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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3593423 No.3593423 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3593430

so that means all of /jp/ tripfags will move over to this?

and does that mean the eco online threads will be no more?

>> No.3593433

anyone have suggestions on the builds for summoner or archer?

>> No.3593438

I don't think you can be a loli in Valkyrie Sky, so probably not.

>> No.3593477

>anyone have suggestions on the builds for summoner

All bees all the time.

>> No.3593483

Nah, not gonna do a loli.

I just want to be what i am that makes me proud the way!

Why would you say that for?

Having deep thoughts on me, eh?

>> No.3593521

alright, I suppose I'll give one of this a try - is there /jp/ guild yet?

>> No.3593551

There is a gensokyo guild with a bunch of gaia XD T_T :3 faggots.

>> No.3593587


>> No.3593601

add me to your _friend_ list


>> No.3593740

Ok, just downloaded and signed up. Who's /jp/ siding with, Asen or Bran?

>> No.3593753

which ever you choose

It's not like you're going to join the bandwagon of cool jockeys!

>> No.3593794

having problems with the game.
when i start valkyrie it says "wrong password" ;_;

>> No.3593865

I been playing it some. I wish it was more.. shmuppy. None of the classes feel very good w/r/t shooting things. Although slinging out bees and crows is fun in its own way.

>> No.3593885
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Still playing eco, danmaku's still harder in eco than valk

>> No.3594045

hey this game's not too bad; touhou-lite, but still fun.

>> No.3594075

What's Ansen and Bran? I got a choice for Odin and Loki.

>> No.3594104

Ansen = Odin
Bran = Loki

>> No.3594124

This game badly needs difficulty levels. I nearly died of boredom repeating some of the early missions for quest XP. The only time when it was challenging was when I was like level 4 doing a level 8+ mission where I couldn't kill enemies fast enough before more came in. Maybe it gets better later, it's nice that you can just shotgun through the content without any level restrictions.

It would also help if the setting wasn't painfully generic but I can ignore that as long as it's fun.

>> No.3594133

It's not generic so much as it's repetitive. It's too simplified.

Also this game isn't hard but it's reminiscent of UFO. I only die trying to get some item before it disappears.

>> No.3594141

When can people finally stop complaining about difficulty?

Oh hey Touhou is too easy. I know because I played IN stage 1 on easy and it was no problem. Casual game.

>> No.3594159

>When can people finally stop complaining about difficulty?

When they are met with a proper challenge (they can do.)

>> No.3594177

So you want your hardcore game right from lvl1. Not gonna happen.

>> No.3594182

I used to hate Anonymous2007, but now I think that he is kind of cute.

>> No.3594197

I just mean the game's setting is extremely generic. Throw some norse words around, add some dragons, done. At least it's vague odinist crap instead of vague tolkien crap.

>> No.3594207

This game has a rare opportunity to actually be fun while you grind so I'd like them to take full advantage of that. Why not add a hard mode in case you happen to be good at it? I expect that to be a common complaint so maybe they'll do it eventually.

>> No.3594210

How does PvP work in a game like this?

>> No.3594226


Think PoFV

>> No.3594230

I was referring to the setting and the cities also. They're too carbon copied from what I've seen to be interesting. And too small to have any form of uniqueness.


Like that, I'd guess.

But I have no idea how it would work for summoners and their auto targeting hits.

>> No.3594319

I've been playing as an archer and getting annoyed at how narrow my fire is and how slow everyone moves. Then again, I guess I'm probably killing shit faster than most people. How do the other classes play?

>> No.3594325

summoners don't play at all. They just dodge.

>> No.3594330

the speed boost thing never seems to work half the time for me so i'm moving around really slowly.

>> No.3594351

Yeah.. about the only interesting thing I can do is try to line up bird shots to pop tough enemies. Summoners are good as item collectors on teams, at least.

>> No.3594354

I put my summoner away after lv4. It's like playing the main character guy in Castle Shikigami.

>> No.3594366

I don't really like playing the mage/wizard guy. with the lock-on attacks, especially when you are trying to take down a tougher single enemy.
I'll probably switch to swordsman later, since I hear they are most direct and fun to play as.

