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3586542 No.3586542 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favourite MMO, /jp/? Picture may or may not be related.

>> No.3586566

Right now I think they all suck, I want one with good pvp. WoW was actually good before that first expansion, then it just.....ugh

>> No.3586589

Runescape Classic

>> No.3586610

Dungeons and Dragons Online is now free. I haven't stopped playing it in weeks to the exclusion of almost anything else.

>> No.3586674


>> No.3586684
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>> No.3586705

Got boring after I hit 32.

>> No.3586712


Damn shame that it's pretty much fizzled out. Still get the urge to resubscribe every so often. Filling the void with Fallen Earth (got it as a present, seems pretty decent so far) and Global Agenda (beta testing it because I live 5 minutes from where the studio is based)

>> No.3586735

That Valkyrie Sky game is backup and running complete now.
/v/ seems to have snagged a lot of the touhou names though.
Still its MMO +Four man parties + Danmaku

>> No.3586736


WHAT? brb downloading a GAME

>> No.3586741


>> No.3586742

I don't play MMOs. I think they're horrible. I like RPGs, but thing about grinding in RPGs is that there is a goal in mind. That is not the case with MMOs.

I don't like people either, so the social aspect does nothing for me.

>> No.3586780

Enjoy your cash shop and paid for warforged.

Mabinogi. It's the only thing that's held my interest after ragnarok. I'm trying valkyrie sky and it's not that bad, but it has that same pointless feeling mabi manages to not have. Mabi is more laid back like ro, where you can just sit on it doing nothing all day. I do love the shootan though.

It's probably going to shift to APB when it comes out. Officer Shikieiki IS the LAW.

>> No.3586783

>Free to play in US but not in Europe
Well fuck.

>> No.3586786

Going to try out SUN Online when they start in a few hours.

>> No.3588007

holy fucking shit

It's been fun, gents.

>> No.3588015

Does anybody still play ECO?
Is the lag more bearable now?

I might go to WoW because there's nothing else to play.

>> No.3588083

wanted to try valkyrie sky, but keep getting a trojan alert in the exe and the file gets deleated every time i try to install it. currently waiting for them to fix that little porblem.

>> No.3588106

let us know if that is good.

>> No.3588163

Mabinogi suffers from "lag = death" due to its unforgiving timing-based combat system. Which means that the only people who can play it are those that live next door to the servers.

>> No.3588364 [SPOILER] 
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or know people to dungeon with and can protect you if you lag. Not all of us who are players are pubbies. I've dungeoned with bards who make awesome magic music which makes the dungeon much easier. That can be done with lag.

>> No.3588374

Isnt ECO worse since it has those 5 minute lag bursts where only you cant move but everything else can?

>> No.3588399

ECO either runs very smoothly, semi-choppy; or like the lag burst you just described.

However, whenever I would try to fight the dragon with some people in Mabi, I would get lag bursts similar to the aforementioned ones. Though, in all fairness, that's against a humongous world boss; while ECO's bursts can happen ANYWHERE.

>> No.3588413
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Final Fantasy XI. Been playing off and on for some six years now.

It's kind of old but I still like it and it actually has engaging stories with cutscenes. Also has worldwide servers so there are always people to play with depending on what you want to do, and it helps me practice Japanese a bit too.

>> No.3588415

Why is the lag so bad in ECO?

I haven't played in over a week because of it. It's kind of hard to grind when you get lag every 3 minutes.

>> No.3588416

*dragon flies up high*
"Oh shit guise, we should probably move"
*runs 10 feet away and then rubberbands back to the original spot*
*4000 dmg*

>> No.3588553

I dont want to get my hopes high , but are you saying that valkyrie sky is like touhou online ??

>> No.3588561

Good thing you asked first. It's like Easymodo Online. If you enjoy acting 1337, though, you'll enjoy putting the overconfident n00bs to shame.

>> No.3588569

Except with shitty hitboxes, easy stages, clusterfuck party screens, and a bunch of lag at inopportune times.

Oh, the danmaku isn't nearly as pretty either. Plus, no little girls.

...When I put it that way, it doesn't really seem like Touhou at all, actually.

>> No.3588576

Valkyrie Sky is fucking awesome. Difficulty also picks up faster than you'd think. Though I play alone, I think in a group it would be far too easy.

>> No.3588585

Thanks for the warning.

Any opinions on the online megaten ?

>> No.3588595

god damnit why did I think that was rikaXsatoko from the thumbnail

>> No.3588623

megaten online is shit, bro. If only, play it for the story acts´after that, enjoy your endless sugi gold.

>> No.3588631


I enjoyed it, and the graphics were done by Kazuma which is nice.

>> No.3588681


Lost interest in Megaten shortly after the Aeria closed beta closed. Things were more fun when you could damn the damage it'd do to your equipment and just throw yourself at whatever dungeon you wanted with the exp loss turned off.

