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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 321 KB, 1920x1080, E0dp7YgVUAMpRLZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
35202628 No.35202628 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>35088950

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.35202814

Why the black bars?

>> No.35203961

Not that anon but that game apparently has a weird resolution of 1280x800. You could crop it but people get lazy I guess.

>> No.35204662
File: 182 KB, 1155x651, 3min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plotge with TIPS/glossary feature is relatively common but this is the first time I see a VN with a feature where the characters themselves discuss or explain the ingame lore.

>> No.35204951
File: 77 KB, 809x286, alice_after_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a copy of the Alicetia Love After for PRIMAL×HEARTS 2?
Was posted by an anon a year ago >>21701936, but the link is dead. Not on any of the usual places

>> No.35206425

What's the best version of Cross Channel? Final Complete seems to have the most content, but it looks like the CGs are cropped and the new content is written by a different writer(?) so I'm a little unsure

>> No.35206727

Anyone know the name of the VN where the 3 stuffed animals come alive?
I think its like a bunny, a lizard/turtle?, and something else.

>> No.35206793

>And I'm surprised to see a non-virgin character ranking so high on 7.
I think her h-scene was definitely the hottest. Especially the beggining part where she tells him that he can't cum before her and she proceeds to cum on his dick, then tells him to cum outside because she doesn't want his semen.

>> No.35207354

It's honestly shocking how best imouto wasn't higher, she was by far the best

>> No.35207535

any recommendation for a misogynistic turd

>> No.35209349


>> No.35209866


>> No.35210065

I thought he was misandric

>> No.35210105

He is a misanthrope, dolts.

>> No.35210320

Imouto routes in VNs are the best. There really is no character that love the protagonist in the way that an imouto loves their aniki.

>> No.35210556

The best imouto are the ones without a route.

>> No.35210653
File: 153 KB, 400x500, rino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that anon? Wouldn't you want the chance to see your (VN) imouto shine, and be able to express the love she's had for her oniichan all this time?

>> No.35210809


>> No.35211128

The hottest scene for me was surprisingly the one without any CGs, the penis inspection day where she orders him to undress and stay still while she gives him a handjob. I did not expect to get femdomed in the common route and it had me diamonds. Hopefully there's more like that in whatever fan disks they release.

>> No.35211903

I was looking to play something where MC is a bodyguard and I settled on these 3.

Anyone care to give their opinion on them? (So I can know what to expect and in what order to try them.)

>> No.35211915

Thank you, anon. It didn't feel right reading on without reading the letter.

>> No.35211926

You can expect ensemble.

>The other one
The main writer is okay.

>> No.35212146

It's been a while since I had an imouto route that didn't feel like a regular route with a label slapped on. This doesn't please my incest fetish.

>> No.35212330

They are just childhood friend 2.0 and childhood friends are shit

>> No.35212379

At least go with OjouNana if you're going with ensemble

>> No.35212443

That game is not any better. It acts more serious, but is just as badly written.
Ensemble is Ensemble. No way past that. I've tried it because some people mention it, but it's just a trap.

>> No.35212568

Read Hamidashi

>> No.35212944

>I've tried it because some people mention it, but it's just a trap.
They do make trap protagonists games after all.

>> No.35212990
File: 291 KB, 1280x720, otomekishi_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to make a pun about it, but decided not to.

>> No.35213115

How is OtomeKishi? Wondering if it being made by their nukige brand makes it any different from the rest.

>> No.35213530

I found it surprisingly okay. I only played this one route though. The girl was drawn by the old artist from Studio Ryokucha, which made me try it.
I don't remember exactly why, but there were a few things I quite liked about handling the trap thing, reveal and such.
Based on my other two trap protag experiments of the normal Ensemble, I expected worse.

>> No.35213970

This. I can't remember a better imouto in a really long time. Stories where siblings are orphans and have to look out for each other really are the best,

>> No.35214698

Thanks, will do.

>> No.35214703

What's the best game with Asakawa Yuu in it?

>> No.35215266

Unironically memekoi

>> No.35216806

Not the best game but Amakano 2 is a honest raburabu eroge with her as one of the main characters. WA2 if you are into drama, but it takes a while before you can start her route.

>> No.35217203

Yonagi because you have 4 routes of her.

>> No.35219962

What is memekoi?

>> No.35220652

i assume majikoi

>> No.35221146

Do you mean like in terms of actual overall writing quality or has the best romanceable heroine voiced by her? The latter is probably Amakano 2 and the former is Fate Stay Night.

>> No.35221661

You assume correctly.

>> No.35222372

It's THE Asakawa Yuu eroge.

>> No.35223741

Will I like Ruitomo if I'm straight or is it just trapfag pandering?

>> No.35224053

There's not much good shit released this year. VNs are truly dead.

>> No.35224084

Your fault if you only consume VNs. Diversify your interests.

>> No.35224282


>> No.35224669

Yeah, I have it. I'll upload it for you, buddy, but it might take some time.

>> No.35224924

I can't tell you about your trapfag pandering (what even is that..), but the game isn't good. I also didn't like how the protagonist could've just been a girl and 95%+ of the lines wouldn't change. At that point I feel like they could've just given the protagonist some other "curse" and went with a girl instead.
I mean, I don't need the protag rambling on and on that he's a guy, as if to try to remind the player of that every fucking 5 minutes. I've seen that, and it gets annoying fast. But ruitomo just feels like it probably should've been a yuri work, and maybe the writer wanted that, but it was denied.

Mind you, I dropped it after 2 routes or so, that were disappointing in general, regardless of the whole trap shenanigans.

>> No.35226070

That depends on what genre you read, buddy. Moege readers, the true heroes of the industry keeping the whole thing alive, had https://vndb.org/v29246 and https://vndb.org/v30118, with M*L teen ver coming out in less than 2 weeks.

>> No.35226134

Primal x Hearts 2 Alicetia Love Love After
PRIMAL×HEARTS 2 アリスティアらぶらぶアフター


>> No.35226189

>with M*L teen ver
Yeah, but no literal perfection AKA Karen.

>> No.35227725

Apparently Kouta is the new hotness.

>> No.35227895

Sounds exactly like Moemi from purexconnect.
Best girl in it, mind you, but Karen is better.

