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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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359107 No.359107 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything possibly more embarassing than your sister catching you fapping? Just thinking about when it happened to me for the first time (it's happened 3 times in total - yes I know I fail) makes me cringe, even when I'm totally on my own.

Anyone else have a similar experience?

>> No.359126

I was found watching hentai, but never on action.
My stealth mode is amazing.

>> No.359145

What did she say?

For me the most embarassing thing was that she just stood there, mouth open for what seemed like HOURS. And then ran off laughing, keep in mind she was 2 years older than me at the time (18).

>> No.359149

I wouldn't know because I don't live at home faggot.

Though I must admit, the thought is just awkward for those of us who believe in the Westermarck Effect.

>> No.359168

Younger sister or older sister?

>> No.359171


>> No.359172

One time I was at a wedding and saw my sister crying and running towards the bathroom. When I turned the corner, saw her sitting on the floor bawwing her eyes out I asked her, "What's wrong", trying to be a good brother. She screamed. I don't mean like a how a normal person would scream when angry, she was a fucking banshee. I thought, fuck this, and walked away from the bathrooms. When I turned the corner everybody, and I mean EVERY-FUCKIN'-BODY at that wedding was staring at me like I had just tried to rape her. Never again have I tried to be emotional supportive of another human being.

>> No.359173

you didnt ask her "Gimme a hand here!"???
If that happens just say something like "The only reason I'm looking at this is because you won't let me look at you!" that'll turn the situation around an make her feel awkward and you feel powerful.

>> No.359189

What the shit? I wish my sister caught me fapping. I used to fap in front of her when I was younger.

You're a faggot, Anon.

>> No.359206

>"Give me a hand here"
this is the correct and only path that one should take in situations like this.

unless your sister is ugly. then ignore this.

>> No.359221

>I used to fap in front of her when I was younger.

Yet she never caught you? Is she some kind of blind-mute?

>> No.359214


>> No.359232

well... what WAS wrong?

>> No.359235

Never happened to me. I always lock the door or do it stealthily like in the bathroom with a laptop.

>> No.359239

its more embarrassing with older i would imagine

but i dont know, my sister is younger and she's never caught me

>> No.359259

>Hey Onii-Chan, why are you taking your wireless card and laptop to the bathroom?


>> No.359267

I mean now. She didn't even know what masturbation was back then.

Seriously, I used to fap to naked Barbies while she was playing with them.

Yeah, in retrospect, this seems totally fucked up. I hope she doesn't remember that.

>> No.359269

ive caught my brother fapping, but i just ignored it since im a guy too.

>> No.359278

she does and thats why she never talks to you anymore

>> No.359287

When I had a laptop, I did this all the time. Except never to masturbate.
How odd. I had such opportunities, and they never occurred to me until it was too late.

>> No.359291

My brother and I stuck our hands down each others pants when we were 5 and 6. Dear god I hope he doesn't remember that.

>> No.359304

I've mastered the art of putting my cock away and pulling up my shorts in a split second, so I don't plan on being caught.

>> No.359325


I've been walked on multiple times and walked in on him. Embarrassing and get ragged on. After the 2nd time, I had locks installed on my room.

Thank god I live alone now so I can fap unlimited amounts.

>> No.359326


I've done this too. Neither family nor roommates have ever caught me, and alt-tab is ingrained in my muscle memory by now.

>> No.359311

I've walked in on my sister schlicking before.

Anyone with a sister knows full well they are just as bad if not worse when it comes to masturbation.

>> No.359313

You guys are either paranoid faggots or you live in tiny houses. How the fuck can you not hear the steps of people coming?

I fap all the time in tons of circumstances and I'm never caught.

>> No.359323

Are you a girl?

>> No.359332

what was your reaction?

>> No.359336


>> No.359341

Shit, I'm typing from my toilet right now

>> No.359351

protip: unless your entire family is blissfully ignorant of the process of puberty, even though they don't catch you they still know.

