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File: 394 KB, 1277x983, OwnedTouhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3525700 No.3525700 [Reply] [Original]

How does it make you feel?

>> No.3525705

like a bag of touhos

>> No.3525710

Okay, I guess.

>> No.3525714

Like you're playing the game for the wrong reason

>> No.3525727

newfags cant bag touhous
*grabs dilsnitch*

>> No.3525730
File: 47 KB, 800x466, CAME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3525738

now what?

>> No.3525739
File: 5 KB, 159x58, invincible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have this then why need lives?

>> No.3525748

I feel pity.

>> No.3525751

If it isn't terribly inhospitable outside, take a walk. Pay close attention to any trees you encounter, and try to keep in mind the sound of your footsteps.

>> No.3525783

This is beyond EZ MODO and you should feel bad.

>> No.3525795


>> No.3525814

>cheating at touhou

whats the point?

>> No.3525853

The sense of masculine superiority over little helpless touhou girls.

>> No.3525874

Feels good man, it gives me the sense of superiority over the pathetic OP.

>> No.3525895

Try hacking it to turn all the items into bullets and vice-versa.

>> No.3525898

The only good cheat that Touhou could ever have is a save and load state, so every game would have Spell Practice mode like IN does.

>> No.3525899

I'd actually like to see this.

>> No.3525904

How do you feel? Good, man?

>> No.3525907

Try dodging the bullets when auto collect is activated.

>> No.3525915 [DELETED] 


>> No.3525923


>> No.3525937

Who the hell hacks a game because they enjoy playing it? Hacking is a recreational activity in itself.

>> No.3525944


>> No.3525971

I played grand chase only to hack it.

When the engine was patched I just left.

>> No.3525977


>> No.3525985

Why would you cheat in a danmaku game...

>> No.3525988

>The sense of masculine superiority over little helpless touhou girls


>> No.3525995

I wasn't referring to script kiddies. Especially, especially MMO playing script kiddies. I used to be one. I hate myself for it now, but it did give me a good enough ASM base to be able to play around with Olly and CE.

>> No.3526003

I like to play Touhou with my PowerGlove.


>> No.3526045
File: 1.90 MB, 642x1443, itemsm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP. I'm just awesome.

How does it make you feel?

>> No.3526083

i feel like it is funny because it is like experimenting with parameters to make the game experience somewhat different from what it is used to but even though it is so it also means that you can remove challenge and make the game seem so much easier and then really you are just being weird but then you can also increase difficulty and make the game look impressive like some of the videos i saw on niconico douga and then they look cool because there are more bullet sthan you can normally see i nteh game but then when you hack it it can make fun stuff appear such as the one ups in that picture and while it loosk cool at first I figure it would be stale if used more than a couple times within the game since really that kind of thing is shocking when you see it once due to its rarity in the normal game however the rarity gets removed when you edit it like that so then it does not look as impressive also the hacks show the skill and or competency in computer programming by the user which is impressive and veyr fun but then i also find that he could also be making other things if he used his creativity more effectively since making hacks for a game is one thing but making a completely new thing would be much better than this so i think that the user is not using his full potential when he uses the hack and is not the best thing however i believe that the redemption is possible if he stops now nad makes something else such as a cool game and or better mod sucha s the aniki mod that i saw a video of and it made touhou funyn and interesting since there were lots of fun danmaku patterns based off of the wrestling series which is for some reason popular on the japanese internet and is full of gay stuff like TDN and aniki wreslting nude nad screaming while touchign each other and showing off their big muscles and being edited with a baby's face which ius called akachan which is weird since i would have though akachan was something like mr.red instead of a ababy but oh well

>> No.3526100

Cool run-on sentence bro.

How about some TAS runs?

>> No.3526124

I have no idea what I've just read.

>> No.3526142
File: 7 KB, 190x175, arclol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I have no idea what the fuck you just typed.

>> No.3526277

Damn, the best I can do is some stupid little graze multiplier.

>> No.3526704

After 743520357453945 loses to that nuclear bird, I'm all for raping the bird-shit out of her bro. With the awesome power of the overlord of all .exe processes.

>> No.3526708

>With the awesome power of the overlord of all .exe processes.

And a radioactive penis.

>> No.3527405
File: 46 KB, 762x470, 4875487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading this from "TDN"

>> No.3527426

Wow, finally an arc post I agree with.
Well played Arcueid. Well played.

>> No.3527456

Dunno if you're still on, but how in the world did you find that pointer?

>> No.3527610

Excuse me sir wtf r u doing?

>> No.3528108

I like to disassemble games to find cheats for them as it gives me a sense of superiority over the code. Like "You want to do this? Too bad, I want it this way, and I'm the boss."

Cheating never makes me feel inferior, because I am actually in full control, rather than letting the game tell me what happens.

>> No.3528130


>> No.3528144

How about doing something actually useful instead, like writing vn translation tools?

>> No.3528145

I haven't done it yet, but I guess it can help you focus on dodging without the fear of dying.

>> No.3528173

Zun did a little trick to prevent people to find the invincibility code (the state after you die or after a bomb is used).
Basically when the timer runs out and you're vulnerable again, the value is not zero, it becomes something crazy.
Just keep this in mind when you're scaning for the value.
You'll find it in about 10 scans if you understand what I've just talked about.

>> No.3528177

I wouldn't cheat at Touhou.
Not because the other kids in the neighborhood would laugh at me, but because every other game I've played using cheats was fun for about two minutes at best.

Touhou is hard but I, for one, like that difficulty. It gives me a reason to keep playing.

>> No.3528178

>implying I give a shit about your stupid VNs

I've got better things to do with my time.

>> No.3528184

Oh and this works without finding the pointer. I just spent some more time looking for the pointer because I play the game quite a lot and don't want to having to re-scan the value everytime I play. (Because with a pointer it is always found.)

>> No.3528185

Feels like I'm 10 again.

>> No.3528191
File: 63 KB, 400x400, 2060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like cheating on a fan-made game featuring little girls.

>> No.3528200

Better waste of my time than doing shit for ungrateful fucks like you people.
