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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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No.3578356 [Reply] [Original]

Suppose one day the great Gensokyo border collapsed. For those that did not perish together with it, how do you think they are coping to live their lives in the alien "outside world"?
At minimum they will need food and shelter, and have something to do to make a living in this strange new world.

>> No.3578360

Sanae, Kanako and Suwako would cope fine.......... and probably Rinnosuke too because he has been learning about the outside world.

>> No.3578358

Ill give it to them. All of them.

Shelter and food that is.

>> No.3578365

The first thing they'd have to do is avoid getting captured by world militaries and experimented upon.

>> No.3578374


Forget the militaries, Al-Qaeda would be going after Utsuho in a heartbeat.

>> No.3578383

Yukari would go: "Meh."

... and go back to sleep.

>> No.3578387


>> No.3578390

I'm sure the people living in the human villiage would be fine. Outside people would just think they are hermits. Keine would just play along, and not go out during full moon nights.

>> No.3578406

Doesn't that depend on whether it's the border that enables their magic or not?

>> No.3578408

Yukari could use her magic when she was outside stealing ipods.

>> No.3578412

So would we even be able to turn Gensokyo into part of our structures or would it forever remain some sort of magic exclave?

>> No.3578414
File: 348 KB, 500x600, 1255688630939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of them would be captured and dissected.
Over and over again.
...God damn it I'm hard now.

>> No.3578419


And by Dr. House.

>> No.3578428



>> No.3578429

If you impregnant them, would their children be immortal as well? That's something the world needs to know.

>> No.3578438

Theres a doujin like that, shame it doesn't show the result of the pregnancy.

>> No.3578439
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>> No.3578445

I don't care about the result. I just want to know about the process.

>> No.3578446


The one where Mokou is pregnant with Kaguya for some insane reason?

>> No.3578447

A better question would be how would be cope to live our lives now we know most of what certain japanese mythologies say is true. Now we know magic exist and our technology can't do shit against it.

>> No.3578455

Sanae and the two older ladies won't have much of a problem.

>> No.3578463

The reason was "Erin wanted to see the child of an immortal, but she couldn't experiment on Kaguya out of respect, then Kaguya got interested too. Which left Mokou." I believe.

>> No.3578471


But I thought Kaguya was dead at that point. I dunno, that doujin didn't really make a lot of sense.

>> No.3578476

Dude, immortal...or are we talking about different doujins here?

>> No.3578485

>Sanae and the two older ladies
>two older ladies

I raged a little.

>> No.3578491


I dunno, I don't remember what the name of it was, just that the end featured Mokou and Eirin walking around the moon but it was implied to be the Earth after it got fucked up and Mokou is heavily pregnant and Eirin makes a comment about how they will be joined by Kaguya soon while showing a closeup of Mokou's belly.

>> No.3578500

Ah completely different then.
Mine involves penises, Kaguya's penis to be specific.
She impregnated Mokou and kinda kept her around for a while...

>> No.3578502 [DELETED] 

Does an immortal ever get her period? Can a human grow inside her or does her body redo any changes (wounds, babies, etc.)?

--Mokou should impregnate Kaguya, marry her and restore her father's honor.

>Sanae and the two older ladies won't have much of a problem.
The Moriya's are probably the most endangered should the border break, now that their little faith haven opens its ports and their believers spread around the world and forget about their gods to learn about cars, hot dogs and internet.

>> No.3578511
File: 451 KB, 467x600, 6732173_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mokou is too manly to be impregnanted by anyone.

>> No.3578517

Does an immortal ever get her period? Can a human grow inside her or does her body redo any changes (wounds, babies, etc.)?

--Mokou should impregnate Kaguya, marry her and restore her father's honor.

>Sanae and the two older ladies won't have much of a problem.
The Moriya are probably the most endangered should the border break, now that their little faith haven opens its ports and their believers spread around the world and forget about their gods to learn about cars, hot dogs and internet.

>> No.3578518


Oh alright, the one I was thinking of wasn't an h-doujin. I can remember the art style but I can't think of the artist.

>> No.3578523
File: 57 KB, 485x728, 1254216324544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this thread's pretty bad.

>> No.3578524
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I think I've read it as well.
Just can't recall the name, of either of them really.

>> No.3578526

It's pretty shrinemaiden.

>> No.3578530
File: 1.01 MB, 2123x1500, false_bamboo_extend_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False Bamboo Sprout in the Miso Soup EXtend

>> No.3578531
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The two terms are synonymous though so yeah.

>> No.3578534

Thread was bad from post one.
I thought why not go along with it.

>> No.3578543
File: 184 KB, 588x801, 1250054839214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just got here though, so I see this exceptionally bad thread that stands out amongst all the other threads with its excessive badness so I figured I'd just sage it and post shitty /b/ images.

>> No.3578559


Yep, that's it.

>> No.3578573

>"I can't repair M3 tactical helmet" Presents:

>> No.3578576


Go watch Starship Troopers.

>> No.3578581

Also "Hourai Ninshin" for the one where penises are involved.
Not recommended for those with a weak mind.

>> No.3578580

Either way, /b/ would be a better place for you. You could post your shitty images in every thread there.

>> No.3578587
File: 1006 KB, 846x1200, GERANIUM_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"I can't repair M3 tactical helmet, SIR!"

>> No.3578595

I watched it more than once, and this is exactly what am I so surprised about.

>> No.3578641

Isn't it from Starship troopers? When Rico gets his ass whipped for ordering some dude to get his helmet off on combat training?

>> No.3578655
File: 146 KB, 937x1000, 1255684731223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weren't they training with LIVE BULLETS.
What the hell.

>> No.3578675

Oh Mokou.... If only you have a penis... I'd.....

>> No.3578683


Be careful with what your wishes, good sire.

>> No.3578689
File: 267 KB, 840x1170, 1255684826203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I can drag this thread further into the gutter if you would like.

>> No.3578716

I see a lump.

>> No.3578803

Dude ends up dead, so yeah.

>> No.3579215

Who the fuck niggered-up my Moko-tan?
