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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 22 KB, 305x228, seven4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3558764 No.3558764 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here actually own an onahole? I've been seriously considering buying one.

>> No.3558773

im 12 years old and what is this

>> No.3558780


and you wouldn't regret buying one

>> No.3558784

Best thing that ever happened to me.... ;_;

Seriously. Buy some. Not the American crap. Japan only.

>> No.3558788

looks really small

even for /v/

>> No.3558794

they are made of this weird silicon like material that stretches well. But that does look like one of the smaller cheaper ones.

>> No.3558796

Of course. I really dislike how the American ones are always modeled to look like the vagina of some random porn star.

>> No.3558803
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>> No.3558806
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>> No.3558813
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It even accommodates those with penises over a foot long...

>> No.3558814

Yeh i made the mistake of trying to use an american piece of shit before... It was made out of like rubber or something and it was hard as a fucking rock. shit sucked

>> No.3558829

some lubrication is of course needed when using these things

>> No.3558837

I've recently purchased a Tenga Fliphole and it's one the most sound investments I have made.

>> No.3558893

they have them modeled after maria ozawa
i want one now

>> No.3558909

Yes. But don't buy one with these holes in it (as in the OP pic); get one where the tunnel tightly clings to your penis, like those 'Meiki no something' thingies.

>> No.3558961

How can I tell which ones cling to my penis and which ones don't? Shouldn't they all?

>> No.3558980

3:10 always gets me

>> No.3558992
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>> No.3559055

I don't get it.

>> No.3559059
File: 74 KB, 549x538, 362aPic1S268745383_zz_Meiki_no_Hinkaku_Shitatsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sites who sell those usually have pictures of the tunnel and the entrance. If you see a wide hole like in the OP, it's shit.
Here is a good example of what I was talking about. You can see how there is almost no room for air inside, which also means there won't be silly noises when you enter it (I know what I'm talking about).
PS: The onahole in the picture is said to be the best in the world. And it has my recommendation.

>> No.3559083

I don't know whats worse, your picture, or the picture of you typing this post.

>> No.3559098

it looks kinda like an ear to me

>> No.3559124

I know what you mean. And if I wasn't anonymous, I'd be to embarrased to post recommendations about onaholes.

>> No.3559159

How do you open these, like he does in the image?
I bet that it is useful for cleaning it and such, but then I wonder, how do you seal it again?

>> No.3559179

It's obviously been cut in half so you can see the cross-section.

>> No.3559184

Onaholes vs live real pussies
Now, disregard all of the 3d-fag and 3d pig disgusting things.
I just wonder, can onaholes be better?

>> No.3559186

I have bad news for you.

>> No.3559192

That is what I first thought, bet how do you clean it?
Spray it full of water through the one way in?

>I just wonder, can onaholes be better?
Don't know, I have a feeling this isn't the best place to be asking, they are basically pussies made by men for men so it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.3559197

onahole = weaboo name of a fleshlight?

>> No.3559204

There is some sexual research that implies that use of onaholes which are unrealistically small compared to adult females can cause sexual dysfunction in men when they actually have sex, because the women don't provide the same level of physical stimulus. The same thing goes with masturbation using too much grip, that sort of thing.

>> No.3559211

is it me or do fleshlights look way better?

>> No.3559214
File: 4 KB, 128x192, 1255735105376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could be your onahole

>> No.3559216

You; fleshlights look horrible from an aesthetic point of view.

>> No.3559218

>because the women don't provide the same level of physical stimulus
That's not the fault of the fleshlight, that's the fault of women

>> No.3559227

so onaholes>vagina?


>> No.3559233

Pics or everyone here is lying about owning one

>> No.3559234

im not talking about aesthetics you retard

i mean look way better at what they are for

>> No.3559236

It's an unrealistically high level of grip, unless the women are the type that exercise the vag muscles, I don't have the data on how that compares, though.

However, whereas you might achieve simple orgasm well enough, you'll still lack the other enjoyable parts, you'll still be alone, and that's how you'll remain. Just sayin.

>> No.3559238

It would be interesting to try one, but the idea of cleaning it makes it seem like too much effort.

>> No.3559241

It's the fault of the woman that she doesn't have the vagina of a nine year old anymore?

>> No.3559252

People of the armed forces have been improvising these things for many, many years, as preparation for returning from a deployment.


With this guide, you can get a general idea of what you'd experience with an actual device, keep in mind, the quality of the sensation will be markedly higher with an actual manufactured device.

