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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3571608 No.3571608 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the posters of /jp/ decide to post here as opposed to other boards?

>> No.3571611

Because /a/ sucked and moot made /jp/

>> No.3571614

You mean like 2channeru?

>> No.3571630

Hey, pre-split /a/ was better than /a/ now.
Because the split happened and I think it's the only board that everything relevant that doesn't suck.

>> No.3571625

At first, I went to /b/. Got bored in a month.
Then I went to /v/. Got bored in two months.
Then I went to /a/. Stayed until CODE GEASS CODE GEASS CODE GEASS CODE GEASS CODE GEASS was over
Then I went on /g/ and /k/. stayed on /g/ mainly, tripfaggin.
now I go on /a/, /g/, /k/, /jp/ and /d/.
Long story short...I am the bane of this board.

>> No.3571634

You mean bone?

>> No.3571635

I don't like 4chan and would never have thought I'd become a frequent poster here. It's just that Touhou and visual novels happen to be THE two things I care about. I don't care for any other boards.

>> No.3571632

Maybe because of the content?

>> No.3571640

Because /a/ had been split by Moot, so ever since then I visit both boards.

However both have been becoming worse over time, especially /a/.

>> No.3571642

>It's just that Touhou and visual novels happen to be THE two things I care about.
Then why are you posting here?

>> No.3571650


I like how you try to imply that anything else gets posted on /jp/

>> No.3571659

because /jp/ is the only place where i can let out my inner weaboo and not get judged

>> No.3571660

>over time
/a/ was unvisitable by April 08. It wasn't gradual either.

>> No.3571665

I didn't come to 4chan for /b/ and and not or have I ever been a /b/tard.

I can only hand so much of current /a/

My main boards are /jp/ and /k/ with some /a/,
/n/, /u/, /h/ and /s/ tossed in.

>> No.3571674

No, I think he's trying to say that anyone who actually likes Touhou or VNs should not come here because seeing such fucking morons "discuss" them makes them much less enjoyable.

>> No.3571683

God I hope not.

>> No.3571689

I came from /h/ (looking for mai hime porn) went strait to /a/, /g/, and /m/, left /a/ with the split and left /m/ because of Gundam 00 S2 and people only watching a handful of /m/ related shows. Unrelated to thread but is it safe to come back to /m/?

>> No.3571692

OP looks like a trap...

>> No.3571695


But if he's here, then he's already one of those morons.

>> No.3571698

I am the sword of my bone

>> No.3571716

My 4chon history :
2003 > /b/ when it was Japan/Random JUST LIKE NIJIURA
2005 > left /b/ because it start sucking (in b4 /b/ was never good) and went to /a/ when it was Japan/Random (in b4 /a/ was never good)
NOW : /jp/ /g/

>> No.3571718

Because this is the only place that talks about VN's. I posted the marimo CG on /a/ once just to see how much those morons knew. NOBODY knew what it was from, still can't believe it.

>> No.3571721

What's marimo?

>> No.3571724


>> No.3571733

Because the people here amuse me. And because I'm a NEETI really am, honestly! so I feel right at home here, even though the majority seem to be normalfriends.

I've been visiting 4chan on/off for years. Nowadays I check /d/ /gif/ /r/ and /f/ sometimes but mostly just /jp/.

/b/ was never good and /a/ was /b/ with anime/manga spoilers last time (and every time) I checked, making it possibly even worse than /b/.

>> No.3571740

I think it would be nice if moot would make a board specifically for NEETs. But he doesn't care about /jp/ at all, so I guess that won't happen.

In before "secret club, legion, etc."

>> No.3571741

I like Touhou.
I like VNs.

We all know how GREAT /jp/ is for discussing everything related to Touhou porn, so I guess I'm mostly here for the VNs only.

>> No.3571747 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3571757

Needed a place that didn't sucked after Spardot got hurt in the butt and forced the deletion of 420's /a/.
I'll visit /g/ for the Win7 release, hopefully it will be as good as he Wii/PS3 launches on /v/ back in the day.

>> No.3571783

I'm here because, believe it or not, it's one of like five English-speaking boards for sane eroge discussion, and the other 4 are shit.

>> No.3571791

This is a pretty stupid idea.

>> No.3571797

I lurk Japanese eroge boards.

>> No.3571810

I agree. Mainly because it wouldn't have nearly enough users and 95% of them would never post anything.

>> No.3571819

It seems you're confusing the concept of a NEET board with a Schizoid board.

>> No.3571824

Much less stupid than the concept of /jp/.

>> No.3571832

Used to use /v/, /u/ and the like, moved to /po/, /toy/ and /jp/ since then.

I don't know, /jp/ is actually filled with nice, caring people, and I love you very much.

>> No.3571841

I hate most of you.

>> No.3571844

>/jp/ is actually filled with nice, caring people

oh u

>> No.3571854

No, the concept of /jp/ while not exactly great is still a lot better than "NEET BOARD"

>> No.3571856

>/jp/ is actually filled with nice, caring people

Indeed. We keep our trolls well fed, even those which would quickly starve on other boards.

>> No.3571858

I like to think there are just a few terrible posters and most of the others just lurk until something actually decent shows up.

>> No.3571887

I love /jp/ but I also love the filter too.

