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3500417 No.3500417 [Reply] [Original]

Something my friend and I have been working on.


Notes from translator:

-This is a ONE. TIME. DEAL. It's a fun little thing I was persuaded to do for a special occasion, and the amount of free time I've dedicated to it over the past couple days cannot be seen as healthy. Don't expect any sort of sequel without first guaranteeing money, or women, or something else equally cool, or some combination of the above (hey, I'm not picky) in exchange.
-As usual, my Japanese use tends to stagnate for long periods of time, and isn't quite as good as I'd probably like it to be. I've tried extra-hard to be accurate here, but when Witch Hunt releases their patch, any discrepancies should be assumed to be an error on my part.
-Following the above, this is not an attempt to compete with, replace, or make any other disgraceful gestures even in the Witch Hunt's general direction. If you prefer me to them, you're off your rocker anyway.

Notes from inserter/editor:

I've never used OnScripter before this. As such, there's some things I did not do optimally, or could not do at all. However, I tried my best to insert everything right, and edit it when needed to make it as fluid and readable as possible.

That said...

-To 'install', first make a backup of the nscript.dat from your Episode 5 folder, just in case. Go to Witch Hunt's Umineko English folder in Episode 4, and copy onscripter-en, default.tt, gpl.txt, and SDL.dll (sorry for stealing your stuff WH, but it's the only way I could figure out to do it!), and paste them in your Episode 5 folder.

Unzip the .rar to the Episode 5 folder, and open Onscripter-en.

Included is some updated Episode 5 tips. I recommend you DO NOT read them until you get to the scene where the tips pop open automatically.
Enjoy. Or don't and call us names.

>> No.3500421

readme is too wordy

>> No.3500424
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>my reaction

>> No.3500439

Thank you, good sirs.

>> No.3500442
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>> No.3500453

How long is the epilogue?

>> No.3500466

Thank you very much kind sir.

>> No.3500470
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……..(’(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….’\…………. _.·´

Thank bro

>> No.3500471



>> No.3500477

Thanks, but I'll wait for Witch Hunt. No need to get to a really good part only to have to wait some months before finishing it.

Brofist to you anyways. Now to avoid /jp/ for a second time for the next possible wave of spoilers.

>> No.3500480


Has this been confirmed as the real deal?

>> No.3500487
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you are awesome

>> No.3500491

I love you OP.

>> No.3500508

I love you OP

>> No.3500511

Looks awesome, but why are you doing this?
If you really want to help, go bug the Witch Hunt guys and see if you can work with them.

>> No.3500512

Ah and still the tester receives no credit! such a cruel world we live in!

>> No.3500519

We did it because we thought it was would a fun way to celebrate October 4th and 5th, and it's a fun teaser for the full thing.

>> No.3500521

so how do i send you money?

>> No.3500530

Yeah, where do I send you money? If you can deliver before Witch Hunt, shit would be ballin.

>> No.3500534

I can't vouch for the accuracy of the translations because there are no commented Japanese sections and I don't have Umineko Chiru on this PC, but the prologue text has certainly been replaced by English, so in that sense, at least, it's real.

Good of you to do this, OP, but I'll wait for the full thing (or at least half) from Witch Hunt anyway. It's too short, I'll just get frustrated.

>> No.3500541

Shut up.

>> No.3500544

You know who's awesome? You're awesome.

>> No.3500545

Pretty sure their necks were sliced open, not "severed".

>> No.3500558
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Meanwhile at Witch Hunt

>> No.3500561
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meanwhile at witch hunt

>> No.3500575

Thanks, OP!

>> No.3500577

Where do I send stuff to you.

I'll work with you here.

>> No.3500578

whats the point of just reading the prologue? ill wait for a full patch.

>> No.3500583
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>> No.3500585

it's just a fun teaser and hey WH is sure taking their sweet ass time so a little taste isn't to bad.

>> No.3500587


Teaser for those that want it. It reveals enough about the nature of game 5 to get people interested, and leaves off at a cliffhanger.

Certainly can't blame you for wanting to wait though. Not everyone likes that stuff.

>> No.3500588

Ooh. This patch came from Gamefaqs?