>> No.3559253

It's cut in half in the picture for demonstration.
They usually are very flexible, so you can turn the inside out and wash it. But I find it easier to just pour some gel soap and luke-warm water inside and use the fingers to clean it. I have mine for almost a year now and it smells and feels like on the first day. Then again, I don't use it five times a day.

>> No.3559265

Youtube link please, that site asks for registration.

>> No.3559267


This man is a connoisseur of pussy. Well... I mean fake pussy but you have to start somewhere right? I salute you sir.

>> No.3559274


your googlefu is weak.

>> No.3559278

Do you have a doll body for your onahole? Finger cleaning the intimate parts of the sex doll you love, so romantic~!

>> No.3559289

I haven't sunk that low yet.

>> No.3559308

Incidentally, regarding the use of "field pussies," don't be morons about them. You need to work them with your fingers a bit before you try to stick your dick in them, they're not actually designed for this. And for gods sake, use lube, not spit. Spit and latex does not work well at all.

>> No.3559331

There's no way I could have sex with an onahole if it didn't belong to my animu doll waifu; what is the point of having sex if you aren't making love?

>> No.3559341

Just get a tenga fliphole

easy on the eyes, easy to clean, and you'll cum buckets

>> No.3559352

I named my Tenga Miku, and every night is like our wedding night. :3

>> No.3559353

I have no desire to stick my penis into anything.

>> No.3559355


>> No.3559375

I stick a piece of parafilm into my fleshlight to simulate the experience of piercing a hymen

>> No.3559382

They actually recommend getting an anal douche for the job.

I've had a meiki no proof for about a month now and I'm satisfied with it. My junk is average and I'd like it to be a little tighter but I still came three times the day I got it.

The passage feels great when you put a finger in it. They call it a complex 3d zero-diameter something or other which means it feels like you're pushing through layers of muscle when you thrust. Thrusting itself is a problem with it since it's so small and light though: if you want to pound it you'll have to fix up some sort of mounting for it. I found placing it between two pillows works for an easy solution.

The Ozawa Maria's love juice lube that comes with it is alright. They advertise how it's designed to mimic vaginal fluids but it seems just like regular water-based lube to me. It smells nice though. Also the problem with all such lubes is that water likes to evaporate over time which means it will dry up if you take your time.

I clean it with water if I don't cum inside and with a little soap if I do. I just use my finger to apply the soap inside, wash it off and leave it to dry. No smells or any sign of germs so far.

All in all it was a good buy for me even though I'm still quite faithful to the good old Palmela. It takes a bit more effort to get it lubed up and wash it than I'm usually willing to do if I just want to beat it off and get it over with. Saving it for special occasions also makes it feel like just that, special.

It was a thread on /jp/ that made me buy one so there you have it.

>> No.3559413

well, I stick mine into everything.

you are missing out bro.

>> No.3559450


I like having someone explain the functions of a sex toy.
Click Orb, Side Rib. Mmmm.

>> No.3559475

I've owned a good old fashioned Fleshlight for a few years. It's great, but I have considered buying a Tenga Fliphole to compare the two. But even with a simple Fleshlight, my orgasms are far, far more intense than anything I could achieve with just my hands.

>> No.3559477
File: 438 KB, 600x881, lolinekofleshlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminded me of this.

>> No.3559482
File: 184 KB, 526x600, da81ac1588a6047a37a099595f9897df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Follow Alphonse's advice.

>> No.3559486

I wonder, has anyone even done this yet?

>> No.3559488


>> No.3559490

go back to fucking your sister

>> No.3559492

I don't think any of us will compare to this guy.


>> No.3559508

Says someone posting on /jp/.


>> No.3559529

Yes and all the fiddling with my monitor and the cables was really not worth it. It's better to just use a laptop on your bed.

>> No.3559530

Jesus christ if this one was part of the description for the sales site, the sales would skyrocket

>> No.3559554

You already use your hand, which is not designed in any way for masturbation. This shit can't be worse.

>> No.3559566

why would it be worse?
its tighter than real vagina, especially the teens love one :D

>> No.3559568

Because it's quite literally better than a real vagina.

>> No.3559579

I'm so buying one soon :3

>> No.3559585

I have the fear that my dick will rip from something so tight.

>> No.3559595


So wheres the cheapest site to get one of these tenga things? Importing costs are a bitch

>> No.3559604

Why should I buy Tenga's products which only last for one or a few uses, while something like a fleshlight lasts pretty much forever?

