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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[ERROR] No.36029438 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>35954505

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.36029458

Monobeno HE appends for


Wiz Anniversary next.

>> No.36029474
File: 532 KB, 1050x1478, 9111555bacaab0cd41b7b9e4bb302f9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muramasa です.

>> No.36029512

Thank you anon, wanted to read Wiz Anniversary since forever. Will wait for the upload.

>> No.36029556
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Can you anon's post your top 5 vn's. I've read less than 10 but i'm interested in what you guys top 5 would look like.

>> No.36029566

Much Obliged. Will make a passthrough of the package just to double check.

>> No.36029594

Read Daitoshokan. A really good choice for a new reader. I always recommend it in cases like this. It's one of my favorites even now.

>> No.36029598
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, 装甲悪鬼村正Muramasa (74).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat Kanae's route and is it just me or was it way shorter than Ichijou's? It felt like there was an arc where they'd have one last final showdown with GHQ - or at least Canon - missing. For a route entirely about exploring revenge, the fact that the dude who nukes a city apparently gets away scot-free is a bit odd because he seems like a great way to explore the theme in more detail. Did I miss a line about him dying in the airship crash? I don't think I did, but as I write this I'm starting to wonder because it seems like such a missed opportunity to literally never mention him again after the nuke goes off. After the Shishiku fight the route just jumps right to the final confrontation between Kanae/Kageaki (which was pretty underwhelming) and then the credits roll. And speaking of which, did Narahara really have the balls to smash cut to credits just as Kageaki and the route's heroine were launching their final attacks on each other for two routes in a row?

>> No.36029637

White album 2
Koi de wa naku

>> No.36029668

Was https://vndb.org/v21816 ever posted somewhere?

>> No.36029683

Rance X
Sayonara wo Oshiete
Ikusa Megami Verita
Sakura no Uta

A mix of patrician and plebeian here.

>> No.36029707

Everything else doesn't matter

>> No.36030134
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, 彼女と俺と恋人と。プレミアムモーションプラス_2021-08-10_12-37-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coming from a guy who accompanies his imouto on the toilet, wipes her afterwards, and thinks nothing of it.

>> No.36030199


Mine are mixed of my actual taste and vn to cope

Soushuu Senshinkan Gakuen: Hachimyoujin
Kara no Shoujo 1-3
Little Busters

>> No.36030218

Anyone remember Fraternite? Pretty much fallen into obscurity now.

>> No.36030283

Because it was never that good and it only lives on as a meme whenever an anime shows boys and girls lying circlewise on a grassy field.

>> No.36030300


Wiz Anniversary and its fandisc.

>> No.36030424

Any nukige that features great amounts of smegma and smell fetishism?

>> No.36030614

>Ikusa Megami Verita
Can this be played standalone?

>> No.36030643

What makes Albatross great? (haven't read)

>> No.36030708

ofc, it was interesting read and amazing experience

>> No.36030800

Yes, it pretty much serves as the prequel to Celica's adventure.

>> No.36030887

There's nothing wrong with wiping your imouto though.
I did it too in the past, it's normal.

>> No.36030935

This one seems to be like 10-11 years old though.

>> No.36031035

Nah, the one on tototo is definitly younger
And even if she is that age it's still normal if the protag thinks nothing of it

>> No.36031111

Baldr Sky
Saya no uta
Tokyo Necro

>> No.36031207

I tried to read this twice but the beginning is just too retarded for me to get through every time.

>> No.36031333

Yeah same. It's too boring and bland.

>> No.36031417

Ok I was actually thinking 7-8, but it seemed weird that they would give her a route then. I guess willplus doesn't care.

>> No.36031928

ADHD faggots.

>> No.36032013

For me it wasn't that, but the fact that it starts off with a lucky sukebe scene that someone happens to take a picture of and circulates throughout the whole school. Masterful writing, starting off your game with an epic misunderstanding that no one shuts the fuck up about.

>> No.36032082

Eh, that's whatever. It doesn't matter after few lines.

>> No.36032133

Gunjou no Sora wo Koete
Phantom of Inferno
Dies Irae
Hateshinaku Aoi, Kono Sora no Shita de...