>> No.359363

im the older brother so i guess i was default in the position of power.

>> No.359376

to know is one thing to see the process in action is another disgusting thing altogether unless you are the one having fun.

>> No.359386


More embarrassing when they find your hidden cumrag and show it off.

>> No.359399

I have a fucking Sinus infection right now and I really want to fap.

What do I do, anon?

>> No.359404

I'm probably about to get caught. Again. Sister is sleeping in the closest room, I'm in the living and as horny as hell. With the monitor facing her room's entrance, if she feels like going to the bathroom I'm busted.

The excitement is turning me on.

>> No.359413

I used to share a room with my two brothers. When I thought they were both asleep I would fap. I really do feel sorry for them if they saw me and just pretended they had been asleep.

>> No.359415


I'm sure they do, but it's still too weird to get caught.

I still remember this one time when I was really young and in a supermarket with my mom and some bra advertisements or something gave me a raging boner and my mom told me to stop touching it.

I also had a family doctor that was a Freudian and thought I was attracted to my mom. Now I'm into milfs so I wonder if he wasn't too far off.

>> No.359419

What does your nose have to do with your crotch, Anon?

>> No.359423

use the mucus running from your nose as lubricant.

>> No.359428

What are you, STUPID?

>> No.359433


Your best fap material, STAT. The type that makes you pop in 30 seconds flat. We all know have that kind of stuff, you know it.

>> No.359442

ive been caught by my mom when i was like 16

other than that ive not been caught

>> No.359443

you know whats disgusting? catching your brother masturbating.

i want to catch my sister masturbating tho.

>> No.359446

/jp/ - embarrassing masturbation experiences

>> No.359458

When I was little I got random boners. I asked my kindergarten teacher about why it extended, in front of everyone. For a long time, I wondered why she moved on as if she hadn't heard me.

>> No.359466


MILF fetish FTW.

>> No.359467


>> No.359484

You WANT to get caught don't you?

How old is she?

>> No.359486



>> No.359496

I was almost caught once, after that experience I can now sense when people are walking by my door and can return my pants and penis to their former pre fap states

>> No.359499

>i want to catch my sister masturbating tho.

How old?

>> No.359512



>> No.359542

The worst thing that's happened to me would have to be the day the power was out and I stayed in my room all day, did nothing but fap. I must have came at least 20 times. The room was smelling pretty funky, you know THAT smell. My mother had all her friends over, one of them wondered into my room for one reason or another and proclaims to all that something doesn't smell right in there. My jaw pretty much dropped and I lowered my head and got out of there as a group of about 5 women walked towards me. But the worst of it? I heard my mother talking and she said "I'm not sure what that smell is but I know I've smelled it before".

>> No.359543

18, but she is petite, with small subtle breasts...my kind of girl (wait what). Our relationship is pretty strange...

>> No.359566

Has any of you been caught fapping anything your sister's?

On a different note, I fapped on a bus once, I wouldn't recommend it...

>> No.359568


lol, they were just suppressing their power levels

>> No.359574

I just lock the door. Are you anons just really fucking poor and don't have locks on your fucking doors? What the hell. I've never been caught. There was one time I almost got caught but I was facedown on my bed fucking a pillow so they thought I was asleep.

Lately I've taken to fapping with the door unlocked since there's next to 0 chance I get caught anyway, but the thrill makes it better. I'd probably be one of those fap on a girl's face while she sleeps types but my stealth skill is not high enough.

>> No.359589
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ITT: pathetic failures.

>> No.359588


I used to steal my sister's fashion magazines and fap to them.

>> No.359592

LOL, your what?? Why don't you just use kleenex?

>> No.359599

AirWick that shit.

>> No.359605

Fuck no shit, that guy has WIRED INTERNET for his LAPTOP

>> No.359612



>> No.359635

is it even possible for a male come 20 times on one day?

>> No.359639

Fuck that, you guys know theres a way to stop yourself from cumming, right?

>> No.359646


Squeeze the head.

