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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 146 KB, 634x796, 1241020179582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3551854 No.3551854 [Reply] [Original]

Has your sister ever caught you fapping or discovered any of your ero/doujin material?

>> No.3551865

My sister doesn't go in my room, let alone on my computer.

>> No.3551878
File: 77 KB, 350x303, Shikieiki_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, but then again I don't have a sister.

>> No.3551885

Yes and then we had sex.

>> No.3551899

>or discovered any of your ero/doujin material?
Well, even if they have, they've never made any mention about it it so I wouldn't know.

>> No.3551905

Both my sister and mother have caught me fapping countless of times. I can't fucking hear them approach my door until it's too late. ;_;

>> No.3551910


>> No.3551911

When life gives you lemons, the successful make lemonades. Instead of viewing it as a bad thing, take it as a chance!

>> No.3551912

no but yesterday I scrolled down /jp/'s front page and she saw Rika futa, we both started laughing

>> No.3551915


>> No.3551916


>> No.3551921

I don't have a sister.

>> No.3551925

I can't believe this is you, Ashley.

>> No.3551926

I remember that day when half of my porn folder disappeared out of nowhere, so maybe.

>> No.3551931

My sister caught me jacking off when I was 16 or 17. She ran out the room laughing. I was embarrassed at the time, but I think its funny now too.

>> No.3551941

Once. I didn't speak to her for like a week after that.

>> No.3551943

Unlike you I've trained myself to sense when someone even thinks about coming into my room. I minimize at the speed of light!

>> No.3551948

Do you have sex with your sister regularly?

>> No.3551952
File: 196 KB, 845x1200, Imoutodanger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister has nearly caught me (heh) redhanded once or twice, but mostly I am excessively careful. I usually fap when no one is home, or when she is sleeping (which she does a LOT, she is much closer to being a NEET than I am).

>> No.3551953

One time I let my sister browse my Touhou folder, and she came to me complaining about "naughty" pictures. I had no idea what it could be, since I keep NSFW stuff seperate on totally different place.
I found out that bunch Yamame pictures with her panties showing had been deleted.

>> No.3551961

doujin sauce?

>> No.3551962
File: 376 KB, 863x1212, tosimite_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the usual reaction.

>> No.3551968

I can't minimize my cock into my pants that quickly.
You are skilled, anon.

>> No.3551969

A better solution is using virtual desktops.

>> No.3551987

The image in my mind, is a bit pitiful.

>> No.3551988

That's inhuman!

>> No.3551991

>that bunch Yamame pictures with her panties showing had been deleted.


>> No.3552003

Heh, including me, shrinking-penis-mind.

>> No.3552007


You have an 2 inch cock.

>> No.3552024

I don't minimize my cock, I just press it against my belly and it goes unnoticed.

>> No.3552031

Your sister isd a true bro. I wish my sister was like that. She just keeps doing this "Socializing" of hers.

>> No.3552032

>she is much closer to being a NEET than I am
What, she's in education while you're in employment and education?

>> No.3552038

Lock on the door.


>> No.3552041

Not quite what I had in mind, but that still applies.

>> No.3552049

multiple keys for the whole family! Whee!

>> No.3552050

>Not quite what I had in mind
Then you don't know what NEET means, so don't use the word.

>> No.3552058

The furniture has a master key, dude.

>> No.3552060

>closer to being a NEET
>does not imply that either of us are NEETs

>> No.3552065

My sister has notebook, but my download folder is shared over wireless.
So, she probably knows... it kinda gives me an exciting thrill.

>> No.3552072

You wha...
Fuck, Anon, I am in awe of your deceptive techniques.

>> No.3552078


In his final year at Hanadera, Yuuki is shanghaiied away by Suguru for a weekend alone at the Kashiwagi summer house. At the sight of Suguru at the wheel, chest gleaming with sweat and engine roaring, Yuuki is easily seduced.
Later on Yuuki is married off to some nameless Lilian extra, and goes on to live out his life in relative obscurity. But every night when he closes his eyes, he still hears the roar of the Maserati in the distance.

>> No.3552085


Do you mind sharing the name of this one? I have it but I can't find it.

>> No.3552086

Why, oh why would you share your download folder? Isn't it the easiest thing to simply set your downloads to save at another location?

>> No.3552088

Why are you sharing it?