>> No.3594371

Something offends me about how swordsmen can cut through bullets so well. Our team gets to a final boss and like.. 5% of his shots even make it to me.

Is there a class that just shoots straight ahead and has nothing weird about it?

>> No.3594377

I really hate that you have to stop firing to use boost or the ultimate bomb.

I'm going to try a couple other characters so I can test some skills. There really needs to be a more specific list of what the skills actually do.
It too me way too long to realize that having something at level 2 meant you could use the level 2 charges and then the level 1 charges and not just the charges for the level 2 version.

>> No.3594378

Isn't that archers?

>> No.3594380

that's the archer. But not being any faster for a much smaller spread of fire just means it's a little harder to cover the field. I guess you could just rely on your party for that, though.

>> No.3594385

wait, do upgrading the levels just give you more charges or can you do a more powerful version of the attack that uses more of the bar?

>> No.3594394

Levels make it more powerful but they still take only one charge. That is:
Each level has 3 points. Every time you raise a point, you get another charge of it. So if you put in 3 to a skill, you have 3 level 1 charges.

After that, it will go up to level 2 and be a more powerful attack, but you'll keep the level 1 charges too.

What this means is, if you rank a skill 5 times you will have 2 charges of the level 2 version of the skill and 3 charges of the level 1 version.

This means you can use the attack 5 times total before the bar is emptied.

>> No.3594398 [DELETED] 

If I wasn't clear, it's like you can use it 2 times to do 30 damage and then 3 times to do 15 damage.

>> No.3594402

If I wasn't clear, it's like you can use it 2 times to do 30 damage per and then 3 times to do 15 damage per.

>> No.3594423

are the drops with your skill icons there to recharge your bars for that skill?

>> No.3594477
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VOCALOID guild has been made.
Whisper HatsuneMiku, pinkubentou or Chen for an invite.

>> No.3594495

I'm pretty sure they give at least one pip.

Does holding shift for focused movement make it easier to collect items or not? I can't really tell.

>> No.3594539

Are you online? Can't seem to whisper.

>> No.3594544


level 10 defender here, game gets more challenging at the higher levels, as previously stated, lol level 1 doesn't = hardcore mode :P

>> No.3594614

Had to bug off for a little, i'm on now.

>> No.3594724

Also soloing is easy modo.

If you want to do hard mode, try to full party while doing level above your char level. The screen will be full of shit that you cant see shit and then when you reach the boss you notice that you are the only one alive while the boss has 4x HP compare to when you solo it.

>> No.3594741

oh wow you can use a gamepad with this game.

>> No.3594758

I noticed, but the buttons are allocated really weird, I wonder if you can change that.

>> No.3594770

in fucking around with it, I also realized you can charge your super bar by holding down the super move button (space) and not attacking.

>> No.3594776

It's not that weird for me. The attack is on my L2 the focus on my L1, the 4 moves on my face buttons, the special on my R something. It's sad you can't interact with anything using it though.

>> No.3594812

Do I have to pay for it?

>> No.3594868

>ECO lags
>died, 3%
>Went back in
>died, another 3%
>wow thats 160k base exp lost within 15 mins...
>downloading valkyrie sky now

>> No.3594910

I don't think you even lose exp when you die in VS. Although you don't gain any items either and you still lose stamina.


>> No.3594917

name an mmo you CAN lag in and not be penalized. Seriously everyone in /jp/ complains about the lag but isnt lag a specific part of every mmo?

>> No.3594922

How do you whisper? I'll join too

>> No.3594929

The chat and control are almost 100% WoW like.
/p /s /g /w and etc.

>> No.3594931

Lag doesn't do much in valkyrie sky. The items appear with a delay.

>> No.3594941

This is strange as hell but true.

Also speaking of items. I hate how you have like 2 seconds to collect your items from the boss when it dies.

Luna Online. Once you get a shield, you can afk and sleep and not be dead when you come back.

>> No.3594952

ahg, those faggots are offline, oh well

>> No.3594975

How do you gain stamina back?