>> No.359648
File: 362 KB, 792x291, 1206935773102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Why of course -- if he really loves you!"

>> No.359649


I know for me after about six or seven almost nothing comes out.

>> No.359653

has she ever had a boyfriend before?

worst feeling ever if you have a sister is their first boyfriend.

>> No.359655

All I remember is that it hurt, I eventually grew numb, it was sticky, and I didn't stop out of pure bordom.

>> No.359656

You'd be shooting blanks after like 3 or 4 times seriously. I endurance tested myself once, managed to do it 5 times and by the fifth time my cock was red and raw and when I came nearly nothing was coming out.

>> No.359666

fuck anon, comp is in living room.

I have to live dangerously.

>> No.359671


he didn't say in a row, he said in the whole day

>> No.359677

Are you 13 years old by any chance?

>> No.359690

enjoy your prostate cancer

>> No.359699

Hell no, you wait until you feel it and then you push whatever fingers from your left hand (if you fap with your right) in the area between your balls and asshole and push down hard. It doesn't hurt and it stops anything from comming out. Don't stop pushing for at least a ten seconds after it stops.

>> No.359711

enjoy your prostate cancer

>> No.359721
File: 56 KB, 500x375, 1206936192670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah, I don't give a fuck. I was the first one to taste her. I wonder if she remembers...we were naughty kids, it's fucking embarrassing.

I'm still virgin though, waiting for the perfect girl...forever. I WAITED FOR YOU YUKARIN.

>> No.359724

I thought cancer was caused by chemicals.

>> No.359736

wait a minute, you said she was sleeping....

are you thinking what i'm thinking?

>> No.359742

>I was the first one to taste her.

Elaborate, please.

>> No.359745


>> No.359762

no, 15

in during b&

>> No.359768

>It doesn't hurt

>> No.359850

Ummm...fooling around and stuff. No actual sex, we were kids back then (around 6-7), but touching, licking, kids curiosity I believe and now that I think of it its unbelievable how kinky kids can get (I mean, I fucking licked her down there), we did lots of stuff until one day we stopped, probably got caught but I really don't remember much so I'm not certain. Goddammit I wonder if she remembers, probably yes but she is as ashamed as I am.

Damn I finally said it. But this is internet so yeah.

>> No.359854



You're doing it wrong. I've tested myself too. Max is 8 times in an all-night session and even when it was getting red, tender & sore, I just poured on more lube.

>> No.359859

I've been doing it since I was twelve, now take it like a man and DO IT FAGGOT!

>> No.359917

You lucky fuck.

>> No.360361


So how is the relationship still strange then?

>> No.360476

Uh oh.

>> No.360478


>> No.360483



My god, it's about time.

>> No.360489


oh mods.

>> No.360491



>> No.360494

uh wat.

Awesome work though, mods.

>> No.360495


>> No.360498

oh shit

>> No.360504

No more stuttering Alice threads. YES.

>> No.360508


>> No.360510

It will feel so good to be able to report whoever the fuckers making those "Nnnn..zzz...." or "A...A...Anon..." Alice threads now.

>> No.360513


I love Alice, but all the *squeeze* and *stutter* threads were pissing me off.

>> No.360514
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>> No.360519


>> No.360522

Goodbye, Dan Kim.

>> No.360528
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>> No.360526



>> No.360531

It's still 3/30/08 here, and since California is the center of the world, I demand you end your 3/31/08 faggotry. This will be remembered as 3/30/08.

>> No.360536
File: 304 KB, 1062x1510, 1206942685937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



But wait, Waking Up In Gensokyo is still allowed, right? Over 9,000 replies can't be wrong.

>> No.360540

Can't wait for /jp/-day, can you...

>> No.360543

Wait... so is ronery banned?

>> No.360544

>Anonymous 03/31/08(Mon)01:51 No.360531

Sorry, but I laughed.

>> No.360550


No one ever wanted ronery threads in the first place.

>> No.360554

That's a lie.

>> No.360572


You can't ban ronery threads.