>> No.3552100

>closer to being NEET
>thinking of something other than current Employment, Education, and Training status

>> No.3552101

Because it gives him an exciting thrill.

>> No.3552107

She has a 60Gb HD and I have two 500Gb ones.
She usually puts her TV series in mine to avoid running out of space.

>> No.3552117

Yeah, she then tried to get me to go to a shrink.

>> No.3552120

Ha ha ha, oh wow.

>> No.3552147


>> No.3552199


>> No.3552222

Back when I still was small time I was fapping on the couch in the living room while watching a porn movie when I heard my sister in the hallway.
I immediately rolled off the couch, on the floor and pulled a plaid over my body.
It was in the middle of the night and she thought someone just left the tv on. So she turned it off and went back to bed.

>> No.3552228

I was the one who made that thread. I'm glad you both laughed.


>> No.3552230

> it kinda gives me an exciting thrill.
How about putting some 妹/姉 stuff there?

>> No.3552247

I always make sure I'm wearing track pants if I'm fapping when my family is still awake.
As soon as I hear something I minimize my windows and hold back my dick with the sort of elastic part of the pants near the waist.

>> No.3552252
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>> No.3552265
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So different from simply changing a clip?

>> No.3552266

I could never get mine in fast enough.

>> No.3552267

High five, that's my technique.

>> No.3552294

Helen, you're my favorite.

>> No.3552304

I fap with the door wide open to avoid suspicion. I can also tell if someone is walking down my bright hallway by the shadows they cast. It gives me enough time to minimize everything and tuck away my precious.

>> No.3552319

Why don't you insist that they knock?

>> No.3552349

It would be kind of obvious that you're masturbating wouldn't it?

>> No.3552355

Never, since I've already told her that I have tons of doujins on my HDDs.

>> No.3552356

Nah, they'll just think I'm smoking a joint.

>> No.3552368

Why do you bother hiding it? People expect it of NEETs in the first place. Your family members are just being polite.

>> No.3552381

Fuck, like a month ago, I could say, no. But yeah, she found it recently while looking through my music (it's not in the music folder, but on the same HDD).

>> No.3552408

Dont have a sister, but my mom caught me once when i still had a Desktop, and the Monitor was facing the dor... so she prety much knew what was it, after that i out my ponr on my PSP and go fap in the bathroom

>> No.3552409

Oh, and my sister once found an incest fic I wrote about the two of us. She thought it was a hoot.

No sex though, obviously. We just tell each other everything.

>> No.3552410

I think my mom saw my hentai folder once..

>> No.3552427

>Monitor was facing the dor
I have found the o you lost:
>She thought it was a hoot.

>> No.3552432

>>3551943 I minimize at the speed of light!
Your penis?

>> No.3552452

My mom told me she saw a lolicon folder in my brother's PC (which happens to be the family PC too). We all laughed it off. That's why I never have any porn in solid state.

>> No.3552462 [DELETED] 

stop spammin ur shitty board on Дnoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's all ur ip's lulz ur not relly anonimus enjoy ur party v&'s

>> No.3552465

I live on my own floor of the house. Outside of my room is a big wide area where the stairs to ground level is connected, and even down there is a wide open area. In short: I always have plentiful time to both ejaculate wash any mess I may have made and take a seat at my study - pretending to do something useful. Well, that was a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point.

>> No.3552473

No, his COCK!

OH MAN GUYS AM I FUNNY AND ORIGINAL for repeating the *exact same thing* three or four people have already posted?

>> No.3552476

My mom found my onahole some months ago. She made a joke about it and that's it. No big deal.

>> No.3552478

You'd rather they found your optical backups?

>> No.3552479 [DELETED] 
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>after that i out my ponr on my PSP and go fap in the bathroom

>> No.3552483 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 186x213, asdghad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3552452 My mom told me she saw a lolicon folder

>> No.3552489

My mom found cp on my computer before. She wasn't very happy.

>> No.3552501

I wish I would find cp on someone's computer...

>> No.3552507

My room in the house has a deadbolt and a standard front-door-style key lock. It was the previous owners office.

>> No.3552511

And you just laughed it off?! Daaamn. I don't even know what my family would think of being sexually stimulated to drawn porn. I seriously don't know what is going on in there, and probably vice versa.

>> No.3552513

Well she didn't say "lolicon", but said "little cartoon girls doing nasty things", and knowing my brother is a Higurashi fag...