Even the beta had it's problems though, gunsmithing was a fucking dead end due to never being able to even finish the tutorial quests for it.

Lag far more certainly equaled death in Megaten than in Mabi though, especially if you were trying to do rapid/counter chains with guns.

But, my opinion's probably null, this is all closed beta experience, game's probably changed, not by much mind, but more than what I could describe now. Hope it helps regardless.

>> No.3588861

If you'd like to spend a year or two grinding from 93-94, you're welcome to try it.

I'm serious, someones done the math for it.

>> No.3588867

What happened to you on ECO, you just...disappeared.

>> No.3588987
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Noone disappeared. I'm logged in right now.

>> No.3588993

WoW is the best of its kind, but then again all MMO's are shit.

>> No.3589069

I hate Wow.
Well, it's not so much that I hate the game, it's that I hate the people who play it. They annoy the fuck out of me.

>> No.3589078

Valkyrie Sky is more like Castle Shikigami online than anything. Summoners even play like the main guy.

>Lag far more certainly equaled death in Megaten than in Mabi though

Shit killed me in that game even without lag. That damn starfish thing was such bullshit, even the boss of that dungeon was easier.

>> No.3589086

>>3589078That damn starfish thing was such bullshit, even the boss of that dungeon was easier.
I remember running that dungeon with some /jp/ players in the beta. The starfish thing was indeed bullshit.

>> No.3589088
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Ragnarok Online, I guess. The game may be awfully old and broken, and I may suck at it and hardly ever play, but I simply cannot abandon it. Maybe it's because of my twisted nostalgia?

>> No.3589101

We should start a WoW /jp/ guild. Fuck your ECO and Valkyrie Shit.

>> No.3589105

Ditto, I just can't stop playing. We started killing those high end mvps and it's pretty fun, having trouble with Valk though.

>> No.3589108

>WoW /jp/ guild
Oh lord, the faggotry.

Get out.

>> No.3589182

3 things I don't understand about Valkyrie Sky

How do you get non-fish cooking ingredients, like salt?

Why don't you get all the items you pick up in a level? I've seen times where I've gotten like 5-6 things but only had 1 or 2 in the pickup box at the end.

How do you get more of those coins? Well I don't really care about that so I'll replace it with: What does int do? It says it increases the max level of skills, but that doesn't make sense. Does it increase the recharge rate for special attacks or something?

>> No.3589220
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Penguin army related.

>> No.3589489


>That damn starfish thing was such bullshit, even the boss of that dungeon was easier.

For Starfish: Dodge is your friend. You can even dodge freaking AoE spells.

>> No.3589567

EverQuest is still the best MMO ever made, if you ask me. It is by no means perfect, though. Class balance isn't quite where it should be right now. PVP is, and always has been, an afterthought. The graphics are 8 years old, and even then they sucked.

But the PvE content is usually golden. Lag does not exist, except in a few isolated spots that now long since outdated. Raids are very diverse, and although the current expansion is damn easy, cutting edge content is usually pretty challenging. Because the game has shitty visuals, the 13-year-old WoW kiddies don't touch it, nor do you get the kawaii desu ne weeaboos of the Asian MMO scene. And it's not free, so you don't have BR's and pinoys. So people generally behave themselves, griefing is minimal, and people at least try to get along.

I'm still playing ECO also, even though it has gotten really boring. I spent this much time grinding to become an Engineer, so I am determined to own a giant robot. I just need to raise another 750k. Right now I have put leveling on hold to farm delivery quests for money. Hell, I've even raised alts to level 9 so they can do Gift to Grandson five times a day for an easy 10k per character per day. It's a long, arduous road to reach 1 million gold, but it will be worth it for a glorious and hot-blooded super robot.

>> No.3589669

enjoy being wrong you can earn points for those in game and not pay real money if you want
its slower than paying real money obviously
but nothing prevents you from grinding for extra content in game rather than paying real money
>Mabinogi. It's the only thing that's held my interest after ragnarok. I'm trying valkyrie sky and it's not that bad, but it has that same pointless feeling mabi manages to not have. Mabi is more laid back like ro, where you can just sit on it doing nothing all day. I do love the shootan though.
i do like that laid back thing in mabi i just never could like the community its the community thats the issue because i havent ever found a better free mmo than mabin especially now that all that stuff you used to have to pay for is free
I certainly don't live next door to its servers and i used to play with people from different places europe that were succesful so and that was back when they still had to use a proxy
most issue youll get in mabin has to do with itnernet limitations in western countries versus the less limited internet the game was originally made for
emil chronicle online or whatever? i liked the cute look of it but never gave it a try
i found it very bare and empty the base idea is interesting but nothing about it pulls me into the experience not even the community and i always had trouble getting randomly disconnected even though i never experienced any lag
the amount of damage your weapon would take always seemed like too much too quick
this was nice actually and it made me sad that i didnt like the rest of the game because i liked the look
never liked RO
i thought it looked sort of like a top down shooter? im sure its fun for someone but not my thing
that op picture looks weird...