>> No.3571890

"EVERYTHING JAPANESE GOES because this stuff which is very much related to anime and manga despite not strictly being anime or manga should get the fuck out of my anime and manga."

And you're saying this is better than "This is a board for people who share a specific lifestyle."?


>> No.3571891

I go to a lot of boards and don't restrict myself to this one

>> No.3571898

I spend the majority of my time on 4chan now and most of that is on /jp/.

Can't really say more than that...

>> No.3571900


>> No.3571906

I still think it might be an okay idea for /jp/ to be split into /jp/ which is the more mainstream Japanese pop culture stuff and then maybe a doujin(manga, software, etc) / VN board.

>> No.3571914

You mean katanas, politics, japanese, homework, and idols get their own board? I'm okay with that.

>> No.3571911


I meant as opposed to other boards, there really isn't as much obvious fighting, and the like.

>> No.3571921

Passive aggressive =/= nice and caring.

>> No.3571925


Its nice and caring if I ignore the people who aren't.

>> No.3571930


You mean like everyone actually wanted?

>> No.3571935

Yes exactly.

Also a dedicated *actual* Japan board would probably alleviate all the Japanese threads from other boards (music, cooking, blah blah.)

It would probably just turn into /sankakucomplex/ but oh well.

>> No.3571982

But which board gets the japanese bird?

>> No.3571986


>> No.3572783
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Like many others, I once lurked /b/ for a short while as well.
I later left 4chan again, only coming back twice to /jp/ to ask questions about Japanese (sorry, I didn't know better at the time). I got the impression that though the reactions were negative, they were also helpful.

I later started playing VNs, and as I got involved in the VN translation community, I learned of /jp/ (you can't really avoid it if you lurk in VN translation IRC channels) and started browsing it.

I currently visit /jp/ pretty much every day because it's pretty much the center of the English VN community, and I like the userbase. I also visit /mu/ every now and then because it's related to my interests.

>> No.3572794
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This is now a Hina thread.

>> No.3572796
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>> No.3572797
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>> No.3572799
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>> No.3572800
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>> No.3572801
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>> No.3572804
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>> No.3572807
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So elegant~

>> No.3572808
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>> No.3572810
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>> No.3572813
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>> No.3572814
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>> No.3572820

Brief stint at /b/.
Mostly /g/ for a while along with /a/.
Then /v/ came into existence and I discovered fr/o/lo at some point.
Then /tg/ when that came along and I went there.
And when the split happened I came here.

>> No.3572829
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ZUN-art Hina is the best!

>> No.3572831

I enjoyed early /b/ mostly due to being where our current shit used to go. I left when it became the camwhore/newfriend board.

I left for /v/ and it was enjoyable for a while until it became /v/ - Pokemon/General

I grew bored of chan for a year or two and came back when news of a board for japanese shit reached me.

>> No.3572837

Hina is my goddess!

>> No.3572870

I post here because I feel like you are all my friends :3

>> No.3572874

Started off with /a/ ages ago, then it became shit. Same for /b/. I eventually gravitated to /jp/ and rarely visit any of the other boards anymore.

>> No.3572882
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What do you think about Hina?

>> No.3572898
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I think she's a good girl and is very lucky Suwako found her to purify her curses.

>> No.3572915


I wish I could know more about her. She's my favorite touhou.

>> No.3572941

Because the community wasn't as awful as everyone else in the beginning. Nowadays, though, the interesting post:shit post ratio is decreasing at alarming rates.

>> No.3572950

Because /jp/ discusses my interests and the community is the best I've seen anywhere.

>> No.3572953

Less trolls then /a/ or /m/ with all the type moon faggotry.

>> No.3572960

>the community is the best I've seen anywhere.
I agree.

That's what makes it so sad.

>> No.3572967

>less then
Cool. Don't post again until you learn some basic English.

>> No.3572970

Makes what so sad? /jp/'s impending demise?

I tried to give up my hobbies about six months ago. I quit going to /jp/, did other things with my time. This is the first time I've been here in six months (except for last night) and it seems to be exactly the same as when I left. Six months ago everyone was complaining that /jp/ was over and there were threads discussing which boards to relocate to. Everything's still here, though. Nothing bad is happening. There have always been shitty threads. You just have fond memories associated with the old /jp/ and it makes it seem like it isn't good anymore.

If that wasn't what you were referring to, feel free to disregard my post.

>> No.3572976

>Makes what so sad?
The fact that other communities actually manage to be significantly worse.

>> No.3572997

Ah, okay. Sorry for the confusion, then.

I guess I somewhat assumed what you were talking about after I read >>3572941.

>> No.3572999

Actually some people did move to /bun/

>> No.3573001

I go to /jp/ and once every full moon on /v/.
The reason?
Forums and other imageboards are mostly shit.

>> No.3573003

Mostly trolls and normalfags.

>> No.3573016

What site is that on? The board name doesn't ring a bell.

>> No.3573026


>> No.3573031


>> No.3573409

Well, this is the only anonymous imageboard I browse. It's already too time consuming trying to keep up with everything, so I don't bother with any other boards.

As for why I came here, it's because when the /a/-/jp/ split happened most of the late-night /a/ crew went here. I stayed in /a/ for about a day before realizing that all the good posters had left. They were the only ones keeping /a/ interesting. Nowadays I'm not sure how many of you oldf/a/gs are still here, but I stay in memory of you all.