>> No.3552514

You a cop?

>> No.3552518

No. You a football player?

>> No.3552533

Why, yes!

>> No.3552540

That sounds cool. I wish my brother was a Higurashi fag instead of a delinquent.

>> No.3552573

Have you considered playing inn Bloodbowl?

>> No.3552635

Ever heard of locks?
They are wonderful things, then can keep unwanted visitors out and it can secure your personal space.
They consist of highly advanced SCIENCE that have been researched throughoutly from generation to generaation throughout the times with each generation making these wonderful things called "locks" even more advanced as times go by.

I should know what I am talking about, I myself have had locks on all my doors for as long as I can remember (that is about my whole life time) and I have been using them for over 20 years now. I can even keep people from opening my doors with my locks.
I'm pretty sure locks could easily keep out nosy family members by simply staying locked.

>> No.3552646

Most homes don't have locks for each room other than bathrooms, and entrances to the building.

You don't live in a house, enjoy your low-income apartment complex your mother pays for.

>> No.3552650

a locked door practically tells them that you're fapping right now

>> No.3552655

She probably doesn't even pay for it. Ever heard of welfare?

>> No.3552661

Were are you from?
Doors without locks have been a rare sight for me indeed and I have seen many apartments, houses and dormitories.
Almost all of the doors have locks, why would you buy a door without a lock? The extra cost for the locks aren't much.

>> No.3552665

>She probably doesn't even pay for it.
Nah, she pays me.
Would you turn down free money?

>> No.3552688 [DELETED] 

You guarantee it?

>> No.3552692

Only if you rarely lock it. If you lock your door all the time they can't tell.

>> No.3552696

I live in Los Angeles, and no HOME I've been in has ever had inner-door locks other than bathrooms and rarely the master bedroom.

Apartments, condos, duplexes? Yes. Homes? No. Enjoy thinking you've been living in a one-family home all this time when you're actually in a condo.

>> No.3552712

Because LA is shitty, bro

>> No.3552718 [DELETED] 

>I live in Los Angeles
Stopped reading there

You live in America's first and only human zoo. L.A. is a shithole.

>> No.3552720

I can confirm this, at least for suburbs

>> No.3552729

I live in BC and no home I've ever been has had locks on doors other than the bathrooms either.

>> No.3552735

Assuming you haven't gone and installed your own locks for every door, I mean, 'cause that's what we did

Have you ever been to Los Angeles, or anywhere in LA County for that matter? If it were as crazy as people think it is then there would be locks on every door

>> No.3552768

Creaking stairs and floors help alot. If you don't have them, set traps.

>> No.3552776 [DELETED] 

Yes, I live in Monterey County and I've been to L.A. a number of times

I avoid L.A. when ever possible, it truly is a shithole of a city.

>> No.3552788

I don't live in the inner-city of LA, sorry to disappoint. I technically live on the county line of LA county, and two other counties.

So in reality I live in three different places at once - but none of which are anything like how "real" los angeles is shown on TV and in the news - which is mostly downtown LA.

>> No.3552793

Monterey is fucking northern California, get out with your 'hella' gay shit, faggot. You've never been to so Cal, enjoy your hippies.

>> No.3552805

In my house we knock and wait to be allowed in.

>> No.3552803 [DELETED] 

Sorry to disappoint, but "L.A." traditionally refers to the L.A. area rather than the city proper.

There isn't a damn place in California south of San Luis Obispo county worth visiting. It's like Fallout 3 but without the adventure.

>> No.3552820

lol okay. Nor Cal is a bunch of white trash, so enjoy your lifted trucks, butthurt hippies who dodged the draft and wonder why they get no free money, and wife-beater wearing bleach heads who think they are niggers.

>> No.3552828

All of Cali sucks

>> No.3552833

Eh, it's kind of hypocritical but I don't care. I don't come to /jp/ to argue about where people live, so I won't bother continuing this stupid fucking argument.

>> No.3552838

Well looks like you beat me to finishing the argument. Just throwing such facts out in the open so easily, how bold of you Anonymous. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.3552850

Currybutt more like curry BUTTHURT

>> No.3552852 [DELETED] 

lol okay. Nor Cal is a bunch of white trash, so enjoy your lifted trucks, butthurt hippies who dodged the draft and wonder why they get no free money, and wife-beater wearing bleach heads who think they are niggers.
Sounds like L.A., only you forgot the whole "illegal Mexican immigrants everywhere" part

>> No.3552858

Take it easy bros.