>> No.35227911

Trialfags said she's unexpectly a being of pure healing.

>> No.35228460

Yes, I don't like moege. I like old school charage but moege is just pure garbage.

>> No.35228675

Then die.

>> No.35228710

How about you all moebutas commit collective suicide? You're the reason this medium is shit. You faggots dragged down standards of this medium. Why would VN creators work hard and appeal to us high IQ people when they can effortlessly shit out moege for you low IQ faggots? Fucking imbeciles who eat up anything.

>> No.35228777

Maybe go back to reading LNs dumbass.

>> No.35228798

What's the difference between a charage and moege anyway? It seems like almost the same thing as long as you're playing bishoujo games.

>> No.35228853

The difference is less lighthearted and more serious themes, with often more focus on the protagonist. Think Grisaia. Do you think Angelic Howl is moege material?

>> No.35228981

Moege with some substance is charage.

>> No.35229008

I dunno man. Some things I've played could probably be described as charage (dramashit or whatever). I'm just not sure if I've ever played a moege. Does Muv-Luv Extra count? Maybe that.

That just seems to mean to define it like that.

>> No.35229038

Post your list and I'll tell you what's moege and what isn't. You're talking to a certified moe expert.

>> No.35229055

My understanding is that charage have more focus on personality and flaws of heroines, and routes weave a plot around them.
Moege is more about comfy kawaii dating comedy dokidoki shit with heroine drama as side dish.
Moege came from charage.

>> No.35229086

Charage = 70% drama 20% H 10% ichaicha
Moege = 20% drama 30% H 50% ichaicha

>> No.35229150

Don't laugh at my list senpai but if I don't count fandiscs, the only not-plotge/not-nukige stuff I've played would be Kimiita (the original), Kiminozo, and Muv-Luv.

>> No.35229169

I prefer moenukige

>> No.35229220

Well-written drama is so exceedingly rare in media that I'd rather read/watch moe without plot than chuuni/naki/whatever with a bad one.

>> No.35229236

I am laughing alright. What are you doing? Go read some fluffy shit. Unless you're by any chance a filthy non-virgin. That would mean you need to leave completely.

>> No.35229256

Most anons here are non-virgins. Imagine not having sex at least once in your life. You can properly self-insert during H scenes without this data.

>> No.35229262

Most invaders from reddit you mean.

>> No.35229279

I only like fluffy stuff in really small doses.

>> No.35229319

Not enough NTR for the typical plotcuck, I understand.

>> No.35229346

Best thing about charage is indeed NTR. I recently read otaku masshigura and I coomed a lot to NTR scenes.

>> No.35229771

pretty much >>35229055
also moege's tend to really skimp out on the side cast, if they have one in the first place
pretty much one of the main things that puts me off most moege, the world feels extremely lifeless when it's just the protagonist and the heroines

>> No.35229939

Ah yes, the unbiased opinion of someone who's only ever read low budget ones.

>> No.35229974

>no, you just haven't read good ones
Then recc me good shit

>> No.35230068

>muh exceptions
Nearly all moege only have MC, his best bro and heroines. Sometimes you'll get MC's parents but that too is rare.

>> No.35230119

ASaPro, SMEE, Zuzusoft AKA the best selling moege companies have plethora of side characters

>> No.35230396

You're literally talking out of your ass, only roughly a third of those I read match this, and the production quality is all over the place.

>> No.35230813

Do Japs even use the term moege the same way as people here?
I take a look at "moege award" and they just include everything there.

>> No.35230928

>moege award
What's that? I only know of the moe game award, an award for a general selection of jap PC games not focused in any genre.

>> No.35231017

It's moe game awards
moe (((game awards)))

>> No.35231115


>> No.35231862

I prefer 燃えゲー

>> No.35231994

Everything got simpler with times. First choices went away, then story went away.

There's some good and bad to this. I don't think you absolutely need much drama in things, so in theory I approve of works that keep it out or incredibly minor. What I dislike though is that most games we call moege do actually exaggerate their little drama parts too much. It always feels like dumb asspulls, usually ended with another dumb asspull.
That said, having no drama can quickly mean having nothing that keeps the reader engaged. The work needs to be fun, and as such you still need a good enough writer. Don't have that? Drama or not, it'll suck.

In the end it's always the same. Regardless of if you get bored by badly written character interactions (or lack thereof, by the girl talking to wall-kun), or shitty asspull drama. You need a good writer to avoid that. Sure shit drama is common, but so is extremely boring slice of life and heroine interaction. I've lost count how many eroge I dropped after MC got the girl.

>> No.35232007

Alright so what's the difference between this and chuunige?

>> No.35232609


>> No.35233346

Nothing, but I don't think the term "chuunige" is used much in Japan. I see it occasionally, but 燃えゲー seems to be much more common

>> No.35234306
File: 866 KB, 2880x2160, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck. Amantes amentes actually left this scene in. They just took the dick out basically.

>> No.35234432

They know their fanbase well.

>> No.35234535


>> No.35234928

started reading noshoujo and it's great. can't remember if I ever read 5k lines of something in a single day before

>> No.35234953

It made me truly empathetic to the plight of those who wish they could be rid of their vile fetish that controls them.

>> No.35235004

Started it recently too, I'm so proud of my boy whenever he suppresses his urges to be a good パパ. I just hope I can make Mai happy somehow.

>> No.35235114

>I just hope I can make Mai happy somehow.
Yeah don't worry about that for one minute. The master schemer is happy no matter the route.

>> No.35235361

one thing that occured to me though was "do Japanese kids actually think unicycles are cool?"

like seriously, "everyone else in class can do it"? lmao

>> No.35235487
File: 182 KB, 800x600, no_homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, so I checked out that gay K-On game only to realize that the dude on the left is Rin from Little Busters! It's kind of cute not going to lie.

>> No.35235542

You mean voiced by? You know that Riki/Rin had the same VA, right?

>> No.35235724

Yes and yes.

>> No.35235941

She also voiced Sasasegawa by the way. I played the entire game without realizing that.

>> No.35236294

I guess this is the best place to ask this. After switching computers (from windows 8 to 10) i tried to install and use the same program i was using to open japanese games and it didn't work. Any recommendations for this?

>> No.35236413

Changing system locale to Japanese solves most problems and eliminates the need for 3rd party programs.