>> No.3559610

But how do fleshlights compare to stuff like flip-holes? That's the question.

>> No.3559617

To tell the truth I'd rather make something homemade or just get a condom and hump my bed.

It'd be a hell of alot cheaper.

>> No.3559619

the flipholes will last a long time since they are well built (save for the hinge), and easy to clean. They tell you it's only good for 50 uses because they want to take more of your, or in this case your mother's, hard earned american dollars.

As with all possessions, It really boils down to how well you look after your smut hole.

>> No.3559629

To tell the truth, I'd rather become a househusband and have my smuthole pay the bills for me.

Too bad, huh...?

>> No.3559642


I remember that thread. I wish I could have that.

>> No.3559667



>> No.3559778

Actually works very well. That is what I did. Other than going to the Grocery Store don't have to leave the house very often. Real pussy is pretty good too.

>> No.3559795

I'd definitely get something like that, except I'm quite certain they'd be way too noisy.
Maybe when I'm not sharing a house.

>> No.3559802

But how am I supposed to find a girl willing to do that?

>> No.3559809

You can get Tenca eggs for $US 5.75.


>> No.3559811

Requires going outside. I took a job at a resort over the "summer vaction" and got lucky and she followed me home in the fall.

>> No.3559829


I actually know one girl who might be willing, but we've never had any serious involvement and we only recently got back in touch after several years. Hm...

>> No.3559877
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>> No.3559889
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>> No.3559891 [DELETED] 

I was forces to "get of my ass and get a job" by my parents. I married her 4 months later. She has a Master degree I has a "college dropout" lol. We watch Anime together. Child rearing skills were obtanied on the job, Had to do the PTA thing, soccer etc. I am an old hand at this shit.

>> No.3559909

Dear God... I don't even wanna know.

>> No.3559929
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>> No.3559941
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>> No.3559959

OP here, thanks for all the information.

>> No.3559980

This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen posted on /jp/.

>> No.3560014


Imagine the noises the crushed up printer paper inside makes when used

>> No.3560048
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>> No.3560234

For me there isn't really a point.
I don't need any device to increase stimulation, if anything I would need the opposite.
I usually can't get myself to hold out for more than a minute, although if I concentrate I found I can force myself to hold it indefinitely, it takes too much discipline.

>> No.3560251

i just make my own 片栗粉X

>> No.3560296

It would be easier to cut the hole in the bottom first and fill it/empty it from that.

>> No.3560308 [DELETED] 

I use Hamachi. But I also suck at the fighters.
The channel I use is Too Lewd (password:yama)

>> No.3560309 [DELETED] 

ok. I'm hosting if you want to play.

>> No.3560310 [DELETED] 

and wait dont use hamachi

I'll try that of your ip instead

brb dishes still

>> No.3560358

The glue on the paper on the "top" would not hold up the the hot water.

>> No.3560379

You should really try. The longer you hold out, the better it feels. If you last for an hour or two the resulting orgasm will be AWESOME.

>> No.3560395

I started diddling with myself at 2am, paused at 6am to go to the toilet and in that brief interlude blue balls set in. Holding it in is painful.

>> No.3560421

I have a fleshlight. It's OK.

>> No.3560530

had a fleshlight before.
It loosened out too much after a while.

>> No.3560539

Just like a real vagina

>> No.3560545


>> No.3560575

Do these things hold heat well? I'd like to warm mine up in the sink prior if possible.

>> No.3560577
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> Flip Hole - $68.00
> Rolling Head Cup Special Soft Edition - $14.00

Which one, guys?

>> No.3560629

I wish. Maybe one day if I leave home or something. And even then, I would never be able to buy the needed lube.

>> No.3560632

Just buy a lot all at once. Be glad they sell lube in places like Walgreens or Walmart that are open 24/7.

>> No.3560635

>103 posts and 13 image replies omitted.
Absolutely pathetic

>> No.3560637

Do these come with lube? If so I'm guessing a little packet...

>> No.3560638

What are you talking about, these threads are the most interesting.

>> No.3560640

He's still held by the indoctrination of normal values. Don't mind him.

>> No.3560641

If you feel that so much that you need to post it, then this board is really not for you. Just leave us alone.

>> No.3560648

Even if it was at 4AM at a Walmart, I would never be able to handle doing something like that.

>> No.3560650

GTFO normalfag.

>> No.3560659

They all come with a small tube or packet of lube inside, but you'll want to get more.

