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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 47 KB, 430x323, hiroshima_wideweb__430x323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3561268 No.3561268 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3561279
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>> No.3561282
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>> No.3561286

dude seriously man not cool, that was a total tragedy and because of it our nation is forever scarded. the fact that americans did that is appaling, the bloodshed that could have easily been solved by other means and just to prove a point, seriously man the twin towers was awfull.

>> No.3561290
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>> No.3561296


>> No.3561299
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>> No.3561300

Ignoring the low troll effort, I take this opportunity to post this

If you're smart enough to ignore highschool armchair politics that this thread could head into, it's an interesting photographic chronicle of a devastating weapon.

>> No.3561310

What people who spam /jp/ with this atom bomb stuff in a failure attempt of a troll fail to realize is that /jp/ doesn't give a fuck about Japan or its people, contrary to board name, just the shit they make. Kinda like /a/ with the anime and mods spamming gay porn.

>> No.3561313
File: 29 KB, 468x355, 1237910535382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well they wanted a war ? they got a nuke, but i'll admit it using a bomb wasn't the best solution

>> No.3561327

What a high quality thread Anonymous.

>> No.3561348


>> No.3561355

well don't give the secret away. i won't be able to watch these guys make fools of themselves.

>> No.3561359

>implying he isn't the only poster in the thread

>> No.3561363

lol epic lulz op

>> No.3563154


>> No.3563168

The age old saying "You reap what you sow" is accurate. If Japan wasn't a bunch of war mongerers it would have never happened.

>> No.3563169

Japan will never live that down. They can build a hydrogen reactor, and take over Europe and the USA with a laser cannon, but we'll always be able to laugh at them for getting pwned (not once) but twice by our nukes.

Japan = pwned for life

>> No.3563188


But we're friends now, so it's okay. We should be concentrating on keeping an eye on China and Russia now, the shifty bastards.

>> No.3563191

Isn't it ironic how America had to harness the power of the atom in order to beat a nation that until then had been ruling the Pacific area with nothing but outdated weaponry and sheer might? You were so much into a jam you had to beg Jewish, German, Italian and Hungarian scientists to build a bomb for you.
America, I ask you: who rwally had to compromise with the enemy?

>> No.3563195

It's not ironic at all because they didn't "have" to use them / they weren't created to defeat Japan.

>> No.3563202

History tells otherwise.

>> No.3563205

the americans raped them anyway, even without the nukes

>> No.3563208


How exactly do defected scientists count as "the enemy"? Defectors are generally regarded as a good thing for the country receiving them.

>> No.3563234

Photos of the atomic bombings of Japan always make me smile.

There's just so much poetic justice in them, it's beautiful.

>> No.3563315

And who in his right mind would have acquiesced to send another million men to die on the shores of the Home Isles only to have whatever little land they could have grabbed on their way into the inland be retaken by the Emperor's troops within months?
As much of a warmonger and genocider as Truman was, even he acknowledged that by doing so he would've only raised the odds for a public upheaval that would've made America collapse from the inside.
This is the same reason Russia fell to the Bolsheviks during WWI. Despite the national economy being strained towards war efforts, nothing fruitful came of it, so people took up arms against the central government and toppled it.
Even in 1945 the Russian Revolution still resonated in the public conscious. Truman knew it full well, you can bet it, and he didn't want America to be the next to fall.
That's why he had to go to such lengths, because there was no other way around it. America would have otherwise come out as a loser, even a winner.

>> No.3563326

>a million men to die.

This is why I love the atomic bomb debate and its made up statistics.

>> No.3563329

Truman certainly had more military insight than the recent US presidents

durr hurr hurr, I'm going to fight 2 wars and I'm not going to commit seriously to either

>> No.3563343

> Made up statistics
> Miltary analysis of the total cost in American lives to take mainland Japan after 4 years of hard fighting

Ok there

>> No.3563355

Link to a valid source that says 1 million people would have been killed.

Also link to a source saying why an offshore demonstration wouldn't suffice. Or a smaller city / less populated area. Or one bomb rather than two.

>> No.3563474

>Or one bomb rather than two.
Because they didn't surrender after the first? Duh?

That fact also shows that your other methods would not have been sufficient.

>> No.3563478

They didn't surrender right away, but three days isn't a very long time. Also the USSR declared war on Japan the same day the US decided to drop the second bomb, so it's arguable the Soviet threat would have made them surrender.

>> No.3563483

A study done for Secretary of War Henry Stimson's staff by William Shockley estimated that conquering Japan would cost 1.7 to 4 million American casualties, including 400,000 to 800,000 fatalities, and five to ten million Japanese fatalities. The key assumption was large-scale participation by civilians in the defense of Japan.[1]

>> No.3563485

If the Soviets had taken over Japan, America would've been in much deeper shit. That's the reason they wanted to get Japan on its knees before the Soviets did.

Even I know this stuff, and I never paid attention during history classes. How can you be such a retarded weeaboo that you believe in all these Japanese sob stories?

>> No.3563488

>If the Soviets had taken over Japan, America would've been in much deeper shit. That's the reason they wanted to get Japan on its knees before the Soviets did.

Exactly, which is why I'm saying there were other reasons besides falsified numbers of supposed casualties that would have come from an invasion for bombing Japan.

>> No.3563491


hm, Soviet Japan and Soviet Japanese VNs, games, doujins.. "Stalin-kun, ~uguu"

That's just plain horrible

>> No.3563493

You are acting like that was the only reason. There were many reasons, including the one I mentioned.

>> No.3563498


Is this supposed to be funny? How many VNs mention the PM?

>> No.3563508

Scaring Russia was the only reason. Please don't fool yourself into thinking governments give a shit about sending soldiers to death.

>> No.3563509

I said that would be horrible

>> No.3563516

People complain loudly NOW about 4-5k US soldiers killed in Iraq + Afghanistan in 6 years of war.

In WW2, 4-5k people were killed a day in some battles. There's a limit to patriotism. Throwing away half a million lives when there was an alternative would have provoked a harsh backlash against the government.

>> No.3563592

You are stupid.
Go away.

>> No.3563874

If we didn't see the terrible aftermath of the nuclear bombs... It would have been even worse.

>> No.3565274
File: 33 KB, 512x512, 1253215283751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire city is razed to the ground yet the Cathedral still stands.

Proof that a loving God exists.

>> No.3565334
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>> No.3565353

If all French women looked like Ciel, I would worship France like a god. Oh Ciel...

>> No.3565358

Ciel doesn't shave her armpits...

>> No.3565362

You will never get to have intercourse with her.

>> No.3565367 [DELETED] 

Even better!
Hari armpits moe~♪

>> No.3565376

Even better!
Hairy armpits moe~♪

>> No.3565384

Ciel is pure, of course she does. Thats why its a pity all French women aren't Ciel.

>> No.3565406

oh boy this is almost as shocking as the last billion times this has been posted

>> No.3565410
File: 76 KB, 468x388, caen_destroyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently during WW2, after a large bombing raid Caen in northern France was mostly destroyed. however the cathedral was largely intact. The worst part is that the Germans withdrew from the city before the raids and then returned after.

>> No.3565444

I demand proof.

>> No.3565448

Original thread?
