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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 56 KB, 600x450, 1169310-19307wwwdotuporg2563851_sup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3539997 No.3539997 [Reply] [Original]

Look! it's Yukiko! In P3P!

>> No.3540023

Yukiko was boring.

>> No.3540031

Japan like Yukiko more I guess.

>> No.3540035

wtf? what's she doing there?

>> No.3540042

No pantyhose.
No long hair.

Do not want.

>> No.3540043

she's apparently a gekkokan student before, weird.

>> No.3540046

So the least interesting and most obnoxious P4 character gets to cameo. Great.

>> No.3540050

Doesn't look that way. She doesn't have a whole lot of fan-art compared to other P4 females.

>> No.3540051

/jp/ = /v/

>> No.3540054

You must be new here.

>> No.3540061

You must be the embodiment of everything I dislike about today's /jp/.

>> No.3540063
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>> No.3540070

You must be the embodiment of everything I dislike about today's /jp/.todayYou

>> No.3540071
File: 57 KB, 390x500, 8b35d0508e27c48083996fbd8a49db24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She transferred.

>> No.3540073
File: 62 KB, 600x818, Feels_Good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was from the city, why not her? geez.

>> No.3540075

I suppose that means you've hated /jp/ even since it was just a part of /a/, then.

>> No.3540076

>You must be the embodiment of everything I dislike about today's /jp/.

>> No.3540079

Easy, bro.

>> No.3540080
File: 246 KB, 1279x858, hooray!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3540087

Short hair and knee socks are better anyway.

>> No.3540089

thinking the same.
fuck they have killed my favorite character.... *awaiting the game with even more interest*

>> No.3540094

Jonesy's irrational hate towards this series is puzzling.

I could understand if he actually played these games and personally disliked them, but that isn't the case here.

>> No.3540098

You kids have no taste.

>> No.3540101

She's not wearing the Gekkoukan uniform though.

>> No.3540106

Irrational hate is puzzling by nature, but mine is rational.
I'll give you a hint: spam.

>> No.3540111
File: 18 KB, 192x216, uu~mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3540113

We only get one Persona thread at a time if we have any at all. That's not spam.

Maybe you should stick to /a/ and /v/ if you're going to complain about their problems?

>> No.3540120

He whines about everything, what the hell did you expect?

>> No.3540121

Am I the only one who thinks that female MC's ending will be somewhat different?

>> No.3540126

A transfer temp, perhaps. oh well.

>> No.3540127

Hey, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.3540134

Also question, does the female MC have another Persona that isn't Orpheus?

>> No.3540137

Lately /jp/ has expanded to include jRPGs and miscellaneous stuff like BlazBlue. The meido no longer deletes threads pertaining to them.

Whether you like this development or not, please accept it warmly.

>> No.3540138

Oh, Sion. Trying to justify ZUN's Umineko woes?

"You must be new here." Once upon a time (maybe upon its release, who knows? I don't) this game was spammed constantly on this board for several days. I don't know anything about it other than the fact that it's spam fodder, much like, say, Dawson's Creek.

>> No.3540139

Oh, probably.

>> No.3540141
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>> No.3540148

Eat a dick, Zunbar.

>> No.3540155

If I remember correctly, someone said that she'll still be a middle school student who visits Gekkoukan high school at some point. Don't take it granted though, might have been a speculation.

>> No.3540158

There are some weird theories going on about the game being actually a sequel, trying to recreate the same situation so that the new MC can take the place of the original one.

>> No.3540161

My thoughts exactly.

Oh yeah, these threads happen so often that they flood out our wonderful Tohoos and Type-Moon threads! We get it Jonesy: things you personally dislike are considered to be spam.

Let's all post about MMORPGs instead. So are you level 50 in ECO yet? I'm sure that's 500 hours of dull grind time right there!

>> No.3540165

>Once upon a time
So you hate it now because of something which happened in the relatively distant past. Great logic.

>> No.3540171

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not him. I've been relatively outspoken before about my belief that any video game officially localized outside of Japan constitutes /v/ material and shouldn't be posted in /jp/.

But like I said, if it is the will of the Meido that this fringe-/v/ stuff goes here, then I must accept it.

>> No.3540185

I don't see anything wrong with holding a grudge over something like this.
I mean, it's /v/ material anyway.

>> No.3540189

>please accept it warmly.
No, fuck you.

>> No.3540190


>> No.3540193

>I don't see anything wrong with holding a grudge
Then you probably don't belong on /jp/.

>> No.3540201
File: 66 KB, 600x547, 5749661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The starter? Genderswapped Orpheus. I wonder if Messiah ends up being different too.

>> No.3540207

Sure, then, have fun bending over and accepting Dawson's Creek warmly in six months.