>> No.3589688
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typing all that reminded me...
i really need to find a new mmo to waste my life on and i like the cute & anime styled ones best usually. i need one that lets me play dfc loli with combat as unforgiving and timing based as mabinogi... mabis lolis had huge boobs it just wasnt right. my loli must have dfc.

>> No.3589706


Soloing is definitely easier than playing in a party.
You can't see shit in party and boss has more life.
You can down a boss in less than a minute while soloing but in a party it might last twice as long.

>> No.3589712


The only sad thing about Everquest is entering Lower Guk and not finding anyone else to play with.

>> No.3589742

Hasn't everyone pretty much abandoned the old world at this point?

>> No.3589822

>that op picture looks hot...

>> No.3589834

I play maplestory because I am gay.

>> No.3589872

There is a faction of players who staunchly devote themselves to just the old world. I honestly have no idea why you'd want to keep playing the same content all the time for 10 straight years. The old world zones have some great flavor and lore, but in terms of actual gameplay, they're very vanilla by modern standards.

If they enjoy killing Nagafen for the 5,732nd time, great. But after a few months of farming any given zone, I'm sick of it and anxious to move on. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

>> No.3589908
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Ragnarok Online

>> No.3589933
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GhostX was extremely fun for a week or two (a cross between Pokemon, DMC and Soul Eater, fuck yeah), but the super synchro system and limited nanobot storage slots ruined it for me. Now I'm waiting for Metal Rage, Lusty/Rusty Hearts and Huxley.

RO was the most fun I've ever had playing a MMO and I still play it from time to time. Everyone played it at some point, so I don't have much to say.

Space Cowboy was good back when it came out in 2006 - now it's just a glorified online casino and the player's wallet determines the outcome of every fight.

Exteel has cool giant robots, but the community is braindead and despite the game's simplicity, most players (high levels included) have no idea how to play CTF properly. The international version is nearly dead, most lowbies are just alts of alts of alts and the last content update came out over half a year ago or so, while the koreans are several patches ahead.

Cabal Online has fucking amazing skill animations and I can't think of a single game that comes close to it in that aspect, but the PvP system is rather underwhelming, faction wars are just a lagfest, there's not a whole lot to do when you reach endgame and looking at those crazy fireworks shooting out with every attack gets old eventually. The combo system is really fun to use, though.

Planetside and Welkin 4591 were fun for a short while. I like the general idea of a MMOFPS with huge battlefields, but I couldn't really enjoy those games with my ping.

ATC Raycrash had its flaws, but I have fond memories of that game and the community was incredibly helpful and friendly. It was basically a MMO version of Senko no Ronde with less beamspam.

>> No.3589986

Skies of Arcadia Online

>> No.3589988

It's kind of like how people can post on 4chan every day despite it being all the same shit. Or people who don't move from their town every 10 years.

>> No.3590023

Observation: /jp/ doesn't like the ZzZzZonline.

korea should make a game like it with mecha musume in place of spaceships.

I say korea because japan never lets us play any of their mmos.

>> No.3590062

Asheron's Call, though I haven't played it in 4 years.

>> No.3590076

Same here. Can't get enough of it even though it's broken and all the "fun" is just grinding 'till 2nd adv and wreck shit at WoE/PvP.

And botting for cards/equip.

>> No.3590139

>emil chronicle online
>nearly naked slightly muscular shotas
i-it's not like i want to play it or anything, i'll just test the stability of my internet connection by downloading the client. it's been acting up lately.

>> No.3590151

What faction does everyone play on in valkrie sky?

>> No.3590159

Also if you are expecting the grind free environment like in the first CB, you will be disappointed.
Gamekiss is really trying hard to make VS a grindfest.

>> No.3590183

qfmft. Soloing is much easier now, but you get pretty much zero xp. It's only good for doing the kill x enemies quests. But since it's so easy, it's boring as hell. Which leaves you with making full parties, but unless you've leveled beyond the area you're grinding in, it is hard as hell. Two man parties are the most efficient.

>> No.3590187
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EVE is my favorite mmo. A game by Korea would not work because they love grinding, and this game has none.

>> No.3590325
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Ill just keep playin mabi with a few of my friends

I find the combat more fun then eco

>> No.3590335

>implying EVE has no grind

>> No.3590374
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FFXIV is the first MMO to interest me since Guild Wars came out. Keeping fingers crossed.

>> No.3590376

More like BorinG online.

>> No.3590390


I couldn't get into EVE personally, but it does have the best idea an MMO's ever come up with: choose to pay in-game money to cover your monthly fee rather than real money.

>> No.3590405

I love EVE, and would resubcribe again if I had the time to play it. And especially if a bunch of /jp/ people got into it. It would be fun with like 20 of us crusing around in Velators (or whatever the fuck you Caldari guys use) ganking cruisers and doing stupid shit.

