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File: 553 KB, 587x566, Amateur Collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36149522 No.36149522 [Reply] [Original]

New Customs Edition

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7

Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

What version to read? Read the pastebin.

>New? Start here


>E+ Changelogs:
>Latest Elona+

>Elona+ 1.90 and 1.89 Archive (and mods):

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread (currently outdated):
>Go here for Custom download too

>Elona+ Custom-GX [Elona+ 2.06 - NEW]
>Elona+ Custom-GX is a new variant of Elona+ based on Elona+ Custom-G, updated with the changes in Elona+ up to version 2.06. [AN: It's new, so try at your own risk. backup your files to be safe]

>Current Version:
Elona+ 2.06 (2021-08-15)
>Latest Custom [GX]:
E+CGX 2.06 (2021-08-16)
>Last known Custom (currently outdated):
E+C 1.90.4 (2019-06-02)
Elona+ Custom-G (2019-10-20)

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2019-06-17)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

>OOMSEST Updates

>Elin's Inn

>OO English CUSTOM

>Elona Vanilla CUSTOM

>Elona Mobile

>> No.36149633

>new customs edition
What did they add?

>> No.36151142

Asking again because I didn't get an answer in the last thread.
Is there a way to disable the Custom-G gameplay changes in the new custom?
I've looked through all the options and I'm not seeing one.

>> No.36151265

Just play standart elona+

>> No.36151300

If you want some changes and don't want others, edit the game to remove the changes you don't want.

>> No.36151305

There's no option anywhere for it then?

>> No.36151896

I can finally play Elona again, thank fuck for custom.

>> No.36152530

It's in the releases tab. It's a continuation up to 2.05+.

>> No.36153595

Why are there fifty thousand fucking versions of this game. I hate you. Fuc

>> No.36153630

On the wiki, it says you can change the AI of allies and give them new abilities in elona+.

>Elona+ also gives you the ability to give pets new abilities and change AI routines, which may be necessary for making use of the cat sister's abilities, especially considering her routine is melee.

I know abilities are done through gene engineering but how do you change their AI?
I've tried using the command banner but my cat sister wont fire her bow it no matter what i do.

>> No.36153678

Technically, there's only vanilla, mobile, and mods. Skyrim has a billion or so mods, but there's only like 3 versions of it.

With AP via leold in act 2. Or using custom ai with custom/g/gx

>> No.36153844

They aren't mods, they're variants. Have you never played Angband?

>> No.36154003

Thanks anon

>> No.36154044

I haven't played Elona since the very first release.

What the fuck have I missed?

>> No.36154330


>> No.36154340

Sounds like a mod to me.

No fixed the graphics, they are much much better in 1.16 now.

>> No.36156082

is there any recent graphics pack that works with custom gx? the majority on the paste are very outdated

>> No.36157655

I'm getting an error that reads "Picture file is missing" whenever I try to change to a custom portrait. The game crashes as I press "p" on my status screen.

It's 24 bit, a BMP file, 80x112, and is named "face2".

>> No.36158226

Anyone play mobile? How has that game's development gone since release?

>> No.36159890
File: 974 KB, 977x761, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me,also instead of saying "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" you just ask them nicely to leave,what is this?

>> No.36159977

I don't do mobile unfortunately, and everyone seems to ask about mobile...
Fuck if I know.
I'd just ignore. There's probably info on the wiki, if there isn't, there's always creating test characters to figure out what those choices do regretfully.

>> No.36160122

>"Sexless" is now sex "unknown" as the latter has a broader definition.
>Added it as an option during character creation.
>Now characters can start as male?, female?, bisexual, and unknown.

>> No.36160288

>that shit
>EZ mode fast skillups and other stupid junk ano bricked like speed
Is there any point to actually "upgrading" from 1.90? Is whatever content was added between then and 2.06 worth the bitter foretaste I get glancing at the patch notes?
I guess I'll ask some linger questions:

How do I get lots of bread or flour required for picnic baskets? The ideal food should be baskets to train potential and then the Herbed In foods (steaks/fruit grand parfait/curry from farms) when are "starving" status for best exp gains?
Does adding more hand slots to pets increase their martial art damage or should I be adding other limbs? What limbs have a good return on investment? Ring slots and arms?
If grinding all god gear/feats do you wait for November truce ground summoning while scumming overweight cargo mechanics (feels cheesy to me and IIRC there was some quest that failed after a set amount of time, was it some sick mother or story quest?) or do you just save rods of Wish that don't fail?
How many shops do you guys own and what specialties?
Any way to increase drop rate of Sap of Yggdrasil/Angel's Tear? my potentials are shot and have gotten 0 so far. Just run higher level nefia and get more relevant skills for the gather spot?
Does the networking fix enable moongate functionality or is that still dead? I see the first message someone has typed when starting but then nothing else while playing.

>> No.36160334

Maid mansion
zero to four hands (in newer versions)
Hands with timestop weapons
opatos boots cheese
one,sells cooked corpses

>> No.36160363

>How do I get lots of bread or flour required for picnic baskets?

>when are "starving" status for best exp gains?
>Removed the game mechanic that gave a 1 to 1/3 satiety-dependent multiplier to experience gained when eating without any of the "Hungry" statuses. This multiplier is now fixed at x3 for food that is not rotten, and x1 for rotten food.

>Does adding more hand slots to pets increase their martial art damage or should I be adding other limbs?
>Changed the accuracy of Martial Arts attacks so that it is on par with weapon attack accuracy. However, this accuracy now also has a percentage bonus depending on the number of hands. (No bonus when user only has 1 hand; bonus maxes out at 4 hands.)

>Any way to increase drop rate of Sap of Yggdrasil/Angel's Tear?
>[New types of random Nefia]
>Harvesting will yield liquid materials more often.

>> No.36160583

in vanilla plus it's Male? Female? and Bisexual, but custom changes it to explicitly trans

>> No.36160942

why are westoid devs like this?

>> No.36162058

I asked before but this general keep dying. Do any of you have a nifty gamepad configuration for the game?

>> No.36162073

I'm largely new to the game, got about 30 levels into a magic-based character on E+ but now I wanna try the new custom and I made a mage-knight (with the intent to go almost fully physical with magic buffs supporting me) who uses two handed weapons and medium armor.
I notice my attacks are missing a lot, is there any specific skill I should be investing in to raise accuracy? Two-handed? Longsword? Tactics? I'm a bit lost here

>> No.36162236

>I notice my attacks are missing a lot, is there any specific skill I should be investing in to raise accuracy? Two-handed? Longsword? Tactics? I'm a bit lost here
Raise your stats.
Your hitrate is too low.

>> No.36162366

I'm assuming DEX is the stat that pertains to hitrate yeah? So I just need to raise that by dodging attacks and stuff?

>> No.36162489

Look it up on the wiki. There should be some stuff on there about raising specific stats. Just dodging things won't help.

>> No.36162693

Why would you use gamepad to play a roguelike?

>> No.36166589
File: 379 KB, 800x600, 1617819794786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loiter just got executed right as I was going to do the post act 3 stuff.

>> No.36167291

Some monsters have low HP but high evasion. If you've been trying to melee bats, you should use a special action like Drain Blood instead.

>> No.36168184

Just rez him.

>> No.36170390

I ended up just killing time until he responded but that is a good idea.

>> No.36171547
File: 858 KB, 1008x1052, set_shilian_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So,what was the last good version of the game? before all this gold,nefia,skills nerfs nonsense started happening? where enthumesis was the final enemy (Excluding the gods obviously)

>> No.36172236

If you're just interested in nerfs, plus started massively buffing the game after 1.90. You can hit max stats in 20-30 hours now, if you try hard it. Exp rates are crazy, and most attack/defense options have been buffed. Just recently liches gain a straight 1.90x/1.5x multiplier to all dv/pv sources.

Speed is weaker though.

Otherwise... I think 1.6x range is before the original nerfining started, but you'll lose out on a ton of buffs that sped progress up.

>> No.36172241

I used a business card to change the black cat's class to Wizard in order to make er more magic-oriented.
I know that changing the class changes the class feat, but what about the growths? It's been some time and her growths are similar to her default class (magic stat is a bit lower than strength, for example).