>> No.36032146

Is there a way to get runnable 加奈~いもうと~ version? Tried original disc version which manages to run but fails to load music (damn audio CD files). Bought the Win7 support version (currently in summer sale) from DLsite but that requires a check through Buddy app which after registering the serial key just refuses to run the game. Tried to search for some patches but only found some for the US version and oh boy I sure don't want to read that.

If anyone could help would be greatly appreciated. Sort of afraid of buying 加奈…おかえり!! now since it just might not work at all as well.

>> No.36032219

It's just your usual clubshit with same shallow girls. This time the club gimmick is even dumber. So SoL events revolve around boring situations like picking up trash. Not much creativity in how scenes play out either. Heroine routes are pretty short with same bland drama, and ichacha/sex is treated as afterthought once the route drama is resolved.

>> No.36032284

Literally filtered.
The opening was boring overused sukebe trope but passed that line it was pleasant to read.
But you might hate it again because all main heroine wants mc's dick on the second half of the main route.
I've read worse overused sukebe trope than this and I can say it was a good VN if you can ignore the annoyance.

>> No.36032318

It's choke full of overused cringe cliches like that.

>> No.36032371

Not even the most acclaimed literature had exciting beginnings. Did you fags just drop those books when chapter one didn't grip your dicks hard enough? Great narratives take time and patience.

>> No.36032405

The beginning is okay. The hours of boring club activites that follow are the problem. Jesus Christ I don't fucking care how much budget you need for this fucking retarded event FUCK

>> No.36032406

You get a sense of writing quality from just an hour in moege. It's all about details like how dialogues and interactions are written, scene construction, the kind of situations utilized etc.

>> No.36032419

Lolita's beginning is actually genius.
That said, anons saying Daitoshokan is just about the cliches are missing the point.

>> No.36032446

>Tried original disc version which manages to run but fails to load music (damn audio CD files).

Use _inmm.dll or any other program to make CD music run.

>> No.36032468

>because all main heroine wants mc's dick
Is there harem?

>> No.36032479


>> No.36032483

I hate that.

>> No.36032520

Opening up with a schizo's inner thoughts has become a common trope in media, VN's included yet hardly anyone bitches about that.

>> No.36032562

There's nothing wrong with using common tropes. Just be creative and playful. Shit like lucky sukebe will be dumb in most contexts.

>> No.36032571

I like pantsu

>> No.36032586
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Cross Channel

>> No.36032587

Kiss scene is a common trope too but you can write them in multiple ways. What this anon said >>36032562

>> No.36032621

Kissing scenes aren't a "trope" that's retarded, do you think H-scenes are a trope too?

>> No.36032626

There exists so much media nowadays that pretty much anything is a trope now.

>> No.36032639

Confession scenes in moege are pretty much a trope if this >>36032520 shit is a trope too

>> No.36032643

This is why reducing media to its moving parts is nothing short of foolish. You can argue every single scene to be derivative, but that's missing the forest for the trees.

>> No.36032666

>パクるというのをはき違えてそのままやらかしてしまう方もいますけど、パクるっていうのは要するに、原典に自分がどういう色をつけて、どういう反応を引き出そうかとか。そういうことを考えるようにしておくと、いざ自分でなにかを作ろうと思ったときに、自分の引き出しとして使えるようになります。よく言われることですけど、もう今の世の中「オリジナル」なんてものはないですから。だったらそこにあるものを自分だったらどう表現するかっていうことを常にタグづけしてアイデアとしてしまっておくのがいいのかなと思うんです。そのうえで大事になってくるのは、まず差恥心を持ちましょうと。ホントにそのままパクったら恥ずかしいよね、じゃあ恥ずかしくないようにするにはどうアレンジしたらいいのか、そういうところを考えましょうよと。次に、常に人に受けたいと思ってください、ということですね。よく書いた作品は誰かに読んでもらってくださいと言われますが、それと回じことです。自分にとって楽しいことが、地人にとても楽しいことかはわかりませんから。たまにそれが一致している天才もいますけど、それだけじゃ運任せですからね。もうちょっと運の要素を下げるためには、どんなところでも人に受けたいと思うような、ある意味芸人根性みたいなものを持ってくださいということです。僕は社会人を経てからこの業界に入ってきましたが、大学時代から社会人初期の頃まで、ゲームのシナリオやライトノベルを書くセンスはまったくなかったと思います。 そういうセンスが磨かれたのは、ネットとかでのファン活動でみんなとやり取りしていくなかで、ネタ的な応酬を意識してやるようになって、それに相手もノってくれて、おもしろいコミュニティが作れたっていう経験があって、その結果いろいろな作品が世に出ているので。そうなると、センスのいい友だちを持つことも大事だと思います。自分より賢い人とかセンスのある人と友だちになって、その人たちより上になりたいと思う、人間関係でも向上心があってほしいですね。