>> No.35236642

install gentoo

>> No.35237912

>I've lost count how many eroge I dropped after MC got the girl.
Hey, I thought I was the only one that did this lol

>> No.35239162

Chuunige is a subset of that

>> No.35239315

Are you using Locale Emulator?
If not then try it, if yes then update.

>> No.35239720

Is muramasa worth it if I'm not a chuunitard? I am okay with long fight sequences but I can't stand pretentious edgy bullshit chuuni characters say and do.

>> No.35239908

Talking about Yonagi, just finished her game, it was fantastic, great h-scenes and story. Loved those Yonagi ASMR blowjobs. A couple of questions:

The true ending what actually happened? Nothing was said but they actually found the cure for both Yonagi diseases after a few years? Or at least for the one caused by gene manipulation, they did say Alzheimer progress would stop inside virtual space.

And the other How did the bully die? The bully that was originally Izumo's owner, since that story about the sunlight causing cancer was fake.

>> No.35239963

Say what you want about Einstein (it's a kusoge), but the soundtrack is great.

>> No.35240423

5 moege coming out on the 25th. Hard choice on what to play.
Probably Making Lovers, but リリウム・ウェディングプラン looks pretty damn good.

>> No.35240440

Why the fuck do they release all of them on a single day? It it coordinated to promote cutthroat competition.

>> No.35240443

there's always a fuckton of releases on the last friday of every month

>> No.35240447

It's a custom to release on the last friday because 25th is payday in Japan I think

>> No.35240635

>Nothing was said but they actually found the cure for both Yonagi diseases after a few years?
Yeah that was left open
>How did the bully die?
I think he just died from that gene manipulation disease

>> No.35240863

Is 月の彼方で逢いましょう worth it if I just want to play it for the blonde twintails girl?

>> No.35240929

finished the first ending of noshoujo.

finally no more gaman, let's go

>> No.35241272

Probably. She doesn't have a lot of screentime in the common route but she was popular enough to get a fandisc

>> No.35241498

If you have everyone going to the eroge stores on the same day every month they're more likely to pick up something else while they're there, boosting sales for everyone

>> No.35241544

That's not twintails.

>> No.35241703

>going to the eroge stores
People still manually buy games from offline stores?

>> No.35241770

Erewhon was great

>> No.35241802
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>> No.35241916

That's a two side up hair style not twin tails.

>> No.35241927

can I get that in JP?

>> No.35241982
File: 431 KB, 1920x1080, 四女神オンライン CYBER DIMENSION NEPTUNE_20170528000611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35242071

Uni is cute so I'll take it.

>> No.35242646
File: 129 KB, 1818x894, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35243367

Why the fuck were there so many <2 hour VNs around 2010?

>> No.35245046
File: 26 KB, 600x239, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like our guy Lucle's taking a break.

>> No.35245261

rest easy, king

>> No.35245779
File: 260 KB, 1280x720, aete (381).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>助けて! 妹に犯されるッ!
I love footjobs. Thanks for listening and bye.

>> No.35246403
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x640, Shinku_2021-06-15_18-12-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based grandma

>> No.35246554

Hahaha VNs totally aren't dying

>> No.35246737

Fags here will point towards a couple of generic moege/nukige releases and argue that the medium isn't dying and still produces worthwhile works.

>> No.35247088

Considering we're only halfway through the year and that most releases occur near Christmas I'd say it doesn't look that bad.
Then again instead of plateauing, numbers have been dwindling for a while now, I blame mostly Gacha and Vtubers.

>> No.35247189

Vtuber craze stumps me. Weebs in the end consoom anything with cute girls in it even if it's just vapid 3D sluts playing boring games while failing to even provide entertaining commentary.

>> No.35247205

Microsoft to end Windows 10 support on October 14th, 2025

>> No.35247221

Please someone kill Microsoft

>> No.35247252

Not like there's a shortage of cute anime girls in all other forms of otaku media, vtubers can literally only be explained by fanbase patheticness. They think that a streamer is their friend but unironically.

>> No.35247272

I honestly I can't get into 95% of the shit peddled on /jp/, I'm just here vor VNs and the DJT.

Enjoy your Windows as a Service® cloud-based surveillance horror.

>> No.35247331


>> No.35247357

Good thing I use GNU/Linux.

>> No.35247388

Oh no! Guess that means I should stay with W7 then.

>> No.35247816

Did you just dare to post NBR? In my thread? On my board? Stop. Get some help.

>> No.35248163

Hey, how is your life in 2015? It's pretty shit in 2021. When at the beginning of 2020 there's this weird virus called Corona coming up, don't ignore it. It's real. The pandemic is coming.
Use your remaining years well, and prepare. My hint: Get toilet paper.

>> No.35248187

Cringe post my dudester. Should've told him to buy bee tee see instead.

>> No.35248340

>not giving investing advice
Not gonna make it bro. I basically doubled my money last year and I had no idea what I was doing.

>> No.35248365

turning $1 into $2 is not impressive

>> No.35248397

That's true. I wish I had a gorillion dollars at the time, but hey gotta start somewhere.

>> No.35250381

>not preventing the rise of vtubers

>> No.35250393

There's no way to do that without genociding simps.

>> No.35250428

The timeline you wish for is impossible, as long as the concept of streamer exists and anime girls exist someone will eventually mix the two and create the vtuber craze. You can delay, but not prevent.

>> No.35250449

As long as holoshit and nijishit and globalcringe are prevented I'm happy.

>> No.35250542

I really don't care. 7 was the last good version they produced. Looking at the state of the world, their next step is the world stage. Cloud or integrating windows into everything to come. Utter garbage I say. Create backups, and backups of backups. You'll want untainted versions of everything in the future.

>The timeline you wish for is impossible
You literally got forced into this timeline because politicians were assblasted over an orange man who kicked their shit in and ruined their ponzi schemes to such an extent that they had to create a bioweapon no worse than the common cold and parrot it as something life threatening when the so called cure is more dangerous than the virus itself. Timelines shift on their own, or on the influence of many.

>> No.35251217
File: 956 KB, 1920x1080, 天色*アイルノーツ_2021-06-16_02-42-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35252161
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, 1622537320030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows the name of this game?