I'm a former Californian who spent a near equal amount of time (~5 years) in Orange County and the Bay Area.

Okay, OC sucks but the Norcal vs. Socal rivalry is still silly.

>> No.3552862

>implying everywhere in nor cal doesn't have illegal immigrants everywhere too.


>> No.3552890
File: 76 KB, 499x436, 8.png-499x436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop fighting you guys, fuck

>> No.3552895

She have found one doujin one day because i forgotten to recycle my bin.

But it doesn't matter , because she's a weeaboo herself. She have readed RE-TAKE , and we have played Umineko together...

I have even proposed some eroge to her, but she's too damn lazy to play them ... just like me

>> No.3552950

Can a vassal country recruit them? Cause im trying to get them on Ran route and im only lacking the warrior, but nobody seems to recruit him, they might have already recruited him while i wasn't paying atention.

>> No.3552969

>a locked door practically tells them that you're fapping right now
>Only if you rarely lock it. If you lock your door all the time they can't tell.
That is basically it, if it is locked most of the time then they wouldn't think that you fap all the time.
They may get thoughts about you having social problems, keeping the door locked all of the times.

Even though it may be more true than not that I might be fapping all of the time, but how can anyone tell?

>> No.3552974

You were supposed to reply in the Rance thread, right?

>> No.3552991

My sister calls me Nii-san. 'nuff said.

>> No.3553001

No because my little sister is too busy being an ignorant nigger with her equally ignorant nigger friends.

>> No.3553007

>>3552513 Well she didn't say "lolicon",

>> No.3553013

My mom found my loli folder ages ago, and now insists on hooking me up with short flat Asian girls.

This extends to "Hey hey she's cute" whenever I'm outside.

>> No.3553024


My mother never found my folder but she does the same thing.

She's been trying to get me to talk to one of the Chinese girls that work in the Asian supermarket that opened up in my neighborhood a while ago.

>> No.3553031


Mine doesn't know how loud she is, the girls hear and then I'm too shy to go over because they know I find them cute.

>> No.3553032

My sister is a lesbian with a FTM girl/boyfriend, so she's cool with it.

>> No.3553039



>> No.3553042


Dollfagers, what happened to your name?

>> No.3553044


I changed it because I don't want to be a Touhou trip anymore.

>> No.3553099

Do you put your penis in her vagina?

>> No.3553107

But you've been switching it back and forth. What does Cineria refer to?

And have you tossed Alice out to the wind, leaving her drifting, orphaned and abandoned, longing for company?

>> No.3553110

Does anyone know any good doujins which portray this situation?

>> No.3553119


I don't know I like being unexpected.

I still love Alice ;_;

>> No.3553128

That's kinda cute.

>> No.3553144

She's probably discovered my porn multiple times. She's almost caught me masturbating more times than I can possibly remember, but I'm quick to put my dick away. She probably knew what was up though. Good thing I moved out years ago and can now fap to my heart's content. Feels good man.

>> No.3553187


Its ok my mom discovered me and then proceeded to stroke my dick to show me i was doing it wrong

>> No.3553869

my elder sister did. We kept quiet about what happen that time for days

>> No.3554401

No, the results would be...bad

>> No.3554517


I cought my cousin fapping twice

>> No.3554802

Probably once or twice. I'm a quick bastard, but you can't shake the feeling that you've been caught.

I also don't really hide any porn, either. My laptop has a lock to it and stuff just lies around in a folder. On the family computer there's a ton of stuff in one folder accessible from the desktop, so I'm sure someone seen stuff. I honestly don't care.

I do that hold-dick-against-stomach thing, usually. My night pants have elastics, which is generally when I fap, so.

>> No.3554823

my family adopted an imouto from my uncle's household. she was my uncle's mistress' daughter, before they were discovered by his waifu.

it was so sudden, and she saw most of the stuff i have in my pc.

and she's a lesbian.(unwanted child before the adoption, no one cared about her)

what do i do?

>> No.3554827

o right, she's 14.

>> No.3554843

Have you ever caught your sister schlicking or discovered any of her ero/doujin material?

>> No.3554853

Share your stuff with her and don't make a big deal out of it. Love her like family.

>> No.3554859

Be her friend. That's all you can do.