>> No.3500593

That was short now I want more ;_;

Thanks though.

>> No.3500601

Sounds tempting but I'd rather wait for the full thing.

>> No.3500608

I guess I'm not studying for my test tonight.

>> No.3500615

More or less, we just made it for some people on GameFAQs but figured "Eh why not share it?" do note that this won't work with Witch Hunts release whenever that comes on. This was just a fun thing we did for the weekend and the their translations will be better then ours.

>> No.3500621


It's only about 10 minutes long.

You're just procrastinating

>> No.3500629

Less than 300 lines. If it takes you all night to read that, no amount of studying will save you anyway.

>> No.3500629,1 [INTERNAL] 

Release thread, I suppose.
Translation text if anyone's curious: http://pastebin.ca/1596558

>> No.3500652

Is gamefaqs umineko discussion as horrible as I'm imagining it is?

>> No.3500652,1 [INTERNAL] 


Umineko episode 5 release thread
partial patch original content
prologue End of the golden witch

>> No.3500664

how do i work this

>> No.3500666

follow the instructions in the OP

>> No.3500670


Depends. The anime topics get pretty shitty some... er... most times.

The VN discussions usually stay pretty civil, and there's theory discussion a good bit.

>> No.3500684
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Meanwhile at Witch Hunt.

>> No.3500691

More like shitty all the time, suggest an episode was weak for the VN was a lot fucking better and DEEN has no idea what they are doing and you get animefags going "WAAH WAAH YOUR VN SUCKS AND ARE JUST WHINY ETLISTS WAH WAH!"

>> No.3500699

How is that any different than /a/ or /jp/?

>> No.3500703

agree for the most part but then there are elitist fucks treating it like the next Tsukihime (i.e "there is no Umineko anime")

>> No.3500706 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 350x350, dereksealofapproval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP, the teaser patch is working very good. There are no viruses. Good job!

>> No.3500709

At least the animefags aren't creating a fuckton of usernames so they can roleplay

>> No.3500711 [DELETED] 

I wonder how Bern prefer her burger?I like mine with American cheese and fried onion on top.

>> No.3500714

That place sounds like /jp/, if it has green text and trolling i might just feel at home there.

>> No.3500723 [DELETED] 

> lol i alredy red dat at anоntalk.com last nite
Is this really the quality of discussion that we want here?

>> No.3500726 [DELETED] 

> lol i alredy red dat at anоntalk.com last nite
Anyone got any better links?

>> No.3500733
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Speaking of which...

...DEEN couldn't possibly be that clever, could they?

Picture related.

>> No.3500741

Damn, if i read this i will be looking for more and am pissed because i can't have it.

>> No.3500765
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>> No.3500765,1 [INTERNAL] 

This hardly seems to warrant the status of a release thread. Only thing I'm curious about is the inserter/editor's statement:

>I've never used OnScripter before this. As such, there's some things I did not do optimally, or could not do at all.
Considering how relatively simple ONScripter is, I'm sure someone could take a look to see what these things that weren't done optimally are and fix it up. I would do it myself, except I haven't read any of Umineko yet.

>> No.3500815

Fuck. I just deleted/uninstalled episode 4 and it's files the other day, anyone got one ddl hosted? (Just the files, not a full install thing or any of that.) Or maybe of the prologue itself?

>> No.3500869


>> No.3500935

I enjoyed that, it's a nice taste of things to come.

>> No.3500943

Great, now that piano loop is going to be stuck in my head for the next few days.

>> No.3500944

>I just deleted/uninstalled episode 4 and it's files the other day
...How does that effect episode 5?

>> No.3500948

Don't I need Ep 4 and it's files copied over for it? Or just the Witch Hunt files? Also, where can I find Episode 5?

>> No.3500959


It's just the Witch Hunt patch files.

Just re-dl the patch.

>> No.3500962

>where can I find Episode 5?
Himeyashop has it

>> No.3500963

Ah, Okay. Thanks, I feel stupid now. Just need to find a decent episode 5 torrent with seeds. (If anyone has one, would you kindly post it?)