>> No.36032681

And why is this relevant now anyway?

>> No.36032710

Pretty much this. Who is this nigga?

>> No.36032711

Silverio's prologue is pretty fucking kino though.

>> No.36032740

But how do you make friends? Let alone センスのいい friends

>> No.36032786

In your head.
And dead writers can always be your friends, too.

>> No.36032801

Based maruto

>> No.36032909

You can see he writes eroge by how wordy this is

>> No.36032913

This is definitely not this general lmao

>> No.36032956


>> No.36033016

It's just verbal interview transcribed and edited. Maruto's eroge prose doesn't read like this.

>> No.36033046

Sekrit JOP clubs @ discord

>> No.36033795
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So how was Labyrinth Meister?

>> No.36033872

About as good as any modern Eushully game. Take that what you will.

>> No.36033942

so disappointing with good h-scenes?

>> No.36034011

Filler is one of the biggest problems in VN's that's holding them back. Every VN has at least a couple of hours of it and 9 times out of 10 it makes the whole story worse.

>> No.36034026

>You get a sense of writing quality from just an hour in moege.
When it comes to moege I can predict the whole thing in less than 10 minutes usually, and I'm rarely wrong.

>> No.36034062

>good h-scenes
No loli so they're shit.

>> No.36034092

Why le fuck no dicking for the child?

>> No.36034096

It depends on what you'd consider "filler".
Hard to say date scenes can be considered filler in galge.

>> No.36034176

I mainly mean filler monologue like the MC's dull, irrelevant thoughts on shit inbetween every scene, or even every sentence sometimes. Writing that artificially prolongs scenes that should naturally be shorter, basically. Let's say I write a 25 sentence conversation and at the end of my story I get told that my word count isn't high enough so I revisit that conversation (and many others) and prolong it to 40 sentences despite the original 25 being more than enough to satisfy that scene's purpose. At this point you should have a clear idea of what I mean.

>> No.36034179

And that detracts your enjoyment? Do you only get thrills out of cheap subversions or avant garde surrealist styles?

>> No.36034199

>Do you only get thrills out of cheap subversions or avant garde surrealist styles?
You're strawmaning me a bit here, but no, not really. But I don't like things to be ultra predictable either. Give me a good middle and I'm happy.

>> No.36034236

Try this
It's set in Russia but still has familiar school tropes mixed in with hilarious takes about Slavs and their culture.

>> No.36034299

Alright, I added it to my PTR.

>> No.36034329

Speaking of which, ToHeart 2 has way more dull MC narration than I expected. This is the kind of VN that does NOT need that shit especially when the MC is a boring ass dumbfuck. Maybe gakuenmono just aren't for me.

>> No.36034346

ToHeart 2 was a product of its time. It doesn't hold up by today's standards so if you're not willing to compromise then yeah give up. Or read Nukitashi.

>> No.36034382

Some of these companies should really go back and revisit their older work and cut out all the chaff from it like 5pb did with R;N Elite. It would do so much for certain titles.

>> No.36034388

Or Parfait :^)

>> No.36034432

They didn't change any content in parfait, right?

>> No.36034457

I like the monologues in Daito, feels like actual thoughts from an intelligent person analyzing the situations instead of descriptions and reactions from your average dumb MC.

>> No.36034463
File: 1.51 MB, 1272x741, ヤミと祝祭のサンクチュアリ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same for pic related. Really feels like the writer got paid by the word. Conversations between characters get really long and boring occasionally (maybe to give that "meaningless chit-chat between classmates" feeling?) but especially MCs inner monologue can drag on and often times repeat itself.