>> No.36173045

Class gives extra potential to certain attributes, but it's only when you sleep and only a couple of percent. It's mostly negligible, since it's an ancient vanilla feature from when pot pots only gave 2% potential.

>> No.36173186

So it's mostly race that determines growths? Besides raising the potential via potions.

>> No.36173201

>races determines growth
wait wait wait,since when? i assumed this was a omake overhaul exclusive feature that only worked when you were naked and scaled with level

>> No.36173996

Nah, race doesn't determine much. You basically get the same growth no matter the race/class. Your starting potentials are strongly affected, but those don't matter for long.

....do you mean pv/dv gains? Plus added it in 2.06, didn't exist (for pcs/pets) before that. Otherwise... potential growth from race/class has been in since vanila, it just was to small to care about in plus, with it's +200% potential potions.

>> No.36174916

>I notice my attacks are missing a lot, is there any specific skill I should be investing in to raise accuracy?

Raise your Two-Handed and whatever weapon skill you're using. Inflicting the Bind condition will help massively as it'll make the mob way less likely to dodge, a few spacts do Bind.

Magic also works since spells always hit.

>> No.36175549

Oh, okay, thanks. I notice that my previous build (Juere thief) had a much higher dexterity, but that's probably because I used more dexterity-based skills, right?

Is there a way to change your race? I'm a Juere Claymore this time because my thief file got corrupted and I didn't want to diverge too much from my previous build, but I kind of wanted to experiment with a fairy claymore. It sounds like a shitty idea because of the weight limit (so less bonus from Two hand), but their evasion would be really high.

>> No.36178295

so what are the different builds you can do right now? Like I know about the obvious Two Hand/Dual Wield/Shield/Martial Arts/Firearm/Casting ones but is there anything less obvious like that necromany thing?

>> No.36181681

Throwing items. The Trismagistus does an AOE magic attack, the Present can be used to heal pets or inflict statuses on enemies, and roses do unresistable Cut damage. There's also Hazard Recipe, and a wide variety of harmful potions.

>> No.36183505
File: 58 KB, 641x445, 1629320430900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone managed to get elochat working following the instructions posted in the last thread ? (pic related).

Mine tells me I need an internet connection whenever I type something.

>> No.36184729

>You can hit max stats in 20-30 hours now
was this the yaca point card thing with herbs?

>> No.36184800

I believe its called mental illness/ biological mistakes.

>> No.36186582


This thing is why you can get away with only levelling Alchemy, Control Magic, and Throwing for your offense. It's nuts. Unless you're seriously underpowered you'll shred hordes and do lots of damage to bosses even late game since it's Magic damage. Hell you can throw it on yourself and let the triple magic storm invokes clear out everything around you.


Toss this at a mob and let your pets tear it apart. One is all you need if you build your pets right.

>Hazard Recipe

The damage this does cannot be resisted so it's good for bells and such and if the mob has anorexia they'll keep vomiting their guts out. But Trigmagisti will be a better choice for the large majority of encounters unless you're using pets and/or spooks.

>> No.36188431

No real way to change race. The mask you can make only changes the displayed name. Even in oomsest where you can wish for other races, it's not a perfect conversion, you still keep some of your races stats, and don't get the full benifits/restrictions of the new race.

That helps, but it's really the picnic basket spam that sped everything up. You can get plenty of herbs by spaming farms with yaca points/gardening quests/cute fairys/miromi statues/ for herbs. Don't forget you can choose which herbs will grow now with the gardening tools. Just got to work on your timeskip strats, have a nice snail/bell on the overworld, have a nice map to recharge your sleep timers, etc.

>> No.36194670
File: 881 KB, 1200x1200, 1625633010297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pull me back to Elona bros

>> No.36199517

It doesn't look like Custom-GX fixes the new, much faster progression and stuff like DESTINY that made me go back to 1.90.4 despite the entire point of Custom-G releases being to fix Ano's silliness. Or is the changelog non-exhaustive?

>> No.36199595

Seems more like a continuation of Custom than Custom-G. They're even translating stuff.

>> No.36200825

Seems to be working but either nobody else has it on or it's not.

>> No.36201087
File: 542 KB, 1442x835, asdasdfewt3456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go into options -> network settings and enable as it is off by default and the poster didn't put subscript for that part in his instructions, so a lot of people miss it. I'm pretty sure it's just bugged even with networking on though. The only time I get messages is loading my save, it will post the last message on the server and then doesn't try again. Never seen other player death messages, people chatting, or other things that used to be prevalent with the old servers.

>> No.36201136

Yes, nevermind. It's just not behaving like a real constantly-updating chat so I assumed it wasn't working.

>> No.36202049

Do livestock that possess the "looks plump with succulent meat" provide more bonuses than "looks plump with decent meat"?

>> No.36202622


Yup, but rather than try to remember the random flavor text, it's best to just reference the wiki.

>> No.36207509

How good is the oomsest translation ?

>> No.36208804
File: 914 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2021-08-22 22-35-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh what is this

>> No.36208943

Old news, that's what.

>> No.36208995

the custom translation
standard plus has male?, female?, and bisexual as C, D, and E

>> No.36210496

glad to know I can pee in a bottle now
t-thanks ano

>> No.36211511
File: 8 KB, 397x363, compile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get this when trying to compile elona+cg
what do?

>> No.36211835

Stop using v3.6 of the compiler. Only v3.4 works. One of the Custom-G mega.nz folders has a copy.

>> No.36216752

How come I can't teach my pet killing dance? She has 96 perception.
Honestly, I find many skills that meet the requirements aren't able to be taught.
Is it because killing dance would be too broken that it was possible disallowed?

>> No.36217459

Teachable skills need to be manually added to the list custom ai uses, so any skills added after bloody shade stopped in 1.89 won't work. You can ask about it on the github if you want fixes.

>> No.36217607

Been out of the loop for a while. Were there any major changes between 1.xx and 2.0?

>> No.36218878

>The only time I get messages is loading my save, it will post the last message on the server and then doesn't try again
this, its busted.

>> No.36219939

>dungoneering with 864k gold

>> No.36221660

I don't have a yac bank yet

>> No.36228587

So far, I've been cooking herb infused lvl 5+ dishes for my pets and I to share, but is it really worth it?
I have a limited amount of potions of potential and a single meal brings the potentials down from superb to great/good, so I'm not at superb potential for a very long time. Is it really worth it since I'd be playing the rest of the game at "good" or "bad" potential?

>> No.36228909

firstly be a basketchad
secondly yes
it's attribute increases that reduce potential, not the food itself
the fact it tanks your potentials just goes to show how much it's increasing your stats

>> No.36230677

I avoid picnic baskets, herbs and potions of potential on purpose because the progression feels too fast otherwise.
I also avoid learning skills (like mining or casting or whatever) I don't plan on incorporating into my playstyle for this specific character. How autistic is that?

>> No.36232637

I've played Elona+ on and off for years, and I still have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.36234050

Are secret experience of kumiromis also in OOMSEST?
feats seems much more important here.

>> No.36234161

Are Little Sister's useless in combat or something? I've Gene Engineered one to be able to hold weapons, yet it seems it doesn't attack at all.

>> No.36234794

Yep, it's a vanilla item.

Probably need to tweak the ai.

>> No.36234903
File: 140 KB, 800x960, __chi_chi_dragon_ball_and_1_more_drawn_by_amania_orz__29fa86f3e6bb9515c988aab2fa88e0ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks dude

>> No.36235117
File: 386 KB, 803x627, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows why the log doesn't show up?
I downloaded the latest OOMSEST

>> No.36235532

Haven't touched OOMSEST. Does that mean what I think it means?

>> No.36235732

It has some negative feats that give the frustation debuff if you don't do an action often enough, like trigger happy where you get it if you don't shoot a gun every so often.
I did pick the sex addict one though, and I cannot remove the damn debuff, I literally can't have enough sex since my sp is very low.

>> No.36235750

>I literally can't have enough sex since my sp is very low

>> No.36235970
File: 225 KB, 776x701, 1603366077057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I'm a fucking retard it was a setting that hides the log that I somehow turned on.

