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3592080 No.3592080 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone calling her by her surname? Her name is Minamitu.

>> No.3592093

Aren't you not supposed to call people by their names unless you know them or something? I don't think I've been granted that honor.

>> No.3592097

Captain Murasa. Family name is generally used with a title like Captain.

>> No.3592099

Yeah faggot. Stop talking like you know her

>> No.3592116
File: 142 KB, 874x1200, murasamobydick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain Murasa, sending sailors to the locker of Davy Jones with her ladle.

>> No.3592122
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For some reason I can only imagine her being very muscular.

>> No.3592162
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>> No.3592176

We call her Captain Murasa, but we don't call Eirin Dr. Yagokoro.

>> No.3592205

What has Eirin doctored. Can you name even one thing?

Meanwhile, CAPTAIN MURASA's work is self-evident. She has a boat, she's the captain of it.

>> No.3592217
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>> No.3592238

By this point? A good chunk of the humans and youkai in Gensokyo, I imagine. Assuming selling medicine counts. If it's just house-visits, a significantly smaller number.

>> No.3592288
File: 152 KB, 896x1268, eirindrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well... she's an unknown number of centuries older than modern higher education, so she's probably not an MD.
Not that that ever stopped her.

>> No.3592304

They probably had degrees on the moon.

>> No.3592317

Because Minamitsu is a crappy name

>> No.3592323

We also don't call Keine, Kamishirasawa-Sensei

>> No.3592335

Wow, nice comma skills. Why don't you go back to Africa.

>> No.3592336

Because a captain is something that commands respect.

>> No.3592343

captain touhou

>> No.3592340
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Perhaps, but that would mean she turned to medicine relatively "late" in life. With Eirin's advanced age, predating the Lunar empire, she probably got her formal education (if any) in mythical China.

>> No.3592337

the comma was there because "We don't call Keine Kamishirasawa-Sensei" looked weird to me.

>> No.3592345

Wow, nice question mark skills. Why don't go back to Africa.

>> No.3592351

I do.

>> No.3592364

You shut your whore mouth.

>> No.3592375
File: 59 KB, 841x526, doctor2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... or, just say Eirin is the Touhou version of Yagokoro Omohikane no mikoto and thus can do whatever the hell she wants. Including being a legit doctor even without a degree.

>> No.3592376
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Teach me, Kamishirasawa-Sensei!

>> No.3592392


>> No.3592405
File: 214 KB, 600x790, murasabottomless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At sunrise we'll all dance the hempen jig
So raise up yer pint o' Ramune an' take another swig
The curse o' cap'n Murasa has led us to this fate
So have no fear an' don't look back, the afterlife awaits!

>> No.3592418
File: 152 KB, 600x500, 8ed220b85416aea7a569f0d4a36060a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the Second Dacian War (105 AD) western Oltenia became part of the Roman province of Dacia, with parts of Wallachia included in the Moesia Inferior province. The Roman limes was initially built along the Olt River (119), before being moved slightly to the east in the 2nd century—during which time it stretched from the Danube up to Rucăr in the Carpathians. The Roman line fell back to the Olt in 245, and, in 271, the Romans pulled out of the region.

The area was subject to Romanization sometime during the Migration Period, when most of present-day Romania was also subject to the presence of Goths and Sarmatian peoples known as the Mureş-Cerneahov culture, followed by waves of other nomadic peoples. In 328, the Romans built a bridge between Sucidava (Celei) and Oescus (near Gigen) which indicates that there was a significant trade with the peoples north of the Danube, a short period of Roman rule in the area is attested under Emperor Constantine I, after he attacked the Goths (who had settled north of the Danube) in 332. The period of Goth rule ended when the Huns arrived in the Pannonian Plain, and, under Attila, attacked and destroyed some 170 settlements on both sides of the Danube.

Byzantine influence is evident during the 5th to 6th century, such as the site at Ipoteşti-Cândeşti, but from the second half of the 6th century and in the 7th century Slavic peoples crossed the territory of Wallachia and settled in it, on their way to Byzantium, occupying the southern bank of the Danube. In 593, the Byzantine commander-in-chief Priscus defeated Slavs, Avars and Gepids on future Wallachian territory, and, in 602, Slavs suffered a crucial defeat in the area; Flavius Mauricius Tiberius, who ordered his army to be deployed north of the Danube, encountered his troops' strong opposition.

>> No.3592435

I'd only have sex with Keine if she prattled over the history of Romania while I fucked her.

>> No.3592445

Sounds hot.

>> No.3592464
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Which time of the month are we talking here?