>> No.3554862
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Introduce her to yuri, watch Marimite with her.

>> No.3554865

I don't live with my sister.

>> No.3554884

first time i've seen sound advices from /jp/. i'm touched.

>> No.3554889

Marimite might be to gay for her.

>> No.3554892

I once hid in my sister's closet and watched her masturbate. It was unintentional though. It's a long story.

>> No.3554940

I would much appreciate a telling of this story.

>> No.3554944



>> No.3555014

Bump for details.

>> No.3555020


Long story short - it never happened.

>> No.3555045

If I had a younger sister, shit would be a whole lot more realistic.

i.e. I'd fuck her so violently that she has to suppress the memory with crack and alcohol.

>> No.3555063


>> No.3555109

Sorry. I'm back. I guess I should've figured /jp/ would be eager to hear the story, but it's not particularly exciting.

Basically one day I was in my sister's room (can't remember the reason) when she suddenly came home. I panicked so I quickly hid in her closet even though I probably could have made it out of her room before she got there. When she got to her room I was planning on either waiting for her to leave or jumping out and playing it off as a joke, like I was trying to scare her or something. Then she locked the door, turned on some music, laid on her bed and started masturbating with this electronic massager. I was still young at the time so it took me a minute to figure out why she was massaging between her legs. Obviously I couldn't leave the closet at that point so I waited for her to finish. I can't remember how long it took her but she eventually left the room and I sneaked out.

I remember I did bring it up some time later when I was mad at her and wanted to reveal an embarassing secret like that. She said I was lying and I didn't go into enough detail to prove that it was true because I had quickly realized that I probably shouldn't have blurted it out in anger.

>> No.3555122

>embarrassing secret

The only one that would be embarrassing for is you for watching her do it. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.3555127

You're probably right but I was a dumb kid at the time.

>> No.3555137

Not unless there's a secret bit that he didn't tell us, like the part where his sister raped him with a strap on after she found out he was peeping.

>> No.3556249

A friend of mine keeps his in the music folder on the desktop.

>> No.3556550

>what do i do?
You could share your porn collection with her.
With her being a lesbian she should be able to enyoy your porn and then when you both get going you can use eachother as masturbatory aids even though she is a lesbian.
Even though she is a lesbian things should work out pretty nicely if you do it while you ae watching porn.
I mean, the difference between you and a dildo shouldn't be all that big.

>> No.3556571

i show my big sis my favourite doujins (she likes reading them anyway), but i never got caught while fapping

>> No.3556572

ITT: Children and their immature families.

My mother probably knows I masturbate. I have the common courtesy to do it when everyone is asleep,wear headphones when watching porn,lock the door and clean up after myself.

Both you and your families need to grow the fuck up.

>> No.3556577

Why the hell is this still here?

You guys are all creeps.

>> No.3556590

>>3556572 ITT: Children and their immature families.
Talking about yourself I see.

>> No.3556600

>You guys are all creeps.

Get out.

>> No.3556602

>My mother probably knows I masturbate.
Of course my mother knows that I masturbate, she just doesn't know exactly when I does it.
To be a young healthy male without a girlfriend and not masturbating isn't healthy (I believe) so I am pretty sure that she would believe that I do masturbate by defoult.

>> No.3556611

Oh ho ho, you can't be so dense as to think it's unintentional?

>> No.3556612

That's it.
I quit masturbating.
Everyone does it.
Only normalfags masturbate.

>> No.3556614
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Not to mention how fucked up it would be if your mother daydreamed to the thought of you rubbing one out.

>> No.3556616

Your mom is pretty awesome.

>> No.3556633

Most of these stories make it sound like they live in a household where they believe HURR DURR MASTURBATION IS FOR LOSERS or MASTURBATION IS BAD FOR YOU.

It sounds really fucking silly trying to hide the fact that you masturbate. I'm not saying go jerk off in your sister's face but you don't need to hide the fact that you masturbate. I'm not exactly go and tell them out right that you do it but if they find out, who the fuck cares?

>> No.3556637

Well said, I second this. A true neet has no sexual desire

>> No.3556642


Sounds impossible.

>> No.3556643

S'up, normalfag teenager.

>> No.3556644

We do it for the same reason that most people don't walk around naked on the street.
Shit is embarrassing.

>> No.3556655

My mom wouldn't care, neither would my sister.
However, I'd still hide my penis if they walk in.