>> No.36236919
File: 54 KB, 589x369, Fuck you, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36238339

Under lvl 10 playing on Loss and my computer shut off randomly. When I loaded my save I had -80 karma. Is there any way to get out of this?

>> No.36238356

jail or derphy.
make sure you have food for the former. cargo works best.

>> No.36238385
File: 81 KB, 729x557, 1562954970623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew about Derphy but not about jail. I'll keep that in mind in the future, I actually just died in a random encounter after I typed that.

>> No.36238389

Just go to the embassy and try not to get killed.

>> No.36238451

>In Elona+, slaying a lion has a small (1/80) chance of spawning a NUCLEAR DEAD LION, a lion-shaped nuclear bomb. It acts the same as Nuclear bomb.

>> No.36239096


>> No.36239429

>elona+ download on the rentry link
>file not found

>> No.36243992

What rank do I need in my magic vendor to reliably get potentials of potential?

>> No.36245109

Do devil fragments (the ones you get in defuse trap quests) do anything yet ?

>> No.36245136

>100 in my experience. I've seen them as low as 50 but it's very infrequent below 100.

>> No.36245237

2.06 is out.
Check the previous thread.

>> No.36246294

>Using a dark fragment now grants 1 Abyss power.
>Added 3 new items that can be made from dark fragments in item fusion.

>> No.36247406

They'll never be reliable, even at rank 10k, but 120 is the softcap before diminishing returns starts to kick in. They can also show up in a rank 0 shop, rarely.

>> No.36247886

jesus fuck. guess my potential's staying at 'hopeless' then. Only found 3 after countless restocks. I eat 2 herb infused foods and then it's back to hopeless, attribute potential dropoff is way too fucking high. YES I BLESS THEM.

>> No.36248404

Isn't Jail the worst way to reduce karma since the place drains your stats?

>> No.36248583

yes, but if you can't be arsed to do anything you can just sit there and hold enter.

>> No.36248828

e to show her physically that you're not gay

>> No.36249053

It seems the sex addict feat in OOMSEST is bugged, frustation doesn't go down when you do your own allies, only prostitutes.

>> No.36249267

According to some guy on the elona variant wiki, it does go down, just not much. The amount depends on who you do. Prostitutes have the biggest effect, followed by other NPCs, and pets have the least effect. Their charisma value also matters.

>> No.36249633

Do you know how much charisma a pet needs to become useful in that? or at least a good enough way to grind charisma on a pet? going to derphy every so often isn't the end of the world but it's kinda annoying

>> No.36249773

Any recs for fun runs? I've played this thing for like 1000+ hours and dozens of playthroughs and already ran out of ideas.
Thinking about making some sort of custom spritesheet and custom allies and getting really into the roleplaying aspect for a change. I've done snail runs and finished Act 1 with every class. Only meme combo I haven't tried yet is Snail Tourist on Vanilla/Omake but am not masochistic enough to give it a shot yet lol
Anybody got interesting/challenging roleplaying ideas? Bonus points for ally-oriented runs. Feel free to give funny Omake minus Feat recs too.

just go into normal towns and complete quests for karma. don't forget the speed potions/spell/rod to outrun the guards lol

100 is good enough but 150 maxes out their chance I think. Odds are low, maybe 10% per restock. Make sure to max out the magic store in every city. Another fun way especially during early game is quaffing (or just scumming) wells lol. Whatever stat losses you may get will be offset by the (future) stat gain from the boosted potentials.
If on E+ try alchemy for more reliable potions. It's laughably easy to get the required materials in recent updates, like 3-5 pots per dungeon run lol. Also gene engineer Fishing and Gardening on your pets for a steady supply of Yggdrasil Sap and Angel Tear.

Up until 2.03 or so the items you make with them are utterly useless though lol

In Omake grinding pets is a pain in the ass. For Charisma I'd recommend having them around and investing, or performing together maybe.

I'd send a cute picture of my imouto but
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse.

>> No.36249789

wtf are tripcodes not working properly anymore

>> No.36249802

>all the /pol/chuds ITT getting triggered by gender inclusive options

>> No.36249881

Umm sweaty the original (male? female?) options were obviously a meme and whomever did the English translation had to push their political crap into the game. Mtf and Ftm are bad translations because they miss the point of the originals, if anything the originals refer to traps/tomboy chars, not trannies per se.

>> No.36249991

pick both the sex addict and chastity feats in OOMSEST.

>> No.36250614

>Elona+ Custom-GX [Elona+ 2.06 - NEW]
>Elona+ Custom-GX is a new variant of Elona+ based on Elona+ Custom-G, updated with the changes in Elona+ up to version 2.06. [AN: It's new, so try at your own risk. backup your files to be safe]

>> No.36251853

I don't. You would probably have to attempt decompile and analyze the resulting HSP which is horribly mangled because the decompiler dictionary has not been updated since HSP 3.4.

>> No.36251955

I managed to make the HSP 3.6 works. I have no idea why though.
So basically, in main.hsp line 14,
you change

#uselib "hspda.dll"
#ifndef _DEBUG
#func sortnote "_sortnote@16" pexinfo, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr
#func xnotesel "_xnotesel@16" pval, int, int, int
#func xnoteadd "_xnoteadd@16" bmscr, str, int, int


#uselib "hspda.dll"
#func func_1 "_sortnote@16" pexinfo, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr
#ifndef _DEBUG
#func xnotesel "_xnotesel@16" pval, int, int, int
#func xnoteadd "_xnoteadd@16" bmscr, str, int, int

Then in system.hsp, search for sortnote and replace it with func_1
You will get

func_1 buff, 1

Basically you are forcing the game to use the older version of sortnote instead of the newer version where it's no longer in hspda.dll (it's included without any module but I have no idea why it doesn't work)

>> No.36257724

>Elona+ Custom-GX [Elona+ 2.06 - NEW]


>> No.36258941

If you wanted to be male or female wouldn't you just pick "Male" or "Female"? Why the extra options? And if you wanted to be a male who wants to be a female wouldn't you just pick "Male" and then use the in-game gender switch method? I don't understand.

>> No.36259571

lol is there any way to relieve the frustration or can I negate it with armor/stat recovery pots. gonna go with Snail Tourist Chaste Sex addict for lulz

>> No.36264151

can you display item names (including quality) above items in dungeons? this shit is getting tedious. E+ Custom-GX

>> No.36264218

I distinctly remember this being a feature years back and asked the same question a few weeks ago. It's some Mandela effect shit. I also remember item highlighting not being a simple * but having many custom colors.

>> No.36265814
File: 514 KB, 720x480, 1622418076365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what exactly is E+CGX? It says it has all the new stuff from Elona+ 2.06, but does it follow G and remove crappy mechanics like pissing and the other bad stuff plus added? I haven't been keeping up with plus since 1.9 anyway, any other bad things added?

>> No.36265934

CGX is G ported to 2.06, then a few changes/bug fixes have been made since. But it's mostly g.

>> No.36266937

Should I use jiu-jitsu or is it a trap?

>> No.36267410

Sure. High dv enemies tend to have low hp, so I tend to leave it on all the time. But, there's no reason you can't toggle it based on opponent for best results.

>> No.36268537

>But, there's no reason you can't toggle it based on opponent for best results.

Good for Duplicane too. Leave it on for general blasting, turn it off if you need the damage.

But Magic Device is awesome in general, so.

>> No.36269397

There's the ItemList.txt file in the main directory where you can set up highlighting of specific items, I think you gotta tell elona to reparse it in the settings every time you changed something though. I can't remember anything about item names above the item sadly.

>> No.36269596

There's 2 item highlighters, one that custom added, and one that oomsest (auto pick on the wiki) uses.

Neither let you see loot on the ground tho'.

>> No.36269688
File: 23 KB, 622x437, EExConfig_7avTIu1q9H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey I just realized that elona extender has the label feature which supports custom colors. Might've been what you were originally thinking about.

>> No.36271734

>And if you wanted to be a male who wants to be a female wouldn't you just pick "Male" and then use the in-game gender switch method? I don't understand.
IIRC this technically turn your character into a female with the "self-styled male" description. Trans is a bad translation since its supposed to be pretty much the complete opposite.