>> No.3540217

So Dawson's Creek is a JRPG? Wow. I never knew.

>> No.3540220

Guys for god's sake...

>> No.3540222

It belongs in /tv/, kind of like Persona belongs in /v/!

>> No.3540226

Like how Queen's Blade should go back to /a/ or /tg/?

Fuck you.

>> No.3540228

Persona 3 is a video game, yes.

Much like Touhou or Rance, as it so happens.

>> No.3540234

Well, it is a pretty bad anime, and I've never seen threads about the source material...
I'd tolerate it, though, because it at least has an excuse to be here.

>> No.3540245

>it at least has an excuse to be here
Lol, no.

>> No.3540248
File: 274 KB, 900x1200, p29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>that any video game officially localized outside of Japan constitutes /v/ material

Explain why, because we already talk about video games (especially VNs) with official localizations. But here's an easier way to gauge if something is /jp/ related: if it's something that only Japanese nerds and otaku care about, then it belongs here.

Now let's all fap to short hair Yukiko.

>> No.3540257

>if it's something that only Japanese nerds and otaku care about, then it belongs here.
Probably the most concise and precise way to put it.

>> No.3540262

I hate to break this to you, ZUN, but /jp/ isn't for all things Japanese nerds love.
/jp/ is for touhous, visual novels, and figures.

Oldest troll in the book, friend, get some new material.

>> No.3540269


VN =/= PS3 videogame

Also are you going to argue that Super Mario Brothers 3 is /jp material?

>> No.3540274

>VN =/= [console] videogame
Fate/stay night Realta Nua, Aoi Shiro, et al. would like a word with you.

>> No.3540280


They are ports with the ero removed.

>> No.3540286
File: 19 KB, 384x224, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some VNs are console games, and they're fine because they're VNs.
Some console games are not VNs, and they're not fine because they're not VNs.
Get it?

>> No.3540289


Aoi Shiro (アオイシロ?) is a Japanese adventure game by Success Corporation, released for the Playstation 2 in Japan on April 5, 2008 and was later ported to Microsoft Windows with extra content.

>> No.3540293

How do you figure?

I don't see any rules anywhere which state anything about that.

I think you're making this up.

>> No.3540295

Sengoku Rance and Touhou still aren't VNs.

>> No.3540296

Next you'll be rolling out "All things Japanese welcome".
Boring old troll is boring and old. Get some new material, please.

>> No.3540297

>Next you'll be rolling out "All things Japanese welcome".
Except Janitor-kun deletes anime threads but not Persona threads. Try again.

>> No.3540299

/jp/ is not just for visual novels. However, it would be a mistake (or a troll, like in this case in all likelyhood) to call it a catch-all for games made in Japan.

>> No.3540303

Janitor-kun hasn't deleted Sion's latest Saki screencap thread either. I suppose anime is acceptable in /jp/.

>> No.3540312

>you're wrong troll you're wrong troll you're wrong troll
So I'm wrong because I'm a troll because I'm wrong because I'm a troll because I'm wrong because I'm a troll. We get it. I'm sure you have a party to get wasted at tonight, so let the adults talk about their Persona, okay?

>> No.3540314

>Janitor-kun hasn't deleted Sion
Wasn't Sion banned at some point?

>> No.3540334

No, you're a troll because you're insisting upon clearly wrong things in an attempt to make /jp/ angry.
The only one coming up with circular logic here is you.
Amusing. Try acting like one.

>> No.3540340

>No, you're a troll because you're insisting upon clearly wrong things
Clearly wrong, folks. You heard it here first.

I am wrong because I am clearly wrong because I'm a troll because I am wrong with CLARITY!

>> No.3540348

oh great. now i have to buy this game. Fuck.

>> No.3540356

No, dude, you can't. If you buy this game, you'll be a /v/tard.

>> No.3540370

Stop trying to put words in my mouth, it's a waste of your effort. I'm not mad, and probably won't be for a while at this rate.
Please, try something original. Troll threads are supposed to be entertaining, but you're disappointing.

>> No.3540374
File: 224 KB, 620x877, 1234738827762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be the P3 female char.

>> No.3540375

But I gotta have more P4! Even if it's just delicious cameo's.

And why is everyone saging this thread? Cause it's a vidya game? I'm kinda new to /jp/...

>> No.3540381

>Stop trying to put words in my mouth
Find one post in this entire thread where you posted something more than "You're wrong" or "You're a troll" or "You're wrong, troll."

You can't.

Too bad, huh?

>> No.3540385

If you cant figure it out by reading the thread, you should leave.

>> No.3540389

>I'm kinda new
Get the fuck out.