>> No.36034561

Nothing was cut from parfait as far as I know? It's still the same word count.

>> No.36034610

reminds me of https://vndb.org/v1740
Every conversation felt like it was overflowing with filler, couldn't finish it.

>> No.36034623

They wouldn't dare haphazardly fucking up maruto's text

>> No.36034804

Is Fata Morgana the one VN with the most airtight plot that not even the most autistic of anon can find fault with it?

>> No.36035127

To me the writer who mastered the "flow" and "pacing" of scenes in eroge the best is probably Suga Munemitsu. Koihime, Beyond, Utawarerumono, etc. have quite impeccable pacing. The scenes flow incredibly smoothly, often combining cute character moments with gags and also with foreshadowing here and there. His characters don't really feel original but certainly do feel genuine. Never a moment that feels dull in his scripts.

>> No.36035289

Speaking of Leaf works, how is Routes? It seems like it's one of the company's forgotten middle children.

>> No.36035615

How do you rate Sakura Moyu?
I really enjoyed the Iroseka series as well so I'm really hyped for it.

>> No.36035641

Don't remind me, Another Days too was such a fucking mess.

>> No.36035690

Not that guy, but if you like Iroseka you'll definitely like Sakura Moyu. I had some issues with it because of the writing style but the plot and setting is really cool. It just feels like the writer only knows one metaphor that he repeats for the entire 60+ hour VN. For how much the game talks about the power of fiction and reading, it seems like the writer has not read a single book in his life. I assume if you read Iroseka you wouldn't have these problems though.

>> No.36036721


This work for me using wins 10. Run kanaoka.bat before you open the game.

>> No.36037793

Haven't read it but I heard it's very mediocre so I didn't even bother to put it on my list.

>> No.36037940

There are scenes with Micheju and Iol, though.

>> No.36038189

Could someone that has played Duel Savior tell me which version of the game is better, Justice or Destiny? Apparently Destiny rewrote the last route.

>> No.36038352

Did you guys know that Jast released mamono musume seikatsu 3 uncensored recently?

>> No.36038725

Would you rather harem route or a different heroine route?
Otherwise they are virtually the same but I prefer harem because it unfucks Mia's character quite a bit.

>> No.36039296

is the use of walkthrough guide for muramasa not recommended?

>> No.36039324
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I love imoutos.

>> No.36039442

Loving your siblings as a family is a good thing.

>> No.36039667

There are post credits scene in case you somehow missed it.

>> No.36039684
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Family bath time!

>> No.36039854

Cross Channel
Saihate no Ima
Kazoku Keikaku

>> No.36040399

OP's pretty good though.

>> No.36040482

Nukitashi 2
Gin'iro haruka.

>> No.36040568

428 Shibuya scramble
Remember 11
Danganronpa 2

>> No.36040775


>> No.36040779

Taiyou No Ko
Otome Function
Gun Knight Overed VS
Black and White

>> No.36040859

Thank you, anons. Appreciated.

>> No.36040870
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, 装甲悪鬼村正Muramasa (100).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, game. You don't get to say that all actions are good from one perspective and evil from another and it's all just a matter of perspective in the same VN where Doushin exists.

>> No.36040893

It's unironically just a matter of perspective but why should we care about the perspective where raging murderhobos aren't TOTALLY bad?

>> No.36040997

Doushin is based though? he had people that loved him too.

>> No.36041034

Why do people like this VN again

>> No.36041048
File: 214 KB, 600x854, just an aborting bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the last piece of common sense in the world

>> No.36041117

>he had people that loved him too.
And said people directly state
>yeah I knew he was a completely nuts rapist and psycho murderer but I didn't care because he was nice to me specifically and that's what matters
That kind of weakens the point somewhat.

>> No.36041146

I'm sure if you had a son, you'd still love him even if he was a mass murderer as long as he loves and respects you.

>> No.36041150
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>it's all just a matter of perspective
Seems like people here deeply misunderstand the Muramasian spirit inherent in the work.

>> No.36041182

They are just trying to impress moogy by pretending to like it.

>> No.36041190

Probably wouldn't try to argue that his actions were morally justified if you look at it from a different perspective though.