>> No.36277268

I just want Custom-G 1.90.4 with the added main quest content and nothing else.

>> No.36278442

so.. say i wanted to wish for a Yacatect's bank using a rod of wish and instead accidentally summoned Yacatect because i fucked up the wording, how would i go about removing her from my house without having to fight her?

>> No.36278574

'i' -> remand

>> No.36280292

Thanks anon

>> No.36286479


>> No.36299535
File: 100 KB, 246x269, 1609217832845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get the OO variants to work?

>> No.36300023


By gambling on a mysterious zip file.

>> No.36300182

are these all translated

>> No.36300283

Yeah. The jp devs ship the translations themselves for oomsest and nc. OO is the version you need to hunt down translations for, and the main reason installs are so confusing. That pack has it all installed, and even updated to the new chat server.

>> No.36302020

Am I missing something or is Violent Garden really overtuned? I've gone from my little girl having to do basically all the fighting to clearing out floors in a few seconds on my own.

>> No.36302710

Ano nerfed violent garden awhile back, so g double buffed it out of hate for nerfs. CGX builds on g so if you use it, enjoy your free screen nuke.

...if you don't use cgx, know that you're using the weakest version of violent garden.

>> No.36306994

>g double buffed it
Isn't it just exactly where it was before Ano nerfed it?

>> No.36308878

Can you give those bottles of piss to your little girl to drink it?

>> No.36314020

Has anyone ever been successful playing on Loss. Any tips? I keep doing okay until around lvl 7-10, when a high lvl enemy spawns and one shots me before I can escape.

>> No.36314109

which one's the best

>> No.36314449
File: 1014 KB, 1004x788, elona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22 min in so far. This is the best I've done so quickly. This might finally be the Loss run where I succeed.

>> No.36314537

what exactly is elona? the start here pastebin didn't really answer that

>> No.36314907
File: 199 KB, 390x220, 1511675755985.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played Elona since before Noa abandoned it. Should I just download this Elona+ Custom-GX and roll with that?

>> No.36315305


>> No.36316291

Hermaphrodite is probably a more accurate translation, at least.

>> No.36316698

Do Elona+ Custom G first and play until you get used to it. GX is just an extended Custom G.

>> No.36316719

Damn my run ended. I even got to wish for seven league boots.
A 2D turnbased jrpg with a sizeable amount of tabletop elements and some roguelike mechanics. You build your character and your party, and you can also recruit the monsters you fight.

>> No.36316814

If GX is an extended Custom G, then why would I start with the less extended mod? I don't see the point.

>> No.36316887

Because it's new. I came out not even two weeks ago. Stick with the last good version until everything is set with the new is the mindset I took.

>> No.36316916

My mindset is always to experience the maximum amount of content at once because I don't have the patience or time to play a game through multiple times except after a gap of years, especially not a grinding game like this.

>> No.36316943

>I don't have the patience or time to play a game through multiple times
You don't have to.

>> No.36316956

Yeah, but I want to experience all the content without having to do that.

>> No.36316982
File: 2.66 MB, 3772x5281, __galko_oshiete_galko_chan_drawn_by_ibuo_ibukht1015__18678154832b7b5b840d73bd20e6b5c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are the prostitute and blacksmith guilds in OMSEST about?
Can you join the the North tyris guilds if you join them?
Are they good?

>> No.36317952

They're just alternative guilds, still only 1 at a time. They were only partially completed before oomsest devs scampered off. So there are a few features to the guild, but not a huge amount. NC added a few new things, but mostly to the blacksmith guild, in the form of smithing xp buffs.

ATM the biggest draw they have is easy access to quests themed by your play style (smithing, screwing), or sodas to restore fatigue.

Still better than the thieves guild.

>> No.36318502
File: 580 KB, 1600x2176, __refrain_no_chika_meikyuu_to_majo_no_ryodan_drawn_by_harada_takehito__3066cb020ea3aac72d845222eb6efc0d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just join the mage guild again then.

Is there really ANOTHER layer to this fork, is it worth it to update to that?

>> No.36319962

Haven't played this game in a while, how do you get good weapons now that you can't craft a billion spears to get a living weapon?

>> No.36321165

farm monsters that are documented to drop specific uniques
alternatively, enjoy the dopamine hit whenever you get something stronger (works better in Custom-G due to 1.90.4's much slower progression, as GX's 2.06 will give you thousands of levels and godlies in no time)

>> No.36322679

there's no real reason not to just go with gx

>> No.36322935

there's the fact that it rushes so hard through the early game and it gives godly equipment and exp like candy, it doesn't give you any time to actually enjoy any of the content.

>> No.36323107

I'm a retard; I've just started playing Elona+G and I have no idea how to pee; I'm stuck at wetting and I haven't been able to figure it out because my google-fu is weak

>> No.36323146

wetting just means that you don't need to drink more water, like "satified" and "bloated" with food.

>> No.36323185

excellent post
I thought I was the only person left to still see a problem with ano's new progression likely being his way of making sure you get to experience *his* content before ending your playthrough

>> No.36323239
File: 203 KB, 424x231, reeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also that one guy who requested a toggle for the old exp formula in the github so there's at least 3 of us,.
but yeah I hate the new progression, elona works best when it's slow paced since it's a comfy grinding game.

>> No.36323756

idk, the early game gets pretty boring after a few playthroughs. There's not a lot of variation once you learn that gardening+farms is mandatory

>> No.36323847

Mods are often modular modifications, while forks are alternate development paths. It's probably fair to call forks mods though.

>> No.36324305
File: 236 KB, 807x667, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started playing gx and wanting to use companions for the first time, how do I designate a companion to cast spells and stay away from melee? I only want them to use ranged / magic
Do I have to wait till act 2 with that AP npc? I'm looking at this page and not understanding any of it except for the "teach a spell or ability" option

>> No.36324800

so how tf am I supposed to play NC? I think I want to try blacksmithing, do I play like elona+ or is there some other progression?

>> No.36326037

Isn't that a consistent issue with + variants since around 2 rather than something GX exclusive?

>> No.36326049

Yeah, but GX hasn't undone it yet.

>> No.36326135

yeah it's a vanilla + thing, but the guy behind GX has already removed some + fuckery like the platinum cap I hope he can add the old progression.

>> No.36326500
File: 166 KB, 253x226, 1626233741261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>custom for 2.X released

>> No.36328496

pets come with their own AI which often just tells it to move towards the target and melee. it's part of the uniqueness of the pets that don't do that
your pic's menu or leold can override that

>> No.36328775

Who are some good candidates for an Astral Light Pen?

>> No.36329153

Yacatect or Hyper Yacatect, for her high charisma.
No one better to run your shop for you.

>> No.36330303

Is it wrong that I don't want to worship Itzpalt despite him syncing with my build because he's not cute?

>> No.36330401

Read the instruction manual:

>> No.36330934

Since the Granblue Fantasy music pack link is dead I decided to update it for the latest E+ C-GX.
The original was missing tracks for mcHome0, mcZangyou, and mcMelan. I skimmed through the code real quick and it seems like they're respectively for an alt home, a boss fight or battle event, and a town of some sort. Just decided to reuse tracks for them.
I don't know HSP though so if anyone has more info that would be great.

>> No.36331196

No, there is nothing wrong with it. You are free to worship any god you like.

>> No.36336274

Just started playing this for the first time.
>Take quest
>No idea what I'm doing
>Told to kill nearby monsters
>One is a blade
>"You will die unless a miracle happens!"
>My pet little girl deals 54 damage compared to my measly 9 and minces the blade
This game is gonna be great, isn't it?

>> No.36336627
File: 974 KB, 600x977, 1623327129726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can worship luluwy
>can't worship her feet
and they said the possibilities are endless

>> No.36336718

If you've just started she'll be far stronger yeah. Have fun anon
I assume you're in Vernis, the starting town. Talk to a woman in a house near the top of the map, she'll give you a quest to enter the basement of her neighbor. There's 3 herbs in that basement on the ground that will increase your stats a little bit
Food is the primary way of getting stronger. Farming is OP

>> No.36336722

You've taken the first steps on a long journey. Be careful about getting into combat early on, though.

Astral Light Pen, then set a custom sleep-sharing action. Still endless.

