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File: 399 KB, 800x600, nekomata mike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3532641 No.3532641 [Reply] [Original]

It was a collaboration with a gum company in Japan and there was a promotion that had the Mi Ke Catty as a reward.

>> No.3532669
File: 356 KB, 800x600, ss20091012_025214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So is anyone still up on ECO or did it prove itself to be far too much work for the likes of the lazy ass /jp/ers?
My assassin finally got that fucking Raspberry Catty. Shit was hard. I was disappointed finding out that Apricot (Anzu; the only trap catty) and Kurumi & Wakana weren't out yet. Apple, Lemon, Grape, and Raspberry is all you can get right now. If you want to know how to get them you could ask.

>> No.3532674

Ghost cat with shrimp tail? What the fuck?

Where do I get it?

>> No.3532676

Logged on.
Noticed my scout has not magically become able to solo overnight as I had initially hoped.
Logged off.

>> No.3532678

Oh, it's a fucking...


mmos are ;y=ー( ゚д゚)・∵

>> No.3532686 [DELETED] 

stop spamen ur crappy bored on anoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz enjoy ur v&

>> No.3532685

I didn't have much trouble going solo.
What are you called in the game?
I'll just paste this one for Apple first since you need her to get the others anyway.
Make sure you have a Cotton Ribbon, Cloth, Thread, Light Summon stone, and Piece of Mind.
Cotton Ribbon
Made from Cloth, Needle, and Scissors, go to the Uptown seamstress to get it made. Note: Make the cotton ribbon before step 1, or else the seamstress will not be able to make one for you and you will have to obtain it from someone else.
Bought from various seamstresses other than in Acropolis, check the wiki shopping guide.
Dropped by Earth Spider at Lake Utena, rarely dropped by Cotton Plant, or bought from various seamstresses.
Light Summon stone
Buy from players or harvest it from Light Crystals (Acronia Eastern Beach).
Piece of Mind
A somewhat rare drop from Angel Feathers up past Cape Northerin or just buy it from players.

>> No.3532688

1. Talk to a Trash Can and click Cancel.
Repeat this until it gives you an Unknown Mustache. I'd reccomend you drag the window so the cancel button is right over the trash can so you can just spam click in place.
2. Use the Unknown Mustache to teleport and talk to Insmouse.
3. Talk to the fortune teller in north side of Acropolis City Downtown.
4. Talk to the Vates in the White Church in Acropolis City Uptown.
5. Talk to the Light Fairy in Acronia Eastern Beach.
Give her a Light Summoning Stone.
6. Return to the Vates in the White Church.
7. Talk to the Seamstress, in Acropolis Uptown.
Craft a Triangular Bandage.
8. Use a Piece of Mind to teleport.
9. Talk to the NPC, at the end choose Keep Catty (If you choose Exorcise, you can't get the Catty (Momo), but it's uncertain whether you can try a second time).
10. The Catty should move into your Triangular Bandage.

>> No.3532704

>I didn't have much trouble going solo.

No weapon because getting the only upgrade I could use since 16 needs going into a dungeon. With a party.
Anything remotely near my level tears me a new one if I so much as go near it, even after wasting over 50k on new armor.
Can only efficiently grind monsters half my level, and still everyone there oneshots them before I even unlag enough to start attacking. And when I get lucky, hooray 0.05%, only 1999 more to go.

>> No.3532712

You mean fly fish and crash ices?

>> No.3532719

Yes, yes I do. The only things I have been able to kill that give more xp are ropers and angel feathers, both too spread out to acheive any better overall xp. I don't see myself able to kill cinnamons until level 60, if even then at the current stat progression rate (following the jp wiki build pretty closely).

>> No.3532722 [DELETED] 

stop spamen ur crappy bored on anoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz enjoy ur v&

>> No.3532724


I just finished setting up shop for the night. On the way to Acropolis I found a Calculator and CPU, just before that an Pink Abacus Dress. Feels good, man. Also, insert some obligatory complaints about backpacking, lag, and soloing as a backpacker. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF dying to a Cinnamon because Banishing Blow decides to miss/get avoided three times in a row is terrible. I want to move up to Trader, but being only 40/40 I won't have Riot Hammer. Damnit.

