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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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35842948 No.35842948[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

They were kicked out of here, right?

>> No.35843002

To put it simply, because the mods like vtubers. Don't ask why they would rather let people spam vtuber threads and generals on /jp/ than to keep all such threads organized and easily moderated on /vt/, that's too much logic for them so you'll get warned or banned for saying something they dislike.

>> No.35843040
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Because Japanese VTubers are still otaku culture, and /vt/ was never a containment board. Only non-Japanese VTubers are disallowed here.

>> No.35843063

>[16:06] <@nanashi_> The board is new and we're still trying to figure out what's best in the long run for both audiences.
>[16:06] <@nanashi_> Honest feedback by users will definitely be appreciated.
Said a moderator, six months ago, before completely ignoring all feedback sent to him and not putting any effort into figuring out what's best for both audiences.

>> No.35843069
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1. No they aren't.
2. The mods don't even do that holoshit whores that aren't remotely japan related are allowed here.

Vtubers are just average streaming 3dpd and people who enjoy them are human garbage

>> No.35843077

>Only non-Japanese VTubers are disallowed here.
One quick look at the catalog says that clearly isn't the case. /jp/ is basically just /vt2/ at this point.

>> No.35843122

No, if anything they're seen as equals as Touhou girls now on /jp/. At least in the eyes of our moderation because they're allowed individual threads now, it's a mess. The new board was just a random one-off thing that in the end didn't do anything at all. They used to at least delete the Western ones and shit like global, but it looks like those threads are back again too.

Sad thing is /jo/ probably could have stayed exactly the way it was had the mods not shown their ass and decide to start forcing new policies on us and whatever else their current whims are. You'll get warnings or an outright ban if you try telling vtuber fags to fuck off.

>> No.35843129

The mods have never ever given a shit about feedback. Look at /vr/, perfect example of them killing a board after it's userbase begs them not to.

>> No.35843198

The same reason you can post about mecha on /a/ or music on any relevant board. Use your head.

>> No.35843263

It's funny how """oldfag""" /jp/ still think their feelings matter.
Go back to whatever spinoff you were hiding at, losers.

>> No.35843316

So what you're saying is that when for example: 96neko, a well known utaite streams with an anime avatar she stops being otaku culture?

>> No.35843383
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>got a /vt/ ad while typing this.

I don't believe there's a specific rule against it, but they have their own board now. There's no reason for them to be allowed to spam their threads here anymore. /jp isn't very fast and they're drowning out other threads, when they have their own freaking board. Mods and jannies need to stop beating their meat and deal with this shit, I don't care if I get banned.

It honestly reminds me of MLP back in the day. They annoyed the fuck out of everybody until they got their own board, and when they finally got their own board, they refused to use it and kept spamming other boards.

>> No.35843479

>Why is vtuber discussion still allowed here?
Lack of enforcement and moderators moving the goalpost because shitty bias/not caring. A lot of these fags stubborn enough to keep spamming this shit stopped caring about what is allowed when the /vt/ board was created after months of them claiming that making such board was impossible and too risky because of drama (as if the site isn't abig enough boogeyman for normalfags). Funny how janitors and/or mods were more strict to what could be considered otaku culture in the past but they're very lax with these streaming attention whores.

>> No.35843492
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I suspect they want to revitalise the slower boards by allowing newer topics. They don't really need the older users around, since the number of posters is what really matters to them, and not the community. The PS2 and Xbox are probably considered retro by the younger generation now, and the booming popularity of vtubers is just what they needed to "bless" /jp/ with more life.

>> No.35843557

Mecha doesn't take up 50% of /a/ at a significantly faster pace.

>> No.35843562

Is anime an otaku culture? Can i spam threads here without jannies getting mad?

>> No.35843704
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Video games are otaku culture, and /v/ was never a containment board. That means Metal Gear and Dead Rising is allowed on /jp/.

Said no one ever.

>> No.35843838

It would still be on-topic if it did.

>> No.35843851

The difference is that /a/ was never meant for anime genres that don't have their own board.

>> No.35843893

The bizarre thing is how then they want to revitalize /jp/ by bringing in vtuber stuff while also having /vt/ around with exactly the same kind of content, basically splitting the vtuber fanbase in two and making both boards slower. Doesn't sound like a smart move to me.

>> No.35844182

You're wasting your time. It was the mods' decision to let vtubers out of their generals and also a mods decision to not enforce or change anything with the creation of /vt/. Hell, if you need any more evidence our mods are pro-vtubers you need only think back to the daily stickies we were getting with the announcement of Global and the custom ban messages they'd throw out in the vtuber threads from time to time. It's utterly hypocritical that shit like Western VNs are a no-go while Western vtubers are A-okay.

And it's not just /jp/ either, this shit is everywhere now, even niche boards because a popular one streamed something about it. The guys that fund these girls must be laughing their asses off with how much money they're raking in; they basically managed to foster an even more successful equivalent to those rabid 3DPD idolfags Japan is plagued with, but now with global-appeal.

>> No.35844349
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Because jannies are mentally ill eunuchs who think that shitting up /jp/ is some kind of achievement or status symbol. Retarded simps think that fucking off to where they and their shitty eceleb spam belong is a sign of surrender. Faggots want to be part of the "cool club". They think that forcing failed VAs with anime avatars on a Touhou/VN/Vocaloid board would somehow assign them same cultural significance.
Also, friendly reminder that jannies don't just allow spam, they are the ones doing it with their discord erp buddies, giggling like retards and sending each other links to their shit threads.

>> No.35844660

Fuck 3D idolshit, fuck vtubers and fuck boatsluts

>> No.35844660,1 [INTERNAL] 

And of fucking course, passive aggressively deleting the thread without giving any explanation of why they keep doing this is how they choose to behave, once again.
I can only wonder what drives people who hate a board to continue moderating it for so long. Are their lives doing so badly that the only thing they can still enjoy is power tripping and making people upset?

>> No.35844660,2 [INTERNAL] 

They hate us, not the board, since it's where most vtuberfags stemmed from in the first place. They're just going to keep shoehorning in vtubers here and deleting dissenting posts until they've ran off most of the people who actually love /jp/ and it's culture. I wonder if they even realize, or care, just how much trash they've heaped on this board in the past 7 months alone from them trying to push their own agenda.

Worst part is, nothing we can do about it. These threads either just get deleted, or are bitching into the void. They don't care. Never'd have thought our mods would end up being what fucked the board.

>> No.35844660,3 [INTERNAL] 

You missed the Christfag Vtuber proselytising on /jp/.

>> No.35844660,4 [INTERNAL] 

One thing that might work is bothering them directly on IRC. Sure the first few times won't work (as you can see from that log from January 29th), but if people do it often enough to piss off the people responsible for this, I believe there's a good chance that this situation will progress in some way, even if that takes this mod going full rogue and spamming the board even harder for a while first. Sadly I'm really fucking awful at talking to people in real-time like the retarded aspie I am (especially with the kind of asshole who loves arguing in circles like most mods are) so I can't give this a try, but it'd be great if anyone else tried even just asking them what the fuck they've been doing for the past 6 months about this since that alone might have some sort of reaction.

>> No.35844660,5 [INTERNAL] 

This is what they had to say regarding threads that are unable to keep up with the current board speed.

I would have talked to them myself, but I am also really damn awful at talking to these kinds of people, so I would probably just make matters worse for /jp/.
