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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 86 KB, 530x398, emil_chronicle_mmo_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3540828 No.3540828 [Reply] [Original]

I noticed we needed a new thread.

>> No.3540839

No you dont.

>> No.3540840
File: 50 KB, 580x461, ss20091009_015206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hi.

>> No.3540841

we so did not

>> No.3540847

The /jp/ player directory:


Maps, Quest Directions

Synthesis Catalog, Item Lists, Skill Information

Where to Buy What Item (Shop List)

Guides (Mostly useless, except for Golem Usage)

Another Wiki, has some different info the the frist.

Jap Wiki Shitload of info, but its all in moonspeak. Google Translate works well enough though.

Modded Skins Sites, also in moonspeak.

>> No.3540850

Has this game lost it's flavor of the month status yet? By now, it's tasting like plain vanilla ice cream.

>> No.3540860

Meiling is in Black Cat Of Ill Omen
And a ranger.

>> No.3540867

What game is this? Haven't been to /jp/ in a while.

>> No.3540869

It's called Emil Chronicle Online.
Check it out some time if you've got nothing better to do.

>> No.3540905

Shit: The Video Game

Don't play it, it's really bad. Your loli can only choose between like 2 or 3 dresses unless you're a bored level 50 faggot. Even Mabinogi was better than this.

>> No.3540914

S4 League was still the only 4chan flavor-of-the-month MMO I ever liked. And I was saddened when it really did die off after that month.

>> No.3540959

I like vanilla...

>> No.3540969

S4 is an MMO?

>> No.3540992


>> No.3541001

Sort of borderline, I guess.

>> No.3541004

>implying mabinogi was a bad game rather than that you never got good at it

>> No.3541012

>implying MMORPG's need skill

>> No.3541029


S4 was fun, but torrents making a person godmode got annoying fast.

Some portions of MMOs require bits of skill, but other than that it's just a measure of time put in and luck.

>> No.3541028

server off :<

>> No.3541035

Implying mabinogi was any good after one month of play

>> No.3541053
File: 346 KB, 1428x878, ss20091011_0546062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grindan hard gaems after maintenance.

On another note, how are the rest of the rings doing in terms of activity? It'll probably be some time before we can start combining them.

>> No.3541057

black cat is pretty dead, starting to get lonely

>> No.3541066

Dr Pepper is semi-active. Natsuki plays often, TiV3 plays often, Yukkuri, Apollyon, and Whatev play fairly often, and there's usually a steady stream of Miner-rage.

>> No.3541073

>combining them

Was that the plan? I didn't even know we could do that.

>> No.3541086
File: 60 KB, 365x243, mikutime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Er, nothing of the sort is implemented. Just the assumption that some of the rings might collapse from inactivity and that the others would be able to accommodate any survivors.

>> No.3541089

Hotglue has 2empty slots at the moment.

The game is probably losing its flavour of the month taste and by the next week or so the only people left will be the grinders.

>> No.3541094

You're a sweetheart miku~

>> No.3541105

I'm still trying to be active, but its pretty hard with demon's souls vying for my time.

>> No.3541159

What levels are you guys at?

>> No.3541164

can you tell us who to contact for an invite

>> No.3541171

ctrl-o and set it up to make sure you can see guild name.

Almost everyone in hotglue can invite. Just dont be a jerk.

>> No.3541210
File: 298 KB, 600x630, rinsha_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still active. Haven't joined a ring, though I'm glad to see the level of organization /jp/'s put in to listing rings.

Hopefully in the future only 2 large rings will be needed considering the max a single ring can hold is 40 people.

>> No.3541274
File: 93 KB, 368x250, mikuhappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh stop, you're making me embarrassed.
Go die~♪

>> No.3541288

Is this a pay to play game? Cause if it's free I'll probably pass. If it's pay though I would expect some good quality.

>> No.3541308

It was pay to play in Japan until this year. Then they removed subscription fees, introduced a cash shop and made it free to play.

The free to play with cash shop business model is becoming more and more popular overseas that more and more MMOs are foregoing subscriptions in favor of cash shops.

Anyways, all operating versions of ECO are free with cash shop now.