>> No.36041215
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It's a retroactive refutation of people trying to interpet it in a deep manner. Not in a modern Western manner, but in the more sublte Japanese manner.
It's not more than a thought experiment of what a human would do if under the premises of 「鬼に逢うては鬼を斬る、仏に逢っては仏を斬る」.
It's saying that people reading at as philosophy are self-refuting themselves by not understanding the VN.

>> No.36041228

I haven't played Muramasa but from what I've gleaned from this thread it's not actually a story but just a series of postulates made to make people argue online

>> No.36041254

The funny part is it's like 25% comedy 50% chuuni magic mecha fights 15% rape and 10% philosophy, it's just that the philosophy is the part everyone focuses on to try to argue that it's the most incredibly deep and meaningful work of all time, which in turn leads to the counterjerk that it's trash.

>> No.36041269

>15% rape
there's like 4 rape scenes and one is really more prostitution

>> No.36041275

Waiting to read it, but I am 99.9% sure people misunderstand its philosophy here because the modern man is philosophyically inept. unlike Narahara it would seem, as he is a traditional martial artist and swordsman. Would like to be proven wrong though.

>> No.36041279
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>as he is a traditional martial artist and swordsman.

>> No.36041412

> it's like 25% comedy 50% chuuni magic mecha fights 15% rape and 10% philosophy
This is actually pretty true. But it is set up and told in a way that basically everything that is happening enhances the core theme of -karmic balance between "good" and "evil"- which in the end everything comes back to eventually. Don't be mistaken, anon, it forms a pretty great story and develops quite brilliantly. Though it's true that considering how many (relatively speaking) people have been talking about Muramasa in Anglo-sphere the level of discussion is really low.

>> No.36041420

Yeah, I totally can't find Japanese reviewers discussing Muramasa and calling it a game for teenagers pretending to be a game for adults.

>> No.36041494

>core theme of -karmic balance between "good" and "evil"- which in the end everything comes back to eventually.
That's not its theme, dumb fuck.

>> No.36041505

>karmic balance between "good" and "evil"- which in the end everything comes back to eventually
Did you even read Muramasa? You sound like those hippie western hindus who have a basic-reddit-tier understanding of buddhism and put it onto their avatars online.

>> No.36041525

I said Muramasa seemed like it was made just to make people argue online and like three or four people started arguing about it immediately. Incredible.

>> No.36041540

>the core theme of -karmic balance between "good" and "evil"- which in the end everything comes back to eventually. Don't
this entire conversation was started when a dude posted the scene from muramasa where they directly say good and evil don't even exist
>Though it's true that considering how many (relatively speaking) people have been talking about Muramasa in Anglo-sphere the level of discussion is really low.
You're telling me

>> No.36041544

Bros anyone got this VN? I can't find any working links for windows version of it.

>> No.36041593

any recommended loli femdom vinnie

>> No.36041629

That's because it has no great story. It has an interesting world, interesting characters, and an interesting take on good and evil. But the story itself is Star Wars tier with little emotional impact. That's why most people argue about the philosophy, not the story.

>> No.36041650

I'm telling you anons. Fata Morgana is the one VN that can stand up against autistic retards like >>36041629

>> No.36041656

It's pretty telling comparing two posts from the same guy, one criticizing the plot >>36029598 and one criticizing the message >>36040870 got extremely different reactions.

>> No.36041665

>Fata Morgana is the one VN that can stand up against autistic retards like
How so?

>> No.36041666

Not true.

I cried a little during this scene

>> No.36041676

Play it and see for yourself. An anonymous reductive shitpost can't do it justice.

>> No.36041681

>an interesting take on good and evil
>muh moral relativism

>> No.36041725

This but I don't think it has any interesting characters(most of them are cartoonish caricatures) or interesting thematic takes either

>> No.36041753

It is obvious that most of /jp/ never actually read muramasa
They just read a summary and some spoiler review then pretend they did.

>> No.36041774

where do they get the screenshots

>> No.36041797

I doubt people here play otome games at all, try the otome game general.

>> No.36041817

Can you at least hint a little? I'd read it if it seems interesting.

>> No.36041828

its about trannies

>> No.36041981

What is this? Vndb shows no results.