Also, >>3590335
EVE's grind is a completely different sort of grind than every other MMO. In others you are grinding levels, in EVE you are grinding ISK/those connection point things, or actually (wat) grinding out a social life.

>> No.3590422 [SPOILER] 
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You mean something like this?

>> No.3590440

there's a thin line between 'hydrocephalic' and 'cute' and the devs of that game clearly crossed it.

>> No.3590460

I would play EVE if it was possible.
But it isn't. Not in the 2 years I played. Fucking waste.

>> No.3590477

EVE is fun if you have friends to play with.

When you don't, all you end up doing is running level 4 missions all by yourself ;_;. Space is a lonely place.

>> No.3590484

The second /jp/ makes a serious EVE corp is the day I resubscribe.

>> No.3590492


I seem to spend 90% of my time in EVE in wormhole space now.

No sov.
No local.
Sleepers only. Final destination.

>> No.3590501

What's wormhole space/EVE in general like now? I stopped playing during Empyrean Age.

>> No.3590504

The greatest things about WoW are jumping over the gap in ironforge and running in circles on orgrimmar's bank roof. We don't need a guild for that!

>> No.3590509

My problem with Eve is the skill system was a double edged sworded (at least when I played when it came out).

No matter how much or how little you play, your skill growth is tied to a RL time system. Rediculous.

>> No.3590510

Oh, and running in circles in Dalaran.

>> No.3590545

I found that one of the better things about EVE. Since I didn't always have time to play, it made keeping up with everyone else possible. I remember setting my carrier skill prereq training, due to take a month and a half in training time, before going away for 7 weeks. That wouldn't have been possible in any other MMO.

>> No.3590583

EVE is only good for one thing now. Deep economical simulation. Beeing a trader is the last fun activity I found for myself in there. Too bad you start to wonder what you will do with the money.

>> No.3590592

Oh nice a loli in swimsuit!
What's this from?

>> No.3590600

WH space is pretty much what 0.0 should be. It's mostly uninhabited and a lot of fun to explore. Occasionally I meet someone who's stuck in there and help them out (for a fee of course) or find small corporations trying to colonise a system and harass them for awhile.

>> No.3590712 [DELETED] 
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There is a /v/ corp if you're interested. Join the public channel "/v/ bros". We usually have 10-25 people online depending on time.

>> No.3590719
File: 480 KB, 1280x1024, sleepers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a /v/ corp Broski Enterprises if you're interested. Join the public channel "/v/ bros". We usually have 10-25 people online depending on time.

>> No.3590764

I've played and quit a ridiculous number of MMOs, and had never reached max level in any of them. I just can't fucking stand grinding, and nearly every MMO suffers from horrible mid-level grinding, or is just grinding from start to finish (RO).

I played UO first, but started too late and couldn't really get into it. I played various cheap/free non-Korean MMOs (Astonia was probably the one I enjoyed most), played space MMOs (EnB, Jumpgate, EVE), "played" FFXI for years (most of the time though my account was active but I wasn't really playing), and of course wasted way too much fucking time (and some money) on various Korean MMOs.

>> No.3590783

Grinding is the fault of players, not the games themselves. It stems from your desire to be the best and wave your level 100, aura coated e-dick around. You feel that you must level as much as possible and as fast as possible, yet really there's no need to. You do though, and then you complain about how you can't be the best fast enough.

>> No.3590788

What else is there to do?

>> No.3590791

I play MMOs for the pvp aspect these days. Killing monsters and doing dumb quests isn't entertaining anymore. Try going into a pvp zone with a low level, underequipped character. I think you can imagine the fun of it.

>> No.3590806

(continued because the fucking board kept "Abnormal Reply"ing me and I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to avoid it)

After quitting my last couple MMOs I quickly got bored; refusing to touch another Korean MMO and still waiting on the new Jumpgate beta, I had the options of RS (which I had tried out before and found it not nearly as bad as I had always assumed it would be) or WoW. When I found out WoW had a trial download option I decided to go ahead and play it (plus I intended to try to locate some old online buddies I had gamed with years ago, who had moved on to it while I stayed in FFXI.... couldn't find them though and just joined a server by myself). Next thing I know I'm max level and raiding and shit. Blizzard certainly found a successfull formula; I had sworn never to touch the damn game, but now I'm hooked.

>> No.3590816

what the fuck; someone earlier typed "Runescape" in their post, but until I abbreviated it to "RS" the board kept rejecting my post. Fuck you, moot

>> No.3590827

>Bawwww I can't beat others online and be the king of pvp

>> No.3590834

I paid for RO closed beta test and a few months after release, the only time I paid anything for an MMO. I've tried many MMOs, but RO holds a special place in my heart. Don't know why, it feels good just walking around or sitting near town entrance watching people passing by. Maybe it's the music?