>> No.35252255

Ai Suru Tsuma Hanako

>> No.35252661

You guys talk about vtubers as if this medium isn't half-way supported by koebuta, it's all the same shit.

>> No.35252694

Did Alicesoft just die?

>> No.35252956

>koebuta like seiyuu who actually do a good job and play a huge part in eroge
>vtubesimps like retarded literalwho uggos and throw money at them to have their name read, vtubers have no relation to eroge at all
Hm almost like there's a difference here.

>> No.35253131

>vtubers have no relation to eroge at all
Himari is literally saving eroge from irrelevancy.

>> No.35253167

eroge will never be irrelevant with or without the endorsement of some faggots.

>> No.35253340

Lol we got a real schizo poltard here

>> No.35253359

Eroge are irrelevant these days. No on cares about them. All competent creators are in other mediums. Nothing good comes out anymore.

>> No.35253416

Most of her new active viewers are hrpg or nukifags. If anything she will attract more braindead coomers to this medium which is overall harmful.

>> No.35254368

No search results of that title. Doesn't seem to be under Ai Suru Tsuma series nor Atelier Sakura.

>> No.35254492
File: 896 KB, 1024x576, uoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was ahead of its time

>> No.35254705

Dohna's director and artist left is all.
Which means we likely won't get a sequel.

>> No.35254797

Yes, basically. No rance and now they can't turn dohna into a franchise. Either they come up with something new that also catches on (dohna did well) or they're going to languish.

>> No.35254844

They're still running the Beat Escalation gacha and Evenicle is still on the table.

>> No.35255030

Not just dohna my dude. Look at the artist here https://vndb.org/v17642..
You know what that means? No Rance 04 ever (as if there was any doubt in the first place)

>> No.35255091

Shit, you're right, Gyokai was doing the rance remakes too. Damn.

>> No.35255428

Why did those guy leave?

>> No.35255457

What the hell, bros? Tech Gian is kill after 25 years and noone even mentions it?


>『TECH GIAN』は、来月9月号を持ちまして休刊させていただくこととなりました。

>> No.35255628

Gyokai isn't the only artist involved in Rance. If they wanted to continue the remakes, they'd just ask Orion since he's been involved in many more Rance titles and isn't busy with 10 anymore. Not to mention he did remake of 2 already.

>> No.35255675

Ah yes, busy with 10. I forgot he had to draw like 90 unique CGs. That's a lot of work for a 300 hour game. I must admit, he really outdid himself.
Fucking slacker.

>> No.35255701

I've actually watched professional artist streams before that actually get shit done and I honestly can't understand how some of these guys can unironically take 2 weeks per CG. Do they work 2 hours a day or what? I don't want to be judgemental but it just feels strange.

>> No.35255713

Don't forget they don't even do the colouring and shit themselves, they have other staff to do that for them. I think some companies like Alicesoft are just very lazy

>> No.35255742

To this day I can't comprehend how can Rance 10 have less CG than Rance 9 when it's like 5 or 6 times longer

>> No.35256044

>some of these guys
Who exactly are you referencing?

>> No.35256181

Is Voice Actress Concerto dead too?

>> No.35256418

makes me mad they havent included a collection of their difficult to find cd bonuses instead of fucking tsujidou

>> No.35256562

You’re being facetious here

>> No.35259051
File: 3.46 MB, 8000x4500, 1623129034368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why I love Ishii Akira.
Dude pumps out game after game.
He is carrying Miel on his back and he gladly does.

>> No.35259100

> cowtits
Lol no.

>> No.35259142

I love cowtits as much as lolis, but I don't like Miel.

>> No.35259205

>Dude pumps out game after game
That's especially why its not good and is why its called shovelware. One single cg that Orion drew has more value than all of this guy's work combined.

>> No.35260536

There is a noticeable increase of quality at Miel games regarding voice acting and art over time. Hopefully some day they'll create something more challenging than short games for quick buck.

>> No.35260571

Any boomers here who got into untranslated eroge early 2010's?
How you are still holding?

I used pretty much to read and enjoy everything but can't appreciate pure love, moege, seishun stuff anymore and it's fucking sucks

>> No.35264170

Getting old does that.
I have no time for juvenile wishy washiness so the percentage of straight up fetish nukige in my diet has increased while I spend less time overall reading.

>> No.35264216

its not schizo shit if it actually happened.

>> No.35264235

>its not schizo shit if it actually happened.
So it is schizo shit. Hopefully you can get off /pol/ and back to reality someday.

>> No.35266322

Dude, you have to get your head out of /pol/. Don't take those braindead trolls seriously.

>> No.35266344 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.52 MB, 2880x2160, 1623903234204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's one soulful chuuni CG. Definitely glad that they put this other ending in. Having only the original Rea ending would have been kind of lame. And holy hell the epilogue part is really long, but I'm not complaining. The scene in the pub in Berlin was awesome. Also I need to figure out why the fuck the final other story didn't unlock despite getting all the endings but whatever that's for later.

>> No.35266384

I can't even enjoy charage or plotge. Their themes, conflicts, developments seem juvenile as fuck at best and retarded as fuck at worse. I only read moenukige or nukige these days.

>> No.35266447

Nice, hope you enjoyed it anon and when you've had a breather, check out KKK as well.
I can pretty much enjoy anything if I've abstained from that specific genre for long enough, sometimes abstaining from vns in general so I can avoid burnout. There was a time where I couldn't read moege anymore but I was able to get back into it with the right vns.

>> No.35266481

Don't forget about Ikabey that one is really short

>> No.35266491

Yeah, Rea1 ending is too open for my taste, I very much prefer Rea2 even if both are technically the same. Also, as someone that never read DI before why did they put the true ending CG in the AA opening goddammit light[./spoiler] Sure, there is no context but why even show it there.

>> No.35266819

I'd really recommend reading KKK before Ikabey in general but I can see why someone would opt for the 8 or so hours vn first
They expect you to watch the opening once and forget about it over the course of the really long game but it's just them being retarded most likely, they do something similar with the AA release of KKK where they show the final boss cg in the opening despite his appearance being largely kept secret until the very end

>> No.35267139
File: 445 KB, 640x480, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got around to the fandisk. Pretty good so far

>> No.35267348
File: 110 KB, 800x600, nenokami_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of stuff is shit. That's how it always was and always will be. Either you adapt, accept, and keep on digging because there always ARE good things, or you give up.

