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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 77 KB, 700x629, fridey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.34958209 [Reply] [Original]

The best day of the week is finally here


>> No.34958353

send me back to fridey nights of years past

>> No.34958550
File: 498 KB, 324x548, 1588699221690.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sippin tea on fridey nighetf /jp/

>> No.34958805

I'm sad.

>> No.34958824

Don't be sad

>> No.34958863

Almost blinded myself while opening some sparkling wine.

>> No.34959110

fridey night anthem: Last one I could find.

Hard to believe this is almost 21 years old now. This can legally drink soon.


>> No.34959250

>Hard to believe this is almost 21 years old now. This can legally drink soon.
That's a treasure.

>> No.34959728

Ah... mere instants where time doesn't exist, only blissful oblivion and anime girls.

>> No.34959823

My God... it's all there. The cats, the lolis, the memes, the transgression.
Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.34959845

thanks for posting i forgot

>> No.34960057

The hell year are you living in?

>> No.34960229

The year when your able to chan.

>> No.34960291

I'm not even him but what the fuck are you talking about?
That video literally says it was originally posted in 2007. That's 14 years ago.

>> No.34960311

All memes about "I can't believe it has been x years since x came out" aside this vid first came out in either late 2005 or some time in 2006. I hilariously remember wikipedia IRC declaring a literal state of emergency after someone linked it one of the pages as any reference to 4chan or attempting to create a 4chan entry was instab@ on wiki at the time.

>> No.34960319


>> No.34960326

yeah, came out very late 2006. like december or so
and i don't think the wikipedia staff cared that much?

>> No.34960343

trying too hard

>> No.34960367

Oh yeah they did. Wikipedians literally felt they were in a fight for their actual IRL lives against anon, the chans, /i/, myg0t, ED, bantown, SA (although many SA goons actually liked "serious" wiki editing), the GNAA, PN et al back then.

>> No.34960371

>reference to 4chan or attempting to create a 4chan entry was instab@ on wiki at the time.
This is completely wrong, the 4chan Wikipedia page was made early '04.

>> No.34960374

I'm dying squirtle.

>> No.34960379

wasn't Shii a Wikipedia admin? and i'm pretty sure MVB was also pretty active on Wikipedia?
there was some tension, but it didn't really ever get *super* out of hand i don't think

>> No.34960383

And it went down for years. Look through the actual history of those articles. Look at the fucking GNAA article talk and history.

>> No.34960406

One side was having fun. The other side literally were screaming about fear of being murdered by habbofro nigras.

>> No.34960419

yeah, the 4chan article saw significant editing throughout the time period you were referencing. fail to see your point, and Shii was actively editing it at that time as well
the page was raided a lot but creation of it wasn't locked, it still existed

>> No.34960426
File: 41 KB, 942x477, accused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck it just occurred to me. There are actual wiki editors here bawwinnnggg. Where is Grawp when you need him?

>> No.34960433

trying too hard, we're just talking

>> No.34960448

No really. I mean REALLY. Not even kidding.

>> No.34960452


>> No.34960459

The "llol the authors of 'x' are here! they're mad lmaooooooooo xddddddddddd" card is already such a shit argument that you'd be better off stating you were baiting from the start. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.34960472


>> No.34960481

it's just another case of "i've been called out! better make it look like i'm baiting now so nobody realizes i was wrong!"

>> No.34960483

You need to look closer at those logs.

>> No.34960491

show me a screenshot of the page being creation protected then

>> No.34960505

/jp/: defending Wikipedia's honor since 2021.

>> No.34960508

cry more cuz ur wrong

>> No.34960517


>> No.34960521

cry more cuz ur wrong

>> No.34960537
File: 49 KB, 650x491, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you have not included a RS. Please return when you have a good citation from the NYT or the Washington Post.

>> No.34960540

keep trying, i'm having a laff

>> No.34960559
File: 47 KB, 736x736, awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good! That is the point. Fridey fun.

>> No.34960562

damn straight dawg
we detracted too much from the original purpose

>> No.34960585
File: 135 KB, 599x231, blackup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34960591

/jp/s closed because of AIDS and fail!

>> No.34960593

wtf a fridey night threat that gets more than 3 pots

>> No.34960607

sorry for the spelling errors im drunk
yes im the guy that almost blinded himself

>> No.34960617

this is what happens when you get more than two autistic people together
nearly 30 posts about a fucking wikipedia article

>> No.34960619

Now I want to drink. Damnit.

>> No.34960625
File: 345 KB, 900x1575, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn_by_mieharu__82312a867fa676fa0bb720c5e8422f2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why you are supposed to always keep a stock dummy

>> No.34960634
File: 41 KB, 500x662, zomg you've won internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34960640
File: 88 KB, 800x708, blink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a stocked bar. What I don't have is cigarettes. That is probably going to change in the next 15 minutes when I am done doing this cable management.

>> No.34960746
File: 557 KB, 1440x900, 1542629172703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the secret to drinking without putting on weight, /jp/? How do I achieve that lanky alcoholic tru-NEET body?

>> No.34960759

I don't know how much longer of this I can take desu. I'll probably kms soon desu

>> No.34960763

pushups, situps & (optionally) squats on the daily
no need to go outside to the gym or some shit like that, can just do them inside at your own pace whenever you're bored or something

>> No.34960769

Exercise, vitamin supplements, hard liquor instead of beer or wine and hydrating like crazy when you wake up with a hangover.