>> No.36336784

Should I play this or the new GX

>> No.36336793

>they seriously added a nonstop cicada sound in Palmia
Must be full trolling or basedlady and its zoomers due to new higurashi which is utter garbage for the record.
How do I turn off or remove it from Palmia?

>> No.36336800

Flip a coin.

>> No.36336837

>You will now hear cicadas in all towns other than Noyel during the months of July to September when the weather is fair.
Nevermind, it's everywhere. Ok, how I remove it?

>> No.36336871

>TweakData(x, 4) = "Miscellaneous Tweaks"
>TweakData(51, 4) = "Disable cicada noises."

>> No.36336929

Serves me right. It's elona+, anon. I never gave custom a chance.

>> No.36337150

If I play in Japanese then E+CGX's cancerous machine translation won't change anything, right? I basically just want the Japanese Elona+ with game mechanics features from Custom.

>> No.36338895

If you really want to stick to vanilla plus, you could probably replace the contents of the cicada sound file with silence or some less annoying ambience.

>If I play in Japanese then E+CGX's cancerous machine translation won't change anything, right?
Correct. I've been playing it in Japanese and none of the text is changed. Just be aware that as with any varient, if you switch languages mid-playthrough, then you are going to have a bunch of NPCs and items with names from the old language.

>> No.36339003

Just brew them yourself.

>> No.36339458

opennefia when

>> No.36341080

On your next wish, wish for a happy bed. If you sleep on a good bed every night you'll get better potential ups.

Buy a farm, then do harvest quests for herb seeds.
After getting a good amount of herb seeds, spam grow herbs.

At 45 alchemy, you can literally make them in a pot for fusion. Just make sure you always harvest material spots in dungeons and collect resources from your pets if they have any skills that let them collect.

Do this and you'll power level like no tomorrow.

>> No.36341176

Get a pet with the cooking skill and raise their relationship to soulmate.

>> No.36343846

Been getting an error that says "No DLL:hsplua.dll" when trying to launch GX even though the dll is in the directory. It's weird since I get this error on my laptop but not my desktop, and both are running the same OS with the same Elona folder.

>> No.36343896

If you just copied the folder from one machine to another, it sounds like a windows defender thing.
Check if the DLL has been blocked by windows or was deleted. If I'm not mistaken, right-click file, proprieties and there should be an indication that it is locked.

>> No.36344168

The dll isn't locked. I did a fresh install just to check and it still gives the error. Compatibility mode doesn't seem to help.

>> No.36344180

Love how they didn't name it cicada or something.
Anyway, the files are elona/sound semi1, semi2, semi3, semi4 and semi5, not very sure about semi5 however it's probably part.

>> No.36344317


i just beat Zoeme now at ~80 all stats, 110 cha. I already found a happy bed (didn't have to wish for it) but didn't get pet cooking since it just seemed to take too long to get to soulmate vs just investing in the magic vendors around my home and palmia. They're still scarce but oh well. I had the alchemy skill to craft them but couldn't find the materials, not even for a single pot

I had not one, but two farms. I also had 100+ gardening and 75 cooking skill by the time I got to zeome. Herbs and herb infused foods really weren't the problem, it was just keeping potential high.

>> No.36344477

It's ok to add a cicada sound but not in that raw loop way which is totally awkward and non immersive. Make it play for some seconds after you enter a town instead of letting it play continuously, this is what I was expecting the first time I heard it, put a notification for cicada somewhere and that would really serve the purpose.
The other alternative is to make it based on proximity thing around some corners of the town, letting it play low and loud depending. As it is right now, it's just baffling hideous and annoying.

>> No.36344670

>I had the alchemy skill to craft them but couldn't find the materials, not even for a single pot

>In Elona+, pets can sometimes gather materials from enemies they kill if they have the appropriate skills that you find for gathering at sampling spots. You have to ask your pets for their materials.
^^^^^ from the Wiki.
If you give your pets all the gathering skills (Mining, Gardening, fishing, detection and gene engineering)
You'll be rolling in mats provided you just let them kill stuff.
I once asked my younger cat sister to hand over her materials and got 35 Angel tears in one go after letting her kill stuff for a good 2 sessions of play.

IMO its the best way to get mats. Then you can just spam potions EZ.

Also just letting them kill stuff raises your affection, so 100% invest in your pets cooking skill too.

Its honestly not hard to keep potential high if you're willing to invest a bit of time into your pets and their skills.

If it helps, you can also get potential potions by playing cards. 14 wins if you bet a single chip iirc.

>> No.36344702

how many pets should I have? I only use one of my pets in dungeons

>> No.36344728

... and even then I rarely bring them out since they always seem to die. I make picnic baskets, use god pets, artifact and miracle equipment, etc. but they just can't keep up

>> No.36344815
File: 527 KB, 1396x816, mats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just harvested mats from my pet after like an hour of play
>pic related
>13 angels tear
>10 sap of yaggdrasil
>15 hot water
Good few potions of potential there.

>how many pets should I have? I only use one of my pets in dungeons
As many as you want provided they all have every one of the harvesting skills.
Its on a per-kill basis so it really doesn't matter if you let one pet do the killing or multiple.
I'd recommend two though, as there is a cap on how many mats they can carry and if you go dungoneering for a while two pets worth of mats should last you a good bit.

>> No.36344969

You can change his portrait to that of a cute girl, switch his tone file, and pretend.
Or go the extra mile and change his dialogue in the code.

>> No.36344995

>Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.
What about just doing it in paint? It's far faster to splice some sprites onto the sheet using paint than it is dealing with photoshop.

>> No.36345160

Decided to pick Mutant instead of my usual Juere for a change.
Now that I don't have the slow digestion feat, how do I stop being hungry all the time? I can't eat a sandwich in the middle of a longer than usual boss fight.

>> No.36345316

You can give blessed potions of potential and herbs to your pets too, power level the shit out of them while you're power levelling yourself and they'll become infinitely more useful. Picnic baskets are pretty shit for general leveling to be honest, they're only good for the speed and luck potential boosts.

Provided you use the pets to get mats and have a good herb farm you can make a loop of getting stronger and stronger, making more and more potions and then scale yourself and your pets to godhood.

>> No.36345518

Is it okay to eat herbs early in the game, or should I be saving them? I read something about being able to combine herbs with foods for big stat gains.

>> No.36345581

Two reasons:
>gimp is not photoshop, it's pretty damn fast to use
>you are not on window$, like me

>> No.36348261

One is plenty unless you want more.

Get your pet some skills, especially Pickpocket. If you need faster results give it some gemstones to sell for training money, but eventually Pickpocket will cover everything.

>> No.36348395

(semi refers to 蝉 which means cicada)

>> No.36348535

You know, I like what Beautify does with the characters, for the most part, but for whatever reason it has a real habit of tinting a bunch of the item sprites with this sepia that I'm not digging.

>> No.36350600


Engineer Travelling on them. It'll give them skill XP to random skills and mats every time it procs. Also if your Gene Engineer is high enough you can catch/dominate/scroll of ally yourself some high level monsters to splice into your pets to give them more levels and thus more HP and MP.

If you're in Act 2 and they have enough AP go get the Barrier and Charm feats from Leold. The former lets their MP be another life bar and the latter will let the pet auto-Dim mobs that attack them making them miss more often, especially ranged mobs.

If you have access to Call Familiar and Coffins of Necromancy one thing you can do is send all of your pets to town, bring out some spooks, let them soften up the boss, then either remand them or order them to blow up on the boss.

Then use Call Familiar to call the pets back and finish the boss off.

You can have spooks and pets out at the same time so long as you don't hit the pet limit.


When expecting to fight something remember to eat food if you're not Satiated and not currently in combat. If you're playing Elona+ or a fork of it you can directly throw food on yourself to eat it in one turn; this can give you Dypsnea, if that happens you should Bash yourself to cure it.

>> No.36350619

>If you're playing Elona+ or a fork of it you can directly throw food on yourself to eat it in one turn; this can give you Dypsnea, if that happens you should Bash yourself to cure it.
I've played for hundreds of hours but had no idea about this. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.36350653

>This game is gonna be great, isn't it?
Yeah, kinda, sorta. That's just how the game is.