Not liking shitty chuuni, or no effort moege isn't such a crazy thing. Gotta find what you like and go into that direction. There's also nothing wrong with not reading much. If you have more fun spending time on something else, who cares?
I can guarantee you that this issue is in your head. I've been playing rpgs for so many fucking years now, and I still do and like them. Sure, I trash talk their stories and complain about shitty mechanics, but unless it's a complete failure, I still can enjoy them just fine. Nothing is perfect. Every single game has issues. Gotta accept that. Once you do, you can enjoy things again.

>> No.35267565
File: 1.01 MB, 1600x1200, bg014a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that background
Post eroge liminal spaces

>> No.35267791

Now this is mega cope. Shit like muramasa isn't at all possible in current eroge climate.

>> No.35267888

I haven't played it, but from my experience all the hyped up stuff doesn't even deliver closely to what people like to say. Be it Muvluv, Baldr Sky Dive or whatever really.

Especially in the 2000-2010 era the medium had its golden age, and many people also went into it at as newcomers. If you are new, you are easily impressed. And for its time period some of these games sure were impressive in one way or another. Like Baldr Sky Dive actually compares fairly well graphically to other games of its era (Japan still not liking to quite give up on the ps2), and the gameplay isn't half bad either.
But, in the end that's all there is to it. Something like Muvluv can still impress the people that are easy to impress today. Baldr Sky Dive can't even do that reliably anymore, as what made it special doesn't quite apply anymore.

But yes, thanks to the golden age of VNs during that time, plenty of works were created that wouldn't be created nowadays anymore. The demand isn't there anymore. There aren't enough new people in the medium anymore to want experimental works. And there's not enough interest to warrant higher production values either.
But. There was a time before the golden age of VNs, and it's not like things were different there. And really. The most important thing in a VN isn't how experimental it is, or how high the production values are. It's the characters, story and writing.
I've been playing games from all kinds of years, and I do not really see the overall quality changing much. The medium just lacks new people. The longer you play these games (or play games in general), the less likely you'll consider anything especially awesome. And if you find something, it's most likely a fairly unknown game few play.

>> No.35267930

does anyone know a japanese gamefaqs-like site?

>> No.35267945


>> No.35267969

>It's the characters, story and writing
The quality of these things have declined too with the exodus of competent writers to other mediums.

>> No.35268075

Baldr sky was never good in terms of writing so it aged like milk.

>> No.35268097

do you hoard or do you download and play them one by one
i swear i must have spent way more time on egs looking for cool looking games and then finding the downloads for them than actually playing them
its a horrible autism and it has filled my hdds to the brim but the worst thing is that i have had a lot of fun doing this

>> No.35268162

Not him but I know that feel all too well.
I've been hoarding mainly H-games and Eroge for years now, and most of the times I have a lot more fun searching, downloading and cataloguing them on my HDD(s) than actually playing said games
I've pretty much accepted that this is how I have most of the fun so I try to not think too much about it and just enjoy it.
That said If someday I have some kind of HDD failure before I manage to backup my stuff I'll probably get an heart attack.

>> No.35268206

yeah same, especially with my 10 year old drives, though im gonna replace them soon hopefully
hoarding really feels like gambling to me without much of the risk (except for losing time); process of looking is plenty fun on its own but being able to find something that appears to be a gem or some download hidden under days of searching and 10 gorillion shitty sites has a nice feeling of accomplishment

>> No.35268231

>i swear i must have spent way more time on egs looking for cool looking games and then finding the downloads for them than actually playing them
I know that feeling

>> No.35268540

I'm not hoarding literally everything I might maybe play at some point. But I'm not doing the other extreme either.

My EGS times are basically over though. I've had that period. It's kinda funny how fucking EGS made me try out Zaku Zaku Actors, something that's neither a VN nor an eroge. Yet it's the best free rpg maker rpg I've ever played.
For finding VNs, vndb is actually a better tool though. That's why I usually searched there and read reviews on EGS. EGS is great if you know a game you want to know something about. But it's useful to go through some of the higher rated works on EGS nonetheless, if you don't mind obscure stuff. Just keep the min ratings amount low. (that's how I got Zaku Zaku)

By now, my backlog is so big, I don't really care anymore about adding more, unless it's new/newish.

>> No.35268585

>find an egs reviewer who has similar sensibilities to you
>look up his top rated VNs
This is what I do. Content tags are useless and they don't tell me anything about writing style.

>> No.35269231

Moege where routes are all about MC's sex life becoming progressively more and more depraved and degenerate?

>> No.35270580

yeah also nearly done, though its still fun and would probably look more if some interesting tag/heroine type got in my head
but i disagree on vndb, i think it is pretty good for more known games with decent votes and amount of inputted tags or for a specific heroine type/seiyuu(since vndb also has all their aliases) but not very good for games that are pretty low on the radar
for example:
https://vndb.org/v1785 - really great op (imo) and character designs
https://vndb.org/v9831 - a bakage also with a cool op
https://vndb.org/v17956 - cool yakata game with nice characters and probably a hellish game to 100% without cheat engine
https://vndb.org/v2832 - the best rated route is the harem route
https://vndb.org/v251 - a decent writer/s stuck writing a nukige with bad planning, but i like the comedy and the weird characters
https://vndb.org/v7105 - laughed a lot from the bit ive played
https://vndb.org/v12088 - a banchou game INFUSED with SOUL with THE WORST system
theres a bunch of other stuff and the obvious horde of doujin games, but i thought these were especially buried and i think you would have quite some trouble to discern if those are worth your while or not if you started with vndb in your searching considering they all dont have very many tags or votes, so the default bayesian rating sort would fuck them up the ass and with average you would get a lot of garbage to get through first and there are no reviews for them on vndb

>> No.35270665

It's more about tags than anything else. Sure, nothing is perfect, but it's not like you can play everything anyway.

>> No.35273171

It's a community site, so if you've read them and know which tags + character traits should apply, you can simply apply them. One willing person is all a low-radar game needs to have tons of information. That might lead to someone else trying the game out.

>> No.35273689

Do you actually understand all of this or just parts?

>> No.35273816

do you understand the german in FSN?

>> No.35275087

I could even be the one who wrote that.

