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35273552 No.35273552 [Reply] [Original]

I like seeing a darker spin on Gensokyo, do you?

>> No.35277568
File: 366 KB, 600x600, hina.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like seeing a dorker spin on Gensokyo.

>> No.35278197

define dark.

>> No.35279004

I like it to have an edge like in canon. You’re a youkai and you keep your head down? Things are fine. You a human and stay in and around the human village? Things are fine. Poke your nose into the forest or go out at night however and you are in mortal goddamn peril unless you manage to get someone powerful enough to defend you to do so. Even if you are a Youkai if you stick your nose into the wrong power player’s scheme then you better HOPE someone knows where you are and can report your disappearance to reimu because if there’s plausible deniability for the god/vampire/oni/gap hag that you have pushed, you probably be finding just how much of a pseudo paradise gensokyo truly is.

That said I’d rather that all be implied or in the background until it’s relevant rather than in your face all the time in a story. The lightheartedness compliment the darkness and vice versa. Going with a single one just leaves things feeling incomplete.

>> No.35288706

Zounose is King.

>> No.35289022
File: 50 KB, 525x516, Touhouism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The lightheartedness compliment the darkness and vice versa
This. Especially since a yinyang orb is an unofficial symbol of Touhou.

>> No.35289696

I like my touhou mostly happy. There can be dark elements, but it overall should be pretty tame and happy. Real life is dark enough, I want my gensokyo fantasy to be much more upbeat. A lot like a childhood summer in the country, a warm dream.

>> No.35289960 [DELETED] 

I like the canon touhou where youkai aren't actually allowed to eat you but they pretend they are. You get a good spook but you also get to go home and tell a story to your friends that keeps the youkai alive. .

>> No.35289968

I like the canon touhou where youkai aren't actually allowed to eat you but they pretend they are. You get a good spook but you also get to go home and tell a story to your friends that keeps the youkai alive.

>> No.35290099
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I wish there was some ultra edgy and violent fangame to let off steam after sweaty 1cc attempt.

>> No.35290401

I liked the tone of Forbidden Scrollery. Anything darker is reaching, for me.

>> No.35290917

I think Rumia really does it humans, though. Unless she was just bluffing the whole time during EoSD

>> No.35291056

I want a manga where Byakuren is giving a sermon as usual and is just talking over the screams of a man’s entrails getting torn out and eaten by some random youkais

>> No.35291515

She probably tries, but BAiJR and PMiSS really paint her as an inept dork.

Zounose comes pretty close. iirc Byakuren was pretty much business as usual in the human-fertilizer-and-also-a-youkai-rips-out-Nazrin's-guts doujin.

>> No.35295009

Are you calling Hina a dork, you bastard?

>> No.35299012

I find it a bit disturbing desu

>> No.35300199

canon gensokyo is the dark i like, a shame that most grimsokyofags need the grim part shoved into their faces via ZOMG EAT HUMIN doujin and endless circlejerk because they lack the perspicacity to appreciate given subtlety.

>> No.35302254
File: 217 KB, 850x1512, NEW FETISH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New fetish unlocked new waifu confirmed, thanks OP

>> No.35312267

I like edgy stuff, it's kinda my thing...

>> No.35312362

I like to think she wouldn't actually like the taste if she did manage to catch someone, and they didn't have a bribe for her, from getting used to sweets and less humanitarian sources of meat.

>> No.35324538

>I wish there was some ultra edgy and violent fangame to let off steam after sweaty 1cc attempt.
You already do that with the fairies in every game.

>> No.35325962

Hina is not a dork.

>> No.35326860

Rumia, Meiling, Mystia and Nazrin canonically eat humans.

Also Kasen ate hundreds in the past.

>> No.35337934
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>> No.35339488

What's the point of a darker spin anyway

>> No.35339521

I feel like Meiling’s dialogue in EoSD was more a taunt than anything
It seems to be a one-off that isn’t expanded on ever again

>> No.35339525

I do not think I would have sex with her anymore.

>> No.35342026
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Still cute

>> No.35352858

me too, lol