>> No.36042107

I do realize it's pretty hard but just try to think about why are those quote marks there…

>> No.36042157


>> No.36042319
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>> No.36042447


It was officially cancelled though.

>> No.36042450

It sounds pretty cringed then?

>> No.36042708

Conjueror wasn't that impressed

>> No.36043231

I read it recently and I agree with that one specifically having tons of filler.

>> No.36043236
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>> No.36043645

>Site is called VN reviews
>The first page is anything but
Omochikaeri maybe dead but at least they died doing what they're known for.

>> No.36044709
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>> No.36044755

I was just browsing DLsite and saw a banner for Lose's sale, and they have Monobeno and Maitetsu at 90+% off, what the fuck? Is this a common occurrence? Are they closing down or something?

>> No.36044882

I assume you weren't around a few months ago.
>New maitetsu extended edition doesn't have enough content, porn especially, for the price
>Cunnylovers finally lose(no pun intended) their shit and accuse Lose of appealing to chinks and steam niggers
>Lose has their feelings hurt and emails EGS admin to have all the discussions on their games deleted
>Admin complies
>Lose gets the sale data in, it's absolute dogshit. Apologize and have the discussions put back online, announce that development on their next game is cancelled because they'd go bankrupt developing it. Instead they'll make some additonal porn patches for the new Maitetsu release free of charge

>> No.36044901

They're fucked. Will probably focus on ASMR crap and dakimakura covers.

>> No.36044930

Should I play original Tsukihime before the remake comes out?

>> No.36044944

Lose is till based because they're funding development on the next Onii-chan game from neo-Tinkle Position

>> No.36044948

Man, Steam was a mistake.

>> No.36044970

The remake is already set up to be extremely different so the original is worth playing yes.

>> No.36045005

They were selling Monobeno and Maitetsu for 500 yen before Last Run released.
DMM also often has sales on 10 games for 1k yen and shit like that, old digital eroge seem to become worthless pretty fast.

>> No.36045064

Everytime I look for a game from like 2009, it's for 8k yen

>> No.36045292

Well you gotta buy them when they're on sale

>> No.36045451

9450 hours reading eroge, impressive. That's more than reading 12 hours every day for 2 years

>> No.36045474

Imagine the body odor.

>> No.36045481

Mine says 4310

>> No.36045561

So I started reading about this, then I found this about the first game
>the English R18 version has added censors "as per request by the original Japanese developer Lose"
What the fuck?

>> No.36045725

they're probably scared of getting sued for child porn by the FBI or something, their fantia post or whatever that announced additional patches for last run had some line about how they CANT do sex scenes for one of the girls because she is too small or something but yuri fingering might be okay.

>> No.36045832

It's not that because the censors were retarded, they put towels on the girls during bath scenes and removed panty shots but it's still full of h-scenes with the same girls.

>> No.36046742

moral relativity is the cancer of our age

>> No.36047733

More like loli on steam was a mistake.
Even yuzusoft still doing fine on steam by releasing their eroge and 18+ patch.
Loli should be kept on dlsite or dmm.

>> No.36047757

Steam sucks though. I'll take the dlsite/dmm botnet over gaben's botnet.

>> No.36047984

Good, maitetsu was shit even in the original release. hashitroku worst heroine

>> No.36047997

DLsite are turbokikes though.

>> No.36050215

This is because it's easy to criticize the 'message' of a game that you haven't read. It has nothing to do with the game itself, believe me.

>> No.36050303
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, bestheroine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been replaying White Album 2 and it is reconfirming something that I already knew but was dangerously close to forgetting: Setsuna is the greatest heroine in eroge. I fucking love my mentally unstable schizo girlfriend. I can't wait to get to Kazusa's true route again so I can savor how hard she mentally breaks down. Let me tell you, if I lived in White Album 2's universe I would simp so hard for her. I would make it my life's goal to always put a smile on her face.

>> No.36050733

>not even the most autistic of anon can find fault with it?
Fault of Fatamoru is that like 30% of the story spent on hardly relevant arcs and other 30% is spent on retelling same flashbacks from different POV. Also, "flashback inside flashback inside flashback" structure is objectively cancer.
Plot itself is too simple and message of grudge bad is underwhelming for such long story