>> No.3556656

Only normalfags are so shallow, ignorant and deficient in will that they allow others to dictate or influence their actions. Get out.

>> No.3556677

Most real lesbians don't even use dildos.

>> No.3556724

Nah, but vibrators and cunulingus machienes aren't that uncommon.

>> No.3556730

Only normalfags are so shallow, ignorant and deficient in will that they allow group mentality to dictate or influence their actions. Get out. (And stop posting.)

>> No.3556865

>Only normalfags are so shallow, ignorant and deficient in will that they allow group mentality to dictate or influence their actions.

Protip: You just described yourself.

>> No.3556903
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>> No.3556930


>Only normalfags are so shallow, ignorant and deficient in will that they allow group mentality to dictate or influence their actions. Get out. (And stop posting.)

Yet that is precisely what you are enforcing here.

Are you insinuating that you yourself are a normalfag, and that you're trying to convert us into normalfags? I'll have none of it. Fuck you, sir. I enjoy being not normal.

>> No.3556934
File: 88 KB, 1030x289, arc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoy not being normal


>> No.3556943


Yes, that's nice, but do you have a point?

>> No.3556948

My point is stop posting and start your /jp/ vlog.

>> No.3556949

You are the worst tripfag ever.

>> No.3556950


>> No.3556958


This title changes hands so quickly that it's like playing King of the Hill in Halo 3 Multiplayer.

>> No.3556961

(I was referring to Arc of course)

>> No.3556962


>> No.3556966


Good thing you made that clear. Someone might have gotten confused.

>> No.3556977

>I enjoy not being normal

>I go to the gym, club, lounges, hot spots, smoke weed, do acid, extasy, mushrooms


>> No.3556989

I wouldn't really say that doing those drugs is normal.

>> No.3556990


>> No.3556992

So why is normal an insult? I'm afraid I don't understand considering that the sorts of people who reject that label, the kinds of edgy, 'nonconformist' faggots who buy clothes from Hot Topic; are even gayer.

>> No.3556997

True NEETs have no money to buy drugs.

>> No.3556999

more like no friends to get drugs

>> No.3557002

*is TRUE NEET, shits on floor*


>> No.3557006

/jp/ is the only board that will use "normal" as an insult, I beleive.

>> No.3557007

Well in conjunction with "go to clubs and lounges" they are. Besides, not many people do acid and ecstasy alone.

>> No.3557010

That's not true, family members are an excellent source. Pity I don't have the money.

>> No.3557012

>buy clothes from Hot Topic
Those are normalfags. That's why it's an insult.

>> No.3557014
File: 5 KB, 251x205, ohgoood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Inferring that drugs are expensive
>Inferring that NEETs cannot use money that would ordinarily be spent on figurines, dollfies, or other NEET-tastic things on drugs
>Inferring that drugs require friends

>> No.3557019

Most people on /jp/ might not be as "normal" as most people and be at least socially awkward or something, but please don't fool yourself into thinking 90% of people on this board aren't lying when they are like "I am a TruNEET®© I shit on the floor and only suck trap dick!"

>> No.3557024
File: 25 KB, 402x337, 07-541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inferring that inferring is implying

>> No.3557026

I know of some people that do.
In any case, so what? He clearly shares the same interests, so why bother him over something like that?
Arc is a bro.
Define normal, please.
Anyone here that isn't a NEET, basically?

>> No.3557028

Kill yourself already degenerate piece of trash

>> No.3557029

Sure, drugs don't necessarily require friends, but you're much worse than "normal" if you're the kind of person that does ecstasy alone.

Also notice how he left how the other points of his post. "Implying I don't go to lounges and bars alone!! reactionimage.jpg"

>> No.3557030

You seem to think I have money for figs, kigs, and "NEET-shit." You are wrong.

>> No.3557031

looooool fag, i fuck traps not suck their dick, that would be gay dude

>> No.3557032


Shut up.

Okay, NEET means Not in Employment, Education or Training. It's a government classification. If you're getting education, are employed, or in training, you're not a NEET. It's that simple.

If you're wondering if you're a NEET, check to see if you have a job, a scholarship, or an apprenticeship. Don't have these? You're a NEET.

You do not have to piss and shit on floors. That's an elaborate joke.