>> No.36350676

>What about just doing it in paint?
Why paint on a canvas when you can paint on a thin sheet of paper?
Paint lacks the utilities and options needed. It has one or two functions and that's it.

>> No.36350840

Yes, the first time you eat herbs raw they'll give you ~20+ to whatever stats they affect, after that it's 1-2.
Combining herbs with foods is more mid-game. You don't actually need to do it either, eating herbs one at a time is how I always play and I've gotten to late endgame. It's actually quicker it just requires more management

>> No.36350867

I already finished it in photoshop, but literally all I was doing was cropping some sprites from one sprite sheet and placing them on the other because I liked them better, not doing my own spriting or anything like that.

>> No.36352041

Coming back after a while and good to see this GX thing. Is there a beautify for it yet?

>> No.36352085

no but I just copied all my shit over. only thing so far that gives me the white untextured square of suffering is something called a "filtration bottle"

>> No.36352122

Ah, thanks anon. So just use the 1.99 beautify in the OP or is there a more updated version somewhere else?

>> No.36352205

I think there's a slightly more up to date item.bmp, apart from that 1.99 is fine yeah

>> No.36352219

Excellent. Thanks

>> No.36352739

How does that sepia tone the map files have work out in practice? Biggest thing that stopped me from using it was how the map tiles are less colorful because of it.

>> No.36354072

I had my suspicions, but couldn't be bothered. Thanks, anon.

>> No.36354741

What does the filtration bottle even do?

>> No.36355539

How the fuck do I get elona+ to recognize diagonal inputs on my gamepad, or, better yet, let me use the directional buttons?
The lack of documentation on this garbage is fucking infuriating. Why the fuck are teams of modders going to all the effort to set this shit up, but can't even spend a day putting together a user guide?

>> No.36357352

I normally insist on using a controller for everything but it's just not going to work in a convenient way for Elona seeing as the game requires you to use pretty much your entire keyboard including capitals and numpad.

>> No.36358071

Not really, I've played to endgame using controller. Apart from diagonal movement and binding item's/spells to 0-9 keys, there's nothing else you're missing out on.
it's more comfy to play with controller desu and taking a hand off your controller to press a key real quick doesn't bother me

>> No.36358339

Try this or other hits for elona ゲームパッド斜め移動

>> No.36359164

new vid

>> No.36359210

this style feels a lot more familiar compared to early elin's inn

>> No.36361285

B-But isn't it starting do look more and more like the m-mobile version?

>> No.36361442

Anon, that's some good stuff you are smoking right there, because it doesn't look remotely close to the mobile game.

>> No.36361557

Couldn't you just map a button to alt for diagonal only movement?

>> No.36362373

It has graphics that doesn't make my eyes bleed, other than that, nothing like mobile

>> No.36362857

I don't know~, I love vanilla elona.

>> No.36364137

Is there any way to fix the sprites of mobs that are born at the ranch?

>> No.36364275

Yes. Let them grow up. Milk helps.

>> No.36364421

fuck I wish he'd just remake elona with these graphics

>> No.36364761

noa did mention eventually making a sequel to elona after he's done with elin
it could happen in maybe ten years if we're optimistic

>> No.36364883

Wonder if it'll follow on directly and we'll figure out exactly what that stupid ass book is good for, and who the Eternal League is. Or whether it'll just be another game set in another era later.

>> No.36364954

I'll be fucking dead by then

>> No.36367317

How does a Claymore function long term as a battlemage? Are they going to drop off late game compared to warmage?

>> No.36368720

No because they can just class change to warmage like everyone else. Even if they didn't, the only long term difference is the feat and it's not that big of a deal if you just want to roleplay as a Claymore.

>> No.36374189

Me too, but hopefully Noa won't be.

>> No.36375660

Fuck, turns out I had to update Visual C++ redistributable for it to work.
Didn't he say Elin's Inn was his last attempt at making games?

>> No.36376447

Only if it fails.

>> No.36376746

I'm already dead

>> No.36381322

Is there a damage penalty for remote blows? Also, can you remote dual wield? The wiki doesn't seem to have any details.

>> No.36381884

Would anyone mind sharing a interface.bmp please? Using Beautify currently but I'd like to switch it up for a change

>> No.36382394

Distant Attack reduces damage by a percent. ...Or it did before the change to ranged damage modifiers. Not sure how it goes now, honestly.
I'm pretty sure a Distant Attack is a regular attack, so extra attacks and elemental damage and whatnot will still work.

>> No.36384899

rechargeable way to restore thirst

>> No.36385874

How many hands is enough hands?

>> No.36387052

MA: 0 or all
2h: 1
magic: 1 or 0
ranged: all
rods: 0
spact: 0 or all

>> No.36387078

...oh, right.

dual wield: all
necromancy: 0 or all (alchemy/anatomy bonus)

>> No.36387453

one to headpat little girl

>> No.36387629

lots of hands all duel wielding swords is still worse than just a dedicated 2H right?

>> No.36389639


>> No.36393579

Hasn't really been tested in awhile, but 2h is probably still better.

The main issues with dual wield are: no crits, so /3 damage. Lower hit rate, lower crit rate (because multi-hit lowers crits with each hit, even perception crits), combo chain penalty, lower damage of extra hands, and no 2h bonus.

The hit and crit rate used to be solved with time stop and invoke spam, but ano removed timestop crits. However you can ignore most of the multi-hit and combo penalties using continuous attacks, but, that doesn't proc many enchants. And it doesn't help the weaker crits. You can equip 200s weapon's you'll probably have a -hit rate even with capped stats.

Is the theory at least, but again, no one has really tried to make dual wield work since around the 1.6 range, and there are some interesting new things such as using that fancy new sword that can crit during time stop, and the easier time of adding invokes to weapons with fusion.

>> No.36393795

From my experience testing Continuous Attacks, it's *really* good. It'd certainly be the easiest thing to make work, you miss out on elemental damage and invokes but that also means you don't have to bother grinding sox and attribute scrolls for those things. Especially pertinent with dual wield where you'd be running multiple weapons and you'd need to get all of them set up.

That said, whether dual wield would actually be better than 2H for this is another question entirely.
Especially if you want to bring timestopping into the equation, since the Kalpa Hand is the only thing in the game that has the autocrit in timestop attribute, and it's already designed to be a 2H weapon.

>> No.36395936

I remember you could throw potions to the ground and they'd leave a puddle which could reveal invisible creatures. This was in Custom G. Did they remove that in GX?

>> No.36395953

I forgot how lethal early-game is, trying to dungeon delve at low levels without any good gear while waiting for something you can actually accomplish to appear on a job board is leading to a lot of deaths.

>> No.36395959

That has always been a thing.

>> No.36396277

You can still throw potions, otherwise attack based alchemy would break. If it's not working, that's a bug.

>> No.36397144

Yes. Throwing potions still works but they don't leave a puddle anymore for me.

>> No.36397199
File: 22 KB, 979x358, 69b0149017806ddd0a39c5e65bbb4cd4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

game's crashing whenever I do anything. I can't attack or flee (save loads during an assasins' ambush)

any way to fix this?

>> No.36397227

I checked, it's broken in CGX.
Still works in stock plus 2.06fix.

>> No.36401870

>The main issues with dual wield are: no crits, so /3 damage. Lower hit rate, lower crit rate (because multi-hit lowers crits with each hit, even perception crits), combo chain penalty, lower damage of extra hands, and no 2h bonus.

Unless you play a variant that undoes all the nerfs to multiwielding, that is. Even the removal of the asinine combo chain system helps immensely.

>That said, whether dual wield would actually be better than 2H for this is another question entirely.

Powerful ranged weapon with Cold or Magic damage and lots of special ammunition, especially burst, rapid, and timestop. A living weapon adamantium ballista is very likely going to be your best choice if you can deal with the weight or can make it lighter; it hits really fucking hard with 40% pierce built in and its gauge attack is a guaranteed paralyze to boot.

Also good to give to ranged pets so they'll do damage with the occasional gauge attack.

And since it's more than good enough to use for just about any combat you are free to put tonfas/claws/shields in your hands for added damage/accuracy/defense. A PC with the Shield Tonfa and the Sealed Shield equipped is tanky as hell.