>> No.3540391

this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread

>> No.3540401
File: 18 KB, 475x494, thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is an eyesore

>> No.3540405

Succesfully Trolled.

You guys make this too easy.

>> No.3540406

Try all of them but the last two, where I got bored of you because you must have given up and went off on this circular logic tangent.
Unless you come up with something interesting, consider this discussion over. Poor troll-chan, maybe if you bump the thread enough someone else will reply to you.

>> No.3540414

>lol i trol u ;_;
There, there, please don't cry.

>> No.3540428

>/jp/ is not just for visual novels.
Baseless assertion used to set up for...

>However, it would be a mistake (or a troll, like in this case in all likelyhood) to call it a catch-all for games made in Japan.
"You're wrong."

>> No.3540430


>> No.3540437

You know guys, I feel I should point out that, just because you don't like something dosen't mean you have to post and bitch about it, you could just hide the thread and move on.

But what am I saying? Get this /v/ shit out of here, faggots.

>> No.3540445

>Some VNs are console games, and they're fine because they're VNs.
"You're wrong about this." No evidence.

>Some console games are not VNs, and they're not fine because they're not VNs.
"You're also wrong about this." No evidence.

>Get it?
"See? You're wrong. So there."

>> No.3540459


>> No.3540460

Bump to spite sagefags

>> No.3540465

In before somebody takes this idiot seriously and posts >>1

>> No.3540467
File: 43 KB, 218x630, mitsuru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good female Persona characters thread to counteract that slut in the OP image?

>> No.3540484

Countering a slut with a whore? That's real clever.

>> No.3540503

So "whore" means "a huge fucking pain in the ass to even get to look at any man in any way at all"?

I never knew.

>> No.3540522

What a baka!

>> No.3540531
File: 147 KB, 600x900, 470715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Yukari was a slut alright.

>> No.3540538

What happened to "DON'T LOOK UP"

Yukari's a bitch, anyway. Major bitch.

>> No.3540539

That's not Chihiro

>> No.3541598
File: 104 KB, 605x651, 7dc5de099ef2efd5e064335497b71de4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all bitches and whores.

>> No.3541605

I don't mind.

>> No.3541607

I do't get it, in her social link she said she's never been out of Inaba.

>> No.3541609



>> No.3541611

Does anyone have a pic of the female MC?

>> No.3541615

Considering she's wearing the sailor uniform instead of the blazer, it probably means that you go visit Inaba instead. Hell, we might even get to see younger versions of the P4 cast.

>> No.3541637
File: 1.78 MB, 1800x1800, ab7696a589cde572e98123369b26ad70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3541647

No matter how much I enjoyed P3, I ain't even going to touch this P3P shit.

Hey, let's take a game people like and redo it into a different game. They'll love it!

>> No.3541649

And then it turns out that P3 MC was responsible for Izanami's appearance.

>> No.3541654

Why the fuck is this thread in /jp/? Why do people even play Persona? WHY HAS THE SERIES BEEN RUINED, DAMN IT?!

>> No.3541660

I only play it because of the dating sim elements, however shallow they may be.

>> No.3541661

Who cares? Your mom? It wasnt meant for you anyways.

>> No.3541667
File: 60 KB, 600x675, 1240869286837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a tweest!

>> No.3541669

I'm just waiting for Shin Megami Tensei 4 over here. Enough with the spinoffs.

>> No.3541672

Why is P3 so good? It's almost criminal.

>> No.3541677

Samefag is same.

>> No.3541678
File: 140 KB, 600x631, 1231476111973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game developers releasing "Director's Cut" versions to milk a franchise is nothing new (Devil May Cry for example) but I have to agree that it does get annoying especially if the game isn't that old.

>> No.3541681

And who is this game meant for? Low level weeaboos who like to go to anime cons?

>> No.3541684


Not really. In fact, I liked Persona 3 and 4, I just really want to see something else.

>> No.3541697

Something like that. The Persona spinoffs were always meant to be more "mainstream". That is why Persona was created.

If you don't like it, that's your problem.

>> No.3541701

There's a difference between Director's Cut and NEW MC SHE'S A GIRL CAMEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.3541708

Yes. The former is the exact same game put back at full price for no reason. The latter is a remake.

>> No.3541718

Maybe. Maybe not. One thing is fer sure though. Its NOT meant for you, you racist.

>> No.3541725

If he's a racist, you're a nigger.

>> No.3541744

Let's just agree it's annoying when this happens.


>> No.3541750

Oh my, thank you opinion bro sef. Brofist!

>> No.3541923
File: 1.36 MB, 637x1500, 293934-1985858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No pantyhose.
>No long hair.

This is some goddamn bullshit
