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3515095 No.3515095 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, /jp/

I really dislike UFO and every single UFO character.

Except Murasa.

I love Murasa. I really do. Murasa, my love is pure. Even if you sank my ship, I'll still love you.

So stop saying Kogasa is the only good UFO character. It's a stupid, stupid lie.

>> No.3515104

all the characters in UFO are good except for the shitty mouse and flandre

>> No.3515118
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We'll agree to disagree

>> No.3515128

Nazrin, yes
Nue, fuck you

>> No.3515127
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Could you please refrain from implying Shou and Byakuren are good? It's extremely upsetting.

>> No.3515131 [SPOILER] 
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Enjoy your water slut.

>> No.3515136

I like nue because her song is cool and she has a trident which is the most badass of weapons.

>> No.3515138
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But Byakuren is good

>> No.3515139

Byakuren is not just good
she's wonderful
You just can't appreciate her magnificence

>> No.3515145

Better than good.

She's like Belldandy - Touhou edition.

>> No.3515168

But Kogasa is the only good UFO character.

>> No.3515171
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This is all wrong!

I do not understand her appeal! She is simply awful! And I hate that Murasa is paired with her. Please, enlighten me, maybe there is something I'm missing...

I love Cosmic Mind so much though.

>> No.3515176

Great: Murasa, Byakuren.
Good: Kogasa, Nue.
Decent: The rest.

Factors considered: Fanart representations, general costume design theme songs, in-game dialogue.

>> No.3515178

what do you hate about her

>> No.3515189

Byakuren is paired with a lot of the UFO cast.

In fact, only Shou seems to be paired with more. I've seen her with:

The cats (Chen, Orin)
The Oni

>> No.3515200
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She doesn't have a hat, and the purple in her hair. I hate how forced her melodramatic backstory is. She is just exceedingly bland in every sense, and all her fans feed my dislike for her because she is simply nothing special at all. She is just boring and uninspired. A Buddhist martyr magician? My only reaction is "wat".

You could also go another route and say she's a mary sue what with her being so thoroughly loved by every youkai, which is canon, even if it is incredibly fucking retarded.

>> No.3515208

Only Byakuren, Kogasa, and Nue are good.

>> No.3515213

If you start being so serious about touhou, which you shouldn't be.
Uncle Arc will be knockin' on you door soon.

>> No.3515221


>> No.3515228

captain touhou, not so good.

>> No.3515224


>> No.3515227

Being loved by every youkai doesn't help when it's the humans who are after you.

I wonder how Sakuya would've reacted to her. Seriously ZUN, would it have killed you to put down the bottle for a few minutes and added another playable character? ;_;

>> No.3515226

Oh shut the fuck up you idiot.

It may be because I pretend to be a writer myself, so when I see these glaring flaws it makes me grind my teeth. But I know better than to expect something silly like intricate characterization from ZUN, so it's basically a moot point.

>> No.3515223

well, what I like about her is that she dresses in a similar way to Suigintou, her theme is pretty awesome, she's related to the Makai (My favorite place in the ZUNiverse), She has one of Shinki's spellcards , she's a magician (my favorite "class" in the ZUNiverse), even though her story is bland, it's somehow better than the story of other final bosses.

>> No.3515236 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on aпoпtaاk.com u dumb niggar's

>> No.3515232


CAPTAIN MURASA is the best Touhou.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.3515237
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Ichiren is the only bland UFO character.

Maybe Shou if we're including her music.

>> No.3515241

She certainly has the best theme music.


>> No.3515244

It's interesting that you say that, because I notice a lot of people disliked her for the reasons you mentioned; Shiki's spellcard and the connection to Makai and all that.

I think we can all agree that despite her awful character, Byakuren's dress is very cute.

>> No.3515247

she has the least amount of porn

proven wrong.

>> No.3515248
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Fuck yeah! Muslim-Touhou!

>> No.3515273
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Really? I haven't seen that much Ichirin porn.

Then again, I'm not sure Unzan would approve.

>> No.3515284
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I like Byakuren's character. Seems like she could go from self-centered phony to true Chaotic Good matyr depend on how you interpret it.

>> No.3515294

I don't like the mouse or the sailor, Jesus and Newegg are alright and I like the umbrella and the muslim.

>> No.3515324
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You forgot someone.

>> No.3515326
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mouse is good.

>> No.3515330
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>> No.3515329

I liked everyone from UFO except for Shou and the rat girl

>> No.3515334
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>> No.3515342
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>> No.3515353
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I love this pic.

