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3538214 No.3538214 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3538226

You keep killing them.
When you 'replenish', you actually draw retroactively from the 50000 men.

>> No.3538229

What happens if you replinish more than 50,000 troops?

>> No.3538288

Then you draw upon JAPAN'S non-fighting population.
Thus, when the game ends, you leave behind a ruined world, as a testament to you AWFUL skills.

>> No.3538330

who's the sexy dude

>> No.3538334
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>> No.3538371
File: 521 KB, 816x658, ran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Ran route is easy" my ass. Look at all those fuckers declaring war on me. How am I supposed to deal with this shit?

>> No.3538377
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>> No.3538383

Do the purple Ran related purple events as fast as you can, the route is easy because it's short

>> No.3538389

Why normal, of all things? You could at least one star it.

>> No.3538392

You do not have to.
It's the only route I vassalized nations too, to finish up faster.
Just remember to have units that you can get end-game points and clear, I forgot to do that and half my army was pointless.

>> No.3538403


>> No.3538404

I've done them all. I've spent the last few turns fighting Kenshin for lack of any route-related stuff to do, then Takeda declared war and Mouri joined up with Shimazu.

>> No.3538565

Holy fuck. If you let enemies take over territory that has a hole to hell in it, you can't close the hole and thus can't finish the route.

>> No.3538599
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Yeah, whoever said that the Ran route was easy can suck cocks in hell.

>> No.3538603

You suck dicks. You couldn't even clear the normal.

>> No.3538606

How the fuck am I supposed to handle having three countries at war with me at once, with one of them regularly sending out four armies in one turn, while having to kill fucking onis in every area I control?

>> No.3538614
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the other routes would have kicked your ass much more quickly, well anyway this game does have a long learning curve.

>> No.3538690

It's like a new cellmate in prison. They seem fine for a while but then suddenly you get bent over and ass-raped while everyone watches.

>> No.3538721

So, how exactly does one clear the Ran route so easily? Saying "do the purple Ran events, it's fast" is bullshit, since I spent many turns in that playthrough sitting there waiting for more purple events to appear.

>> No.3538732

You can only speed things up a few turns by doing the purple events yourself. Easiest way to go about it would be to avoid going to war with more than one house and defend until the end.

>> No.3538744

>avoid going to war with more than one house

I did, though. Uesugi decided I was too expansionist after I took out Houjo, and then while I was vainly trying to battle them (fuck you Kenshin) Takeda decided they fucking hated me as well. Then Shimazu threw a spaz, recruited the Mouri, and then I was fucked.

>> No.3538748

The PROPER way for the ran route :

-Blitz through everyone ASAP. Ideally you should have tanegashima, yamatai, tokugawa and imagawa. Im not sure if you can take out asai-asakura without kenshin declaring on you. If possible take out asai-asakura as well, and take out kenshin.

Gourds broken would be ashikaga, oda, kenshin and hojou before you enter ran route.

Immediately after sealing xavier, conquer as much shit as possible. You have like 20 turns or so before holes to hell show up, and only one hole decreases 1 NP a turn. Since shimazu takes over takuga/mouri at this point, your piriority is to take out mouri and takuga ASAP.

You can delay takeda with yellow commands while you conquer the rest. You want as little hostiles as possible while you clear out the holes to hell, since the ones you send to fight the holes to hell cant help to defend/attack in the same turn.

Battle permits, and ideally 3 battle groups by this stage.

Obviously this wont go fast if you dont have some points for house bonus/items.

>> No.3538758

>Obviously this wont go fast if you dont have some points for house bonus/items.

I have 5 points from clearing True route. I bought Elina the diviner chick and she did pretty well for me for a while, but eventually I had no real space for her slowness in my main battle party.

>> No.3538767

I found that doing a two front war with Uesugi and Houjo was effective. Get Uesugi backed up into a corner by taking their first country, then finish taking over Houjo. Anytime I scout Kenshin in the area I send rance alone to save troops to defend against Houjo and I only defend if they are attacking a castle in one of my countries or if they are attacking a country I am trying to take over.

>> No.3538768

Also, I followed the "get three fans in 16 turns" walkthrough as best I could (which is somewhat hard given that it gives no details on HOW to achieve a lot of what it says to do). Was that a good idea or is it actually a shit way to start the game?

>> No.3538769

Might as well take over kenshin first. Hojou wont declare on you till you take out takeda, and takeda isnt that hard unless the 4 generals show up, in which case yamatagawa is unfair.

>> No.3538775

seriously fuck the 4 generals.

>> No.3538809

Ah, I just realised that it was Yukihime that made Takeda go to war with me. Fuck her.

>> No.3538825

How do you make battle permits actually useful? The only troops I can ever get high enough numbers of to use them is foot soldiers.

>> No.3538826

Popularity wand, some money.

>> No.3538839

So essentially the answer is "get more points"?