>> No.35275321

Are 未来ラジオと人工鳩 and 白昼夢の青写真 good?

>> No.35275383

I liked the first but dropped the second.

>> No.35275402

I liked the second but haven't read the first

>> No.35275727

I didn't read either because I only read moege.

>> No.35275780

Guess you got a point.

>> No.35276007

imagine limiting yourself to only one genre lmao

>> No.35276074

I checked and so far this year I've completed 9 moege, 3 plotge, 6 charage, 11 nukige.

>> No.35276094

>11 nukige
Do you fap to all the scenes, just read them, or CTRL them?

>> No.35276145

I don't fap to all scenes. I just edge through until I find a scene I really like. That's why I hate nukige with long H-scenes like koikuma.
I CTRL rarely if it gets super repetitive.

>> No.35276168

What's the difference between moege and charage?

>> No.35276218

Surprisingly it can be inferred from the name itself. Moege is focused on the "moeness" of heroines and its goal is to make you think 萌えぇぇぇ、 エロ可愛い、tfwのgf. Meanwhile charage doesn't even need a romance plot, though they usually have it, and it doesn't need to focus on female characters, and can be about character growth and development of the protagonist.

>> No.35276691

昼夢の青写真 is kamige of 2020

>> No.35276843

>search for game on vndb
>no result, filtered by blacklist
Dodged a bullet there.

>> No.35276853

The best girls are the non used good ones anyway, you can just pretend the used goods aren't heroines.

>> No.35277024

Einstein append (fandisc?) will release on 9月24日

>> No.35277714

I don't even mind non-virgin heroines. Virgins get boring after a while and I don't like most defloration scenes anyway.

>> No.35277815

Shut up slutfag.

>> No.35277950

Why are you so intimidated by experience?

>> No.35277974

How about you go experience a dick in your ass if you love experience so much.

>> No.35278009

Fuck off incel
I bet you use MTL

>> No.35278023

Not him, but who said its intimidating? I just simply don't like reading romance between two people when one of the parties is not a virgin, it lowers the value of it by a whole lot if they had previous relationships. How is this so hard for you slutfags to understand? If you like it that's great, enjoy it all you want, but why are you people always so insistent on "converting" all the purityfags to see it your way?
And yes, even your rape victims or whatever kind of bullshit the writers comes up with to make the girl a non-virgin. I have no problem with them in nukige obviously because the romance isn't the primary aspect there.

>> No.35278084

Non-virgin doesn't necessarily mean slut, imbecile. Retards like you are the reason people make fun of erogefags being manchild incels.

>> No.35278147

It's not a moege so why does it matter whether she's a virgin or not

>> No.35278153

Okay, my bad. Everything I still said in my post stands though, I just called you slutfags instead of non-virginfags. Whatever.
You're the one getting unnecessarily pissed off about it. Just let people enjoy what they prefer in the media that they consume.

>> No.35278189

No one cares what you enjoy. But it's retarded when you puritan prude purityfags bitch about something that isn't made for you. Just fucking shut up.

>> No.35278228

>You're the one getting unnecessarily pissed off about it
Did you miss the part where your guy had this guttural reflex to a completely non-threatening passive statement of not minding non-virgins?

>> No.35278569 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.00 MB, 2880x2160, 1623977318426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no cute 1940s German girl to make love to you before you go off and die in a war
Damn, this hurts.

>> No.35278648 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.00 MB, 1024x576, 1623977798927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have the 8-digit code for totono? It's required for the meta route apparently

>> No.35278653

>No one cares what you enjoy
Great, I don't care what you enjoy either. I'll go read what I like and you can go read what you like. Simple as that.
>But it's retarded when you puritan prude purityfags bitch about something that isn't made for you
I wasn't bitching about any game specifically anywhere in my post, learn to read retard.
Yes, I said I'm not that anon for a reason, I was referring to the (singular) anon responding to me. Me saying slutfags obviously wasn't meant to be taken offensively. Actually, if you take offense from anyone calling you (something)fag on 4chan then you should go back.

>> No.35278743

What are you going on about, retard? Who told you to butt in and start typing nonsense? Fucking trolls everywhere.

>> No.35278772

>I wasn't bitching about any game specifically anywhere in my post
Read the convo and understand the context in which context you posted. No ""slutfag"" is forcing anyone. You're really retarded.

>> No.35278772,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.35278793

I don't think his brain is physically capable of understanding the context spanning more than one post.

>> No.35278857

I don't like how this is the only shithole where one can discuss JOP stuff. I don't like this place but I have nowhere else to go.

>> No.35278890

Why are there so few JC heroines?
Even actual children are more common

>> No.35278890,1 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone read Kyojin-tachi? Was wonder how does it fare compared to the big 3 denpa titles, Jisatsu, Sayooshi, and Tsui no Sora/Subahibi

>> No.35278916
File: 209 KB, 640x480, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35278922

You need good taste to appreciate them. Lolifags consider them out of their range. Other fags consider them a little too young. But if you ask me they are perfect.

>> No.35278986
File: 162 KB, 1028x772, 墜落人生_2018-06-09_08-00-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love turning pure innocent virgin girls into ass licking nigger sluts for a dose of heroin. But honestly, I truly believe it's a bit fucked up and most people shouldn't be reading this kind of stuff.

>> No.35278999

You're the one who assumed purityfags are intimated by experience. I simply explained that that's not the reason I don't read romance with non-virgins. Why would I not butt in when you are making such a retarded assumption and obviously trying to mock purityfags?
Are you talking about my part of the post where I say you're forcing people to read vns with non-virgins? That's exactly what this post does >>35276853 and its some kind of purityfag cope but doesn't change the fact that the post assumed anon's game got blacklisted because of non-virgins and is trying to get him to read the game despite that
I genuinely don't understand if I'm the one being dumb here but whatever. I'll drop this retarded topic here because it can never be discussed properly anyways

>> No.35279064

>You're the one who assumed purityfags are intimated by experience
That was a reply to this >>35277815 troll. No one replies seriously to a troll. This is why you are bad at picking up context.

>That's exactly what this post does
He's not forcing anyone. I'm damn sure that fag is most probably a purityfag who liked it nonetheless. It's such a bland non-aggressive advice that only a retard like you will conflate it as muh slutfags forcing people to read their kusoge. This is why you're again bad at picking up context.

