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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3603635 No.3603635 [Reply] [Original]

Halloween is just a couple of sleep away, /jp/

What will you do on Oct. 31st?

>> No.3603643

Get my camera ready and wait by my window with the lights off.

>> No.3603641

Be alone

>> No.3603645

dress up as Rance in hyper weapon mode

>> No.3603654 [DELETED] 

plz stop spammin ur poopy board on anon†alk.com ok its not funny anymore many big thankz and hugz from tinyloli <3

>> No.3603652

Jerk off into a bowl of jelly beans and hand them out to children.

>> No.3603657

Dress up as Bulleta or Akazukin.

>> No.3603664

Throw Cthulhu at the children.

>> No.3603677

Spend it with you guys, of course.

>> No.3603691

Ignore the door and pretend I'm not home I hate my life

>> No.3603696

This is great. There is no way they'd be able to tell either.

>> No.3603697

Same but I'll be eating candy while ignoring the door and loving my life.

>> No.3603719

I will spend it sleeping and picking up my sister from the station

Halloween is for faggots

>> No.3603718

What's there to do? Obviously go around houses and spread blasphemy.

>> No.3603727

I don't celebrate Halloween. I'll be doing the same thing I do on every other day.Eat,play my video games,make some progress in my VNs,fap a couple of times and go to sleep.

>> No.3603734

i give out candy, but "kids" show up with just a random hat and say its a costume looking for handouts

i asked one if they weren't too old and they just stared at me

>> No.3603746
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Whoever hands out the candy gets the leftovers.

>> No.3603754

Last year I went out to a party and came back to a TP-covered house. This year I think I'll stick around to bribe these little pricks with candy. Maybe I can get something organized at my place for later with a few friends.

>> No.3603759
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>> No.3603785

Anyone have the stencil for this?

>> No.3603818

Happy Halloween from Mareer.

>> No.3603861
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>> No.3603871
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>> No.3603869

This chick wants me to come to here Halloween costume party at her apartment, and for some reason, I really don't want to go.

A great sign I'll remain a loser.

>> No.3603888

>for some reason

Their is multiple reasons to not want to go.

>> No.3603900

Play some Goldeneye on my friend's roof

>> No.3603915

I'm not usually at this house in autumn but since I am and I don't know what children can do, I'll be waiting with a loaded gun on my doorstep.

>> No.3604173

Like one anonymous said: dress up as Battler and ignore any girls dressed as witches that come to my door.

>> No.3604337

It's completly normal for you not to go.
They will probably be drinking, forcing a different personality for the time.
As well, all the girls will be in skimpy outifts like the ugly sluts they are.

>> No.3604521

Teach me how to force a fake personality.

>> No.3604536

Beer makes you more bashful.
Speed makes you more excited.
I can only think of a couple for now, but anything that plays with your brain would count.

>> No.3604547

Sit around in a basement with friends smoking weed and watching "scary" movies.

>> No.3604919
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Sorcery. You know, what Halloween is kind of famous for. Maybe I'll read into Goetia a bit.

>> No.3604921


>> No.3604927


>> No.3604934

Trick or treating. I still need a costume.

>> No.3606479

Just go as yourself, it is scary enough

>> No.3607800

I'll be out Trick or Treating and or at a party. Dressing up as Shaggy from Scooby-Doo.

>> No.3607819
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I want to dress up with a Noh mask and bathrobe like Machiya

>> No.3607842
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☑ Baseball shirt
☑ Jeans
☑ Tennis Shoes
☑ Long Red Cloth
☑ Orange Hair Spray
☑ Spray-on Tan
☑ Neon-green face paint

Trace On
Trigger Off

>> No.3607907
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If you can acting charming and throw out enough bullshit to seem interesting you don't need to fake a personality. Most people themselves are so boring it's not that hard to seem better than you really are.

If you really want to fake one I used to have a set of " persona " that I'd use depending on the situation that I developed by observing how people talked and acted in a variety of situations. When alone I'd practice the body language assigned to each one and run through various scenarios that I'd possibly encounter during social situations in my head. I was able to mask my actual anti-social personality for years till I decided I hated acting and went back to my solitary lifestyle.

>> No.3608254
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I have a wonderful Idea /jp/. For this year's Halloween, I am going to do something different.

Instead of wasting a ton of cash on NESTLE Candy and other sorts, I've decided to hand out PC games as a treat. Right now, I got a batch of 50+ DVD-R 's.
I plan to burn some games and make some cute CD labels. The games I have in mind right now are:

Imperishable Night
Irisu Syndrome
Yume Nikki
Cave Story
Visionary Wings
and some Nico Nico Douga videos in AVI.

I live in a neighborhood full of children, no nigras, Chavs, or any other group that will hinder my Goal. My goal is to get the kids hooked, I will succeed.

>> No.3608288
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Sounds good.

>> No.3608298

This is a terrible idea.

>> No.3608494
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Sit in my basement as per usual, drowning my sorrows in cheap vodka like the peasant I am.
