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3566661 No.3566661 [Reply] [Original]

A teary Aya comes to you and confesses her love to you. She knows she’s been a bad girl and undeserving of you. But she’ll like you to give her a chance. She promises to be a loving waifu and remain faithful to you and be only yours from now on.

What do you do?

>> No.3566675

Realize she's not real and wake up.

>> No.3566682
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Oh no I didn't.

>> No.3566686

I'd probably just go drown myself in a lake or something.

>> No.3566692

>undeserving of you

Undeserving of someone from /jp/...?

>> No.3566698


>> No.3566714

I'd hug her, say I don't feel the same way but live with her anyway to make somebody happy.

>> No.3566719

"Right you are Aya ! join my party buy i must warn you, i must slay a dangerous sorcerer called Jon Irenicus"

>> No.3566722

this made me chuckle

>> No.3566725

I'd hold her.

>> No.3566726

Politely tell her I'm not into furries.

>> No.3566727

Accept her love, obviously.

>> No.3566737

Accept her wholeheartedly.
Take her to bed.
Have her, have my children.
Live happily ever after

>> No.3566739

I don't really like Haruhi.

>> No.3566745

Start a wonderful relationship with my new girlfriend.

So what if she's sucked a few dicks? No one's perfect.

>> No.3566757

But she'll continue sucking dicks. Forever and ever.

>> No.3566764

Hey Zun!bar, how's college going? I remember you mentioned it a few months ago but I don't remember you saying anything else about it afterwards.

>> No.3566766

I have many dicks.

>> No.3566782

You're saying that like you wouldn't suck dicks too, if given a chance.

>> No.3566784

I've always found the idea a fallen woman reforming into a loving waifu romantic so I would accept her.

Speaking of which I wish there were more eroge that played that angle. The only one I can think of is that prostitute in Crescendo.

>> No.3566788

Not bad at all. I've just spent the last 5 hours doing homework though.

I procrastinate too much.

>> No.3566793

Can you do my homework too Zun!bar?

>> No.3566800

I bet living with waifu Aya would be pretty exciting. You’ll come home from work, open the door and find Aya quivering on the floor with vibrator drilling every orifice of hers. In between moans she confesses that she couldn’t help it. She didn’t want to be unfaithful so this is the only way. To which you suddenly cry “too lewd!”, yank out the vibrator in her loose cloaca and jackhammer away.

>> No.3566802


I'll be your study buddy though. We can work together.

>> No.3566807

It's all good, I procrastinate like crazy too. I really shouldn't be staying up late because I have to study for a test tomorrow, but eh.

>> No.3566813
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I hug her lovingly, then as she cuddles me back, feeling safe into my arms I take my lighter and set her wings on fire

>> No.3566839


>> No.3566845
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you monster

>> No.3566941
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Accept her love
Get NTR'd

>> No.3566954

I'll fucking kill you.

>> No.3566955


>> No.3566992

>fallen woman reforming into a loving waifu
this is my fetish

>> No.3567031

you mean like Pretty Woman?