>> No.3557036

I grow my own drugs. :3

>> No.3557042

It doesn't matter, holy shit.
His lifestyle outside of this should mean absolutely nothing to you and I really fail to understand what sort of point you're trying to make here.

>> No.3557056

I bet it's samefag. Archetypes of degeneration shouldn't get any replies. Period. No exception. Btw, have fun with you are cancer and neurologic disorders when you hit 40.
hahaha owow what an amerikkan

>> No.3557062

I'm not going on some anti-Arc crusade or anything. I don't give a shit, I'm just pointing out his hypocrisy with regards to "I go to the gym and clubs and bars but don't worry I'm abnormal"

>> No.3557066

>You do not have to piss and shit on floors. That's an elaborate joke.

This is what normalfags really think.

>but please don't fool yourself into thinking 90% of people on this board aren't lying when they are like "I am a TruNEET®© I shit on the floor and only suck trap dick!

Spoken like a true normalfag. All true NEETs hate 3d and thus, would never suck trap dick. Either stop posting and lurk till you have at least a rudimentary understanding of the conventions surrounding the masters of this board or get out.

>> No.3557075

Posts like this mean nothing and never will. Anyone who is actually calling people "normalfag" are actually 17 year old highschool kids who are trying extremely hard to fit in here.

>> No.3557079

yo seriously could you stop posting?

>> No.3557082


>true NEETs

To make it clear for the other guy, there's no such thing.

It's a statistic. Debating over what makes you truly NEET is not entirely different from debating over what makes you truly homosexual. If you like men, you're gay. That's it. There's no special tier of homosexuality. You enjoy dicks.

Of course, this has never stopped some people from trying to imply that they're gayer than others, or that there are right and wrong ways to be gay.

>> No.3557085

>Anyone who is actually calling people "normalfag" are actually 17 year old highschool kids who are trying extremely hard to fit in here.

/jp/ - Internet psychiatrists. Also, your grammar is atrocious, kid.

>> No.3557087
File: 3 KB, 126x95, dent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>inferring that I seriously consider myself to be abnormal

>> No.3557089

>There's no special tier of homosexuality
Yes there is.

>> No.3557090

Notice how he breaks out the "kid" insult immediately after he is called a 17 year old. Please make it less obvious that you are underage and calling yourself a "true NEET" to fit in.

>> No.3557091


Now get back to where you came from. Fagget. Normalfagget. Useless eating idiocrat.

>> No.3557092

>Fagget. Normalfagget.

Nope, definitely not 15 years old.

>> No.3557094


I already covered that, bro.

>Of course, this has never stopped some people from trying to imply that they're gayer than others, or that there are right and wrong ways to be gay.

The trick is not to get caught up in other people's realities. For some people, there really is a right and wrong way to be gay, and they honestly believe that. By believing that, they impress it upon you strongly enough that you believe it as well. See where I'm going with this?

>> No.3557095
File: 58 KB, 251x246, 1212284754722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>true NEETs

>> No.3557097

You just called yourself "not normal" in this very thread.

Sigh, Arc is doing the LOL TROLLED routine again.

>> No.3557099

The more sexual and non-sexual acts you enjoy doing with your chosen (or Anonymous!) same-sex partner, the gayer you are.

>> No.3557103

That's correct. However, I bet you cheated.

>> No.3557104

Someone with a decent voice should record themselves reading some classic Arc-posting.

>> No.3557105

Sigh get out faggot

>> No.3557106


>> No.3557110

Sup Arc?


>> No.3557111

>Debating over what makes you truly NEET is not entirely different from debating over what makes you truly homosexual. If you like men, you're gay. That's it. There's no special tier of homosexuality. You enjoy dicks.

So that's the source of your mistake. I understand your need to apply things within a personal context, but being a NEET - a true NEET - is not the same as being homosexual. True NEETs have a sacred duty to protect this board from tripfag circlejerks, /trv/ threads, /lang/ threads, bawwson, japanese bird, anontalk, 3d pig disgusting and and other such external threats to Otaku mastery, whereas homosexuals such as you only need to copulate with other men. It's not at all a relevant comparison.

>> No.3557113


>> No.3557118

Look at how hard this 14 year old (girl) is trying.

"True NEET" is possibly the stupidest term used on this board.

>> No.3557124

Thanks for showing your true colors. Only kids construe being called a kid as an insult.