>> No.3532725

I liked the east side of north plateau actually. You just gotta watch out for the death spawn.

>> No.3532726

There was this one jp wiki that criticized riot hammer for being too inaccurate, but I don't know what else you'd use for an attack anyway...

>> No.3532732


Is that so? I just want to get it as insurance in case bags & bag related skills as a Trader turn out to suck.

>> No.3532757

Well, there's always Gambler's pwnage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwBsNI09GJQ&feature=player_embedded&fmt=18

>> No.3532806

What's your IGN and level?

>> No.3532822

Just so you know, you're the fourth or fifth /jp/-er to get Raspberry.

>> No.3532849 [DELETED] 

I don't know why they had to go and change it from Blueberry to Raspberry...

>> No.3532851

I don't know why they had to go and change it from Blueberry to Raspberry... And who were two others who got it before Belphegor then?

>> No.3532854

Hourai (Hotglue) and Doud (Gensokyo).

>> No.3532871

Everyone's pretty active and playing, so I guess you're the odd one out. A few have also advanced jobs.

>> No.3532872 [DELETED] 
File: 433 KB, 176x99, flan dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are those rings still pretty active?

>> No.3532876

Eh I tend to not want to be in /jp/ guilds based on prior experiences...

>> No.3532882

Well you could at least leave your IGN or add friends, no one's forcing you to join any Rings.

>> No.3532908

Add the miner friends for crafting repair kits.

>> No.3532915 [DELETED] 

stop spamen ur crappy bored on anoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz enjoy ur v&

>> No.3532914


I can make copper and silver, just that I can't be bothered to get the hammers(I have the fragments for copper).

>> No.3532931 [DELETED] 

stop spamen ur crappy bored on anoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz enjoy ur v&

>> No.3532956 [DELETED] 

stop spamen ur crappy bored on anoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz enjoy ur v&

>> No.3532972

Oh god, assassins make durability on claws go down faster than a Thai princess and the silver metal repair kit sellers are fucking rare.

>> No.3532995

I just bought a few from a miner.

>> No.3533016


How much does silver repair kits go for, and where did you bought them?

>> No.3533026

Generally about 15k each. If I'm lucky I see a shop in town selling them, but I don't pay attention to the player name.

>> No.3533055
File: 363 KB, 1024x768, ss20091012_211638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much dex kill your magic atk eh?

Where is the logic in this.

>> No.3533217

Is that Mima in OPs picture ?

>> No.3533232

Fuck you. ;_;

>> No.3533274 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 686x512, deadver7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm... what?

>> No.3533318

Cannot unsee. FUCK.

>> No.3533328

What are credit cards for?

>> No.3533507 [SPOILER] 
File: 180 KB, 1600x1200, 1226092371119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3533534

Fucking Brilliant.

>> No.3533819

I failed, wrong image apparently. Or maybe there's another person besides the bot doing it now?

>> No.3535252

I read the game installs gameguard trojan, is it true?

>> No.3535325


>> No.3535822

Any party around?

>> No.3535873

Party for what?

>> No.3536948

Anyone still playing? seems like many people quit already.

>> No.3536954

I still get on for a little bit every now and then but it definitely turned into too much of a grindfest for a beta for me to keep how i was - being on just about all day.

>> No.3536961


I'm still kind of on, but I'd rather wait until the open beta to play all that much.

>> No.3536963


until it's over, rather.

>> No.3536968

There won't be a wipe once the OB ends, according to on9g forums.

>> No.3536975

FUCK! Fuck, I just started! ;_;

>> No.3537020

I've been lagging like a motherfucker, so I haven't been able to play today. Which is a shame, because I'm finally getting quite close to 40.

>> No.3537048
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>> No.3537085

Use a Perfang as an emblem, or a dragon egg sprite

>> No.3537120

I'm a 13/14 warlock, and I have maxed passive mp skills and lvl 3 Black Widow. So I'll have 16 job skill points by j.lvl 30, and 8 of those are going to max Chaos Widow as soon as I get it. What do the other 8 go to?

