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File: 34 KB, 300x300, Omachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3557832 No.3557832 [Reply] [Original]

Where the fuck is my Omachi route?!

>> No.3557837

Hey look, this thread again.

>> No.3557843

Stones do not get focus.

>> No.3557866

One can dream.

>> No.3557871
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>> No.3557874

so is nue

>> No.3557883

The real question is how that dress continues to cover stuff.

>> No.3557892

Static from all her lightning strikes.

>> No.3557903

Removed from game because you have to be a despicable person to kill/firen Bontenmaru.

>> No.3557909

>>have to be a despicable person

How is that different from the average Rancefag?

>> No.3557918

Rance prefers to steal women from men, judging from Ran's route.

>> No.3557942

I don't really like Rance.

>> No.3557952

I don't like you too!

>> No.3557964
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Where the fuck is my Ran route?!

>> No.3557968


Go to /hakurei border/.
Its somewhere there.

>> No.3557972 [DELETED] 

gtfo stop spammin ur shitty board on Дnoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's all ur ip's lulz ur not relly anonimus enjoy ur party v&'s

>> No.3558097

So, Rance. Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil?

Somewhere in the middle?

>> No.3558121


in b4 chaotic good, chaotic awesome, or some other fanboy delusion.

>> No.3558168

So not sticking with close-minded DnD alignments yjay only serve people from nit going wild and doing whatever they want with characters is a delusion of a fanboy?
Characters cannot simply fit perfectly in one.

Rance is a man of his whims, simply enough.
He does not particularly care for morali alignment and focus. Not as simple as neutral either.
Just stick 'Chaotic'.

>> No.3558402

Would anyone post the picture of Ran dressing up as Omachi? I don't believe I saved it last time I saw it.

>> No.3558416

how do I exactly trigger demon kentarou events? gay demon appeared and I had stop there and load an older save

>> No.3558421

>Rance is a man of his whims, simply enough.
>He does not particularly care for morali alignment and focus. Not as simple as neutral either.
Sounds pretty Chaotic Neutral to me.

>> No.3558422


You know, I think not caring about alignment and doing what he wants fits pretty well with chaotic neutral. It's not like chaotic neutral PURELY entails one specific type of character, they ca-- why the fuck did I not just think you were a troll. I'm too serious about this, whatever.

>> No.3558427 [SPOILER] 
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Actually, he's Lawful Good if you take one thing into consideration

>> No.3558429

Who the fuck cares about that thing, you get to fuck his hot waifu. I'd be all for it.

>> No.3558438


Do you have Senkan Nagato? Think you have to conquer up to there to trigger it.

Speaking of triggering events, how does one complete Hell City? I know you need Ran to find it, but is there anyone else you need for it? For example, Tokugawa Buried Treasure requires Ranmaru to find and Senhime to get the event clear.

>> No.3558440

Many of his actions can be classified as Chaotic Good or Evil.
Not to mention small changes throughout the series.
Just fuck DnD alignments.

>> No.3558444

Chaotic Sexopath.

>> No.3558460

>Many of his actions can be classified as Chaotic Good or Evil.
And this fits the Chaotic Neutral behaviour quite well.

>> No.3558466


Deviating one way or another is pretty much the mark of a 'chaotic-whatever', especially a chaotic neutral. But yes, there's really no need to classify a character into one of these, 'law' is kind of a variable system, so you can't classify a character by it. Still, the little 3x3 table serves as a good 'what sort of person is this' overview, and Rance fits pretty well into chaotic neutral.

>> No.3558474

No, it shouldn't.
Common misconception 'Neutral allows everything' is for idiots who cannot stick somewhat to a behavior.

>> No.3558503


Neutral generally implies a lack of care for moral outlooks, or a need for balance. It's kind of annoying how wide it is, but that's what happens when you have to generalize everything into a 3x3 table.

Chaotic neutral doesn't just make 'neutral' choices, it makes a widespread of choices, and is easiest to describe as simply 'whimsical'.