>> No.3560664

It's not like the worker knows you're buying it for something like this. Don't sweat it

>> No.3560678

I have the Fleshlight, Tenga Fliphole, and another random commercial Japanese Onahole.

Fleshlight > Commercial Jap one > Tenga

Just get the Fleshlight guys; it gives the best orgasms.

However, I can't comment on >>3559059 as I have yet to purchase that. It does look excellent though.

>> No.3560684
File: 60 KB, 800x802, im so mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just get the Fleshlight

Nuh-uh, no way.

>> No.3560695

I have no idea what you did with your Fleshlight, but it seems like you washed it with oil and it dissolved. Also, you're a faggot for not using pink.

>> No.3560698

Shut up blue is my favorite color.

>> No.3560701


Agreed. Especially if you order the STU or any with the Lotus insert (found in the Fleshlight girls line.)

>> No.3560716

I have the STU but not the lotus, and it's good. But now I'm tempted to try >>3559059. Shit looks realistic.

>> No.3560722



>> No.3560733

yeah check out that arm its so hot

>> No.3560748
File: 34 KB, 380x285, jyonetu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is kinda weird.

>> No.3560777
File: 77 KB, 317x600, minyan_pake1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad that the main reason I want a Japanese one over anything else is because it comes with cute girls on the box? Pic related.

>> No.3560778

No, not really.

>> No.3560802


When i was in japan i bought the ones with lolis on the box...

>> No.3560821

So do they make blatantly loli ones? All with "Just like raping your 9 year old imouto!" on the box?

>> No.3560832

Hey, what lubes would you guys recommend for these toys? Ever since i got back from japan ive tried to go find lubes but all of them just frankly suck compared to the stuff in japan.

I keep trying to find the Japanese kind that is very thick, to the point where it holds bubbles inside it. but no one Ive talked to knows where i can get that stuff.

>> No.3560841

Yeh they do actually, the one i bought had an elementary school student with backpack and everything. There was also one called 7, as in the age. I wish i had the pics.

>> No.3560856

I salute your true /jp/ spirit.

>> No.3560860
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>>3560841 >>3560821 >>3560856
I found one of em. 7

>> No.3560863
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>> No.3560894

Hm, their tits are pretty big for their implied ages, which makes me question just how much that company is comitted to making loli fuckholes.

>> No.3560918

The back of the box has lolis in elementary school backpacks.

>> No.3560981

I bought my lube with my fleshlight so I'm not exactly an expert on this subject.


The ID lubricants are very thick, at least in comparison to the 'wet' one. Recommended.

>> No.3560987

So whats the recommendation for a good value? I don't mind spending a little extra for something good, but not going to pay outrageous prices for one time use onaholes or marginally better ones.

>> No.3561022

I just got the 17 evo i really liked that one. I really like the tenga eggs. great bang for your buck.

>> No.3561024

Some sextoyfiend on /jp/:

>For the cheapasses my recommendations still stand on the head honcho for $12.


>...or the Cyberskin Perfect ass for $130 (not sure of the current price, I got mine at a discount a year or so ago).

>The ass will take your weight and is the best thing short of a doll since it is NOT filled with foam.

>Problem is that you'll need something to plug the separate holes and the eggs don't hold so well, especially when lubed. But still the best constructed toy and best value for the price.

>I've actually gotten banned because it looked too realistic when I posted pics of it uncensored.

>> No.3561028

You can't just order some online?

>> No.3561037

I suggest e-nls for the best pricing. Overseas customers don't order via the website, you guys can figure it out.

>> No.3561042

I don't see the appeal. There's a limit to how much you can enjoy a plastic fucktoy, and whether you buy a $10 piece of crap or a retarded Fleshlight, it all feels the same. You know the similarity between Jessica Alba and a 350 lbs whore from Compton? They both feel exactly the fucking same on the inside. It's just moisture and pressure on your damn penis, come on.

>> No.3561044

youve obviously never used these things...

>> No.3561050

Or had sex.

>> No.3561062


I would assume one would get either a water based or silicone based lubricant.

or a tub of vasoline.

>> No.3561076
File: 205 KB, 1187x946, furry toaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used a cheap shitty one. The head of my cock is too sensitive to deal with all those bumps and shit. They're all made with some silicon-based shit, and none actually feel like a woman.

>implying he's had sex

>> No.3561074 [DELETED] 

gtfo stop spammin ur shitty board on Дnoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's all ur ip's lulz ur not relly anonimus enjoy ur party v&'s

>> No.3561079

>or a tub of vasoline.