>> No.3537201

Don't worry, only a few quit, many /jp/ers are still playing.

>> No.3537290

You can head over to cinnamons already, if you can find a good runner. I'll be happy to bring you there.

>> No.3538175
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>> No.3538180
File: 298 KB, 800x600, ss20091013_204901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3538210

I always thought rocks were fucking pro, how else could they avoid so much. Damned things must have agility over 30.

>> No.3538492

Still missing a Calculator for my Raspberry, sadly.

>> No.3538903

Asmanan at Acronia Northern Plains selling 9k dyes, including Candy Yellow color for anyone who wants it.

>> No.3538987

If there's one thing I hate about this game it's boxes. Boxes fucking everywhere. And chests. My storage is crammed with boxes. If I open them, it'll be UNIQUE junk that no one will buy except for a ripoff price. Or arrows. Or stamina potions.

>> No.3539214

you still there?

>> No.3539220

well dex apparently makes you cast faster

>> No.3539232

It doesn't explain whey dex decrease your magic attack in this case.

>> No.3539238

Just sell them those unique junk had just given me even more grief

>> No.3539283

People are still playing, but yes, unfortunately he missed out on most of the fun, which was getting moe~ catties, meido dresses and having slumpan parties at the cafe while posting on /jp/. Now it's just another ronery grindan game for the people who can stand the lag and PINOY userbase.

>> No.3539297

ehh need black and silver

>> No.3539304 [DELETED] 

stop spammin ur crappy boerd on Дnoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz ur not relly anonimus enjoy ur party v& u monkey's

>> No.3539312

Those are rare loot from boxes, if memory serves. Most of what dye sellers have are freebies from the beautician, which tend to be the more undesirable colors.

>> No.3539355

think they can be made

>> No.3539424

Got a couple of crappy dye colors, emil light, dominion dark, silver, green, titania medium, etc. Pretty much useless colors. I NPC them right away. 500g helps buy that 700g sandwich.

>> No.3539440 [DELETED] 

stop spammin ur crappy boerd on Дnoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz ur not relly anonimus enjoy ur party v& u monkey's

>> No.3539456

light grey works as a replacement

>> No.3539496
File: 31 KB, 276x292, colars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not? Its pretty common.

>> No.3539523

he was probably buffed
the stat preview removes your buffs and makes it look like you're losing stats

>> No.3539543

you can sell silver for 9k easy

>> No.3539553

what your ign, mines is killershiva
i want both of those silvers,

>> No.3539979

>what your ign, mines is killershiva

There is no image macro for what I'm feeling.

>> No.3540048


>> No.3540064

MMO threads attract all kinds of scum.

>> No.3540097

>wanting to use an image macro
You both disgust me.

>> No.3540172

Hey, it's a legitimate typo, he just accidentally moved that "s" 15 characters to the right. Also,
>image macro
get out.

>> No.3540394

Houjuu here, I'll buy a silver too if you still have one.

>> No.3540424

I'll buy that blue from you, whats your ign?

>> No.3541205

Am I the only one who can't connect?

>> No.3541215

Maintenance is currently going on.

>> No.3541223

I see, thanks.
I hope they don't reset the jerico potions and kittins again.

>> No.3541233

Server maintainance.

>> No.3541232

I think they do, but you can see after it comes back up, I suppose.

>> No.3541583

Just when I had time to grind, server maintenance extended 2 hours.

>> No.3541590

I miss my grind. ;_;

>> No.3541687

Wheat warlock skills are useful? Is there any point to the Mystic bunch of skills? It seems like it might be helpful, but the skills only give you a chance of status effect, and don't even tell you what that chance is. And what about Dark Weapon and Dark Shield? And Shield Mastery? There's so little documentation on this game that it's almost painful.

>> No.3541717


Very few enemies are Light, so Dark Weapon/Armor are very useful skills to have.

>> No.3541768
File: 9 KB, 228x304, 87565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Max level cap is 70


I think I'll slow down on levelling now...

>> No.3541795

Got a light grey dye from a box, was very pleased.

