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File: 51 KB, 336x446, vikings..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3614485 No.3614485 [Reply] [Original]

Japan is gay.

Samurai are gay

Vikings could kick the shit out of Samurai


>> No.3614491

Vikings could kick the shit out of any countries current military force.

>> No.3614495

Shiki can kill samurai and vikings

>> No.3614499

Vikings were pussies who relied on scare tactics
Just like Nazis

>> No.3614496

Shaolin Monks


>> No.3614502

Deadly Warriors said otherwise.

>> No.3614512
File: 254 KB, 881x611, fags.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3614520
File: 588 KB, 1607x1200, Vinland Saga v01 p044-045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fuck with the Vikings.

>> No.3614530


Anyone would be done for if that showed up!

>> No.3614535


Only 'cause Samurai were Archers before they were Swordsmen.

As anyone who knows anything about warfare, the guy who can drop you from 50 yards when you only have a 5-foot radius of death is going to win ridiculously hardcore.

>> No.3614538
File: 214 KB, 1600x1067, vikingsquad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

modern day Viking squad inside the Icelandic navy helicopter

>> No.3614544

In before Spartans

>> No.3614548 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 310x294, 1252242183626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image@.
2. Save it a"s 4chan.cmd
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. _Shit bri3cks7.


>> No.3614554
File: 11 KB, 347x362, 1256594268241.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Save it as 4chan.cmd
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.


>> No.3614562

Spartans are shit.
They are just hyped up the fuck because they fought against the Persians who rellied on slave soldiers with little to no training, while spartans were trained since birth.

>> No.3614650

>They are just hyped up the fuck because they fought against the Persians who rellied on slave soldiers with little to no training, while spartans were trained since birth.

> while spartans were trained since birth.

you just failed

>> No.3614658

Spartans are not a sole big nation that fought against the whole Persian empire.
They were hyped as the strongest infantry way before that.

>> No.3614675

The point was:
Trained soldiers VS unskilled slaves, will lead to slaughter for the slave side.
It's not because the Spartans were "AWESOMEUBERLEET" soldiers, it's because they were trained (Just like every other army) and the slaves were not.

>> No.3614698

Yes I know. (Something they were not).
I'm just coming out as a troll here, now that I review my posts.

But anyways: there is no proof that they (or any other) were the strongest around.
This debate is futile.

>> No.3615504
File: 44 KB, 340x436, brown11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3615524

At that age, they did have the strongest infantry in Greece..
And at that time period, the whole world that matters is pretty much Greece in a sense(not really, actually).
Plus, their upbringing and regime can hardly do anything else but produce tough sons of bitches.
Of course, one lone county cannot hope to always win with their infantry (Athens naval forces buttraped them every now and then)

>> No.3615536

Vikings could not sail to Japan.

>> No.3615550

>Vikings could kick the shit out of Samurai
Very true, if there are no refs involved, that is...

>> No.3615562

>But anyways: there is no proof that they (or any other) were the strongest around.

the spartans were recognised as the best phalanx in Greece before they got trashed by the Thebans and later Athens

also Vikings were opportunistic raiders, traders foremost then fighters, as soon as people got their shit together they were smashed and was never a threat again

>> No.3615573


and the samurai couldn't sail period.

>> No.3615582

more like: they became christians and the crusades started

>> No.3615585

you guys should really start watching Deadliest Warriors. I think those guys are already played out.

>> No.3615589

But Vikings don't have Katanah

>> No.3615605
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 461fba7bd2fa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they've got ponies instead

>> No.3615614
File: 138 KB, 500x373, 3696655701_4573a1952d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3615622 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 97x322, 1253933621856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open thimage.
2. Save it a 4chan.cmd
3. Open te fe o saved.
5 Shitrick.


>> No.3615635


stamford bridge - the english led by harold the saxon crushed the norsemen

the slavs in russia shook off the norse hegemony, but then later ask for it back (WTF RUSSKIES)

byzantium didn't give a shit about the norse at this time either, although they still did hire some as mercenaries, then again the varangians had englishmen and germans as well

>> No.3615666


Deadliest Warrior is the dumbest thing ever. It's amusing to watch but I still don't know how they are still airing anything after resorting to Counterstrike.

>> No.3615679
File: 74 KB, 440x323, sample_192df090352b847820025c5df0d86512fcfe56d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALLFATHER ODIN > Everyone in Gensokyo

Just saying.

>> No.3615772

Vikings would have lost the battle of maldan if that jackass didn't get over confident and let them on land. Seriously, up until that point the vikings were getting butchered by two people.

>> No.3615792

Depends on the setting of the All-Father Odin.

>> No.3615801

Japanese swords are specialized for slashing.
They're much more refined than knives meant for stabbing.
