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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3527690 No.3527690 [Reply] [Original]

So, /jp/, I heard you like YMK... right?

>> No.3527695

It's shit.

>> No.3527693

Not really.

>> No.3527697

I enjoyed it.

>> No.3527702

You mean the entity known as /jp/ or the sum of posters each of who have different tastes?

>> No.3527703
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/v/ said it wasn't hated here... /v/ lied to me...

>> No.3527704

YMK? More like Baby's First Visual Novel. Why don't you go watch Naruto while you're at it?

>> No.3527709

Some like it.

Personality, I thought that it was boring. But then again, it's very hard to amuse me.

>> No.3527711

Oh come on, YMK is pretty good. Didn't 2ch rank it like... 30th in the VN list for the year it was released in?

>> No.3527714

If you're from /v/, you should be an expert at detecting trolls.
So far you've failed miserably.

>> No.3527716
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>implying I watch childrens cartoons

>> No.3527718

Naruto is one of the top selling mangas in Japan.

>> No.3527720


Well it was more of somebody saying that VNs sort of fell under /jp/'s jurisdiction

>> No.3527721
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>implying that something being popular doesn't mean it's good

>> No.3527723

No, it doesn't.
It can be.

>> No.3527724

Fuck off.

>> No.3527730


alright, alright i'll stop that

So tell me, what's the story between /jp/ and /a/, I hear you guys hate eachother

>> No.3527736

Just children and their board wars, I'm sure we aren't the only boards to do it.

>> No.3527735

We don't care.
Board haters or 'I only post here' are faggots.
But we know better than to post non-relevant shit.

>> No.3527739

I wish Antoinette had had a route.

>> No.3527742
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I got the impression that /jp/ was kinda stuck-up from /a/

>> No.3527744

I liked it, regardless of what most people think. It wasn't spectacular, but it wasn't shit, either.

>> No.3527745

Idiots assume things all the time, do not feel bad.

>> No.3527747
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shit would've been so cash


>> No.3527748

I used to hate /a/, but then /jp/ became as shitty as /a/, so I don't care anymore.

>> No.3527753
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too obvious

>> No.3527756
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>> No.3527757

>VNs sort of fell under /jp/'s jurisdiction
They do. Doesn't mean we love all of them.

>> No.3527760

Idiots also constantly post expression pics to accompany post s for no reason while they are not even relevant.

>> No.3527764


I prefer bringing something to a place where it will get the best discussion.

For example; you actually get better Halo threads in /a/ than in /v/.

>> No.3527767

i liked it. i think it's great. whatever

>> No.3527771
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>Idiots also constantly post expression pics to accompany post s for no reason while they are not even relevant.

I hope /jp/'s trolls aren't this low-tier.

Also; Nekoko route was best route.

>> No.3527777

The problem is that you think it's a troll and you keep posting shit.

>> No.3527780

Anybody else think it was pretty shitty that there wasn't an imoute route, puff route or antoinette route?

>> No.3527785
File: 23 KB, 466x354, 1249769134554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used to hate /a/, but then /jp/ became as shitty as /a/, so I don't care anymore.

/a/ isn't that bad, the people there are actually really nice. Or so I find...

>> No.3527789

Is there an eroge like this? I really want an eroge like this.

A couple that rapes together, stays together.

>> No.3527790

>/a/ isn't that bad
Says the /v/ retard who uses >implying and reaction images?

>> No.3527791

Yeah, especially after puff went on about secret routes.

>> No.3527794

The game should have been those three routes instead.

>> No.3527797

You come from /v/.
Every board is better by comparison, except for /b/.
Routes for the heck of it are pointless.
They are nice characters and I am glad they were in the VN, but that's it.
The routes about them could suck ass for all you know.

>> No.3527800

ITT: /v/ samefags, I refuse to believe that /jp/ is a part of this fag play.

You'll probably enjoy YMK if you have no taste. You can half hearty enjoy Neko-something's route for the jiggles. Other than that, it's shit.

>> No.3527807

>Yeah, especially after puff went on about secret routes.