>> No.3594986

Listen to people playing music, or fish.

And, I have a couple of problems with this game...

the controls seem kinda sluggish, for one. Maybe it's where I'm a tamer.

and two, the player hitbox is kinda... Wonky.

I'm having fun, though. Tamer is like if Nrvnqsr was in a SHMUP, fuck yes summong crows, bees, and puma.

>> No.3595030

My game keeps crashing randomly after leaving a camp.
It's rather frustrating having to load it up again.

>> No.3595031


>> No.3595072

Bees are the best. Fuck yes multiple homing hits and bees every-fucking-where.

Are crows, puma, and spirits any good? I'm sore of cautious to try them out because I want a spread shot skill.

Also your speed is relative to your weight, so if you have a lot of items, get rid of them.

>> No.3595134

anyone else get disconnected occasionally with some kind of error?

>> No.3595275

No. your computer is broken.

>> No.3595293

Crow is spread shot. Also puma fucking rapes shit.

>> No.3595350


Same problem here... gets rather a

>> No.3595355


if you mean VS, go to options and turn off the music.

>> No.3595359


Also,  rapid shot + dual shot + mi
rror shot = win

>> No.3595778

ugh, I'm getting tempted to play this again; thing is, I only managed to get into the 20s in the previous beta (despite the "hurr it only took 1 day to get to lvl 40" talk) and I heard that they made it way more grindy now. Of course it didn't help that my first character before was the crappiest fighter subclass, where using my attacks just got me killed and boss fights took forever as I'd have to poke them one or two hits at a time to make sure I didn't collide.

Although on the one hand it's refreshing to play a MMO[non-RPG] I tend to get bored of grinding even faster in these games than a typical MMORPG. I played DFO up to 18 (to get the tokens for the launch event), then just quit playing and never even tried out my new class.

>> No.3595795

I havent play the fighter class before so I don't know how shitty the damage is. You should try to party when you are a fighter though, it should make thing more enjoyable.
Also breaking the record while partying is always fun.

>> No.3595851

Chen is on for guild invites to VOCALOID. I kinda like this poison cloud skill on the hunter. Too bad it only gets 1 hit on anything that moves. Same thing with arbalest since it screws up the angle.

>> No.3595866

after I got sick of my crappy warrior I tried hunter instead; was a TON more fun, but as I got to higher levels I got raped too much by stuff getting behind me. I used nothing but arrow orb (it's like I'm playing my D2 sorc!) and volley shot (at least provides a limited amount of rear protection), then switched to the subclass with the buffs. The arbalest seemed completely impractical to use properly, and the poison didn't seem all that useful.

>> No.3595974

Don't forget about the IRC: irc://irc.rizon.net/#valkyriesky

Also, there's one spot open in Gensokyo.

>> No.3596022

Gaiafag guild? No thanks.

>> No.3596024

Where's the Gaia?

Just a general /jp/-esque guild.

>> No.3596041


>> No.3596045

/jp/ legion XDD

>> No.3596116

MMOs seem to bring out the shittier side of the board. I guess it's the low barrier to entry.

>> No.3596210

Playing, but rather not play with /jp/, because of general idiocy and trollery.

>> No.3596307


>> No.3596362


hell i thought that Gensokyo was you guys. Happily i didn't even dear to talk with them <just stalk from safe distance>

>> No.3597123

I find arbalest to be quite useful when you're soloing or even partying, throw your arbalest to one side and move to the other side and fuck shit up along with orb. You get more launcher as you lvl it. I plan on maxing this which would get me 5 arbalest on screen. Poison for the tougher mob/boss that doesn't die with just one or two hits. It creates a poison cloud after being shot and does damage to whatever gets near it. It gets stronger as you lvl it. On lvl 2 it does about 100+ damage according to what it says. Also orb is your best skill. Not sure about volley, I invested in one but I find it too slow to activate but I still use it at time.

>> No.3597150

Who's in Bran?

>> No.3597160

>general faggotry

It all makes sense.

