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3574094 No.3574094 [Reply] [Original]

After finishing Ep3 of Umineko I was pretty happy. The Golden Land seems like a pretty fun place after all...

Until I got trolled. 10/10 Beato, 10/10.

>> No.3574103 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 640x480, lol u mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3574106
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>> No.3574136


>> No.3574139

Too bad, witches don't refo-rm☆

>> No.3574158
File: 16 KB, 407x455, 1255977751905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, Battler?

>> No.3574172 [SPOILER] 
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No miracle for you

>> No.3574180

And here I thought /jp/ posters are the take it easy kind.
Did anyone else really get that emotional reading a sound novel?
Am I the only that saw Beato trolling from miles away? Virgilia and fucking trollkastel did get me though.

>> No.3574183
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i trol yu

>> No.3574187

I didn't see that coming, but I didn't react like a faggot.

>> No.3574190

/jp/ spoiled Vergilia for me, saw Beato coming a mile off, but Trollkastel still sends shivers down my spine. Fuck, Witches' Tanabata doesn't help either.

>> No.3574195
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>> No.3574204

This just made me love her even more.

>> No.3574216

Someone post the coolface edit.

>> No.3574243

get out of her you n00b

>> No.3574344
File: 680 KB, 853x1551, 1244803141877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy! He meant this image.

>> No.3574352
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Or possibly this one, I dunno.

>> No.3574354

No, you idiot, I'm asking for the beato edit of the coolface comic. I know it's not called like that.

>> No.3574359

Yeah those, thanks.

>> No.3574366

Isn't there one where Maria is the one that tells her it'll be ok?

>> No.3574378

Why is the art in the umineko vn so horribly ugly?

>> No.3574392
File: 199 KB, 387x397, Beato in serious neck pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because R07

>> No.3574393

Better than the anime.

I can't believe I just said that.

>> No.3574660
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But anime Beatrice is just so moe...

>> No.3574704

i wouldn't call it ugly. i mean, it sure has more personality in it than most of the moeblob shiny kawaii desu VN art

>> No.3574705

Every Umineko VNfag says the same thing, I like it better than the anime, at least is consistent. BUt you learn to love it and the expressions are really good

>> No.3574918

It can describe emotions better that anime. Thats why VN is superior to anime. Deen failed at making characters believable even they could use motion and voices.

>..Consistent art in anime...
You are watching different one arent you?

>> No.3574933

I don't need to watch the anime to know that DEEN fucked up Beato neck and animated a see through Gohda

>> No.3575058


No, ideally anime is a better medium for conveying emotions, it's just the Umineko anime hasn't been that great.

Honestly, I think people were overly hard on the Higurashi anime because of some quality. It was a good effort. Umineko on the other hand has some excellent presentation with the OP and ED but is just awkward and choppy. The scene switches really hurt it, it's like they're trying to be hip the way they cut into scenes which doesn't go with the feel of Umineko. The pacing is naff.

The Higurashi anime at least held it's own as an anime or else it wouldn't have that many fans, it wasn't something hip and trendy at the time, it got by on it's own strengths, it told a good story. The Umineko anime doesn't, which is why it's just a companion to the VN, for the fight scenes and in case you missed any of the major plot points(or the ones the anime feels like covering, anyway).

I know people dislike the director of Umineko and Higurashi in general but I feel Higurashi was a much better effort than Umineko.

>> No.3575115

Mainly because people hadn't read the VN because it wasn't translated, then shit would still be flying and wouldn't be just about the QUALITY really, HIgurashi doesn't hold by itself as an anime, still leaves lots of things unexplained depiste being in the VN. HIgurashi was just messy and every important fact got erased ie. Hanyuu's origins and how she reverses the time or the kakeras, two of the most important things to understnad HIgurashi. It leaves too many plotholes impossible to understand without reading the VN. If it had been good, Yakusamashi wouldn't have existed

>> No.3575242

The main problem with the Anime is the pacing. I only watched the first game, which was enough for me to get a feel of it. It feels weird, and I for one prefer the fact that you don't see anything happening in the VN. It's more ambiguous, and it lets your imagination roll in to imagine the scenes, kinda like reading a book.

For example, I loved the feel of mystery that the first game had on the VN, it was awesome. I felt thrilled and since nothing spoiled me before I played it I wasn't even sure if Beato was real. But in the Anime, that feeling just isn't there. Everything is open and it feels kinda predicable. Of course, since I watched knowing what would happen my opinion might be biased, but I still thing VN format was better. Anyway, back to the pacing, even though they spent a good deal of episodes in the first game somehow it still felt rushed on how the scenes connected. Also, what is the deal between the animators and Maria? We all know she is a bit insane, but damn this isn't fucking Higurashi, they treat her like she is psychotic. The expressions and angles that she is animated really pisses me off, especially after playing EP4 and knowing all the shit she went through and how her "magic" really works. It just doesn't feel they are portraying the same character.

>> No.3575323

I generaly agree with you, but why is it begining with "NO"? Anime IS a better medium for conveying emotions but DEEN fucked it up and their adaptation is greatly inferior to the game in this matter. Thats what I said.

Higurashi is easier to adapt. They left a lot from VN, but Higurashi had much less complex story. There were thousands of repeatings so it can justify skipped scenes by saying "It was just different kakera than the one from VN". Also as far as I know when Higurashi production started the game was complete, so they could judge better which aspects they can skip. And there were some aspects that could be skipped quite easily by changing the script only a little.
On the other hand in Umineko everything is tied to everything. So any change must be thinked out so all consequences will be logical after that change. But thats not possible unless the whole VN is out. Deen rushed production and is still using same tactics of skipping as much as they can so they can place cheap fanservice instead.

>> No.3575404

>No, ideally anime is a better medium for conveying emotions
I have to disagree. The most emotional VN scenes I've read far surpass the most emotional anime scenes I've watched, and in general nakige/utsuge are better than emotional anime.

>Umineko on the other hand has some excellent presentation with the OP and ED
I hope you're only referring to the songs and not the "animation."

>> No.3575495

It doesnt mean that VN is better for that. In anime you can use much more storytelling techniques to build the atmosphere. You have fluid animation, not restricted by anything, dabbing, music, that can be timed properly for each event, and sound, that corresponds to animation. I know there are VN that have this too, like School Days. In this case differences between VN and anime are nonexistant. But in most cases they have static pictures, cycling music, simple sound effects and text. So anime have much better base for building emotional scenes. The fact that there arent such scenes in something different. (I think there are some pretty moving scenes in anime, but its just personal opinion.)

>> No.3575727


I found that the Umineko SOUND Novel actually conveyed a lot more emotion through it's use of music than the anime did. Especially when Battler was explaining the 1st Twilight in the Chapel and his upbeat victory music was playing - I almost said "Fuck yeah" out loud.

Also, imagination plays an important role. When watching the anime you can almost turn off your brain but when reading Umineko it felt like I was obligated to try to solve the mysteries alongside Battler.

>> No.3575760

VNs are inherently better than anime at *getting into the head of the player* due to their interactivity. Even if the interactivity is just clicking next, there's something to the fact that it's not merely watching a screen that's totally disconnected from you. And of course with choices and so forth, a VN can really worm its way into the players' mind.

And then, Ever17-style, break it.
