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3509910 No.3509910 [Reply] [Original]

I am thinking about teaching in English in Japan. Any suggestions or hints would be appreciated

>> No.3509940

Ask your students if they are frustrated every day.

>> No.3510023
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Have a BA degree.

It would be a lot better for you if your degree were in English, education, linguistics, or TESL/TESOL, etc.

Do you have any specific questions?

>> No.3510030

Apply for JET
Enjoy the most cake job you'll ever have.

>> No.3510038

Get in line behind the countless weeaboos who want the same job.

>> No.3510099

not OP, but thank you. When I'm done with my bachelors, I'm applying for this...

>> No.3510120
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OP here. I do have a BA in Education (Vocational) and am looking over the application at JET. Anything else? I am also reading the stuff at big daikon.com

>> No.3510253
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Your Japanese ability?

>> No.3510274

Op here, Japanese is relatively minimal (Hello, How are you, Thank you, etc). I cannot read/write it at all (yet). I am also older than your average (born same year as Landing on moon). But I have excellent English and can learn fairly quickly.

>> No.3510281

>But I have excellent English
Something about that sounds wrong.

>> No.3510292

Made me lol, excellent English indeed.

>> No.3510295

You are right. There should have been a "skills" after "English."

>> No.3510322

Pursue it OP.

>> No.3510449

Lack of Japanese ability is not a problem. It would help, but it is not a big deal.

Do you have a wife/children?

>> No.3510464

Op here. I am married, but we have already decided she cannot/will not go. She feels she cannot be that far away from the small family she has here (her mother and sister). Also we own our house and have MANY animals.

>> No.3510468

>>I am also older than your average (born same year as Landing on moon)
That sentence sounds dubious as well, never mind the whole "your average WHAT" business.

>> No.3510502

OP here. I am sorry. I am trying to accomplish several things at once. "I am older than your average JET. (born in 1969)."

>> No.3510507
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I see. Basically,you can work and live forever in Japan, if this is your intent.
But where you work will play a large part in your quality of life.

Ask me any further questions if you wish.

>> No.3510521

Well, Thanks for the advice, as limited as it is. I will keep watching bigdaikon.com and go ahead with the application process. After all, I can always say I tried.

>> No.3510546
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There is a web site, English Teachers in Japan, that may be of help. http://www.eltnews.com/home.shtml

They also have a bulletin board which seems somewhat active:

Good luck.

>> No.3510561

So wait, are you divorcing your wife?

>> No.3510562


Why don't you study to become a professor? Major in English lit. and minor in Japanese. Go through a program that will allow you to teach at a college level. Once you've done that go to Tokyo University to teach or something. It may take 4-6 years though, but you'll be better off in life. If you're handsome, all the girls will be all over you and your crazy English and Japanese skills... in case you ever want to leave your wife.

Also, I think you're trying too hard to make yourself look proficient in English.

>> No.3510591

OP here. No, I am not divorcing my wife. I have an amazing opportunity to expand my horizons and I want to it to be successful. I probably AM trying too hard.

>> No.3510601
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