>> No.3515374
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>> No.3515378
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Magic "Omen in Purple Mist" - Difficult
Magic "Mystic Fragrance of a Makai Butterfly" - Fucking easy
Light Magic "Star Maelstrom" - try to dodge for a few seconds, then BOMB
Great Magic "Devil's Recitation" - Not too hard if you've beat Shinki before
"St. Nikou's Air Scroll" - Feels more like a stage 3 boss attack
Flying Bowl "Flying Fantastica" - FUCK

>> No.3515383
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>> No.3515397


>> No.3515402
File: 501 KB, 1000x1000, 1254918057047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Byakuren is a very easy stage 6 boss.
Other stage 6 characters are harder than Byakuren.

>> No.3515431
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one of the touhous you hate when you first see but grow to love.

>> No.3515455
File: 489 KB, 768x768, 1251144509802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Byakuren!
I think she is the true good character in Touhou history!

>> No.3515460

>Wriggle in the picture
>Cirno not tinkerbell

>> No.3515476

Yuka is easier

>> No.3515491
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Who else but Wriggle for Jiminy Cricket? Cirno could be Pinnochio. Daiyousei for Tinkerbell.

>> No.3515496

>Flying Bowl "Flying Fantastica"

>> No.3515514

Impossible cards thread?

>Recollection "Border between Sound and Wave"

>> No.3515525
File: 294 KB, 1000x1000, 1249806847831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanakos last spellcard Mountain of Faith is harder than Flying Bowl "Flying Fantastica"

>> No.3515542

On normal mode, I don't think so.

Easy mode, yes you're right.

>> No.3515557

MoF is probably the only Stage 6 final card that I can capture consistently. I love dodging unfocused.

>> No.3515563

UFO's boss battles seem really unbalanced. When a spell card is easy, it's really easy. When a spell card is hard, it feels like it's almost impossible to capture (Murasa's survival, Shou's spinning green lasers, Byakuren's curvy yellow lasers).

>> No.3515580
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Kogasas last spellcard is harder in easy mode than in normal mode... really strange!!!

>> No.3515581

>Murasa's survival
>Shou's spinning green lasers
>Byakuren's curvy yellow lasers
When I first saw this one, I said, "Oh, forget this," and bombed it. However, after actually trying it, it isn't so bad.

>> No.3515619

>You could also go another route and say she's a mary sue what with her being so thoroughly loved by every youkai, which is canon, even if it is incredibly fucking retarded.
Well if you just say "All youkai automatically love her, forever" then that's definitely her being a Mary Sue. But the point is that the things she do endears them to her. Compared to Reimu's (and now Sanae's) "Youkai must be exterminated" chant, she must have come across like a very different priestess when she was alive.
The challenge with fanon is to get that across as believably as possible, without falling into the pit-trap of Mary-Sue-ness.

>> No.3515632

Murasa's survival card is pretty easy if you just lead her around the edge of the screen.

>> No.3515638

Murasa's survival isn't that bad. Some guy on /jp/ uploaded his normal mode replay, just slowly go in a circle around the screen.

Oddly enough the curvy yellow laser spellcard is easier if you hang about halfway between Byakuren and the bottom edge, in other words closer to the center of the screen. Seems doable enough.

>> No.3515648

You're overestimating fanon a bit. The challenge is to get them to care that they're portraying her as a Mary Sue, if they do.

>> No.3515657

As far as I can tell, survivals cards in Touhou are basically one of two things. Either a) fly in circles around the screen, or b) sit in the centre and go either up and down or side to side.

>> No.3515702

Well yes, that's what marks good fanon from shitty fanon.

>> No.3515721
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Oh yes captain Murasa, me and my crew are so glad you sunk our ship and drowned every one of us. We just love being dead. The weather's great here in hell, couldn't be happier.

>> No.3515733

Think about it, the ship is on auto-pilot, it doesn't even need a captain. She was testing you.

>> No.3515736 [DELETED] 

Is Murasa the touhou with the most actual kills? I don't think it was easy to survive your ship sinking a thousand years.

>> No.3515742
File: 236 KB, 600x600, 6560445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a list of things Murasa can sink:

>> No.3515750

Is Murasa the touhou with the most actual kills? I don't think it was easy to survive your ship sinking a thousand years ago.

>> No.3515753

Just out of curiosity, what exactly is so hard about it for you guys? On Normal, at least, his is the only final boss final card that I've ever captured on my first encounter, after dying a bunch of times on Shinki-attack.

>> No.3515764

I captured the card on my first 1cc with SanaeB but not on any other occasion. It just gets ridiculous near the end so not having full power makes those last few seconds even longer and if you're doing it with MarisaA, you're pretty much screwed since her options obscure bullets.

>> No.3515877

I hate this card. It's the worst at the very end when she appears really fast, and ends up laying a ring of bullets right on top of me. This is not a card that a Stage 4 boss should have.
