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3548177 No.3548177 [Reply] [Original]

walk in, see this, what do?

>> No.3548183

Put out the candle and help her down.

>> No.3548182

well this is obviously a trap. I mean I don't like touhous but love cake. Those loli vampires are probably trying to eat unsuspecting cake lovers and or perverts.

>> No.3548184

Eat cake
Fuck Sakuya

>> No.3548185

Omae wa kokoro ga yandeiru.
Hayaku byouin ni ikubekida.
Anata wa totemo kimochi-warui.

>> No.3548192

[X]Have Sakuya urinate into my mouth.

>> No.3548193

eat sakuya
fuck cake

>> No.3548191

sakuya-lap flavored cake. tastiest in all of gensokyo

>> No.3548201

"Oh my, I didn't know it was your birthday!"

>> No.3548205


you have a lot of really weird fetishes arc

but we love you just the same

>> No.3548215

If the candle is so hot why doesn't she blow it out?

>> No.3548219

She can't bend far enough without lighting her clothes on fire.

>> No.3548222

>what do

>> No.3548225


>Weird fetishes

Really? Even in comparison to the Yuka fanboys who want to be eviscerated by the busty flower harlot?

Oh, well.

>> No.3548245

You don't want to be eviscerated by a busty flower harlot?

What is wrong with you?

>> No.3548248
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hey, don't knock it until you've tried it.

I do agree with Arc's Fat Touhou and Giantess fetish though

>> No.3548253

Are you some sort of deviant?

>> No.3548255

Take cake
go somewhere else

>> No.3548256

Hey fuck you.

>> No.3548264


I wouldn't want her to eviscerate me, but I would like her to swallow me whole so I can dissolve in her stomach while being fully conscious.

>> No.3548267
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Nor do I want her to crack open my thoracic cavity and feast on my steaming innards.

I also do not want her feet in my face. I'll pass on the genital mutilation, too.

>> No.3548286

don't birthday cake candles go out really really quickly?

>> No.3548295

It could be a special candle just for BDSM purposes.

>> No.3548305

Those are fighting words.

>> No.3548302


It's lit by Patchy's magical flame.

>> No.3548329

Sakuya is elegant.


>> No.3548355

tenshi's the masochist, not sakuya

>> No.3548378

I really hate the way sakuya is drawn in that picture. I can't even accept it as sakuya, rather just some random maid.

>> No.3548403
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this is obviously superior

>> No.3548406
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Giant meido is best meido.

>> No.3548429

Why is reimu shooting semen on her?

>> No.3548432


Reimu's reaction is to fap

>> No.3548438
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>> No.3548458


giant sakuya SAUCE?!

>> No.3548462


She was amazing for Sakuya's vag but missed.

>> No.3548497


gigantic PREGNANT sakuya

>> No.3548503


Breastmilk rainshowers

>> No.3548505

Do fucking want.

>> No.3548507

Gaint baby fuck

>> No.3548510


Rivers of puke after she gets morning sickness.

>> No.3548513



>> No.3548514
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where's that giant sakuya and giant meiling picture

>> No.3548528

I'll graze the scent particles like a motherfucker.

>> No.3548533


>> No.3548537

>NOTE: Sakkyun is Sakuya's nickname.

>> No.3548548
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think of how enormous her breasts would be once they swell up with milk. you could ride them like a fountain

>> No.3548599

Fantastic Summer Vacation

>> No.3548607


Why doesn't she stop time, swing to make the cake fall when time starts again and then somehow get down. She probably has her watch in a secret sleeve pocket or something.

>> No.3548611

Because she wants you to save her. Why are you so heartless, /jp/?

>> No.3548613


because remi is enjoying it and she wouldn't deprive her mistress of pleasure

>> No.3548623


Stop time, move Remi to sunlight, start time, become boss of SDM.

>> No.3548627


Sunlight doesn't kill Remilia, it just pisses her off. Sakuya would quickly become a snack for her former mistress.

>> No.3548632


what are you talking about. Sakuya, like Eirin, pretty much runs the entire household herself. Her mistress is just there to sip tea and 'feel' in charge

>> No.3548637


Divert a stream, lie her down, surround her in garlic and place a stake in the air above her heart.

Any questions?

>> No.3548641
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This is what Remilia wants others to believe.

>> No.3548642


Then she can give a promotion to one of the fairy maids, and get rid of a good-for-nothing slacker.

>> No.3548657

Its also infuriating to note that when Star Sapphire, Luna Child and Sunny Milk snuck into SDM nobody noticed them even though their wings are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the other maids employed there!

>> No.3548661


does anyone really notice the other fairy maids?

>> No.3548668


In the end they're sitting down, drinking wine and having a grand old time while all of the other maids are working their asses off, so even if nobody does they're still pretty noticeable as people who don't belong.

>> No.3548682

>sitting down, drinking wine and having a grand old time while all of the other maids are working their asses off
Since when is this ever out of place in Touhou?

>> No.3548689


They're still dressed as maids, so Sakuya should stop by and say "HEY, CUT THAT SHIT OUT" at the least.

>> No.3548698


but sakuya already knows that the other fairy maids are all but useless. they live there but they only work for themselves

>> No.3548705


>> No.3548708


One would assume Sakuya's aware of the wing shape of her employees.

>> No.3548712

There are lot of different fairies in SDM so it is hard to tell them apart only by wings..

>> No.3548714


I'm just mad at complete strangers getting free wine from such an event, really.

>> No.3548740

i'd like a taste of sakuya's wine if you k now what I mean

>> No.3548749

That said, the 3 fairies are still good characters. Always interesting to get an insight as to how the lower life forms live, I guess.

>> No.3548843
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/r/ the full video

>> No.3548847

First I would eat that delicious cake, then I would free the maid.

>> No.3548899

do you ever find that sakuya is the only one in the SDM you can really fap to?

I mean, look.
- remilia and flan are jailbait (not my thing honestly and i'm sure there are a lot of you out there who would also agree)
- Patchouli is always sick (i'd prefer or not hacking up or bleeding all over me)
- China is far too much of a comedic relief to be fap material, also she's kind of stupid.
- No one cares about Koakuma

>> No.3548919
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I fap hard to Sakuya x Hong.

>> No.3548950

>- remilia and flan are jailbait (not my thing honestly and i'm sure there are a lot of you out there who would also agree)
I fap to them the most. More Flandre, but still. They're cute vampires, why not?
>No one cares about Koakuma
Speak for yourself. I like her as much as Sakuya and have fapped to her plenty of times.
>- Patchouli is always sick (i'd prefer or not hacking up or bleeding all over me)
>- China is far too much of a comedic relief to be fap material, also she's kind of stupid.
Retard moe, kind of like Cirno.

>> No.3548964

I only really like Patchouli, but that's really only because I want to take care of her. ;_;

>> No.3548965
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though everyone gives Sakuya a lot of crap about the whole PAD PAD PAD thing, have any of you ever considered that that might actually be a way for her to appeal to both the DFC lovers and those who want more bounce for the ounce? A perfect and elegant solution

>> No.3548968
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Both of you should repent.

>> No.3548991
File: 1012 KB, 1240x877, 1250031426877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sakuya X hong you say?

>> No.3548993

fuck cake, eat rope, sell girl

>> No.3549019


well, first i'd have to try and make sense of what is actually happening...

>> No.3549057


it's a hot and helpless maid, completely at your mercy

what more is there to it but to jam it in and watch her belly swell with your child

>> No.3549410

Help her eat the cake of course.
That is some sick joke someone did to her.
Tie her up and then tempt her with a cake out of reach.
The only humane thing would be to help her eat the cake.