>> No.35279102

Do you have low-functioning autism because it looks like you sure do?

>> No.35279166

Shit, I have that empty feeling inside after clearing Dies Irae 100%. I'm not going to bother typing up a long review or anything since everyone already knows it, but easily a 9+/10 game for me overall. I loved it. Now I have to find something else to fill the void.

>> No.35279188

Everyone already knows it's a kusoge.

>> No.35279461


>> No.35279519

Did you read Ikabey yet? It is worth even if you hate Wilhelm and has some great new music tracks. Also only takes 9-10 hours to complete.

>> No.35279540

>Did you read Ikabey yet?
Anon, I literally just fully completed Dies Irae less than an hour ago. How could I have read Ikabey yet? Anyways, I have the "release order" 'tism, so I'm going to save that one for later after other Masada stuff. I need something light and funny so I'll probably read Altered Fable next.

>> No.35280584

It's clear both of you are DJT EOPs who started on fucking /vg/, but wanted to feel superior to the faggots there, so you learned basic Japanese.

Just saying. You know, so you know we can tell.

>> No.35280990

>That was a reply to this >>35277815 troll. No one replies seriously to a troll
Are you a fucking retard? You wrote that virgins get boring. It is very obvious that you love chuuko whores.

>> No.35281111

Everything gets boring when you get too much of it. That doesn't mean that you absolutely love the opposite automatically. That's quite a jump to conclusions.

I personally don't really care much about it, but I do sometimes feel like eroge ignoring something as big as possible failed love as a heroine backstory is restricting them quite a bit. It doesn't even need to be non virgin. Just the possibility of having had a crush before that didn't work out, that's already impossible.
It says a lot that in this medium, it's actually a rarity to encounter a heroine that went on a date with some guy before and it just didn't work out. That doesn't even mean she ever liked someone else but the MC. Still apparently too much for the hyper sensible customer base. Or something.
I don't dislike the idea of "pure love", though can't help but feel how silly it is in games where you go from girl to girl. It has a right of existing. But if everything acts as if it is that, it's just generic and nothing special anymore.

It's the same thing with why incest routes suck so often. They aren't different from other routes at all. In the end the only difference is going to be onii-chan / onee-chan, which can be done without incest just as well.

The reason why the medium is stagnating is because too much is pushed to be exactly the same. That gets boring. There's no need for every damn game to cater to the exact same fetish or idea. Imagine a world where every nukige ever is about anal. Even if you like anal more than anything else, eventually you'd realize "well, there's nothing else, it's fucking boring now". It's hard to appreciate things that are the sole thing existing.

>> No.35281134

Slutfag hates imoutos. Obviously. As if there was any doubt.
Also, your analogy sucks ass. Anal is a fetish, purity is a virtue. If you think you're tired of pure love, aka the only type of real love, then don't read romance.

>> No.35281345

Shut up incel

>> No.35281360

Get back to /v/ and dilate, faggot.

>> No.35281385

>purity is a virtue.
Only for religious conservatives like you

>If you think you're tired of pure love, aka the only type of real love, then don't read romance.
>noooo that's not muh real love
Are you underaged or retarded?

>> No.35281403

For every culture around the world for thousands of years, right until the slut revolution, my dear fedora.
>>muh true love
Why yes, the point of reading romance is to see love that lasts u till death does them apart, and beyond. Now please, if you would go back to your precious 3DPD

>> No.35281438

What if the girl's previous romance just was 3DPD fake love but the romance with (You) is the true love that lasts forever? Do you call someone who fails a test once irredeemably illiterate too?

>> No.35281465

Why if the non-virgin heroine wants TrUe LoVe too but she failed at getting a right partner for 3 times in a row, eventually she becomes cynical about relationships before you appear in her life to smash open her cynical front and rekindle her desire for TrUe LoVe?

>> No.35281471

First is the innocent one. First is the bashful one. First is the impactful one. First is the memorable one. If it's not the first, then it can't be the last.

>> No.35281487

>If it's not the first, then it can't be the last.
lol, everybody will have a last love because people die, retard.

>> No.35281505

A person who's had more than one "love" hasn't known actual love. Just infatuation and arousal.

>> No.35281506

It's fetish for you at the point

>> No.35281515

I will read something like that.

>> No.35281526

I don't experience sexual arousal solely from the existence of a virgin heroine, so no. Seeing love is simply fulfilling emotionally.

>> No.35281533

what's your opinion on widows remarrying?

>> No.35281553

A widow should be taken care of by her husband's family, or the country in modern times.

>> No.35281564

Sometimes I don't understand if these purityfags are hardcore Christians or just trolling

>> No.35281576

Love is just a chemical reaction in your brain anyway, chill.

>> No.35281582

>taken care of by the country
Based communism.

>> No.35281619

You don't belong in 2021, dude. It's like I'm talking to someone from 18th century.

>> No.35281620

Ah yes, I see you have 140 IQ. We are just a lump of cells, amirite fellow genius.
Love beyond simple romantic love, as in what you naturally feel toward your family. Unconditional love, selfless love.

>> No.35281632

It's the current year!!! You WILL accept the town bike and provide for her until she gets bored and finds someone else!!!
Why do you think I'm reading romance instead of experiencing it first hand? Because it doesn't exist nowadays.

>> No.35281646

Why can't she just get a job herself?
>You WILL accept the town bike and provide for her until she gets bored and finds someone else!!!
Didn't you just suggest an economic system where everyone has to pay non-virgin women money for existing?

>> No.35281668

>Because it doesn't exist nowadays.
You think the absolute, unconditional romance you're describing ever existed outside of fiction? You realize that most brides were essentially a classier form of slave until relatively, yeah? What year do you specifically think the love you're yearning for stopped existing and why? Let me guess - suffrage killed romance?

>> No.35281672

Widow pensions, at least in the case of widows left after war veterans, are a very very old concept. There is nothing strange that people as a whole take care of the less fortunate such as widows and orphans.

