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3523589 No.3523589 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to pat your little sister on the head?

>> No.3523600

bag of sand

>> No.3523602

wont let me do it anymore, made you feel proud i guess

>> No.3523604

Like she's a dog and I'm her master.

>> No.3523607

In before angeburger. ;_;

>> No.3523629

I pat my little brother on the head. Feels good, you're showing your affection for your sibling.

>> No.3523632

You asking about before or after I murdered her?

>> No.3523650

i wish i had a younger sister growing up, i feel like i was robbed of a life T^T

>> No.3523725

don't got one ;_;

>> No.3523737
File: 26 KB, 253x327, 1151055326706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of wish someone would rob you of your life right now. With a bullet

>> No.3523741

Ah, I did that once after seeing a thread about it. She was 15 at the time, being the shut-in I am I left my room and slowly walked to her while she was sitting watching TV. I began patting her head and she asked me, "What the hell are you doing?", so I responded with, "I'm your older brother, I can pat your head if I want!". Afterward I went back into my room and browsed the internet.

>> No.3523748

Not as soft as one might think.

>> No.3523772

Actually I don't remember ever doing that even though I have two little sisters and now it's a bit too late for that.

Now I feel like I've missed something ;_;

I never was much of a brother anyway.

>> No.3523794

Feels better than sex.

>> No.3523810

"Hey! My head!" in an amused tone. She is fine with this sort of thing, we have a great relationship.

Also, you are now realizing that Ange's head in OP is twice as big as her upper body.

>> No.3523864

I want to feel loli Ange's lips on my cock.

>> No.3524272

May I ask for the name of the doujin this particular page has come from?

>> No.3524342

not nice when your sister has dandruff

>> No.3525094

Offer to shampoo her hair for her.

>> No.3525114

I do it alot. Like, almost everytime I pass by her.

>> No.3525139

Ep 4 manga

>> No.3526706
File: 22 KB, 350x502, head-pat.1254890068280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute I could die.

>> No.3527267

Fuck, so he doesn't rip off her clothes in order to stick it IN?

>> No.3527283

My brother never did that to me. ;_; He just likes to bully me and my other sisters, haha.

>> No.3527294

Serves you right for disguising as a little girl when you were a little boy.

>> No.3527320

She would just bitch that I messed up her hair. Instead, I have this habit on patting her cheek.

>> No.3527338

Actually, it was probably the other way around. I was quite the tomboy.

>> No.3527337

Like patting a pound of hamburger.

>> No.3527447

You are a guy. Stop thinking otherwise. Fag.

>> No.3527452
File: 85 KB, 1178x144, whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed female on /b/un

>> No.3527478

I lold, okay then.

>> No.3528048

I would pat you on the head.

>> No.3528157

This is me. I NEVER say I like anime or manga unless I know someone very well (and even then only if asked). Otherwise I just say I like cartoons.

>> No.3528181

I'd rather pet Ange's head. 3d imoutos are disgusting.

>> No.3528187

I wish I had a sister ;_;

>> No.3528195

You only say that because you don't have a sister.

>> No.3528189 [DELETED] 

stop spaming ur crappy bored on anoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lol enjoy ur v&

>> No.3528204

I wish I was a little sister, wearing cute dresses and accessories, and getting my head patted by my onii-san.

It actually feels really nice when someone washes your hair, so that'd probably work out nicely if she accepts.

>> No.3528225

So what's it like to have a sister o wise anon?

>> No.3528398

It has its up- and downsides.

>> No.3528465

i pat my little sister on the head. she's 23

>> No.3528472

They're not cute.
It's like how lolicons don't like 3D little girls because the 3D girls aren't moe and adorable, but bitchy, whiny, smelly brats.

Same thing, really. I have an imouto complex, but only with people other than my imouto. She's 14, by the way, and currently encompasses all the bad realistic parts of a sister, and none of the good.

>> No.3528596

never patted my sister's head that much. probably would feel like a lower version of a hug or something.

>> No.3528602

I don't know about that.
But I know how it feels to be patted by your big sister, feelt great man ;_;

>> No.3528609

I never used to pat my sister. I usually beat her.

>> No.3528611

I only know how it feels to have your older sister pat your head. It feels pretty good.

>> No.3528634

>>3528611I have a half-sister whose only five years old. She thinks that I am a bad brother since I lecture and such. She:s a bright child but demands attention from others. How does this anon make his little sister become deredere?

>> No.3528642

I only know how it feels to have your older sister throw the fourth Harry Potter book at your head.

Feels bad.

>> No.3528649

Haha, I had it once that my sister threw a full cup of coffee at me and I dodged it. I threw the cup back, hit her knee, she started crying, I got the blame.


>> No.3528674

No matter how sweet your sister is, she'll turn into a bitch when she hits her teens.
After that she should return to normal... maybe...

>> No.3528682

aim for her temple next time. i guarantee she wont be crying if it hits

>> No.3528687


Why is her head so huge

>> No.3529590

Because it's full of her sweetness.