>> No.3501004

I'm not getting this to work. I copy pasta the files from WH and paste them into my EP5 folder but when I run onscript I get a black screen.

>> No.3501008

Wait about half a minute.

>> No.3501017

Man, first I have a dream last night about shipwrecking onto Lambadeltas personal island, now this? Things could not be going any better.

>> No.3501063

After half a minute it closes up.

>> No.3501073


Did you copy everything correctly?

>> No.3501084


Ive triple checked.

>> No.3501666

Great work, thank you. I would check it out but I played prologue twice already with babelfish and atlas a few days back. The worst thing is I wanted only to read a bit but I couldn't stop and ended playing up to the dinner. It's sometimes hard to understand what's going on though. Two certain parts with new songs made me go HOLY SHIT.

>> No.3501682

Holy shit that was awesome. Now I'm all hyped up for episode 5 again.

Thanks, OP!

>> No.3501761

Bravo, OP, bravo.

>> No.3501781

How long is the prologue and how much does it resemble a cliffhanger?

>> No.3501792

……..(’(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….’\…………. _.·´

all that needs to be said.

>> No.3501804
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3501804 Novels/Being Translated/Umineko Chiru

For those who didn't know yet.

>> No.3501806


The cliffhangar is probably the biggest yet in all of Umineko. Enjoy your anticipation.

>> No.3501861

is erika introduced? If this doesn't have her I'm not bothering.

>> No.3501891

How long is it?

>> No.3501893



>> No.3501945

(Battler to Beato)
How do you want it?

>> No.3502330

how long is this?

>> No.3502445

I love waking up and seeing stuff like this

>> No.3502626


It's "its"!

>> No.3502867

You magnificent bastard. Now I'm all ready for Umineko 5's awesomeness after that prologue--and yet I CAN'T HAVE IT.

Fuck you, OP.

>> No.3502876
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/a/ is a bit boring this morning, let's check /jp/ for a bit.


>> No.3502883


>> No.3502903
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>> No.3503006

Finally something I don't need Atlas for

>> No.3503013
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>> No.3503097

it right to the opening movie

>> No.3503206

20-25 minutes including opening

>> No.3503220

Took me 2 hours to read it. stupid difficult runes

>> No.3503224
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>> No.3503406

You got trolled, niggers. The text isn't accurate. Especially the "Natsuhi is the culpirit" part.

>> No.3503427

So they added spoilers and random shit for he lulz?

>> No.3503433

If you're a horrendously slow reader, that is.

>> No.3503452

You're an idiot.

>> No.3503612

I don't know why people keep bitching at Witch Hunt. It is aggrivating waiting for the next chapter, but compare it to a lot of lazy ass fansubbers who demand respect for their "free" work and take weeks to get around to subbing a single episode. The amount of text in Umineko by comparison is vast. If they're more than 34% done already then that's some good going. Hopefully we'll have it by Christmas.

>> No.3503689

Everyone here is tsundere for Witch Hunt.

>> No.3504175


...The text is accurate. I checked most of it myself.

Punctuation and word choice always changes when someone is translating, to make it flow better when reading.

So long as the meaning is preserved, it's an accurate translation, which this one is.


No, there's no 'spoilers or random shit'. It's all accurate to the original, sans some word choices (They used 'killer' instead of 'culprit').


People are bitching because they're impatient and like to bitch.

>> No.3504195

If it's really only 10-15 minutes long, could someone just youtube it or whatever? I don't want to download all of 5 just for the prologue.

>> No.3504221

Unless you plan to never read the new patch, I do not see why not.

>> No.3504240

>People are bitching because they like to bitch.

sounds about right.

>> No.3504255
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>> No.3504316


You'll have to download it eventually.

>> No.3504335

I refuse to play this because then the suspense is going to drive me crazy.

>> No.3504384

Youshould read the whole thing now, it's sooooooooooooooooooo good. of course, AGTH+Atlas is not always the best, but quite works

>> No.3504540

Play it using translation aggregator. I understood almost all of it save for a few minor sentences here and there and I know very little Japanese.

>> No.3505140

Fuck yeah, Thanks OP. True bro.