>> No.36402572

Ranch breeders count towards the ally limit, do they not?

>> No.36403042

nah, i had like 10 cha and just had to wait an ally then put the breeder in before i could pick up my ally again.

>> No.36404741

Does the effect of a Vindale Cloak stack with an Elea's ether disease resistance?

>> No.36406174
File: 39 KB, 306x436, pokemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a thing

>> No.36406211

Yes,but you will never be "truly" immune to ether disease,its only an issue early game anyways

>> No.36406518

the multiattacking nerfs didn't make dual wield bad, it was bad before then. continuous attacks is likely the best way to make it work and that completely ignores the combo chain system

the current strongest physical attacking setup is a stone with enchanced throwingrock, followed by a laser gun. Ranged IS generally better than melee, I'm just talking about what the most effective melee setup is
you're also going to increase the weight as that affects both damage bonus and crit bonus (on a side note, fairy's inability to benefit from weight bonuses is another of the reasons they suck)

magic is still better than this, mind you

>> No.36406577

etherwind normally ticks from 5-20, depending on your speed. vindale cloak makes it always 5. the cloak doesn't affect any other ether source
ether equipment adds a flat +5 per piece of equipment to all ether ticks
elea is -33% to the final figure

>> No.36406798

based, very nice anon. might use this pcc for a pet run
could you do the male fire red/leaf green by any chance?

>> No.36406960

i DID tried those,but they turn like shit when upscaled unless you can find me a good spritesheet

>> No.36407108
File: 30 KB, 560x512, Game Boy Advance - Pokemon FireRed LeafGreen - Hero & Heroine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I can find

>> No.36408304

Should I only ever use one weapon type when dual wielding?

>> No.36408335

Yes,else you would need to work harder to train two type of weapons for no reason whatsoever

>> No.36409114
File: 43 KB, 400x400, Pokemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not sure if its gonna work because i just noticed the background of both is a different color somehow,try it out and tell me if there are any errors

>> No.36409116

Access to cool invokes from a few uniques was the reason I was thinking about, but it's probably not worth the trade in skill progression. Thanks.

>> No.36409178

use living weapons,most artifacts are shit

>> No.36409215

I wouldn't dual wield if I was looking to optimize everything. Just looking to see if I can make lots of animations play each time I attack for giggles.

>> No.36410683

Are Negotiation builds a thing or is Empathy just a novelty?

>> No.36410723

i though you could get a bunch of bells with empathy and "Pacify" everything in the game regardless of equips

>> No.36411809

gi-ant and shoebill sprites scare me help

>> No.36411819

Use the monster girl ones then.

>> No.36412003

Empathy is incredibly busted.
basically a screen-clear that all your pets can use too

that said, it doesn't scale too well since your "damage" increases linearly while enemy resistance and their max stamina are both increasing, but it can easily carry you all the way through act 3, it's just voidcap and awakened nefia where it really sucks.

that said, it can get boring

>> No.36412122

Replace it with that sprite that's just a photo of an actual shoebill so you laugh instead

>> No.36412233
File: 251 KB, 810x810, kumiromi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What build should I do that isn't "farming-focused charisma petmaster that I tell myself I'm not going to roll and then immediately roll every time I start a new save"

>> No.36412249

sniper thief

>> No.36412306

I'm just doing a bog standard warmage myself, I last played Elona while Noa was still working on it when magic sucked absolute dicks so it's fun.

>> No.36412444

is independant feat good or are pets worth more than speed

>> No.36412557

Do you want to kill every enemy you encounter in the blink of an eye?
Or would you prefer to leisurely stroll through dungeons while your imouto runs ahead of you butchering everything in sight?
There is no wrong answer. Pick whichever sounds more enjoyable to you.

>> No.36413616

>the current strongest physical attacking setup is a stone with enchanced throwingrock, followed by a laser gun. Ranged IS generally better than melee, I'm just talking about what the most effective melee setup is

With ranged weapon + Shield Tonfa + Sealed Shield however you not only can deal a lot of damage with your ranged attacks to begin with but you have lots of physical damage reduction and high chance of damage negation from just two slots plus whatever bonus you get from your Shield skill. And both the tonfa and shield are fixed arts you don't have to grind (much) for.

With throwingrock you need to devote a staff with the throwing rock to a hand slot (giving up either the tonfa or shield), making you more squishy and less able to exploit the hatred ether disease or Fury status to crank up your damage output, not to mention you can't use special ammo, and ballistae has that 40% pierce and that useful gauge attack with guaranteed paralysis.

>you're also going to increase the weight as that affects both damage bonus and crit bonus

With more weight I won't be able to carry more consumables and loot. Fuck that, not everyone has 1200 Weight Lifting.

>> No.36414848

You're underestimating the player's ability to survive and overestimating the value of those artifacts. Shield Tonfa is extremely valuable on a new character, with the 20 damage bonus and PV + damage reduction, but later on I'll often swap it out. Sealed shield I just never really use. Holy shield can already give you up to 1000 PV, and with a bunch of AP life the PC is already very hard to kill.

believe me when I say the throwingrock buff is worth giving up a hand slot. you can get a staff with the enchant very easily from the little sister quest
Also i'd consider the energy cell gauge attack to be the best, doing high damage and hitting everything in a line.

as for weightlifting, that's your loss. I'll enjoy my triple crit damage and 40 damage bonus in the meantime

>> No.36416056

a wall hack cheatah just dropped me the Rail Gun in the latest version of custom gx
i thought this thing was exclusive to Utima

>> No.36416527

>You're underestimating the player's ability to survive and overestimating the value of those artifacts.

You're missing the point. With Shield Tonfa and Sealed Shield with a powerful ranged weapon the PC can be very tanky without sacrificing his damage output, and in emergencies he can apply Fury to himself and/or his target to double or quadruple dps without much more risk - and yes he can layer Holy Shield on top of that.

Double Fury is like two thrown rotten tomatoes or a couple of spacts away. Add in massive tankiness and it's insanely good, and if you don't need the extra damage you can leave it turned off unlike the Brave and Obstinate traits.

>believe me when I say the throwingrock buff is worth giving up a hand slot.

No. You give up the hand slot and your ammunition slot, which means you can't use special ammunition, which means your rock can't timestop on a whim or pour rapid/burst attacks into a boss for lots of damage. For that matter, you can't use exploding ammo for pulping hordes of mobs or magic ammo for fragile but evasive little fucks like bats. It also means you don't benefit from any enchantments the ammo has, either.

>Also i'd consider the energy cell gauge attack to be the best, doing high damage and hitting everything in a line.

The crossbow gauge attack will paralyze its target regardless of resistance, and that makes it better for bosses. Forcing bosses to skip their turns is also very good for survival.

>as for weightlifting, that's your loss. I'll enjoy my triple crit damage and 40 damage bonus in the meantime

Critical multiplier maxes out at 4 stone according to the wiki, so there's no point having the ammunition be any heavier, and besides even if I had more weight limit I could always carry more special ammunition to keep up the timestop/burst/rapid attacks.

>> No.36417355

Getting the 'lose touch with the world' result from a well when you're too low level/skilled to fix your attribute potentials sure is fun.

>> No.36417360

You're gambling your soul in those things.

>> No.36417554

Gotta get me boots, man. Big kick in the nuts though.

>> No.36417900
File: 544 KB, 753x655, firered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the late reply anon I was busy
It works perfect! Should be uploaded and added to the pastebin in OP

If you wanted to go the extra mile to make it complete you could also use the bike or bird sprites from here >>36407108 to make a pcc for when you've equipped a mount.

>> No.36418578

Shittiest part of using Medium Armor is how you can't take advantage of weight PV or damage bonuses desu

>> No.36418732

Have your little girl drink from them.

>> No.36418878

Good advice, can't help me now though.

>> No.36419242

I just unequip my weapon when I want to use magic equip.

>> No.36419291

Viable, but I personally hate going in and out of menus unnecessarily. I always forget.

>> No.36419295

the boots haven't been optimal for many years, anon..

>> No.36419321

I haven't played in many, many years. What are you guys all using now? Also I'm willing to bet that whatever is optimal end-game isn't going to apply for me at level 8 running around gathering platinum extremely inefficiently.