Yeah I thought that was the makers trying to hint at something... was quite disappoint when it turned out that there was no secret routes...

>Is there an eroge like this? I really want an eroge like this.
>The game should have been those three routes instead.


Fund it.

>> No.3527811

>The routes about them could suck ass for all you know.

Eh, I'm pretty sure that some nice stories could be made up for them. I mean Aeka's story could be considered to be in there just for the fuck of it, nothing really complex only her getting bullied.

>> No.3527819

In that regard, none of the routes are complex.
Complex=!good does not apply either.
Apart maybe from the sister, the other two characters have no real basis for something to lead to a route, so it's just random wishes.

>> No.3527820


>Every board is better by comparison, except for /b/.

/v/ is /b/ with videogaems

>> No.3527827

Every board is /b/ with something.

>> No.3527832


>Complex=!good does not apply either.

I agree with you there

>Apart maybe from the sister, the other two characters have no real basis for something to lead to a route, so it's just random wishes.

Well what's the basis for Nekoko's route? She sort of just shows up out of no-where. Antoinette's route could be a parallel route to Aeka's whereby instead of siding by Aeka to help her you try and get Antoinette to lay off Aeka by going to her and long storyline and stuff and some trouble with that boyfriend.

>> No.3527833


/jp/ and /a/ are nothing to do with /b/.

>> No.3527839

Just by virtue of traffic, it's better.
The whole idea of Antoinnete route people present sounds very cliche and unrealistic for what is presented.
And each heroine's path is largely unrelated to the other.

My point is, there is nothing that indicates that Antoinnete would make for a good route focus.

>> No.3527841

Antoinette, sure, she is a big fucking brutal bitch, a horrible person that goes way too far in her little nonsensical near-yandere grudge. But she was perfect for this game. All the routes were "crazy broken girl" why didn't Antoinette get a route then? She was quite clearly broken even if she tried to mask it with popularity and social ability. I mean, she had the biggest asshole for a boyfriend who she hated, but she's far too insecure to leave him because she'd be completely alone and freaks out when she realizes her boyfriend is showing interest in someone other than her because she thinks he might abandon her. She was just lonely and desperate, that's why she saw something in Kouhei, she saw a possibility out of her shitty relationship and was desperately hoping. Underneath her vicious lashing out was a frightened insecure girl who just wanted to be loved. Kouhei wasn't popular or highly attractive, she was chasing after him because he was a good kind person. A complete fucking bitch? Yeah, but I want to show her love and fix her broken soul so she'll start loving the world back and stop being a complete fucking bitch.

>> No.3527842

keep telling yourself that.

>> No.3527843

YMK is like the Naruto of the VNs OP. You start with it, you enjoy it a lot, but you soon find there is much better stuff out there.

>> No.3527844

If you try to fix every bitch on the world, you will never finish and more will come out.
Better help people with actual problems/

>> No.3527845

>The whole idea of Antoinnete route people present sounds very cliche and unrealistic for what is presented.
And each heroine's path is largely unrelated to the other.

Yeah, I guess that makes sense... since the imouto is a good bit related into the Mizuki route, antoinette for the Aeka route and the puff for Nekoko route then I guess none of them could really be separate routes...

Still, a few bonus scenes would've be quite nice upon completion of the game.

>> No.3527847

Horrible inaccurate analogy is bad.

>> No.3527848

No, just no.

Fate/stay night is the Naruto of VNs.
YMK is the Love Hina of VNs.

>> No.3527849

Horrible inaccurate analogy is bad.

>> No.3527851
File: 11 KB, 251x232, 1247200862395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make the route...

>> No.3527852

Now you did it right, thanks for pointing out my mistake.

>> No.3527853

>YMK is the Love Hina of VNs.
So it's even worse than Naruto?

>> No.3527857

Do you mean Love Hina manga or anime?

Because the manga was pretty awesome.

>> No.3527860

And we just spotted the problem.

>> No.3527866
File: 264 KB, 800x600, 1249777503193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best scenes in YMK