>> No.34960780

Never eat*, be cold^.
Problem solved. Those resources will be cooked off real good.

*Caution: not eating has been linked with death.
^Caution: being cold has been linked with death.

>> No.34960856

reading eroge and taking it easy~

>> No.34960937

I don't know mang
when I was like 16, my diet consisted of nothing but prince biscuits for a long while. that shit was anything but healthy for me, but I was still as scrawny as ever and my case became an enigma to my aunts
maybe the key to staying thin is just to be such a lazy NEET fuck that you can't even feed yourself properly

>> No.34960996

Yeah, most people who are skinny just don't eat much or they have a naturally high metabolism.
Easiest way to not gain weight is to not eat much, but it can be a pain.

>> No.34961022

As far as I'm concerned, if you aren't slightly hungry most of the time, you aren't losing weight.

>> No.34961040

This. It's normal to be hungry. Sadly the world (western world) has it driven in to them that if they aren't eating all the time they'll FUKKEN DIE.
The body literally turns on genes when hungry, genes that repair the body and recycle useless senescent cells and resources just stinkin' up the place.

>> No.34961104

A lot of that is due to the Great Depression affecting most western countries. People ate whatever they could get and that never really went away.

>> No.34961129
File: 74 KB, 600x563, 1578456754507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you reading?

>> No.34961141

Ryuusei World Actor. It's nice and has good H-scenes but drags quite a bit.

>> No.34961185

Watching that vid made me think of all the wordfilter and fortune sets over the years.

>> No.34961207

God I miss the colorful wordfilters.

>> No.34961217


>> No.34961282
File: 129 KB, 625x415, 1269931025015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34961457

Alright I am drinking.


>> No.34961491

I've heard that game is shockingly bad and the plot goes nowhere. Shame because I quite like the writer.

>> No.34961499

I'm honestly just playing it for the ero. I'd be lying if I tried to say otherwise.

>> No.34961507

100% easy

>> No.34961578


>> No.34961963

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>> No.34962231

Random chan memories. Not in linear order. Nevada. When Boxxy first became a thing. Being on irc and my buddy telling me that new boards were added and live /jp/ and /r9k/ and deciding we would both go to only one of them and then report back in the morning. That ridiculous Palin thread. Kimmo. Paci, raidchan and the chanapoc. AJT and fatvinyl getting rocked by proto1. The fox11 night and nonstop sql and kernel faggotry. random porn link bots. Caturday threads, most excellent nightly yotsuba threads, ever present imageswaps, seff and the great cj scare, moot being a retard and not understanding an email he received about a 0day from someone who was trying to get him to patch it, hepkitten, dashbillions, cracky, mercater (sic? a troll that was involved in the cracky wars, trolltalk (my home SID).

Anyone else have any old memories of this place?


>> No.34962268

I only care about my /jp/ and /a/ memories. All the others are boring to me.

>> No.34962500

They all blend together after a while. there was a time when chan things were all nearly universal and memetic through /b/ in a way.

>> No.34962568

What is your first memory of /jp/?

>> No.34962772

I don't want to remember anything. I just want to die alone

>> No.34962826

You come into this world with nothing except yourself.


>> No.34963079
File: 407 KB, 1000x1100, avsjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. /b/ is the only area where memes seemed universal since so many spread to other sites as opposed to other boards', and I can perfectly distinguish /a/ and /jp/ jokes in my head. The vast majority of /a/ and /jp/ jokes didn't spread to other sites, which is why they don't seem so universal.
I don't know the first, but I distinctly remember reiserFS and his all-but-bragging about his otaku room, the shitposting IRCs such as /jp/ and bun, Sudo, Sion, and Jones' fuckery, wtH's (probable) suicide, all the Anonymous of trips, CurryButt and him ragequitting over the e-GF, and mostly Fate-related posting.
It's funny how most /jp/ memories revolve around names of posters. My best memories were Fate-related threads, but that's just because I liked Fate a lot.

>> No.34963288

Some say if you get enough autists together you can make a whole website

>> No.34963333

phoneposting really destroyed the internet

>> No.34963346

how's that relate to his post?

>> No.34963394

how long have you been here?

>> No.34963396

don't see why that really matters, i agree with what you said just genuinely curious how it relates to his post

>> No.34963411

How can't you understand a simple post?

>> No.34963416

didn't ask what it means, asked what in the post they quoted made them think of phoneposting ruining the internet

>> No.34963420

You're overthinking it and you're not making any sense now.

>> No.34963462

guess so, it's time to sleep
happy fridey night

>> No.34963625

sleep well anon

>> No.34963659

Phoneposting itself isn't an issue but the prevalence of mobile devices definitely is. It allows (nearly) anybody and everybody to have access to the internet and gives them an area to spout their bullshit.
Phones have a weird way of making people think others give a shit about their opinion, so they just throw it out there.

>> No.34963688

Getting exiled from the board. If anyone remembers WUiG, you'll know what I'm talking about.

>> No.34963699

Sleep tight

>> No.34965512

i never remembered GNAA being a big player

>> No.34965790

The part about memes, you dip. Hope you had a nice sleep.
They weren't really. Just a bunch of cunts mostly. I dropped one of the fuckers for thinking they could fuck with me.

>> No.34974598
File: 661 KB, 600x932, 1599883790524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy uploaded a bunch of old 4chan stuff on youtube. Mostly /b/ and /a/ from the looks of it.