>> No.36419441

Right now you can buy a truck once you hit 100k or so for increased cargo limit and travel speed. You can also just head to yowyn and do the quest for the dali-a-thon.
Too much travel speed actually ends up being a bad thing, when you loop around the map and the shops and quests from the first town haven't reset yet, you have a problem.

As for what the optimal wish nowadays is, there really isn't one. Right now there's nothing game-changing you can wish for that you can't reliably get some other way. Shift cores are the only wish-exclusive thing in the game, so they're usually what people recommend. Secret experience of Kumiromi, an Astral Light Pen if there's an NPC you have your eyes on, the Manytia (https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Manytia_the_adventure_merchant#Old_War_Ground)) items, a guild exclusive skill, or even just a sandbag, eclipse/bubble ball rod, or panty. There's no single "best wish", just think about what you need and what'll get you there.

>> No.36420792

stealth archer

>> No.36421301

You didn't mention dungeon, kinda rare.

>> No.36421456

You can buy dungeons in plus, they don't really do much though. Dungeons are only really useful in omake.

>> No.36421579

Jesus Christ, my memory... That hit like a truck.

>> No.36422421

Why do horses take such massive monster shits, goddamn. Had like 1000s of shit lying around after beating zeome.
I did make almost 100k just selling shit though, so that's cool.

>> No.36422896

>Too much travel speed actually ends up being a bad thing, when you loop around the map and the shops and quests from the first town haven't reset yet, you have a problem.

Do you have Traveling? Fast overland travel means you can fit in lots of Traveling procs in a given period of time, and that means lots of skill boosts for you and lots of skill boosts for all of your pets plus materials, if they also have Traveling.

And you get more leeway for any quest with a time limit, so.


The present is worth using a wish for. Toss it at a mob, mob suffers status effects, you and your spooks/pets go to town on it. And it's reusable healing for pets, too.

>> No.36423525

Travelling skill bonuses are based on distance not time spent travelling
and from the player's perspective the time spent travelling is the same regardless of your speed

>> No.36423967

>Travelling skill bonuses are based on distance not time spent travelling

...which means you can get more procs in the same amount of in-game time. Reading comprehension.

>and from the player's perspective the time spent travelling is the same regardless of your speed

From the player's perspective, if he gets a skill gain from Travelling then that's a skill gain he doesn't have to grind for or invest skill points in. The effect is even more profound for pets, who get skill gains (and sometimes to skills that are otherwise difficult to make a pet train in) AND materials for each Travelling proc they get, per pet.

Time spent Travelling is time saved for grinding other skills, and it goes much faster and arguably safer too.

>> No.36424051

anon I don't think you know what you're talking about

>> No.36424092

>...which means you can get more procs in the same amount of in-game time
Not him but I don't see how that's important, it's not like you are being timed other than for escort quests, but time passing slower would make some things more annoying like getting to a town a shops not being restocked or the festival of jure taking longer to appear, ranches and shops also benefit from time passing faster.
I also don't really like the extra exp from traveling, it keeps potentials low and most skill can be leveled up without that much problem anyway.
The only real benefit I can think of is that you don't have to worry about taxes that much, but even those aren't really difficult to manage.

>> No.36424120

For a pure caster, is the Wizard or Warmage class feat better? Started as a wizard and found an early business card.

>> No.36424225

Warmages get a +5% to casting chance which pairs well with the medium armor you need to use Magic Equip.

>> No.36424295

In general, warmage and thief are the only significant class feats

>> No.36425323

If I'm warmaging, is it worth bothering with Itzpalt since I can't use his staff, or should I just do Lulwy? I know Jure is also an option but I dislike the Defender pet's look and haven't been doing much healing.

>> No.36426262

Is there a way to cast multiple spells in sequence? Like a macro to cast all my buff spells sequentually.

>> No.36426483

>Not him but I don't see how that's important, it's not like you are being timed other than for escort quests, but time passing slower would make some things more annoying like getting to a town a shops not being restocked or the festival of jure taking longer to appear, ranches and shops also benefit from time passing faster.

If all you want to do is piss away your time then go fuck about in the abyssal castle. I like actually doing things.

>> No.36426531

way to miss the point

>> No.36427521

sadly i dont think i can do much with that bird sprite,its only 1-2 frames and i dont think it fits in the character box,but i will keep it in mind in case i find something similar

>> No.36428116


Oh no, I get that some players want muh shops and ranches and shit to give them the goodies now and don't feel like doing something as simple as walking around on the world map to let time pass and get the might-as-well-be-free gains and mats that Travelling bestows, that's why the abyss castle exists.

>> No.36428185

oh i'm getting troled

>> No.36428274
File: 16 KB, 355x226, VEHICLES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rushed job,tell if anything is wrong and i may correct it if i get in the mood,here is pidgeot and entei intended to replace vehicles or just use as pcc

>> No.36428320

the next custom-gx version looks like it'll be adding toggles for some of the powerleveling stuff that's been added in plus

>> No.36428351

>get confused by red dog
>drink potion to clear it
>immediately get confused again next turn
How do you deal with this shit on low levels without resistances and immunities? The fucking gray dogs are even worse, you can get paralyzed and go 100->death without getting a single turn to act.

>> No.36428415

you can throw potions at yourself and using them with t does this automatically

>> No.36428638

Any recs on where to put a house in North Tyris?

>> No.36428641


>> No.36428655

Right in the middle, eh?

>> No.36428828


Wish for a present and toss it at them. non-boss mobs in general become way easier to deal with when they're paralyzed, blind, and confused at the same time.

>> No.36429657

I've always been scared about doing something drastic to NPCs. What can you get away with?
What happens if you just kill a random guy in town? Will he respawn and forget about it, or be hostile forever? Will guards become hostile?

What happens if I use duel gloves on the king of Palmia and kill him to get his statue (or any other unique town NPC?

>> No.36429803

do it and find out, I'll just tell you there aren't any permanent consequences.

>> No.36429808

Why don't you just try it?
As far as I can tell, so long as there are no negative karma issues, just leaving town/dying resets their behaviour. I threw duel gloves at Shena on a new character recently and got fucking dumpstered, I later went back and initiated a fight with the Squeeze skill, she proved to still be strong enough to kill me, so I just ran and came back later and everything was cool. From what I've heard people respawn a few days after getting nuked so that's probably not much of a problem either.

>> No.36429820

Use incognito for immediate effect.
I forgot if /jp/ allows abuse of spoiler.

>> No.36429877

I always start to falter around the point where you switch from simply grinding plat quests and need to start dungeon delving for items, spellbooks etc, even much lower level Nefias are weirdly lethal, probably because of the shit gear from stores 90% of the time stocking crap made of mica or paper.

>> No.36429901


>> No.36429995

just tried it
>20 days later
>STILL haven't fixed that they fucked up the item IDs and now some items have both wrong description AND broken on-use mechanic
pic related, same item (変憶結晶) in elonaplus.exe and elonapluscgx.exe (using filehost because /jp/ rangebanned me from posting pictures for some reason)
there's no way I'm touching this shit until this is fixed, if one item is has its item id shifted in the item database god knows how many are off

>> No.36430055
File: 10 KB, 73x108, 1615910621476.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Added a tweak to revert changes to the experience formula after Elona+ 1.90.
>Added a tweak to disable study day bonus skill experience.
>Added a tweak to disable the DESTINY feature and restore the chances of finding godly equipment.

Extremely based

>> No.36430109

Yes, I'm thinking based is the word here.

>> No.36430349

The item IDs weren't shifted, only the descriptions. I just pushed a fix that corrects those.

And the memory converter thing was because Ano didn't define the effect ID correctly in the code. The latest version only applies the memory converter fix to newly created items since the effect ID is set on the item when it's generated. If it helps then I could just add a debug menu command that fixes the effect IDs of any broken items in your inventory.

>> No.36430381

>Added marriage chat messages from the work-in-progress Elona source code.
What's that?
Also expanded tone files never ever?

>> No.36430428

It means that if you have network features enabled, the game will broadcast a message to chat every time you marry someone. The feature was in Noa's source code release but wasn't included in 1.22.