>> No.3590868
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Fuck yeah, Ghost X.
Real grindan after level 20+, but Luna was worth it, now I'm stuck in DoMO waiting for an update.

>> No.3590891

Just hating it for the sake of it is for retards. I played WoW, got bored eventually, and quit. Nothing special.

But of course some people like to stir up some drama.

>> No.3590936


>> No.3592437

Speaking of that, how the hell do you get music in the new areas of mabinogi? It's too bothersomely quiet all the time.

>> No.3592458 [DELETED] 
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by grabbing your ipod and firing up your favorite IOSYS album

>> No.3592483 [DELETED] 


>> No.3592494

>>3589088 Maybe it's because of my twisted nostalgia?
> Twisted Nostalgia

Holy fuck, if I ever follow through on my ambitions to start my own MMO, I do believe I have found it's name.

It will be the most terrifying combination of the most sadistic and poorly thought out aspects of Ragnarok Online, Everquest and Ultima Online possible.

>> No.3592524

Top down, 2.5d, free pvp anywhere with instacast and asura strikes, infinite grinding, twisty maps, and no moe?

>> No.3592534

No MMO can ever compare to the greatness of Anarchy Online. Have been playing since 6 years on and off.

>> No.3592535


>> No.3592567

>>3592524 twisty maps
"You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike."

Also bats. Hunt for the Wumpus bats.

>> No.3592599

>"You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike."

and no one who uses fly wings or creamy clips remembers that this is an excellent description of almost every RO field map except the deserts and parts of geffen field.

>> No.3592626


>> No.3592647

Yeah, my MMO is going to go with the old Everquest model of travel: All the classes that can teleport you are worthless in groups, and those players only put up with the class for the jewgold; they don't want to teleport you if you aren't willing to part with an hour's worth of grinding jewgold, but you begrudgingly fork it over because otherwise you'd need to spend three hours holding down the forward arrow key in order to walk halfway across the world in order to get from the only city where you can buy your class's spells to the only dungeon where you can get experience, getting to which requires you run through dark forests with no landmarks filled with level 50+ skeletons that get their jollies off by raping travelers and making them lose five hours of grind-experience.

And there's no confirmation box for the teleport so half the time the wizard decides to teleport you into the middle of the fucking Temple of Cazic Thule just to be a dick.

>> No.3592727

Teleport is the best spell in any game. I wonder why it's not used more.

Didn't it used to be possible to cast warp portal under people in RO, or was that a different game?

Either way, there were some glitch areas in RO you could only teleport to, but you could memo them and warp people to the spots and leave them there.

>> No.3592756

>Two man parties are the most efficient.

Fucking this. I keep dying when I was in a 4 player party because, I keep looking at the wrong character and too much shit on screen.

>> No.3592801

Letting players teleport other players without the target's permission is like filling your game full of a thousand clones of Yukari Yakumo: sure it creates all kinds of EMERGENT GAMEPLAY LOL, but I somehow don't think you'd have many Reimus willing to pay the 10 bux a month subscription to get trolled around like that.

>> No.3593158

Hey, I've noticed an increase in MMOs having a teleport home button, mostly because of high amounts of glitches. With the ability to get out of a stuck place on their own and/or a teleport/warp item, the trolling, while funny, wouldn't lead to many major incidents.

Just don't allow it in town and let people go at it outside.

Actually that might be a good free game idea. Subscribers can't be force teleported. Non payers have open pvp all the time. Take that bots.

>> No.3593175

You should check this out. Secondage.com

>> No.3593302




>> No.3593892

RO is as good as MMOs get.
Also, fuck yes, 3rd jobs.

>> No.3593902

By "RO" you better mean Red Orchestra.

>> No.3593993

Highrate kids destroyed RO.
First lowrate server with 3rd jobs will get played again.

>> No.3593998

Whoops. UOSecondage.com, for anyone interested in oldschool UO

>> No.3594036

My favorite MMO was Desert of Flames era EQ2 through Echoes of Faydwer EQ2.
Rise of Kunark was really a pretty bad mistake and I never played The Shadow Oddyssey.
The lack of real PVP is the main reason I quit playing. It is still by far the best PVE experience I've ever had.

>> No.3594042

I got EQ2 when it came out, quit right before DoF, came back when Faydwer hit, and quit for awhile until Kunark came out. I stopped playing when Shadow Odyssey came out and I dont think I'll ever go back. Games just not the same.

>> No.3594067

Why do people want to PVP in mmos? Why not just play gunz or something? I can't seen any reason besides griefing and self wanking.

>> No.3594077

Anyone play Maple Story?

>> No.3594078

Answered your own question. They either want to be dicks to other players or brag about their "accomplishments" against other players.

>> No.3594079

I dunno if it's the best, but I'm playing WoW right now. Fucking Anub Hardmode's a dick, steadily progressing though... 20% is our best so far.