>> No.360577

So /jp/ is going to get even slower.

>> No.360579

Who cares. The roleplay sucked.

>> No.360589

>>Who cares. All roleplay sucks.

Fixed, and adding "RP'ers can hang in GAIATOWN."

>> No.360596

I don't know why but I fucking lol'd

>> No.360603

Whoa, holy fuck. Waking Up In Gensokyo threads are getting deleted.

Mods, you realize we're at 38 official threads and over 9,000 posts - over 2% of the total posts here? People really like this. Please don't kill /jp/'s favorite pastime.

>> No.360605


Get out

>> No.360608


Is that one guy in /a/ still making Death Note threads where he talks to himself for like 20 posts or so?

>> No.360644


Are you serious, those threads are old, are you sure they're getting mod-deleted??

>> No.360663


Too bad faggot. Mods have spoken!

>> No.360671

RP is banned.

>> No.360688

It's sad that Touhou RP fags and Touhou fags in general don't know moderation, they might not be looking that this situation if they did. 20 or 30 Touhou threads going at one time in /jp/ is excessive

>> No.360692

It doesn't work that way anymore, active threads don't get pruned. They were deleted.

Mods...don't do this. WUIG is ours. We love it.

>> No.360694

I'll admit that I am a Touhou faggot. But even then, it's annoying as hell seeing the same recycled jokes (in b4 repost of repost), 50 daily image dumps, and idiotic RP everywhere.

>> No.360777

ITT two people who can't ignore a few threads and mod cock sucking.

>> No.360786


The sad thing is that this faggot is gonna jump into YWUIG and report every reply, even though no actual GM threads have been deleted.

>> No.360799

Why leave the official ones and ban any other discussion of it? The main reason it's fun is that we can discuss our options before/as we make them.

>> No.360829

Wait, what's going on? I leave for 40 mins or so to play some IN and come back to find the save Cirno threads deleted and a mod post saying keep RP and blog threads off. Don't fucking tell me that the mods will start deleting YWUIG threads.

>> No.360845

We'll see tomorrow when Gensokyo Man shows up. Whatever happens, it'll be a massive shitstorm.

>> No.360863


This really is true. My family says nothing to each other. But we know what's going on 'behind closed doors'.

That said, I've never been caught in full glory. Closest to that was being a little too slow clothing back up and having them see me zip up. Nothing was said but the smile on their face said it all.

>> No.360856


Ronery threads are now banned.
RP alice is now banned.
YWUIG isn't specified. People who don't like it are trying to classify it as RP and get it banned.

>> No.360860


Would GM risk a ban for those threads? Community demand was already taxing him, this faggotry might totally kill it.

>> No.360880

We'll just take it elsewhere to a place where 4chan mods can not touch us, if worse comes to worse. Maybe some yahoogroups webpages?

>> No.360881

>People who don't like it are trying to classify it as RP and get it banned.

That is so retarded. I couldn't care less for them, but I IGNORE them. Holy shit, see what I just accomplished? Whiny shits will always be whiny shits.

>> No.360893

Waking up in Gensokyo could be moved to the real /touhou/

>> No.360896

Ban the fucking travel, news and korea/china/japan faggotry theads as well.

>> No.360919

>Ronery threads are now banned.
>RP alice is now banned.
Fine with me. I just ignored them anyways.
>YWUIG isn't specified. People who don't like it are trying to classify it as RP and get it banned.
YWUIG is more VN than RP. Should we ban F/SN, Tsukihime, and Underwater Ray Romano as well?

>> No.360941

Then EVERYONE has to move there. Fuck that. WUIG has been played by /jp/ posters for 38 threads, we're not giving it to pooshlmer.

>> No.360954


Just ban any visual novel that has a blank faced protagonist since we all know that's just for self-insertion aka roleplaying.

>> No.360961

So we're banning Tsukihime then?

>> No.360978

Mods would have been gods if all that happened was this "user was banned for this post".

The sticky makes them fags though.

