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File: 36 KB, 679x604, cirno animoot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
35271 No.35271 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ I was recently introduced to "Defend the Library" by a friend. After about two hours of playing, I noticed I was hooked. I need a copy. Three torrents, dead. RS, probably incomplete, the files is ~230mb.

tl;dr I cannot find it and I'm sure many Touhou lovers in /jp/ would love it (Unlimited Cirno Works). ASSIST!

>> No.35353
File: 225 KB, 1270x1270, 1203646084248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your "friend" needs to suppress his power level more.

>> No.35394
File: 8.00 MB, 1030x800, 1203646212401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35425
File: 322 KB, 1031x796, 1203646313046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35497
File: 377 KB, 1021x771, 1203646534932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray! Cash bugs!

>> No.35296

A RS upload, IRC bot, DDL or working torrent would all generate many internets.

>> No.35304

The one in /rs/ is real. It's a small game

>> No.35313

get it from /rs/

>> No.35327

So moe I died.

>> No.35342


>> No.35344

Yeah patchcon in rapidsearch.yi.org looks like it should be real. It's only 100 mb on my hd.

>> No.35350

Does it really take so long for you to download 64 megabytes that you can't before bitching about incomplete /rs/?

>> No.35337



>> No.35363

#moe @ Rizon. /msg Shana-tan xdcc send #864

>> No.35355

I will do so now. However one must ask why the file size of the torrents are 230+MB and RS is 60ish?

>> No.35392

He suppresses it too much.

Many thanks anons.

I'd rather not waste my precious rs download limit on corrupted files.

>> No.35455

god help me i sprayed redbull and vodka over my nice new monitor you cunt!


>> No.35477

Bloated ass isos. The iso was like 500 mb but the game you drag onto your hd was 130mb.

>> No.35491


Just thought you should know, Repost of a repost of a repost

>> No.35528

and? first time ive seen it - i was doing something when it first came out - playing clannad I think.

>> No.35551


Hey don't jump down my throat, I was just letting you know

>> No.35553

If you're gonna download the one here, make sure to make a fresh copy on your harddrive after you mount it, otherwise it won't save your game.

Also, update: http://www.tasofro.net/arc/patchcon_s.zip

Fixes a bug that fucks up the game when Yuyuko posses someone off the map.

>> No.35801

fuck you.

>> No.35877

My patchcon fits inside a <70 MB RAR file.

Torrent download:


If neither of these work, I currently have it up on a private torrent tracker, and I can give you an invite to the site.

>> No.36034

What? How?

>> No.36024

If it's your first time hearing about this, then wow... you must rarely visit /a/

>> No.36480

Cash exploit. Basically, if you figure out the algorithm used to calculate sell and upgrade costs, you'll find that you can actually reach a point where you can buy several hundred units at level 1, upgrade them to about level 20, and then sell them for massive profit. This is only really practical for 100k mode, though.

Alternatively, you could just change one line in the game's code so that you never lose any money.
