family, otherwise they would have make sure to develop her into a proper borderline sociopath

>> No.3616658


>> No.3616659

What? Heaven's Feel. You read that?

>> No.3616663

Rin "met" Shirou under circumstances functionally identical to Sakura. She did admire him from afar, but couldn't do anything about it because:

A) Image to uphold.
B) Didn't know he was a magus, which would have rendered A moot.

Nonetheless, the fact that she did have the same feelings for Shirou based on identical circumstances pissed Sakura off to the max.

>> No.3616665


You want to take me to it?

>> No.3616675

This thread needs more Azaka.

>> No.3616735
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She is truly the greatest of this series of females.

>> No.3616741
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Best imouto.

>> No.3616758

More like best everything.

>> No.3616776

Azaka is best because she stays a virgin forever.
