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3541774 No.3541774 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here use a 64-bit OS? Do you have problems with running VNs or anything /jp/ related?

Pic related. I'm thinking of switching to 64-bit Win7 pretty soon.

>> No.3541782

But I don't even have a 64-bit CPU.

>> No.3541791

My windows7 64 HD died today(well, it didn't die yet but it's making the death sound). Now on 32 XP. shit sucks

>> No.3541798

I run 32-bit XP on a 64-bit dual core processor. Is this sad?

>> No.3541800

Not yet, for me. Just disable UAC and change the compatibility for anything fucked up to WinXP Service Pack 2.

>> No.3541801

My CPU can do 64 but I installed 32bit Windows 7.

Unless anyone can come up with a good reason otherwise, I'm sticking to 32 unless I get a new computer with more memory.

>> No.3541797

Did you encounter any problems using Win7?

>> No.3541810

vista x64 reporting in, everything works fine so far with applocale and occasionally rebooting to true japanese non-unicode mode for installs that use japanese file names. you're in trouble if you get something old or just low budget enough to have a 16 bit installer though

>> No.3541811

It would be helpful if you were to tell us how much memory you have now.

>> No.3541814

Win 7 x64. I've had some problems with older games, but nothing an XP virtual machine can't fix. All VNs run perfectly.

That has nothing to do with your processor. You're stupid.

>> No.3541823

OP here.
I'm on a 32-bit OS with a 64-bit CPU and 4 gigs of RAM. I can only use about 2.5 gigs of RAM ATM which is why I want to switch to 64-bit.

>> No.3541834

I'm using Win 7 Pro 32-bit, I can't really come up with a good reason to switch over to 64-bit.

>> No.3541835

Well I certainly don't have more memory than a 32bit OS can handle.

And when I say more memory, I'm thinking about 6 gigs total.

>> No.3541830

I was using a P4 until late 2008 and I thought to myself, the only thing I ever do is go on the computer. So I should spend everything on my computer, figs and all that come after.

Also, switching from a 17" monitor to 24" feels good man.

>> No.3541838

Vista x64 user here. Usually I don't have any problems but I get the occasional game that requires jumping through a lot of hoops to finally get it to run. And recently I found out that it's impossible to play Wanto to Kurasou on Vista x64 (or at least it is for me). Also, I'm having some issues with a few Touhou games although that could be due to other problems and not just vista.

>> No.3541842

haven't had any problems so far, but then I also have a 32-bit XP machine to play the really old shit on. Win7 kicks ass though, especially x64, I highly recommend trying it out.

>> No.3541849

sup alabama

>> No.3541853

Wanto to Kurasou works fine for me in vista x64, don't remember any big install problems. some touhous have glitches but they're all playable with the right settings

>> No.3541857

Someone made a memory unlocker for Vista, hope it'll happen for Windows 7 too. I only got 4 gigs, which nominally over the 3 gig limit. Don't want to upgrade to 64 bit unless I have 8+ gigs or something.

Also, anyone know if you can just directly upgrade to retail from the RTM?

>> No.3541872

RTM? Why would you upgrade to retail? Isn't it the same thing?

>> No.3541876

Oh and I went from RC to retail just fine.

>> No.3541970

My bad, I meant RC.

>> No.3541999

I'm running Windows 7 64-bit, I haven't had problems with VNs or other /jp/ games. Been playing Touhouvania and Umineko ep 4 lately. I've got 8GB of RAM and two HD 5870s crossfired for a total of 2GB of VRAM.

>> No.3542023

It doesn't work like you think it does. It just enables PAE mode in the kernel. But applications have to be compiled with PAE mode enabled to, for them to take advantage of it. So it doesn't actually do anything for most applications.

Seriously, just upgrade to Windows 7 x64. 4-8GBs of RAM stock is the new defacto in mid-to-high systems these days. GPUs are coming out with 2-6GB of RAM, and they take up addressing space to. If you SLI/crossfire them, it takes up even more. New games and applications are also more memory hungry because you need to duplicate data to make writing multi-threaded applications more efficient (so each thread has it's own copy to work on, instead of messing around with slow locks).

You're pretty much screwed if you stick with 32-bit going forwards.

Microsoft also says Windows 7 will be the last Windows OS to support 32-bit.

>> No.3542033

RTM is what will be on the retail discs.

There might be some differences on OEM discs, because they might install their crapware. Ie. dell and their shitty software they like to include. But you don't want that shit.

>> No.3542037

Win7 64bit here. Never had a problem that Applocale didn't fix.

>> No.3542038

You were looking for e.g., fuckwit.

>> No.3542041

There shouldn't be any problems running 32bit apps on a 64bit OS since WOW(Windows on Windows) in every 64bit os is basically an emulator for all the 32bit apps that are ran. Hell there are even some windows process' that are still 32 bit, hence all the *32 you see attached to some processes.

>> No.3542052

Windows 7 64-bit here, no problems either and I would highly recommend 64-bit if you can use it, it's pretty well supported by now.

>> No.3542068

I have Vista x64, never had any problems.

It runs 32-bit software well, and 64-bit software runs like Aya on cocaine and meth

>> No.3542079


Add: Vista x64 has a nasty habit of not letting you install unsigned drivers. If you ever have any trouble with driver installation, you can either disable Driver Signature Checks in the command prompt, or by holding F8 and selecting it when you boot your computer up.

>> No.3542091

so it dies?

>> No.3542100

I'm using W7 64bit and I haven't come across any problems yet.

>> No.3542132
File: 593 KB, 1300x900, wriggle nightbug_1ee861f3aae485687c71b15f9a0c8ce7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh you.

>> No.3542147

I'm using 7 64-bit and haven't had any problems.
My weeks on end uptime is something I never had in XP or vista.

>> No.3542182

Wow a female model of wriggle!

>> No.3542206

Running XP64, have yet to have any problems with any Touhou games or VNs

>> No.3542248
File: 164 KB, 995x749, c6ee93d9760ace0b93069f8fc8f8f8d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3544728

So, what about Windows 7 and applocale? Because with Vista, shit sucks hard. I'm going to change for sure anyways, 7 can't be worse than Vista.

>> No.3545179

Just use Japanese locale, you, you