Enjoy your dissolving toy.

>> No.3561082

It's not like the same thing doesn't happen when you try real life necrophilia.

>> No.3561091

I use KY, silicone based lube feels geasy, although they don't dry out which is nice.

When the KY dries out, just reapply or spit on your penis, the moisture will reactivate the dried KY

>> No.3561119

This seems like a pretty good site, actually.

>> No.3561134

148 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Oh /jp/

>> No.3561136

Too hikki for you?

>> No.3561149

Too creepy for me. This is why I do not date guys who admit to browse 4chan.

>> No.3561157

And, what, gay sex isn't creepy? Stop lying to yourself.

>> No.3561159

maybe if you spread your legs more often, we would'nt have to resort to this sort of thing.

>> No.3561163

Not him, but I've seen some pretty erotic gay porn.
And I don't think I'm gay.

>> No.3561168

If you watch gay porn and find it erotic, you're gay. That's just how it is.

>> No.3561172

What's creepy about masturbating? Grow up, faggot.

>> No.3561179

I love you sometimes, /jp/

>> No.3561200

Well, fuck.
Even if the dude had a pretty girlish face?

>> No.3561210

Wait, you're talking about gay porn, right? Not trap porn. Because that wouldn't be gay.

>> No.3561214

How do you fit your ponos in such a small hole?

>> No.3561218
File: 23 KB, 320x240, Persona 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trap porn is pretty hot.

The only real gay porn I've watched is picture related. I was cheering on aniki as he gave a pec job.

>> No.3561220

I don't think the dude was trying to come off as a trap.
He was just had the face of a girl. With make-up and all that kind of stuff.

>> No.3561233


>> No.3561237


>> No.3561248


fleshlights for asian micropenises

>> No.3561250
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Needs more fire truck.

>> No.3561254
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I enjoy ladyboys.

>> No.3561262

I wish Ryo was real.

>> No.3561270
File: 432 KB, 900x1100, 5259395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

Pic is actually related to thread.

>> No.3561285

brb, fapping

>> No.3561289

I think Ryo is making me gay.

>> No.3561297
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Penis or vagina - whatever. I'm attracted to femininity, period.

>> No.3561301

I prefer cock.

>> No.3561305


2D traps are basically girls until they remove their pants.

>> No.3561312

Basically loli futa.

>> No.3561316
File: 320 KB, 1000x1166, 5622339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fap to 3d ladyboy porn also. In before: "3d is pig disgusting!"

>> No.3561320
File: 272 KB, 672x996, 6331637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man Ryo is so cute.

>> No.3561321

Liking dicks is so cute XD

>> No.3561330

His hips are a little too wide, don't you think?

Not that I'm complaining, but still.

>> No.3561334
File: 426 KB, 768x1024, 6204710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, one day you'll be comfortable enough with your sexual preferences that you'll be able to be happy without needing to try and insult people on an anonymous image board.

>> No.3561337

One day you'll have a remotely real sexual experience rather than masturbating to drawn girls with dicks attached and claiming you have a sexual preference.

>> No.3561339

shemales can't be that hard

>> No.3561341

>One day you'll have a remotely real sexual experience

I don't think so, Taro.

>> No.3561343

>One day you'll have a remotely real sexual experience
I hope not.

>> No.3561344
File: 136 KB, 500x618, 5155269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how activity in this thread has nearly ceased, yet you still reply to me within minutes. It's okay if you like my pictures. ;3

>> No.3561345


>> No.3561350

Trying to hard to be /jp/NEETLEGION.

>> No.3561353


>> No.3561358

>One day you'll have a remotely real sexual experience
I wouldn't count on that.

>> No.3561709

I think I've gotten so good at masturbating that I don't even -need- an onahole/real vagina any more because it'll probably feel weak, compared to my own raw dickhandling.

>> No.3561719

Imagine if you stopped getting sexual urges. How much time and effort saved for something else only to find the world filled with porn and references to sex which you will no longer share or understand.

>> No.3561724

Feels good, man.

>> No.3561741

You just made me realise I spend at least 2 hours a day on porn/hentai-related stuff.
If I'd stop I would need something to fill my already pointlessly long day with something else ;_;

>> No.3561749


While I'm 100% positive over half of /jp/ is pretending to like the cock. I'm also 100% sure that there are people who are actually gay here.

Also, I love how people like to point out HURR DURR YOU'LL NEVER HAVE SEX XD XD on /jp/.

Just where the fuck do you think you are?