>> No.3541837

Isnt that a lv80 weapon?/

>> No.3541847


Don't ask me; not my char.

>> No.3541855

Tier list

Top tier- Shaman, Warlock

Medium tier- Wizard

Shit tier- Everything else

This is of course based on the only thing anybody will ever do.

>> No.3541864 [DELETED] 

Name: Urieganov

>> No.3541877

Where'd you get the image anyway?

>> No.3541888


runup forums

>> No.3542074

Maintenance for four hours? They'd better be fixing the goddamn lag if they're taking this long.

>> No.3542104

I'm going to make a mage alt, are there any reasons to not make it in the same account as my swordman?

>> No.3542111

if you have to actually ask, then no

>> No.3542159

Server's up.

>> No.3542166

Shared storage is cool, but you get 1 Catty Apple per account. You can still store the catty and get it with the alt though.

>> No.3542178

Sever's up; seems like level cap has been raised.

>> No.3542185

Say you got 3 catties on one of your characters, then you made a new char and leveled him up. Can you do the continue on the 4th Catty quest on the new guy?

>> No.3542201

Woah, did they make the text bigger?

>> No.3542212



That's just fucking wrong.

That doesn't make any fucking sense at all.

Do you even know English? Do you? Try to think of one word even close to that in the entire rest of the language.

There isn't one.

It's spelled whoa.

>> No.3542231

damn, I'm not being lucky with the treasure chests. I would also like to buy a silver dye from you If you still have one, Sekarashi ingame.

>> No.3542237

Consider that with two accounts you can level two characters at the same time.


1st account possesses it's own armor, logs out.
2nd account logs in, picks up the armor, proceeds to level.
1st account logs in again, but with experience gained from 2nd account's leveling.

How to use this to power level a character that's level really slow otherwise?

Make the 2nd account character a shaman and abuse monster's elemental weaknesses to kill higher level enemies resulting in a boost of xp for both characters.

So to answer your question, make the wizard on another account if you want want to be able to level them when you're playing your swordsman and vice versa.

>> No.3542253

Thanks for the answer, maybe I should have made the merchant in another account.

>> No.3542267

Doesn't work that way, afk possession xp is only 10%. Sure, you can technically level 2 characters, even 4 this way but it won't be particulalry fast.

>> No.3542281

After playing a damn MMO for a while again, I want Congress to enact a new law that everyone who writes "u" and "ur" instead of you and your it has to retake first grade English.

>> No.3542285

But then all the stupid kiddies who type in "txt"
would feel rebelious for "breakn da lor"

>> No.3542376

>Cash Shop
>Exp Voucher

>> No.3542415

Got an Airship Engine today, anyone who wants one go get it from Tonka Engineer in Iron City.

>> No.3542545

The cash shop button was there the whole fucking time, what is wrong with you?

>> No.3542603

Anyone knows what was changed in the config file so I can change it back?
I don't like the fucking giant text.

>> No.3542629

Wow, I thought I was the only one. It's like they think we're almost fucking blind or something.

I was perfectly fine with the tiny text.

>> No.3542728

Why are they selling skill and stat resets if you can do it for free in Northern Promenade?

>> No.3543098
File: 45 KB, 234x210, ss20091011_035916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The maintenance increased the level cap past 70, actually...

Because you can't reset an infinite amount of times.

>> No.3543864


>> No.3543968

Don't worry, you're not the only one.

>> No.3543978
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>> No.3543992

Nothing except guilt.
Why would anyone kill that adorable thing?

>> No.3543994
File: 33 KB, 800x800, 125525197293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3544004 [DELETED] 

You guys are not pinoy enough.
You have to a pinoy or be a faggot like Valkryie to get them.

>> No.3544007

You guys are not pinoy enough.
You have to be a pinoy or be a faggot like Valkryie to get them.

>> No.3544016 [DELETED] 

stop spammin ur crappy boerd on Дnoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz ur not relly anonimus enjoy ur party v& u monkey's

>> No.3544111
File: 32 KB, 262x256, dragons!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3544118

Get out of here, ECO devs.

We all know dragons don't REALLY drop off of anything.