>> No.360989

Can someone tell me what
"Is there anything possibly more embarassing than your sister catching you fapping? Just thinking about when it happened to me for the first time (it's happened 3 times in total - yes I know I fail) makes me cringe, even when I'm totally on my own.

Anyone else have a similar experience?"

has to do with Japan, Touhou, VN? That Ban is justified.

Why are you all bawwwwing? If you don't like something email Moot. Moot is the final decider. You are all useless pussies.

>> No.360994

tl;dr: /jp/ is now banned

>> No.361000


If it can be considered roleplaying, then yes. Rules are rules.

>> No.361005

I'm pretty sure ronery is one of the main reasons jp was made

>> No.361006

Shiki has a face though

>> No.361016

It wouldn't be MOVING so much as just visiting every now and then.
Like a second home you stay in during the summer or winter months for holidays and vacations.

Besides, as slowly as things move there, a single thread should be able to survive hundreds of posts past the autosage limit before the need arises for a new one to be created.

>> No.361021

hey moot why do you hate /v/ so much

>> No.361031

Not in Tsukihime he didn't.

>> No.361037

Retard, nobody's saying the OP shouldn't have been banned. Although I still think these kind of threads are pretty funny.

>> No.361045

everyone hates /v/ unless it all a sudden redeemed itself in the past year

>> No.361071

You guys are getting griefed and trolled by the Mod who is enjoying your tears. Email Moot.

>> No.361074

We still wouldn't get everyone to go over there, and then we'd have all the people who already post over there. The voting pool would be completely changed.

WUIG has been and should always be ours.

>> No.361086

Still the thing in OP's post is a copypasta.

>> No.361105

Actually they can.

See aslo: /a/ radio, lonely threads, MINDCRUSH meme, fanfics, etc.

>> No.363460

source on that picture please?
I don't have a sister so idk lol

>> No.363465


Haha oh wow.

>> No.363468

I think my sister has caught me doing it or at least knows I do it.

Kind of embarrassing, but hey.

She's younger and unattractive (to me, anwyway)

>> No.363509

mods are the cancer killing /jp/ not because of what they did, because nobody can shut the fuck up about what they did now

>> No.363521

No intelligent mods.
No adherence to the reason /jp/ was created.
No original content.
Moderation only.

Final Destination.

>> No.363533

I don't think you actually know why /jp/ was created, enjoy your bitching.

>> No.363537


>> No.363553


carry on sir

>> No.363555


>> No.363556

Stop bawwwing faggots. Good riddance, take this shit to /b/

>> No.363559

I'm not crying about anything. I don't even take part in any of the threads affected by the idiocy stickied on the front of /jp/.

Let me guess, you're either an /n/ reject or one of those people who seems to think /jp/ is about DERP MOONLAND DISCUSSION, which normally involves asking other people how you can best fellate the average eleven when you finally arrive in the Promised Land.

>> No.363566

Wrong, /jp/ is the unholy combination of the figurine and Touhou boards that moot promised would never materialize.

>> No.363568

Actually I'm the troll who sometimes posts with your trip in the email field

>> No.363569

Your reply doesn't follow logically from my own post, so I can't be "wrong" about anything.

>> No.363578

And /n/ was far better than this board

>> No.363598

/n/ was a racist shithole with fake news posts disguised to talk about racism.

It was obliterated because not even soulless robo-mods could tolerate viewing it.

>> No.363634


>> No.363636

But it was so awesome

>> No.363677

listen. all you dumbfucks with computers in shared areas or no sense and tvs in shared areas. here's your plan. get a part time job, work for TWO FUCKING WEEKS and get a cheap ass computer. SET IT UP IN YOUR OWN ROOM.

really i think two weeks of time is not too much to invest in not traumatizing your family.

>> No.364853

nice get there.
I didn't browse /n/ often but I enjoied my time there

>> No.364866

Still better than this place

And the racists were trolled as often as they posted

>> No.365516

It's awesomeGET.