>> No.35281692

Romance has always been a thing of only fiction anyway, back in the day the vast majority of marriages were arranged and no one even gave a fuck about "love". True romantic love plain doesn't exist in 3DPD, that's why we consume media that depicts it instead.
However your correlation with true love being a thing you either find first try or never find at all is retarded. I guess that cute anime girl might as well kill herself if she got romantically involved with someone but it turned out to be fake love, eh?
If anyhing, it would be refreshing to have some of this every now and then. A message that, yes, even if you make a mistake and things don't go your way the first time you still have hope. And I don't mean a crackwhore that has fucked 50 negros and had 3 abortions before you begin your retarded reductionism again.

>> No.35281714

>And I don't mean a crackwhore that has fucked 50 negros and had 3 abortions before you begin your retarded reductionism again.
It's all the same. You can watch hollywood chick flicks for impure love.

>> No.35281749

They have a purity fetish, which is fine, but they also have an air of superiority around their fetish or refuse to acknowledge it's just a fetish and that makes them insufferable.

>> No.35281862
File: 409 KB, 1920x1080, 1570990210783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have known a single innocent commentary would turn this into a shit fiesta overnight.

>> No.35281879

This game most like does not exist on the internet. It's the only game from this circle which didn't get a download version otherwise I'd get it on dlsite.
But if anyone knows about uploaded package version, please guide me.

>> No.35281899

Same here mate.
What's your blacklist like, anyway? Just wondering.

>> No.35281910


>> No.35281930

Huh. Their own site says it only has package版 and doesn't link to this at all. Huh. Good job.

>> No.35281941

Thanks, took me 5 seconds on google sensei.

>> No.35281947

I didn't click on the melonbooks link on google because the game page has a melonbooks link for package version. I'm not retarded, I swear. At least not completely.

>> No.35281952

Happens to the best of us. :^)

>> No.35282054

>Life and Death Drama
>Protagonist with Glasses
>Otome Game
>Shota Protagonist (even though I have some on my wishlist lol)
>Death of Heroine
>Boy x Boy Romance Only

>> No.35282069

Okay, understandable.

>> No.35282076

>>Protagonist with Glasses

>> No.35282131

Your tags aren't great. May as well write something for people in general.
For starters, blacklisting a tag will automatically get rid of child tags. Life and Death Drama automatically ignores things like death of heroine.

That said, keep in mind that tags are user generated, and your blacklist catches everything where someone has SOME kind of opinion about. In other words, if you blacklist nakige, you get rid of games that one random guy gave a 1 in nakige, even though it's not really one.

That's just general advice for blacklists. A generally useful one is
-Otome Game (I really haven't seen anything mislabeled there)
-only trap heroines
-boy x boy romance only

I thought about adding more myself, like rape and the likes, until I realized that this kicks out literally everything even remotely related to it, like avoidable stuff, reverse rape and so on. Most things do more harm than they help, as people mistag stuff a lot as well, especially when it comes to for example reverse rape. So unless it's all-encompassing tags, usually with an "only" in there, it's more risky than worth it. It's better to put in the little time it takes to check the work, instead of filtering out overhead. In my opinion.

Tag filtering is great, but I've seen so much bad usage of all kinds of tags on vndb, it's unfortunately not as useful as it seems.

>> No.35282148
File: 82 KB, 869x715, miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I have an irrational aversion against most spectacled characters, even more so if they're supposed to be the MC in a romance plot. I mean come on.
I also don't like most めがねっこ, but that's not always a deal breaker.

>> No.35282388

Which VN has your favorite romance plot

>> No.35282441

I'm hlad you asked. My favorite romance route is Meguru's from sanoba bicchi.

>> No.35282829

How slutty is she?

>> No.35282938
File: 98 KB, 1000x600, natsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I actually finished so far, I probably liked Natsuki's route in Rhapsodic Holiday the most.

>> No.35283086

First H takes quite a while after the confession. Proper build-up, then anal at the end of the route.

>> No.35283094

>anal at the end of the route
Picked up.

>> No.35283429


Propeller is alive

>> No.35283522

Holy shit

>> No.35286561

What's the big deal behind Propeller? What's their best game?

>> No.35286583

Chrono Belt

>> No.35286661

Nakige isn't just Keyshit VNDB uses that term for a LOT of works, many of which are quite good.
>Death of heroine
I don't like this either but I don't look at that just to avoid spoilers.

>> No.35286711

If you set up a filter, you don't need to look at spoilers. VNs with death of heroine will simply not show up in search.

>> No.35287043

I might miss a few games, but I'm not a fast enough reader to risk investing time into something I should have known I won't like in the first place. I always read the spoilers too, for that matter.
On the other hand I often search by character traits, so I regularly stumble upon works that would have been filtered, some of which even make it on my list.

>> No.35287064

Man you fags sure are picky. I'm good as long as it's not a otome/bl game or some shit. Or I guess some nukige that has scat (eww).

>> No.35288700

what are some good loli romance vns? recommend me something, please. assume i've read none. or tell me where should i look for the good ones, aside from just manually sifting through every single vn listed under the right tags on vndb.
doesn't matter whether they're translated or not.

>> No.35288719


>> No.35289004

Don't exist. Lolis appeal to coomers.

>> No.35289181

You've heard it before and you will hear it again. Soushisouai Lolita. Actually has like 2 hours before the H.

>> No.35289275
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, harem futago lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mahiru's route in SukiSuki is great.
Also what this anon >>35289181 said, actually most Yoru no Hitsuji games have really sweet heroines despite being mainly nukige.

>> No.35289414

hamehamesoft before they went oppai

>> No.35289780

Do you have to play both Bullet Butlers and Ayakashibito for this

>> No.35290051


>> No.35290479
File: 975 KB, 1600x900, fuyukiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really necessary to explain what an SNS is?

>> No.35292833

I love the >< face

>> No.35293014

Dude, easy bytes quota.

>> No.35293891
File: 2.18 MB, 800x1800, Just why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really necessary to explain this shit for a kiss scene?

>> No.35293943

Holy shit I've seen the worst of the worst types of padding in this godforsaken medium but this takes the cake.

>> No.35294003

That's hot.

>> No.35294571

this is pretty cool actually, i like this

>> No.35294628

>when the deadline is close and you try to fill the character count quota by literally copypasting paragraphs from Wikipedia

>> No.35294813

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.35294851

dude that literally reads like a japanese wikipedia article

>> No.35294948
File: 454 KB, 800x600, After MC cums inside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saihate no ima is a wikipediage

>> No.35294985