>> No.3594080

I concur. If I wanted PVP action, I would go play Unreal Tournament or Chess. I play MMO's for PVE, so I'm glad when a game has little or no PVP since it means the griefing, e-wanking, and generally assholery is kept to a minimum.

>> No.3594161

Because MMO PVE is basically predetermined?
99% or more of the encounters you will end up engaged in are guaranteed victories. Then you have things on the margin where the RNG is ultimately the deciding factor. Which makes what you're doing basically a lottery. Designers purposely design the enemies to be so inconsequential that even the most casual retards will win almost every time. MMOs are built on positive reinforcement, that's why they're addicting, they're positive feedback loops that minimize negative returns.
APVP also lets you take the character/design/spec/concept and pit it against others. Beating other players is about superior understanding, preparation, perception and execution. Beating monsters in most MMOs is 10% not crippling your character through stupidity, 10% standing in the right spot, 30% having items, rather through grinding or dumb luck, and 50% pushing 1 2 3 4 5 as fast as possible.
That's talking exclusively from a gameplay standpoint.
However if you're one of the people who substitutes a MMO life with their own and cuts themselves every time their little roleplayed vampire loli dies then you're not there for the gameplay and what you really need is a chatroom with avatars. Like Gaia.

>> No.3594163

You're one of those people who honestly believes pvp depends on anything other than levels and gear. You probably grind to max asap and then complain about having to work so hard at it.

>> No.3594167

Actually I think PVP has almost everything to do with game knowledge.
But PVE? Now that is pretty much determined by levels and gear.

>> No.3594169

and before you say anything stupid. If a level 1 naked character with a sword does not stand any real chance against a naked level 100 with the same sword, then it is not in any way a fair pvp system. Competitive games should be balanced. Competitive games should give you a chance even with shit charas.

Show me a skill based game where you can win against someone who's been playing 2 years longer than you.

and is not spreadsheets online.

>> No.3594181

FPS. You can kill even the best player even if by accident. And everyone has the same HP and weapons.

>> No.3594201

>Show me a skill based MMORPG

>> No.3594206

I have to resist the urge to make a stupid green text implying response here, because all of the things you listed are exactly why people hate PvP in MMOs.

Almost all are RPGs at their core, which means you have levels, equipment, and class determining most of your effectiveness in combat. All of those things make most PvP encounters a fairly one-sided affair: one person's class is better against the other, their equipment is better, or they've done more grinding in the main PvE game. Your "skill" doesn't account for anywhere near as much as the rest of those things, specifically because it's an RPG. Where skill (as in reflexes and split-second tactics) make a difference is in other games, like fighters or shooters, that are actually made so that you can directly compete with others.

Beyond that, PvP mechanics just don't mesh well with standard PvE mechanics for RPGs. Classes are supposed to have specialized roles and work together to cover each other's weaknesses. In PvP, generalists reign supreme and everyone has to be given a "fair" chance to beat other people, which fucks with the overall PvE balance. It's stupid to ruin tried and true practices just because some Xbox kids who should be playing an FPS want to prove things online.

Also, it's obvious you haven't played any MMOs but WoW and more modern MMOs (read: WoW clones) if you're "pushing 1 2 3 4 5 as fast as possible," because older ones aren't about spamming random commands. A lot are extremely unforgiving without having to worry about PvP at all.

>> No.3594236

I'm in a US top 200 guild in WoW, MMOs don't require skill, pvp or pve. All you have to do is know how to play a class (rotation, CDs, and memorizing courses of action) which even a retard can do. Those who suck at mmos simply suck due to lack of understanding or don't know to not stand in fires, spikes, black shit, or things running towards you.

tl;dr - MMOs require zero skill.

>> No.3594247

>All you have to do is know how to play a class (rotation, CDs, and memorizing courses of action)
You should add reading spreadsheets online, and looking at big flashy addons that sparkle to warn you when you need to move out of shit, because situational awareness is almost nill when you press your 3 button rotation.

>> No.3594274

>Show me a skill based game where you can win against someone who's been playing 2 years longer than you.

Exteel. A lv1 with starter items can beat a lv100 with the most ungodly cash shop whore gear. It's not something that happens only in theory either. The benefits gained through levelling are minimal, so it makes no difference whether you're lv1 or lv10000000000000. It's not that uncommon to see people make alts and buy the most expensive cash shop item sets at lv1, since items have no level requirements in this game. More often than not, they fail miserably, because the weapons you normally start the game with after finishing the tutorial are actually upper mid-tier (tommy strikers, marauder-c's) and the game itself is pretty straightforward, so playing it for years doesn't give you an edge over players with a week of experience, who aren't complete morons.

