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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3560149 No.3560149 [Reply] [Original]

for those who are in japan, or have spent some time there,
what are your takes on Japanese Television?

while I was there it was 24/7 coverage of Michael Jackson, but I did get a peek at some american shows that had been sent over and some adult channel :-)

so whats your take on it?

>> No.3560153

Shit sucks. Now fuck off.

>> No.3560157

thanks for the input.

>> No.3560160

Kill yourself you fucking faggot.

>> No.3560161

great, anyone else

>> No.3560169

I've heard it sucks.

Mostly news, variety shows, and gameshows.

>> No.3560173
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dont let these ebullies push u around :-)

>> No.3560176

the basic channels are just flat out news, variety, early childhood, and at wee hours of the night they have vaguely erotic game shows

>> No.3560187

i watched it my first week there, then never used the regular tv for anything other than my megadrive. shit sucks

>> No.3560190

I come back at 8 or 9 and what do I get? Fucking shows about stupid animal clips.

>> No.3560192

As vapid as any other country's television.

>> No.3560207
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Mostly panel shows.
Lots of subtitles.
Kenmin Show is the best.
I fap to Haruna Ai

>> No.3560595

I thought the TV would just be like all the weird and slightly-pointless shit I had seen/heard about prior to coming. Unfortunately, those were the GOOD shows.
At least half of Japanese television seems to be clones of the same one show: a nonsensical mixture of talk show, game show, product-placement-from-hell and sometimes reality show. The only variance between them being the difference in daily skits, minor celebrities/guests, and products being pushed.

When you do find an exception to this genre, there's is small chance the show will be decent, but it's not the norm.

>> No.3560612

I would have thought that shows would be awesome due to watching those clips of crazy gameshows

>> No.3560615

The kick-the-contestant's-ass shows are about the same as you'd expect, but they're not quite as common. The crazy clips from any of the other shows are probably the one good part of the episode, whereas the rest would bore you to tears.

>> No.3560643

It's worse than American TV, if that is possible. I watch neither.
