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3592530 No.3592530 [Reply] [Original]

I heard you chumps were pissing yourselves over a few measly yokai in feudal Japan,

be glad you don't have to take me on -I would kill your girl and disembowel her in front of you ,then kill you too.

>> No.3592549

and just who might you be ? mister wannabe demon.

>> No.3592560

Not unless Yuka wanted him to. Gore is quite a bro once you get to know him.

>> No.3592573

my japanese is limited so ive never played the game , but what ive seen is like an amalgam of the most insane american serial killers.

>> No.3592569
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Cool thumbnail bro

>> No.3592582

its gnarly indeed.

>> No.3592606


Read this five times and I still don't understand it.

>> No.3592644

My Japanese is limited to five characters thus i am unable to verify if what >>3592560 said is true.

the stuff that pops up on gurochan though would make the worst american serial killer proud .

>> No.3592659

If I'm understanding you right, your just another person who is getting the wrong idea about GSS again.

I really wish this shit was translated just so everyone who hypes this or gets the wrong idea about it(everyone who hasn't played it), could see just how fucking way off base they are.

This game is a love story, Gore is barely in it.

>> No.3592683

it would help if the japanese literate didnt turn into tards when it comes to english and just explain it. also what I saw on youtube reminds me of chaos; head and that isnt good. plot holes and inconsistency FTL

>> No.3592700


I perfer my love-love romances with a side of awesome, thank you.

>> No.3592709


>> No.3592711


I like GSS, I just wish there were fewer "fans" who haven't even played it.

>> No.3592717


quite frankly... I'd trample you to little bits first on my cute little pony

>> No.3592724

I dont think you have to worry an ill-hashed plot ensures this game will never see a translators touch .

>> No.3592729

While I didn't really like the game, I admit I love Gore. His voice is perfect and his dialogue is hilarious. If he was in this about 3x more, this coulda been a pretty bad ass game.

>> No.3592760

I don't get why all these guys want to gangbang the protagonist girlfriend , I mean where the fuck are the teachers?

>> No.3592767


The teachers look away from it, because the main guy who wants to fuck Akane, is the son of the wealthiest guy in town. He owns the hospital, or hes the director I forget.

Basically he's almost untouchable, if they upset that kids father they'll lose their jobs.

>> No.3592789

oh ...real life shit . feels bad man

>> No.3592821

not really , in real life the news media would jump all over this and ruin the wealthy guy and his sadist son.

>> No.3592871


I just read this, is gore the 200 year old monster or what?

>> No.3592882


That review is so far off, and yes he is the monster.

>> No.3592898

off how?

please tell me .;_; its become clear the chances of me learning japanese are almost zero

>> No.3592906

indeed explain so I know if it has plot inconsistencies like chaos ; head.

>> No.3592931

give up dudes, Ive read every english source of info about this game on the net. they all were written and this game sounds like guys with no devotion to a consistent universe made it.

>> No.3592941

Ugh alright let me tl'dr this game

Regardless of who you choose it's all the same, most the route consists of you going to school, dealing with Sajima(I forget his name, this is close to it though, the gang-rape guy), all the while slowly advancing towards the girl you want.

And when you finally get that girl, Yuka and Gore come into the story(about 80% of the way through the route), she gets jealous, makes Gore do some crazy shit, and that's the end. Usually you win because of some "Pendant" that Yoshiki gives you, that for some reason has the power to kill Yuka & Gore, I won't tell you why

Then Yuka's route, which is different from the others(well your cousins is kinda different too), is rather difficult to explain. At first your morals try to stop her from doing the things she does, but everyone starts to piss you off so much that you begin not caring at all.

It has a happy ending in each route, and usually 2 bad ones, which is where those guro pics you found come from, or gang-rapes. I found Yuka's route rather enjoyable, the other ones were "meh" until Gore showed up.

>> No.3592956

big titted whore with oily hair -dont mind me I'll just take him...

>> No.3592965
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>> No.3593010

what about this oddball where does she figure?

>Usually you win because of some "Pendant" that Yoshiki gives you, that for some reason has the power to kill Yuka & Gore, I won't tell you why

such a copout
so in yuka's route does kyoji allow his girlfriends to be slaughterd?

>> No.3593018
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eyeball skies , that is all.

>> No.3593033

cool its like a brain soup.

>> No.3593088

no one going to explain this?

>> No.3593093


Sorry >>3592941 here I was off playing something.

Anyways yes in one of the bad ends he kills every single one of them. Not in the good end

>> No.3593121

what about the lady in the robe?

are the eyeball skies psychological warfare?

>> No.3593139

dammit dont leave yet!

>> No.3593168

and hes gone...

>> No.3593169
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I don't get all the hate about GSS. It may not be DEEP or have well-developed characters or anything (Yuka being the exception), but it's just genuine fun. I loved seeing all the freaky shit Gore and Yuka would come up with to degrade your girlfriend in the most humiliating ways. I can honestly say that it's one of the most entertaining erogess I've ever played. That's not to say it's something that lit fags are going to jump out and praise, but it's like a really good B-horror movie. I do agree with the statement that Gore is not in it enough. But that's probably what makes him so wicked. It'd be boring if he always appeared. The game isn't so much scary in a in-your-face kind of way, so much as it is in an under-your-skin kind of way. I was genuinely disturbed when Kiika snuck away in Yuka's house and started playing with the vibrator. I was genuinely disturbed when Akane started dressing more promiscuously and becoming more and more obsessed with sex. And really, in how many eroges do you get to watch your girlfriend get raped (and killed) on stage at a metal concert by being sodomized by a drill while the whole audience cheered? Yeah. The game's wicked.


>> No.3593181


Lady in the robe, eh that's a tough one to explain since I don't fully remember it. I know she was one of the people that found Gore along with the Japanese military in the past, during WWII I think. She came out alive though for some reason that I do not recall.

As for the eyeballs, that's because it's what Yuka wants. Alright this is a huge spoiler Gore actually isn't bad, he's the interpretation of what his master wants basically. Because Yuka WANTED him to be an object of pure fear, he has that appearance which scares the shit out of people, and his world is freaky looking and filled with eyeballs.

>> No.3593187

When I read the first line, I thought this post was a parody of that one copypasta for a second.

>> No.3593189


My post looks like a contradiction, you definitely need someone else to explain the WWII and Lady in the robe part cause I clearly don't remember it and/or I just didn't understand it when I read it.

>> No.3593194

so gore was found by her in the well after the past 200 years things finally make sense

>> No.3593212

Funny. I had realized that too after I hit submit...

>> No.3593229

I have a question, one i cant believe hasnt been asked yet.


>> No.3593274


>> No.3593296

he's a clown cat

>> No.3593480

dont forget robot

>> No.3594990

this game looks cool is it ultra violent?

>> No.3596696

Yes, but not consistently. There are quite a few good gory scenes though.

>> No.3596709 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3596829
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Kiika really is the worst off for dying of the girls, I'd say.

>> No.3596837

Oops, forgot my spoiler tag. At any rate...

>> No.3596853


使い込まれた年寄りとも違ウ、堅い処女とも違ウ、 絶妙なやわらかさト歯
ざわりコリコリ! 実にディ シアァス!

少しだけ、塩味を残る、そのタイミング! 水揚げ のタイミングが、重要

>> No.3597309

And you guys tell me this isn't a bad guy?