>> No.3594275

Victory is decided by the players themselves, not by their items, levels or the time they've wasted on learning glitches or memorization of seemingly irrelevant bullshit that somehow can magically fuck you over. Most weapons use lock-on boxes and don't require you to line up your crosshair with a target the size of two pixels, so you don't need the hand-eye coordination of a genetically engineered supersoldier and thousands of hours of training with one weapon just to hit someone every once in a while. Despite being a twitch shooter at first glance, the game rewards thinking and that is something you can't magically learn after years of playing it. You either know how to think, analyze a situation and make the best out of it or you don't. If you suck at the game, you can't just throw dollars at your enemies to win, unlike in most MMOs.

>> No.3594277

Before you get your hopes up, be warned that the community is utter fucking garbage and you don't want to have anything to do with that game. Enjoy your 13 year olds who don't even speak english and lv234 "pros" with cerebral palsy, who can barely tell the difference between blue and red flags in CTF and are more concerned with draining every fucking healpad in existence when their hp drops below 95% than actually contributing something to the team. If you can organize a team of 3 bros and coordinate your shit on vent/ts, then the game is awesome, because you can steamroll all those goddamn morons and drink their delicious tears, but when you're on your own, surrounded by 7 fucking idiots on your team, you'll want to gouge your eyes out with your own dick.

>> No.3594287

>conclusion about all MMOs

>> No.3594301
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>> No.3594307

I was always talking about MMORPGs. Exteel is like Gunz.

Although PVP things in mmo could be fixed if they were more team based. >>3594206 makes a good point about classes. If classes were made to work together enough, you could just PVP in groups. (I don't' have a problem with PVP in the form of WOE or other faction war type things.)

You could have things like capture the flag/area style matches.

There should also just plain be other ways to compete. Races with customizable rides, card games, sports, lots of things could be done that aren't some cleric fighting a swordmagetank.

>> No.3594310


pardon the green text.

>> No.3594348

What MMOs other than ECO cater to the pedophile demographic?

>> No.3594363

DBM/Bigwings aren't even required if you're not a tunnel visioning moron unless you're doing timing sensitive work, but even then it's pretty optional.

>> No.3594365


Yes, you can be Cirno.

>> No.3594387

I made a Cirno in Champions Online.

Unfortunately, the game just sucks.

>> No.3594391

Not many. America haet loli and Korea is usually too lazy to make the tits scalable at all. Everywhere else just makes c cups the smallest.

Perfect World, you could probably make a loli messing with the files. People could make themselves 1 pixel wide, after all.

There's whatever >>3590422 is
and also lineage has loli looking dwarves.

>> No.3594395

Probably RO because it has the most porn doujinshi out of all the MMORPGs.

>> No.3594461

Okay, I'd like to make a comment about EVE.

EVE is the best, most complex MMO that exists. It's so different and so HUGE than almost all other MMOs in existence so that when you get into it you realize how simple most other games are in comparison.

It is, however, one of the hardest, if not the hardest, game to really get into on the market. First of all, if you try to play alone, and just do missions forever, you will get bored quickly. EVE is not for PvE. There is no "endgame" and no levels.
It can also take a while to grasp the sheer scale and the possibilites of it.
Also, EVE has to be played with others. It's pretty much made to encourage group play, and is much more rewarding if you do, and you can really feel that you are working towards a common goal.

My 2c. I started playing recently after a couple of years of hiatus, and hot damn this game is huge.

Also, if anyone here is willing to try it out, please post, I'll get you set up.

>> No.3594751


This game is 90%skill and 10%luck. A faggot with no skill can grind to 2Dan easily. A new guy which is good can beat the no skill 2Dan 90% of the time.

>> No.3594944
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I might try the Star trek mmo if it still holds my interest later. Another thing is this gem of an mmo. Granted it jp only and not even in beta yet but i have hopes.

Also if you must have lolis in your game there's always loligolf if you dont mind the BRs

>> No.3594960

Favorite non-free: Aion
Favorite free-mmo: Mabi

>> No.3594964


I get the urge to resub sometimes. I played on and off for about 2 months. I have a few friends who are hardcore into it. I used to be in broski enterprises (/v/ corp), but if i started up again I'd probably join a more serious corp.

>> No.3594965

EVE player here. EVE is a wonderfully fun game if you make friends in it and play with them ;_;

>> No.3594994

EVE is the worst piece of shit ever conceived. If your average mmo is the equivalent of a boring office job, EVE lets you experience working in a sweatshop, where the mafia may or may not decide to barge in, kill you and ruin everything you've worked on, because they have more people than you.

The gameplay is retarded. The requirements to access content are mindnumbingly monotonous, without even mentioning HEY ENJOY WAITING ONE YEAR TO LEVEL YOUR ABILITIES. The PvP is solely about who can muster the biggest zerg.

The only way to be 'good' at the game is to have the patience to put up with large corps' shit, hoping anyone will give a damn about your opinion if you suck up to them for 2 years.