>> No.3557126


>You just called yourself "not normal" in this very thread.
>inferring that everything I say is factual and not to be taken in a sarcastic context

Right, and if I say that I'm actually Reimu and that my armpits smell like roses, that means I genuinely believe that I'm a red-white miko.

You're utterly hopeless.

>> No.3557128

ITT: Arc is successful yet again.

>> No.3557129

Everyone post a picture of yourself shitting on the floor of your bedroom taken with a Japanese cell phone or get the fuck out you NORMAL FAG NON-TRUNEETS.

>> No.3557131
File: 70 KB, 1280x800, Kircheis2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3557132

You're not? ;_;

>> No.3557140


Doing this shit again?

>> No.3557141

neets's are essentially low-level compared to us reruderuhikiko. Cannot reach the light of reruderu if you never had to re-learn your primary language.
Now brace for instant kill.

>> No.3557143

Goddamnit /jp/, this could've been an awesome thread where we would discuss local masturbation techniques/fantasies. But no, you guys just -had- to start circlejerking.

>> No.3557144

>or that there are right and wrong ways to be gay.


Gays have elitists too.

>> No.3557147



cool jumping-to-conclusions, bro

>> No.3557149

No Arc is a nigger.

>> No.3557151

Arc is white. Up is down. My life is over.

>> No.3557156


>> No.3557166

My sister has alluded to it that she's seen porn of anime characters on my computer before. Probably when she had to go on my computer and upload pictures for an online ad or something, since I save all my pictures to the My Pictures folder and that's the default folder that opens when you try to upload a picture.

I don't sort images. I save porn and regular stuff all mixed with each other.

>> No.3557167

More like pitiful. Such imbecile troll techniques don't even met the requirements for a site like 4chan.

>> No.3557179


>reaction image reply

How come no one's shitting themselves in rage and jumping up and down with anger over this?

Where's all the lengthy speeches about how reaction images are only used by lower forms of life?

>> No.3557184

It's Kircheis, man. A true Bro.

>> No.3557190
File: 723 KB, 1032x715, lolarcueid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3557192


That doesn't make it any less of a reaction image.

And we all know how much Anon hates reaction images.

>> No.3557197

Arc, shut the fuck up already.

>> No.3557199

I don't. I'd have a reaction image folder it wouldn't upset my meticulously arranged categories.

>> No.3557202

>And we all know how much Anon hates reaction images.

What does a dirty tripfag like you know about Anonymous?

>> No.3557206

If you really want him to shut up, be as creepy as possible.

>> No.3557207


An anomaly amongst people here. They get inordinately bent out of shape at the mere mention of a reaction image.

>> No.3557208


>> No.3557210

250 posts lol arc.

>> No.3557215

Welcome to my filter.

>> No.3557217


>What does a dirty tripfag like you know about Anonymous?

Well, none of you ever shut the fuck up, so it's nearly impossible NOT to know anything about Anonymous. I'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to not know anything about Anon.

The idea of existing in a universe where Anon is not known would be awesome and amazing, but we can't have everything.

>> No.3557219

He wasn't even here for most of the (shitty) thread, don't attribute it to him.

>> No.3557220 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 242x275, tellmemore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> [...] this thread [...]

>> No.3557230

>HURRRR Anonymous is one person

>> No.3557250
File: 749 KB, 1280x1024, 6611433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not hard to tell posters apart if you have half a brain.

>> No.3557255

Yeah. It's easy to see you're Arc posting as Anonymous.

>> No.3557278

Guess you don't have half a brain then.

>> No.3557525

Sorry, Anon likes reaction images now.

>> No.3557783

People on /jp/ are trolling people with inside jokes with different definitions of what a "true NEET" is.
"True NEET" as a term isn't that dumb in reality though.
A NEET is like many have already said a person who is "Not in Employment, Education or Training" and a person who would be a true NEET would in fact be a person who truly is "Not in Employment, Education or Training"
Someone could truly be gay (that means gay for real) or someone could be "bi" or just pretending to be gay. The same goes with NEETs, someone could call themselfes NEET even though they aren't and then they wouldn't truly be NEET.
You have to think logical about these kind of things and interpret words as what they really mean.

It is true that almost no Anon on /jp/ uses the term "True NEET" correct though.

>> No.3558184


>> No.3558415

NEET is not a status symbol!

>> No.3558455


Cool story bro.

>> No.3558455,1 [INTERNAL] 

Who are you quoting?