>> No.3597688

>i didn't even dear to talk with them <just stalk from

>stalk from


>> No.3598637

I should make a guild only for summoners. Then we will race across the nighttime sky, losing double stamina in every stage.

>> No.3598865

All the cool kids, of course. Only whiteknight faggots join Ansen.

>> No.3598923

I specifically sided with Ansen because I knew all the rebellious lolxD types would join Bran, even though Bran talks about fighting for the same kinds of things.

>> No.3599115

Good for you.

>> No.3599761

parties really are fucking hard to see in.

>> No.3599765

Depends on the party. If you have a bunch of Summoners, yes. If you have a bunch of Swordsmen, no.

Magicians are closer to the Summoner end and Bowmen to the Swordsmen end, obviously.

>> No.3599778

It was 3 summoners and a magician, goddamn

Never again.

>> No.3599791

Actually magicians can be the worst. I've killed many people with my METEOR SPAM.

>> No.3599818

My tamer is fun to play but I always feel a little like an asshole when I team up. In addition to blinding everyone it's like oh hey were you moving to attack those enemies? I just killed everything on screen with my level 1 pumas sry m8

>> No.3599879

I finally rolled an archer for the first time and damn this is actually pretty decent shootan. You'd never know it by playing the other classes, fun as they may be. I might just never team with this guy since they'll just ruin the pure shooting experience.

I also like how my damage stat is the same one that affects crit chance. Every single item I wear is going to be dex with more enchanted dex.

>> No.3599901

Why are tamers so awesome? Do conjurers and summoners get better later? I mean rage is good and so is that one skill that makes a shield, but they seem kind of low tier compared to pumarizers and beespam.

>> No.3599925

I was about to pick Defender to fit Mokou but the spelling typo there threw me off.

>> No.3600035

How do you clear the IDs registered? After I deleted a character, I couldn't give the deleted name again because the ID was still registered despite my deletion.

>> No.3600235

Magician madness:
Maxed Amplification passive (two sorc skills), maxed firework (two wizard skills), maxed magic book, tornado, chain and LOLMETEOR.
Four orbs that shoot along with you, dealing 90% of your damage. Magic book gives you rapid fire. Crazy full uniques give you mad base damage. The result is total rape.

>> No.3600242

And meteor should be only used in parties to blind your allies in a boss fight and deal crazy damage, but that's less important.

>> No.3600783

Is there really a difference in the factions?

Aisen - We believe in keeping the peace, which might require fighting.

Bran - We believe in fighting, a consequence of which is that peace is kept.

Why can't we just be friends?

>> No.3600807

we'd have no PvP then, that's why!

>> No.3600826

I kind of raged at that because Loki is all about trolling everyone, including yourself.

At any rate, do you regain stamina while offline? And where can I get evolution scrolls/new familiars? My Tentacool is kind of crappy.

>> No.3601419

>At any rate, do you regain stamina while offline?
Nope. Go fish and then cook the fish and then eat the fish.

>And where can I get evolution scrolls/new familiars? My Tentacool is kind of crappy
That person on the right side of the main city sells weapons. You can also get a dragon thing from a quest.
The blacksmith further to the right allows you to enchant items, with stuff you usually get from breaking down other equipment with right click.

>> No.3601441

Listening to music is faster and cheaper.

>> No.3601451

Don't you have to buy instruments and scrolls? I'm not paying some random faggot to play for me.

>> No.3601456

You don't regenerate stamina if you are the one playing. 10-20g per 10s is dirt cheap, faggot.

>> No.3601502

I'll just have my fish anytime and anywhere so I can spam it and get back to grinding.

>> No.3601573

PvP could just as easily be arena style, where anyone who wants to fight can fight anyone else who wants to fight. There's no reason for pvp to have a backstory. Especially considering how every line of dialog in this game sounds like it came straight out of babelfish. Does babelfish even exist anymore? I think most people just use google translate.

>> No.3601748

babelfish is owned by yahoo now. I think it is better than google translate, nonsense as it is.

I've never read a single line of dialogue in this game, just did the quests.

Has anyone done PVP yet? What's it like?