>> No.3595042
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I don't know why, but I fucking love Ragnarok Online. There's nothing but grinding, collecting hats, grinding alts, fucking around in prontera, grinding more alts and participating in whoever-has-a-bigger-guild-alliance-and-more-money-wins, but I just can't quit it for good. Fucking redownloading the client as we speak, because of this thread. Gonna make a motherfucking sorcerer on one of those new servers with ridiculous rates and overpowered half-implemented third jobs, for the lulz.

>> No.3595064

I'm still botting on an official Ragnarok Server,

like everybody else.

>> No.3595097

Still looking for source.

>> No.3595101


The game is good but I had to stop playing because of the community. Why are they such faggots? Everything from the way they talk to the way they conduct themselves. Bunch of kill stealing,item stealing,smiley using faggots.

>> No.3595105

I think that's Lunia.

>> No.3595125

BRB gonna fap to RO porn

>> No.3595140
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Been playing usGE for a while now......but the fucking afk makes me feel lazy to try any other mmo where you have to be active to lvl also the ridiculous amount of xp to advance from lvl 100 to 110 is fucking insane hence I ragequit every once in a while=/.....also been trying Fiesta Online everytime i get mad at GE, currently lvl 31 on Fiesta.

>> No.3595616

I guess I'll give Valkyrie Sky a try. It seems to be the new flavor of the week. I liked Dofus, because it doesn't take itself seriously and the combat system is fun, but there's not a whole lot to do if you don't have a subscription.

>> No.3595725

This is why I play WoW on a PvE server despite at level 80 preferring PvP (i.e. arenas and battlegrounds). World PvP is pointless, there's no benefits or real penalties involved in it, it's just a nuisance that interferes with leveling.

Battlegrounds are basically like playing Team Fortress on pub servers, with the same kinds of different map types (CTF, control points, assault/defense), except of course that it's an RPG not an FPS. Arenas are more organized teamplay (although you can do that in BGs too if you bring your friends along).

Wintergrasp is "something different" with all its siege vehicles and turrets, although it quickly gets old and I find myself spending most of the time despairing over the idiocy of my team

>> No.3595748

The best part about WoW outside of raiding Ulduar is raping alliance when you are doing dailies in Icecrown.

Well what do I know, I already quit WoW months ago.

>> No.3595761

Are there any MMORPGs with no PvP whatsoever? With no PvP balance to worry about, the devs could get more creative with classes, skills and shit.

>> No.3595763

fuck off mmo faggots

>> No.3595767
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ECO has quite big tits if you ask me.
Also the pic you mentioned if from Lunia.
There's also DOMO where the sprites look like little girls/boys (because that's what they're supposed to look like ingame) and the game this pic is from (english version cancelled).

>> No.3595768

Yeah! You sure told them!

>> No.3595773

>pend three hours holding down the forward arrow key in order to walk halfway across the world
Hey now, as a bard, you could run through entire zones without even realizing it.

>> No.3595782

Busty lolis? Where?

This is my fetish.

>> No.3595800

>>thread full of wowfags
who would've guessed?

>> No.3595813

I'm surprised NOONE has mentioned Navyfield...

I guess it is more /k/ than /jp/, though you can play as the Japanese Imperial Navy.

If I described it as an MMO version of battleship it would sound deceptively lame, it's actually quite fun. You get to command an old school WWII era battleship and blow things up with the big guns in a 2d isometric view. Controls are a bitch to get used to, and you're going to get fucked if you use the auto aim past the tutorials.

From what I've seen, the community is pretty decent though... The upper level players in the battleships mostly understand that they need the lower level people in the destroyers to balance out their fleet, and they'll lend a hand if some larger vessel is harassing you. As long as you don't team damage people it tends to go pretty smoothly and greifer-free.

>> No.3595818

People who talk about no skill in wow obviously never did arena, and to the guy who said that he was in the top 200 US guild, PVE never was about skill, it was more about gear and coordination.

>> No.3595848

Goddammit /jp/, now I'm compelled to try out ECO...

thanks for ruining my life even harder.

>> No.3595905

waiting on that kotor mmo, DO NOT FAIL ME BIOWARE!

>> No.3595942


Haha, oh wow. Because it takes tons of skill to reroll a flavor of the month class and run around pillars for thirty minutes, right?

>> No.3596592
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Ys Online

>> No.3597323

>koreans are several patches ahead.
I can't stand this shit. Why do us companies screw over the players while raising cash shop prices through the roof.

>> No.3597364

Same. I can't wait to make a slutty Twi'lek.

>> No.3597866

I'm on a PvP realm, Glad 2 seasons in a row, though I haven't bothered much this season. Rolling flavor of the patch classes or outgearing most of your server from the last seasons gear is so hard. It requires maybe a bit more reflex than my grandma can muster but no gamer generation youngster with no disability should be having any trouble getting a decent rating. Remember, the majority of the people you're playing against are people who've probably never even heard of spreadsheets or know what the hell to CC and probably can't even comprehend the theorycraft on EJ with their 5th grayd lvl Inglush compreehenshun.
