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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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360581 No.360581 [Reply] [Original]

Shit, did that last Cirno thread just get deleted?

>> No.360583

Tell me YWUIG threads are allowed.

For God's sake, tell me YWUIG threads are allowed.

>> No.360584
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I put on my robe and witches hat ~ze

>> No.360588


Something Anon should fear more than the lake.

>> No.360592

/jp/ has entered a deadly spiral.

>> No.360595

but through the fire and flames we carry on (if you get what I mean).

>> No.360598
File: 52 KB, 170x283, 1206943292021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, What the fuck, mods.

Touhou was kicked out of every single other board. Now we're getting kicked out of /jp/?

/jp/ was made for Touhou. Moot agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.360606

The /jp/ SS is marching and rounding up rpg related threads and sending them to the ghetto. A few have already been seen loaded into packed boxcars and railroaded to parts unknown, never to be seen again.

>> No.360607

Touhou is fine, fan created shitty roleplay is not.

>> No.360610

They're deleting shit faggot crap shit roleplay threads, not Touhou

Touhou is allowed here, Moot agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.360611

Touhou isn't kicked out of /jp/. Just the faggotry roleplaying and TheAsian.

>> No.360612


Alice *squeeze* is cancer. Mods agreed.

>> No.360614

imo, YWUIG is visual novel. I don't really play it much, but it's not RP.

>> No.360616

Not for roleplaying? I get that. That's fine.

YWUIG is interactive fiction. Gensokyo Man is awesome.

>> No.360617

Good riddance.

>> No.360621

For god's sake--for god's sake--
It isn't roleplaying, anymore than a man roleplays himself as he eats his breakfasts. You can kick away a thousand false Alices and I won't shed a tear, but don't take away our story--!

>> No.360622
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The weird things is the Mods seem to get support.

Who are these guys complaining? Are the guys pushing for this the same guys who make a few morning Musume threads or Aya image dumps? How can that compete with the cultural weight of GM's Original Content? Even the A...An...Anon shitty Alice RP threads are more interesting than Aya or Musume image dumps...

>> No.360623
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oh well, life goes on

at least I can still do my interrupts on /m/

>> No.360627


Improvised visual novel, it's not RP. /jp/ agreed don't bother him about it.

>> No.360634

Like I said earlier, not even mods can stop us from completing the project. Not even moot.

>> No.360645

Am I the only person that really doesn't care for these threads?

>> No.360647

/jp is where all the faggotry not allowed on /a/ belongs. Moot agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.360648
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Look, as long as YWUiG is allowed, I'll forgive the mods and write it off as them just cleaning up the forums for people to use them.

but the second Gensokyo Man is banned, I will march myself over to japan and kill every loli I see.

I'll do it.

>> No.360651

Not so long as you do it elsewhere, like Gaia for example.

>> No.360654


Well... what if they delete /jp/?

>> No.360658

I fucking hate RP threads where some douche pretends to be a touhou character.

I fucking LOVE Waking Up In Gensokyo.

There will be a shitstorm of epic proportions if WUIG is banned. Too many people like it.

>> No.360661

Then we invade /a/.

>> No.360664

If that happens I will share with Gensokyo Man my proxies I just found in teh internet.

>> No.360667

I don't really get it much either. The writing isn't that great, and the options are sort of idiotic.

>> No.360669

I guess we'll find out if YWUIG is bannable or not tomorrow. It'll certainly be interesting.

>> No.360670

Hahaha, then everything from /jp/ crashes down on /a/ like the fucking meteor that killed the dinosaurs. That would make things even harder for the mods.

>> No.360672

>/b/ is where all the faggotry not allowed on /jp/ belongs. Moot agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.360675

yes, this is /jp/ if you don't like it move back to /a/

>> No.360676

Nah. There's the case of mods trolling in /b/ as well, so that'll pass.

>> No.360678

I like Touhou and VN's, just not a terrible sub-par mix of both.

>> No.360682

I like Touhou and VN's, just not a sub-par mix of both.

>> No.360683

you gotta consider the difference between 'WHAT DO YOU DO' threads and 'ZOMG I AM ALICE YOUR WAIFU' threds.

i have little interest in either, but i will tolerate GM more, if only because it actually takes a bit of effort to think of what direction to take the story.

>> No.360691


Stuttering Alice will not be missed.

>> No.360689

Plus the latter actually has a semblance of the canon personalities.

>> No.360693

/jp/ really is a useless board. People talk about everything /jp/ talks about except for Touhou (and some of the more obscure visual novels) and it's not even deleted off the board. On the other hand /jp/ gets stuff like Higurashi threads deleted regularly even though Higurashi came from a fucking VN.

>> No.360697

Hell yes! Finally we've gotten rid of those horrible, horrible Alice RP threads!

YWUiG can stay.

>> No.360698

it's about time you touhou faggots suffered a loss or two. jesus fucking christ this isn't /touhou/ it's /jp/ for JAPAN GENERAL. the occasional touhou thread is fine but stop posting so fucking many of them

>> No.360700

I enjoyed Sakuya turning back time pissed by "Mr. Dumbass"'s harrasing responses.

>> No.360701

You move Touhou and VN go in /jp/ that is directly from Moot. The faggotry needs to go and threads need to be consolidated. No more 10 touhou threads going at once.

>> No.360702

And by "latter" I mean "Waking Up In Gensokyo" in case there is any confusion.

>> No.360712

Post about katanas and people say go back to /k/. Post about travelling and people say go back to /trv/. Post about news and people say go back to /n/ (but wait, we don't have that anymore. RAAAAGEEEEE)

There's always faggots complaining about threads they don't like which is prefectly acceptable in /jp/. Live with it.

>> No.360719


>> No.360721

>it's /th/ for TouHou and TsukiHime.

>> No.360738

I can't believe moot axed /n/. That was the best board on this stupid domain.

>> No.360756



But it is kind of funny considering how it's a better topic choice than transportation (no offense to the new transportation board, it's just I'm only interested in the planes part)

>> No.360757

Me thinks he doesn't want Islamophobia in this board (like the Obama news the got the user banned on the spot).
